Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 83 - The Past Where It Started


Two lifeless body leaning on the wall and the room was full of blood, the only sound was 

"Why does he need me to kill this family and take their baby..."

Linda take the baby in the crib and was about to get out of the house but she heard a creaking sound. The door of this room was open a little bit. Linda looks at who was the one that opens it. It was a little boy that opens the door to this room. 

His face was covered in fear as he saw blood on the floor, Linda didn't expect that there would be a little boy in this house. The one who requested this assassination and kidnaps didn't mention that there was a little boy. She knows that the boy could potentially ruin this quest. 

The only option Linda could do was to kill him, she doesn't care if it was a kid or an a.d.u.l.t. She will kill it all as she was a merciless killer. She was known as the Charmer Of Death because she will able to use her charm to make her target to drop their guard believing that she was not an assassin. 

She was about to kill the little boy but the boy charges forward, the boy tried to knock Linda down to the floor. It fails as the boy's weight was not heavy. Linda laughs at the boy's attempts, she then pulls out her dagger from her belt dagger sheath.

Linda was amazed that the little boy stand up and tried to fight her. The boy then said something even though some of the pronunciation was a bit wrong. 

"Lesh go ma sister!" 

She laughs even harder and decides not to delay the killing blow any longer, Linda then stabs the little boy with her dagger. With that, the little boy died and fall into the floor, the baby in Linda's arms cried when the little boy died. 

Suddenly something weird happens, the baby girl started to glow brightly. 

Linda immediately let go of the baby as she was afraid something might happen to her, surprisingly the baby girl float in the air. Linda had never seen this happen before in all of her assassination jobs, this was her first time seeing this happen. 

The baby girl goes toward the dead boy's body and it seems to be doing something on the dead boy. She thought to kill it but her client needed the baby girl, Linda cautiously looking at the baby just to planned her next move. She was shocked to see that the wound of the boy was healed up and life seems to return to him. 

The boy that has just died a few seconds ago come to life as he started to cry with the baby girl as well. Surprise by this event, she looks at the baby girl that was shining brightly, and in the lights, she saw something. A glimpse of the future.

There was a girl with twelve other people united to beat somewhat a new demon lord. The girl had similar hair and eye color with the baby girl. She also saw her future self protecting the boy and the baby. Linda snaps out from it as she notices that the little boy was already standing up and holding the baby girl in his arm.

In her mind, if that was really her. That might be true and that will happen in the near future. She then realized that the girl had a special power like one of the 13 holy warriors as she has read about it in the archive. It was the power of light. 

Linda realizes that the baby girl was special and that might be why the one who put up this request wanted this baby girl. She thought to bail out this request but she knows that the Hand Of Libero will kill her for sure. The Hand of Libero has a strict rule that to fulfill the quest that has been taken, quitting was not an option. 

She decided to finish up the quest that has she taken on as Linda doesn't want to be killed by the Hand of Libero. She takes both of the kids and gives the baby to the one who wanted it meanwhile Linda took the boy and used a spell to alter his memories. 

The one who takes the baby girl was a man with a cloak, Linda does not saw his face well as it was nighttime and the place was so dark. She just gave the baby and left that place. Linda then named the boy Vicar and bring him as her son to Linda workplace that was the Steenswiss Household. 

It seems that fate has once again reunited Linda with that girl as suddenly the household master adopt a baby girl. Linda checked the baby girl and it was indeed the same one she took on her quest, it seems like the baby memory also has been altered. 

She thought that his master Sir Allen knows about the power within the baby but it seems he doesn't know anything. Sir Allen's plan was too lonely when his wife died and really wanted a daughter, the other reason was to gain the right to rule this town in the near future as the Indall family has a baby son. 

Linda knew that because Sir Allen trusted her, he told everything to Linda. She knows that the future she saw that night was happening right now. There no escaping fate as she does what she had seen in the few seconds of the future. 

Sir Allen named the baby girl Aliss similar to his deceased wife name Alise. Linda takes care of Aliss and treats her like her own daughter. At that moment, she felt what it was to give love to someone. Linda decided to quit the Hand Of Libero and become a normal maid in Steenswiss Household. 

A few years have passed and Aliss had grown up, she felt lonely at the manor as her father was always working. Even Linda had many jobs in that manner. Feeling pity towards Aliss, Linda asked Sir Allen that she could bring her son to accompany Aliss. 

This was also part of Linda's plan to reunited the siblings, Sir Allen didn't have any objection to Linda. Because of many years of being alone, Sir Allen has fallen in love with Linda. She was indeed beautiful and has a thick body even though she had a child that was Vicar. 

Of course, Sir Allen doesn't know that Vicar wasn't her son. When Sir Allen had a chance, he always tried to flirt with Linda. Linda has always ignored all of the flirts as she never sees Sir Allen in romantically or tried to give him any hope. 

Sir Allen didn't give up and tried his best to get Linda but it was no avail. He thought that Linda would be attracted to him as he has wealth and status. He then realized that maybe Linda had a boyfriend or she still loves her ex-husband. 

He hired some man to dig up Linda's history just to win her love, but Sir Allen found something else instead. The informant told him that Linda was a former member of the Hand Of Libero, an assassin guild. Shock at this news, Sir Allen asks it directly towards Linda. 

Linda tried to play dumb when hearing the question and managed to dodge it at that time but as time goes on and Sir Allen was getting more suspicious about her. He hired more men to find out who she really was and what she has done before this. 

After getting the information he needed, he finally confronts Linda. Linda could not hide it any longer and tell him all about her past. Sir Allen was still in love with Linda and gave her an offer of whether she became his new wife or he told the authority about Linda's past. 

She knew that this will happen and she decided to reject Sir Allen's offer, Sir Allen was furious and was going to tell the secret but Linda threatened him as well that she could tell his secret as well. Sir Allen laughs at Linda's threat as no one will believe a peasant and he could just always buy the authority of this town. 

Linda laughs as well that she could kill him right now as she was an assassin, Sir Allen afraid and threatened her that he would kill Aliss if Linda killed him. Sir Allen knows it all thanks to his informant and he uses that as an advantage towards Linda.

On that day, Sir Allen banish Linda and Vicar to the slums and if she told anybody about his secrets. Aliss would get killed. Before banishing Linda, Sir Allen did tell her that she had another choice that was to marry him and all of her secrets will be safe as she would live the life of luxury. 

Linda didn't accept the offer as she decided to leave the manor just for the sake of the secret not being exposed and to keep Aliss safe.

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