Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 84 - Escape Ahead!

Finally, I had understood what sort of past did Vicar's mother had with Sir Allen. My assumption was right after all that Aliss and Vicar were indeed siblings. I do wonder why Vicar acted as a childhood friend even though he knows the truth. 

"Why don't you tell Aliss the truth?"

"It's better that we remained as a childhood friend..." Vicar said that with a smile on his face. 

"You are siblings! Being friends is better, is something wrong with you?" I don't understand why he wanted to hide it, if it was me I will tell Aliss for sure. 

" You don't understand..."

"I think I understand this situation really well Vicar."

"Didn't you listen to the whole story..."

"I did listen to all of it."

"If you did, you should be able to know why I prefer to be known as Aliss childhood friends rather than her brother." He said to me. 

I then begin to think about it for a while and finally realized why they should remain as a friend. If Aliss know this, she would be in danger as Sir Allen might try to harm her as Aliss was not related to him at all. I think that this what Vicar meant, I then told what currently in my thought to Vicar. 

Vicar said to me that it was one of the reason but there was another one, he told the other reason that was that if Aliss knows about it or he tells it to Aliss. Aliss would suffer the same fate as him, she would be banished to the slums and become the people of a slum. 

Vicar didn't want to see her sister to be homeless, he wanted Aliss to live an easy life. That's why he wanted to remain in the same relationship with Aliss. I now understand why Vicar intentions but still I believe that Aliss should know the truth. 

"But Vicar, don't you worried about the marriage? You're the one who said about the rumors..."

"I do but I don't think I can do anything to stop it... Linceo was the son of the town lord and I just a slums people."

"Aliss was your sister! Do you want him to marry that guy..."

"What option do I have? Tell me what should I do!" Vicar says that as he was really don't know what to do. 

"Simple, we go beat up Linceo and threatened him to cancel the marriage."

"Are you stupid! I would be dead if I do so..."

When I thought about it, that idea was really bad. It would make Vicar become the villain even though he was not. Using all my brain cells to think up a better way to make sure the marriage didn't happen. Even with the time and my brilliant cells, I could not think of a good plan at all. 

I am reluctant to ask Vicar about what he would do as it would make me embarrassed myself. I the one that should come up with a solution but somehow I can't think of anything. With embarrassment, I eventually ask Vicar if he had any idea about it. 

He simply replied that no matter what it futile as we were still locked up in a dungeon cell. Vicar said that we need to escape here first, then think about how to stop Aliss marriage from happening. 

I then remember my method to escape from this cell but it can't be done now. My skill all been reset and I had no stats at all. I planned to use my stats and break out this place with force if I had seen this coming. I would think of another plan or method.

My brain would explode at any rate as I need to think of a new plan to escape from this cell. Why did this happen, why would my skill be reset? There must be a cause of why my system reboot and reset all of its stats, skill, level, and talent. 

"Do you have any plan?" Vicar asks. 

"No... I can't think any..." 

"I thought that the purpose Aliss give you to me was to help me escape this cell, you should already have the plan before entering here."

"I did but the plan would not work out as there is some error in the plan."

"What kind of error? I might be able to help or do something with your escape plan."

"You can't fix the error in this plan but you could help me think another way to escape this place."

"Sorry but I also can't think any way to escape this dungeon cell, there are guardsmen everywhere. This place was hardly guarded and there no way to escape."

Vicar got a point there when Aliss and I approach this place. The guardsmen were everywhere and always patrolling here. Suddenly I feel weird about the guardsmen that have been stationed to guard this place, why there were many of them here even though all of the dungeon cells were empty.

There must be a reason why this place was full of guards. Why would there be guarding when there no one here until recently. I told Vicar about it as Vicar agreed that he was a little suspicious of why there were many guards here. 

"There is no way they assigned that many guardsmen here just to guard me..." 

"It ridiculous to assigned that many just to guard you, unless you had a special power." 

Wait a minute, didn't he told me that his sister Aliss has a power similar to the 13 holy warriors. Vicar could have one special ability too. This had made me curious, Vicar might not tell me everything that had happen in the past. With all my courage, I ask him whether he did tell me all of it.

"I had told you everything, you believe that I had a power similar to my sister Aliss."

"Well, there is a chance that you want to keep your power as a secret..."

"Hey! Have a faith in me... I don't have any power."


"Why should I lie? Don't you think that it's better to use the time now to think of a plan to escape here?" 

"I'm sorry... I just can't think of any plan."

"It's fine, let's just think the plan together."

We both begin thinking and discussing how do we escape from this cell, but even after that much discussion. There was no way out of this place, even we able to break from this cell. We could not evade the guardsmen that been assigned here. 

If only I had my skill and talents, we could just beat the guardsmen and escape. Why does bad luck always happen to me ever since I reincarnated into this world? Is this cursed being the powerful ring? 

Vicar's face looks hopeless as there was no way to escape this place, he can't even stop Aliss from getting marry to Linceo. He leans to the dungeon wall and he touches the wall, one of the brick in the wall started to get pushed in. 

He was surprised and quickly look at the wall, the dungeon wall seems to have a secret path. It makes a loud noise when it opening up but luckily the guardsmen don't notice or hear it as they were all outside of this dungeon. It seems like a tunnel, a hidden tunnel. 

We both didn't expect that this would happen but we take this as a chance to escape. We don't know if they were an exit but we must take this as it was our only chance. As soon as we enter the secret path and I immediately saw a lever, I told Vicar to pull it as it might do something. 

Vicar hesitated to pull it as it might trigger a trap but I kept insisted he pulls it. Because of the pressure, Vicar pulled it, we then hear a sound. We thought that the trap was getting trigger but it was not, it just close the wall back in the dungeon. 

The secret became dark when the wall close, we can't see anything. Vicar's hand was still on the lever, he thought that if he pulls out the lever it will open the wall again. Unfortunately, the wall didn't open up. We were both stuck in this secret tunnel and what worst we could not see at all. 

Vicar had no choice but to keep moving forward as they might be light somewhere. He touches tell dirt wall as he walks, he said that if he hit a trap. This will be the end of us cause he will be dead and I will be stuck here forever. 

While he was still walking, I ask him a question. "Vicar, couldn't you use any magic... Light magic." 

"Sorry to disappoint you but I don't have any magic."

"Shouldn't most people have learned one or two magic spells?"

"I think you got it wrong, not all. Only the people that rank peasant and higher could learn magic. We are the people of the slums which basically a slave rank community could not able to attend a magic academy or any school."

Suddenly we hear a click sound.

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