Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 85 - Secret Tunnel

We both hear a click sound and it seems like Vicar has stepped on something that he shouldn't have, we afraid that it might be a trap but so far nothing had happened. Vicar then proceeds until we both saw a small light ahead of use.

Vicar quickly runs towards the light as this might be the way out of this place or just to get out of this darkness. As we approach the light, we notice that we are not in the place were in all dirt. The light that we saw was a lit torch and we realize that this place has a water flow down, this place also has a stone wall. 

It's like we are in this town sewer system. I tell Vicar about it and he doubts that this was the sewer, as he tells me that it's quite different from the town sewer. He suspicious about the torch, it would never lit this long. There should be someone here also. 

When I think about it, he does have a point as there no way this torch will lit on its own unless if there was someone who lit it. The torch fire should be gone if it lit a few days ago but this torch seems like it was lit recently.

"Vicar? you did say this place is not a sewer so what this place..."

"I have been to the sewer before as it near the slums so that's why I can't tell this was not." 

"So where were we?"

"I have no idea where were we right now."

"What should we do now... should we try to find an exit in this place."

"That's the only option now." Vicar takes the torch that has been placed in the stone wall. 

Vicar then walks straight as it was the only in this secret tunnel, we walked for almost twelve-minute until we finally saw something different as we been walking in this straight path. The path now split into two, there were a right and a left path. We don't know which one would lead to the exit, we begin to discuss to go which path. 

"Okay left or right?" Vicar asks me to decide where to take.

"Wait let me think..." 

"There's no need to think, just decide cause both them may not lead to the exit anyway."

"Why ask me then? You could decide which path you want because your the one who has legs."

"Really, you want me to decide?"

"Yes! don't you want to do it?" 

"I do but there is a reason why I wanted you to decide..."

"And what the reason?"

"I always pick the worst so that why I ask you to do it."

"I guess you already pick the worst people to decide as well cause I also bring bad luck."

We both laugh as we pretty much the same so we then decided to pick the path together and we both choose the left path. Vicar then walked towards the right path as he says that if both of us pick left it could only mean one thing that was the left path probably dangerous. 

Vicar was right to take the left path, we walk further into this unknown place, and the further we walk. We notice that torches were sticking at the stone wall and all of them were lit. Vicar began to walk cautiously as there might be someone here. 

As Vicar walk slowly, I notice there was a door to the right. I quickly told Vicar and he looks to the right and realizes there was a door. Suddenly we hear a sound of faint footsteps near us, Vicar thought that it would be dangerous as he quickly opens the door and hides in the room. 

We successfully hide in the room but the footsteps were beginning to become clear and loud, it probably close to us right now. The door has a tiny metal window as Vicar looks through it to see who was making the sound of the footsteps. 

We finally saw who was making that noise and it was not a person, it was an undead skeleton. We both shock at to see a skeleton here as we really thought that it would be a person. Luckily the undead skeleton did not notice us here, we are safe. 

Usually, I will say that defeating a skeleton would be an easy task but after what I went through in the Dalgueuil forest, I would not take the chance as Vicar might die. Vicar was unarmed right now and he is too low level to fight, if I had my stats booster and skill it would be a different story. 

"Where were we..."

"For your information, sewer didn't have a skeleton," Vicar said. 

"Is the skeleton gone?" 

"No... it seems that the skeleton is standing there..." 

"So we stuck in this room then, should we check this room."

"That's the only thing we could do until the skeleton is gone."

Vicar started to use the torch in his hand to light up this room, we noticed that this place had a lot of books and torn pages scattered on the ground. This might be the archive or a library, this place was quite huge. Vicar explores this place and found something interesting that was on the table, it was some sort of paper but I couldn't see it very well as it dark in here.

With the light of the torches, I finally saw what was it that Vicar found interesting. It was a map of this particular place but some of it was torn apart. There was a word on that map and it says that 'Necro ...'. We don't know the next word as it was torn but we finally know where we were. It's not a sewer but a different place called Necro. 

"Nice we finally know where were we right now," Vicar said. 

"Yes, but why does the dungeon connected to this place... isn't it a little weird?" 

"It's kinda true, but it seems that no one has been here before... just look at these rooms, what a mess."

"True... we should explore this room a little more, we might know something."

Vicar agreed with my idea as he scrolls the map and takes it with him as even though it has been torn apart, it still useful as it could show us the exit. Vicar explores this large room, he takes a glance at the book title and most of it was the history of the town. 

But when we were looking through all of the book titles, one particular book caught our eyes and Vicar immediately take the book. The title of the book was 'The Revival Of Eli Steenswis #1", the book title was really weird from other books.

Vicar returns back to the table where he found the map and place the book that we found just now on the table. He then opens up the weird book and found that it was about some magic to revive a dead person. 

"Wait a minute! I remember something." Vicar said it loudly. 

I was startled by Vicar's voice as I was used to this silence, why does he need to say it out loud but I do wonder what he remembers. I then ask him about it, "What do you remember?"

"The title of this book was The Revival Of Eli Steenswis right?"

"Yes that was the title, why do you ask me about it if you already know."

"Yeah but I think I have heard the name of Eli Steenswis before..."

"Eli Steenswis? Is that person important or something?"

"Eli Steenswis was Sir Allen's wife, the one that died because in her adventure."

I thought that it was the name of the Steenswis family ancestor but I was mistaken, I didn't expect that it was the name of Sir Allen's dead wife. But why would this book was about his wife and the book title was about Revival? I then realized that this was not an ordinary book and I told Vicar about it. He also realized it too when he opens the book. 

"This is not a book but rather a log or diary of someone..." Vicar said.

"A diary? Do you think it belongs to Sir Allen?"

"It might be, I think that Sir Allen has been into this place but it was a long time ago. We could look at how a mess this place was but why would he had not been here those years."

"Something might have happened to this place or it's just forgotten. I think this might be the reason why there were so many guards outside, it was not to guards the dungeon but this place."

"But why would they guard this place? Is there something valuable here..."

"I guess we would know why after we finish reading this book."

"I agree, the might be some answer here..."

Vicar then flips the page and we both started to read the book.

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