Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 86 - Revival Of Eli Steenswis #1

The Revival Of Eli Steenswis #1

[291 PE, 12 AUG] 

Why did you leave me in this world, I thought that we will be together as always. I do know because of my cowardice you died, I should stop you from taking that quest but...

[291 PE, 13 AUG]

I have found a way for us to be together again, a shady guy visits me this morning in the park where we always sit down looking at the sea. I didn't believe him at first but when I saw the shady guy killed a bird and bring it back to life, I was shocked. That guy told me that there were way to revive a dead person but it requires a lot of body, he gives me a book and he then disappears from my sight. 

[291 PE, 15 AUG]

The books were about necromancy, I hesitate to use it as it was banned in this kingdom but if this was the only way for us to be united... I will do it. I just need a place where no one will know as it will just bring problems if the public knows about this. 

[291 PE, 22 AUG]

Eli, today I dream about you in my sleep. We both were in the park and do the thing we usually do, it will not be a dream cause the secret place will soon be done under the dungeon. The only problems now that to do this I need a living body..."

[291 PE, 8 SEPT]

These past days I kept dreaming about you Eli, it must be a sign that we will together again cause the secret place to do the art of necromancy was finally complete. The book tells me that I need a living body and luckily I had a sort that problem out, we will use the people in the dungeon for this necromancy. I'm sure no one will even care if these criminals have gone. 

[291 PE, 27 SEPT]

I don't know if I going crazy or what, the more I read this book the more I hear someone been whispering to me...

[291 PE, 28 SEPT]

Most of the criminal in the dungeon was used for your revival but it would not work at all and in the process, the criminal that been used died immediately after I perform the art of necromancy. Still, you never open your eyes... what should I do? I have followed all of it but still...

[291 PE, 1 NOV]

The living human resources in the dungeon were empty, I did not know what I did wrong. I perform the art as the book told but still you will not open your eyes. I guess I should give up and just accept the fact that you can't be revived and God doesn't want us to be together again. I'm sorry Eli, my dear wife. 

[291 PE, 4 DEC]

This past month I kept dreaming of you my dear wife Eli, in every dream you kept telling me not to give up. You even said to use the body of the young one, especially the baby girl. I thought that it was a stupid dream but I test it out using a baby that I kidnap and it seems that it works, your fingers move in seconds. I was really happy that you would be alive again. 

[291 PE, 6 DEC]

I have set up a meeting with the Hand Of Libero, an assassin guild. I hope they will agree with my request to kidnap every baby girl in this town and give it to me. I don't care how they do it as I just need the baby girl for my wife. I hope they don't ask why do I need it. 

[291 PE, 11 DEC]

I have dreamed about you today, you said that we will be together again if I kept sacrificing all of the baby girls that I received from the Hand Of Libero. I also saw the progress as you could move your a hand for a minute, it still saddens me that you could not open your eyes yet. But don't worry my wife, I know that you will open it soon. 

[292 PE, 2 JAN]

I have sacrificed thousands of babies, I don't know where does the assassin guild get all of the babies but I'm thankful for them as it was your revival finally made good progress. You could open your eyes finally but I do notice that your blue eyes of you were replaced by those blank dark eyes. You still could not talk or stand up but it still progresses nonetheless. 

[292 PE, 3 JAN]

It was your voice all along, I thought who was that been whispering to me all of the time. I should realize that it was you. Thanks my wife for telling me not to give up for your revival. 

[292 PE, 14 JAN]

Eli! You finally said a word to me! I was so happy... You said that I only need one person left, no need to worry. This would be the last baby I received from the assassin guild too as there were no babies left they agent said. 

[292 PE, 18 JAN]

When I received the last baby girl, I felt something different and your whisper was gone immediately. I do not know why but I kinda regret sacrificing all of those innocent lives just to revive you. But if this was the last one, I should do this one last time. 

[292 PE, 23 JAN]

Sorry, my dear wife Eli. It seems that I had fallen in love with a maid, and I don't know why but I can't seem to force myself to sacrifice this baby girl for you. 

[292 PE, 5 FEB]

I have named the baby girl Aliss, the name that we always want if we had a daughter. Somehow, I think my love for you was gone after I saw Linda the maid. She was really beautiful and I think she should be my new wife... I will tell you in person tomorrow in our secret place. 


That's the end of the diary 'Revival of Eli Steenswis'. After Vicar and I read this, we know that this book was a diary or a log of Sir Allen. In my mind, after all the things he has done. Sir Allen easily forgets his wife as he falls in love with Vicar Step-Mother. 

But I found the last phrase disturbing, 'I will tell you in person tomorrow in our secret place'. Shouldn't Sir Allen write what happens next, like his wife's facial expression when he told that he loves another person and didn't want to sacrifice Aliss? Why does it end there? I then told Vicar about what's in my mind as Vicar replied that this was not the end of this log. 

"Why? Is there more..." 

"Don't you notice that the title, 'The Revival Of Eli Steenswis #1'? There should be a number log number two."

When Vicar said that, I just realized that there was true #1 in the title. I immediately told Vicar to search for log number two as I really wanted to know what happens when he told his wife. Vicar then search for log number two in the place, he searches on the old shelf and the floor but he couldn't find it anywhere. 

"I guess the volume two is not here," Vicar said. 

"Yeah, you search all over this place but still didn't found it."

"I think it was likely to be in the manor."

"Dang! I need to know what happens..."

"Let's get out from this place first then we search the volume two in the manor."

"Okay! Why waste any time... let's find the exit." 

"Sure... Let me check if the undead skeleton finally left the area."

Vicar then headed to the door and take a peek in the little metal window, he has not sighted the undead skeleton. He assumed that the undead skeleton was gone from the place and he decided to open up the door. When Vicar walked out of the room, the skeleton indeed was already left the place. 

Vicar pulled out the map and see where should we go to exit this place. There was only one way to escape this place that was to went to the left path. We had taken the right path now so we need to go back just to take the left path. 

We also notice that the left path had a room where Sir Allen perform the art of necromancy as it stated in the map, 'Necromancy Test'. 

We walked back to the place we needed to take the left path. But I felt something been watching us just now, it might be just some stupid thing because I have been overthinking some stuff. We finally arrive at the place and Vicar takes the left path as it was the path we needed to escape this place.

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