Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 87 - What's On That Room?

So far there was no undead appear on us but still, we need to be cautious as they might be dangerous lurking in the dark. Vicar walk slowly and he always looks in the corner as an undead might come from there. At one point, Vicar stop and pulled out the map to see whether we were near the exit already. 

We walked a little more and it looks like that we were already near as we could see a board that has been stick at the wall that stated Necromancy Test. Suddenly I feel a chill, the feeling of been watching by someone becomes more real. I thought that it was just a feeling but I could tell that there definitely someone else with us. 

Vicar suddenly looks behind as if he felt something after he looks behind. He looks at his surroundings and I could tell that he was relieved of some sort. I ask him why he was looking behind and he answers that he felt that he been watched by someone. 

"Wait! You felt that too..."

"You mean that you also felt that."

"Yes, and if we both could felt that... there definitely somebody watching us right now."

"We should escape here fast, I had a bad feeling about this place."

Vicar quickly runs towards the place where the exit was located, but as soon as we arrived there. We saw something that we're really cruel, we both know why the place called as Necromancy Test. What we saw was a pile of humans bones, this was the place where Sir Allen attempt the art of Necromancy and failed. 

We feel like we shouldn't really be here as we both could felt that more people were watching us right now. Vicar fears that something might happen so he rushed and find where the exit was. The place was larger than the room we enter before, we tried to find any door or lever but we couldn't find anything. 

The fire on our torch will go any time soon as the fire on the torch was getting dim. Vicar knows that it would be bad if the torch has gone out while we still searching for the exit so he tried to find the exit before it happens. After a few minutes on this place searching for the exit, we finally found a door that might be the exit of this place. 

Vicar didn't hesitated at all and quickly open the door, I could tell that he did not want to be at this place any longer. I also didn't want to stay here cause it gives me the creep. But when the door was opened, it was not an exit. 

It was something that we were not meant to open at all, there we saw a woman standing there. When the door was open, the woman immediately looks towards us. We both know we were in trouble, we also know who was that woman as we read the Sir Allen log. 

She must be Eli Steenswis, the one that Sir Allen wanted to revive with the art of necromancy. She looks at us and Vicar immediately closes the door back. He tried to get away from the place and go back to where we came but luck wasn't on our side. 

Our only torch has finally gone out and with that, we were back in the darkness in this creepy place. We should have taken the torch on the right path to be a spare, I kinda regret is that we do not do that earlier. I could feel that Vicar stop moving. 

"Vicar! Why you stop?"

"I do want to run but.."

"But what?" 

"There someone has been touching me." 

"We are so dead..."

There's no one here if somebody was touching Vicar right now. That's only mean one thing, it might be Eli Steenswis. I thought that she was still in that room, I just hope that nothing bad will happen. 

"I think this is not a human hand."

"What? How do you know..."

"I touch it, it was a skeletal arm."

My assumptions were wrong as it was not Eli Steenswis. When Vicar said that a skeletal arm, that could only be an undead skeleton. Isn't this place was clear of the undead skeleton? From where does the undead skeleton appear. This is really bad, Vicar is unarmed, and what worst we could not see in this darkness. If only I could give some light, that could be helpful. 

Suddenly, I begin to emit light and the darkness has gone from this place. We could see everything clearly now but it just makes the situation worst when we able to see what had happened. We thought that there was only one undead skeleton near us but it was actually more than one. 

There was more than a hundred undead skeleton in this place, where does this undead skeleton coming from anyway as there were not here before. Vicar looked at one place and we both noticed something, the human bone that been piled up there was gone. We now realized where does the undead skeleton coming from. 

Weirdly, the hundreds of undead skeleton don't do anything yet towards us. Vicar thinks that he could get out from here but the path where we take to get here was blocked by the undead skeleton. Didn't want to wait and see what will happen if we both stay in here any longer, Vicar decided to go back to the room where Eli Steenswis were. 

Vicar went back to the room and close the door immediately. I think that he made the right decision as if the undead skeleton turn hostiles, it would be the end of us. There were hundreds of them, I think we could handle a single woman. But still, we need to be cautious. 

After Vicar close the door, he looked into the room and Eli was still standing there. She looks towards Vicar, Vicar walk slowly and we noticed that Eli's eyes were fixed on us, following Vicar every movement. I then noticed something behind Eli, there was a lever. It could be the exit that we wanted. 

I told Vicar about it and he hoping that Eli would just stand there and does nothing else. Vicar walked towards Eli just to reach the lever that could be the exit. While we beginning to get close to her, I noticed that she was different from the other undead I had seen so far. 

One could say that she doesn't like a dead person at all, I guess this was thanks to necromancy. I couldn't believe that this woman was already dead as she was still beautiful and doesn't rot at all like any corpse. Vicar walked passed her and finally reach the lever. 

She still doesn't show any signs of hostility as Vicar pulls the lever. The stone wall opens up and it seems that was our exit from this place. It was a tunnel that could lead to the exit. Vicar was about to go into the exit but he stops as Eli started to say something towards him. 

"Don't go! Don't leave me!" 

Vicar turned towards Eli, we both see that Eli was crying and tears do come out from her dead eyes. She started to move towards Vicar as her hand tried to reach out to Vicar. I told Vicar to immediately go to the exit as she might do something dangerous if we wait and see. 

Vicar quickly runs the tunnel, he runs as fast as he can but Eli's voice was getting louder. The same word kept getting louder when we get away from her. Despite that, Vicar didn't look behind and kept going forward in this tunnel. 

Until we saw another lever, in the end, Vicar quickly pulled it the lever and it opens up the exit that we hope for as we saw the moonlight shine. Vicar runs but he immediately stop as he was at the end of a cliff, we both look down at the bottom and saw the seawater. 

"Where were we? How did we end up in this cliff."

"Damn! I thought we finally could escape this place..." 

I do know that Eniesia Town was a port town but I never know this place. I thought that the exit would be near the manor or the town. I was not expecting this at all. 

Suddenly, Eli's voice could be heard again and it seems that she was following us. She walked out of the tunnel and she still saying the same thing as tears coming out. 

"What should we do now? Any idea Vicar..."

"I do not know, but she doesn't seem to be hostile right?"

"Are you sure? She was an undead, I bet she has something she wants."

Vicar doesn't know what to do as well as being me. We thought to just go back but it seems like we can't as behind Eli was the undead skeleton and they seem to be hostile now. Vicar looked down at the cliff and I know what he was thinking right now. 

We both saw something unexpected that was the undead skeleton was harming Eli, they don't seem to care about us at all. It may be because they hold a grudge towards Eli, Vicar saw this as a chance to escape as he could just walk through the skeleton but our guesses were wrong.

The undead skeletons were indeed hostile towards us and it left us with one option left. We could die if we just stand here, there no way we could beat hundred of them. I guess we gonna do it then as either way we were both screwed.

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