Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 88 - Only Way To Escape

Vicar was about to make the jump but he noticed that Eli was getting hurt by the undead. Eli doesn't do anything to fight back against the undead skeleton as she just standing there saying the same word again. 

"Don't go! Don't leave me!" 

I told Vicar to jump as the undead skeleton were already close to us, Vicar says sorry to me as he does something out of my expectation. He grabs Eli's hand in the crowds of the undead skeleton and we both jumped over the cliff. Hoping that we would survive this fall. 

I said one last word to Vicar and he smiles when I said it. We were nearing the bottom and it seems that this was gonna be it, I didn't want to look as I block my sight. All I could hear was a large fushhh sound when Vicar finally hit the seawater. 

I reopen my sight to look for Vicar, because of the impact he was unconscious. This was a bad situation indeed for him to be unconscious now. I'm not smart as I always skip classes but I do know that humans still breathe even if they were unconscious. 

Because Vicar was breathing and what worst was he currently facing down, the waters will enter the lung and his less buoyant body will sink if enough water amount enters the lungs. I could do anything now, I tried to link with him just like I did with Aliss when she been possessed by the elder banshee. 

Sadly, this was different from the Aliss incident as it didn't work cause it needs Vicar to be conscious for me to enter his consciousness. There must be something that I could do, or else he will drown and I will be at the bottom of this sea and it would be the end of me. 

But something rather unexpected happens, as I was to focus on Vicar. I didn't even look at Eli, I just realized that Eli was holding Vicar's hand tightly. Eli seems to be floating easily, it might be because she was undead. 

What surprised me that she uses her own body like a wood log for Vicar. She put Vicar's body on her and she doesn't seem to sink even though with Vicar weight. I guess this was one of the perks of being undead, could float even with a heavyweight. 

Thanks to Eli, Vicar would not drown in the sea. But I do wonder why she acted like this, I thought that she was evil. Why would Sir Allen stop performing the art of necromancy? His wife will surely become a living being again and they could be united. There must be a reason why he stops, I doubt that it because he starts loving another woman. 

After a few minutes floating at the sea, we finally reach the shore as the waves push us here. I'm thankful that we finally reach land again, I always dislike the sea as I had a bad experience with it back in my old world. Vicar still not opening his eyes, he might inhale a lot of water back then. 

In this situation, I think it better to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation but what the problem was I could not do it myself as I do not have a body. My only hope was for Eli to do it, but it seems like she will not do it. 

Eli was holding Vicar's hand tightly and she seems to be saying something but some of the words were pretty unclear, this might because the revival thing was not completed yet. 

"Please open eyes..."

After Eli said that, she does something that I was not expecting from her. She was doing cardiopulmonary resuscitation on Vicar. With that, I know that she does have intelligence even for an undead. It makes me even curious why Sir Allen abandon his original plan. 

The cardiopulmonary resuscitation was successful as Vicar suddenly cough and open his eyes. I'm really glad that he was fine after all of that. Vicar immediately looks around as he was confused and ask me what had happened. 

I told Vicar everything that had to happen including cardiopulmonary resuscitation. He then asks me if I was the one who did that but I replied that it was actually Eli doing. Vicar blushed as he notices that Eli was the one that did that with him. 

His face immediately turns red after realizing that Eli was holding his hand as tear coming out from her, it looks like Eli was worried about Vicar. Vicar tried to regain his composure back as he slowly inhales and exhales some air. 

When he finally calms down, he stands up from the ground and looks around this place. I could still see that he blush as Eli didn't want to let it go of his hand. But Vicar managed to play it cool and asked me some questions. 

"So where are we know?"

"How should I know! I rarely go outside of the town."

"Don't be mad... I just asking." 

"My bad, I really don't know where we were right now."

"That will be a problem since I too never went outside the town that much." 

"Why? I thought you always venture outside..."

"I can't... The town guardsmen wouldn't allow slums, people, to go beyond the gate."

"I never heard that thing before? I thought you slums people are free to go anywhere."

"No one knows it unless you are the people of the slums and besides...." Vicar fazes for a second as he continues to speak again. "Why does this dead woman kept holding my hand all of the time, I kinda feel uncomfortable right now."

I chuckle when I heard Vicar said that, it was true that Eli been holding his hand since Vicar still unconscious. 

"Hey! She might like you or something cause you're the one that saves her from all of the undead skeletons."

"Nah! Hell No! This is Sir Allen's wife and besides she already dead... Dead! I tell you." Vicar tried to shake her away but it seems that he couldn't do it. 

Vicar can't seem to shake her off because Eli was gripping Vicar arm with much strength, it left Vicar with no much option left as he pushed Eli down with his other hand. Because of that, Eli was knocked to the ground and she seems to be crying when she was pushed down by Vicar.

Vicar was panic when he saw Eli was about to cry, he immediately tried console Eli but it was too late. She already crying, seeing her like this, it somehow reminds me of a children's behavior. It was funny for sure to see Vicar apologizing to Eli. 

"I'm sorry... Please don't cry." Vicar then takes her hand and holds it. 

"She will never forgive you, Vicar, you shouldn't ever push a lady down even though she was already dead... Hahaha" 

"Shh! Shut up... I trying to apologize here." 

I know that I shouldn't laugh at him but I can't hold it, it's like when I was with one of my friends in my old world. He would always get into trouble with his girlfriend and I was always there to laugh at it, as I always said to my old friends that he will never get in trouble if he dates an Anime body pillow like me. 

Thinking about it, I kinda missed my old world but I should be glad to be reincarnated back in this world and to meet some wonderful people. 

When Vicar still apologizing to Eli because he pushes her, Eli started to say something. 

"Don't go! Don't leave me!" 

I thought that it would be about something else but she uses it again.

"Sure... I will never leave you." Vicar replied. 

The tears stop falling from Eli's eyes as she smiles towards Vicar, I could not believe that this woman was already dead when she smiles like that. It's almost like she still was a living person and not undead. Wait a minute, was she undead or human now? 

Vicar blush when Eli smile towards him, Eli started to cling to Vicar even more as she hugs Vicar. It seems like she would never let him go. This situation made him uncomfortable again and he really didn't like it. 

"Can you not cling to me? cause you are someone wife..."

"Wife?" Eli asks as it looks like she was confused.

"Your is Sir Allen's wife! His dead wife... you already know it yourself." Vicar shouted. 

"I love you!" 

We were both shocked as we did not expect that word coming out from her mouth, it was so sudden and even not blend in with the original conversation. Is Eli dumb or what? Does she doesn't have any intelligence? I thought she had but I guess she was just an undead then. 

I could see that Vicar was fl.u.s.tered when Eli said that, he doesn't know what to do as he scratches his head and replied. 

"I would not date an undead woman and someone dead wife."

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