Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 92 - In Morning!

Vicar just lay down and hoping that he could sleep comfortably tonight. But it seems that Vicar didn't manage to get his eyes close. It was all because of Eli, she hugs Vicar when he trying to sleep. It really made Vicar uncomfortable, he then gets out of the bed. 

"How can I sleep in this situation!" 

"Pretend that Eli was a not there..." 

"Easy for you to say! How it felt to get press by that thing, it suffocated me!" He points at Eli huge rack. 

"I consider you to be lucky Vicar... A lot of men would die to be in your place right now."

"All the man that died are a pervert! Like you too."

"Hey! We aren't perverts... it just the male instinct."

"That what the perverts would say..."

Eli keeps pulling Vicar's arm, it seems like she wanted Vicar to lay on the bed with her. Even though I said all of that to Vicar. At the same time, I pity him. He was an honest man and a good man, I know that he wouldn't take advantage of Eli. I just hope he could sleep as tomorrow kinda an important day for us. 

On the other hand, why Eli behaving like this. Vicar wasn't his husband, what makes her so attach to Vicar. There must be a reason as I began to doubt that it was caused by Sir Allen not completing her revival. 

But I can't think any of it, there too much that we didn't know. I bet we will know if we read the rest of Sir Allen's logbook. 

"Just go to sleep! Close your eyes and imagine Eli as a fluffy pillow." 

"Alright... I will do that." Vicar seems tired. 

I could see that Vicar was too tired to even bother with Eli, he just lay down on the bed and forces himself to sleep. I glad that he does that, he wouldn't get any sleep if he keeps thinking about Eli. A few minutes later, I could see that Vicar was really asleep as I could hear his snore. 

He must be really tired to be able to make that sound, we have been through a lot on this day. Vicar must not expect to do much today as our goal was to convince Aliss father to cancel the marriage with Linceo. It suddenly turns out to be much more troublesome in the end. 

He gets himself thrown into a dungeon, escape from that place which Sir Allen build in secret to revive his dead wife Eli. No wonder he was tired, I just hope our luck tomorrow will be fine. I don't want any trouble to happen anymore. 

When I thinking of the trouble, I suddenly remember about my owner Aliss. We have just been together for a few days and yet we had to be apart like this. I do wonder why the problems always pop out, I thought after the incident. I could live a normal life as a ring with my owner. 

I hope that my owner is fine, I know that she wouldn't do anything stupid right now. I also hope that after this problem has been sort out, I could be reunited with Aliss back. I then felt something weird when I think about her, I never experienced this kind of feeling. I just ignore it as it might not be that important as I think that I should get to sleep. 

I could see that Eli was also had fallen asleep in Vicar's arms. When I look both of them like this, no wonder Tane called them a lover. I still couldn't believe that this woman that was sleeping was an undead. Enough of that thinking as I feel really sleepy, my vision went dark as I was slowly have fallen asleep. 

" C.o.c.k-a-doodle-doo!" 

The sound of the rooster was so loud that because of that I had woken up from my sleep. The sunlight was already reaching Vicar's foot. I could see that Vicar was also awakened by it as he puts his hand up and yawns. I bet that he sleeps really comfortable last night, he has been sleeping in between Eli huge racks.

How I envious Vicar as he gets the lifetime opportunity and yet he didn't even appreciate it. When I still had my body in the old world, I could only feel the fluffiness of my anime body pillow and not a real woman. As Vicar already waken up, he then tries to get out of the bed, and because of that Eli awake. 

Suddenly, the door of our room was being knocked. Vicar then said he already awake and just come into the room. The door was then open by Tane, he peeks behind the door as he was afraid that he could be interrupting something again this time. 

"Just come in... and tell me why you here?" 

"Uhmm... Grandma already made breakfast and ask me to wake you up."

"Oh Okay, we will head to the dining room in a few minutes."

"I'll inform grandma then... please hurry up as I am hungry."

"Sure! No problem." 

Tane then gets out of the room as Vicar and Eli headed to the dining room. When we arrive there, the earlier thing that we saw was Tane Grandmother smile. She asks if Vicar and Eli sleep well, she then apologized for the bed as it was not that comfy. 

"No need to worry, I was indeed comfy. But even if it does not, it's still better than sleeping on the ground." Vicar said that, I then remember that he comes from the slums. He must be sleeping on the ground all the time. 

"I'm glad that it was comfy enough for you both... Let's sit down and enjoy the breakfast that I had prepared." Tane's grandmother smiles, she was indeed nice to prepare breakfast for us. 

This what make me jealous of all the living being that could eat, the food seems to be delicious but sadly I can't even eat it and all I could do was to watch the food being eaten by somebody else. Vicar and Eli sit down, the same thing happens as yesterday as Eli didn't touch her food at all but all of the people didn't say anything cause they already know the reason. 

After we all finish eating, Tane's grandmother offers us to take a bath first before leaving. She also said to not worry about cloth as she will give us some spare cloth. Vicar didn't want it as he replied that he needs to hurry to get to the town. 

When Vicar mentions the town, we both remember one thing that is we don't know the way to get into the town back. Vicar was reluctant to ask about it but I forced him to ask as we might take much more time to find the way back to the town. I also told Vicar that we had something important to do in the town and should not waste any time. He agreed and ask the question towards Tane. 

"Umm? What's the closes town..." Vicar asks. 

"The closes town was Eniesia Town... are you both planning to visit the town."

"Yes... The problem was we lost our map and didn't know which path to take towards the town." 

Tane silence for a moment, he seems to realize something. "Oh! Now I get it... that's why you were in the woods last night, I surely thought that you both there to do something personal."

"I already tried to explain but you didn't listen, could you tell which path to take them?"

"You know what! Today I need to go to the town as well, we could go there together if you don't mind me tagging along."

"Really! Thanks, Tane..."

"But first... Let's take a bath cause I don't want to be smelly in the town and you both should take a bath as well." 

Vicar had no other choice but to wait for Tane to finish his bath, Vicar still didn't want to take a bath even though there still time. I know why he doesn't want to take it, I know that he actually wanted to take the bath but the problem was Eli. 

He was embarrassed to let Eli see his n.a.k.e.d body, what worse was that he would be the one that changes Eli's clothes as she couldn't do it or rather doesn't even move as she keeps on clinging with Vicar. Even last night when Tane's grandmother offers us the spare cloth, he tried to put Eli cloth while closing his eyes. The only reason why he could put the cloth was with me guiding him. 

Vicar waits outside of the cottage, he looks around and takes a breath. He said something to me while we look at the big trees. 

"Hey, ring... There something on my mind."

"What on your mind?" 

"Don't you think that the guardsmen that guarding the gate would capture me when they see me?"

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