Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 93 - How Business Go?

When Vicar mentions that, I then remember that Vicar should be on the guardsmen's search list as a wanted person. Surely the guardsmen in the dungeon noticed that Vicar wasn't there and they would surely tell Sir Allen about it. Sir Allen will order all of the guardsmen in the town to capture because Vicar was holding his secret. 

"Do you think that they would capture me?"

"I think so... Sir Allen had done this before remember, the time when Sir Allen thought you were Aliss lover."

"So we should avoid entering the town from the gate... besides that, we need to hide Eli."

I almost forgot about Eli, we really need to hide her but it seems that will be absolutely impossible as she keeps clinging with Vicar. I can't think of a way to make her away from Vicar. The problem with bringing Eli into the town was people surely recognize her, she was Sir Allen dead after all. 

Even we made it to enter the town without being capture by the guardsmen, Eli would bring us the attention. As she would make the townspeople believe that they had seen something weird, the townspeople then will surely spread the rumors. 

The rumors eventually will be heard by Sir Allen and it would make Vicar easier to be caught or track down. Troubles keep coming to us, right now we had to solve two problems at once. That was about entering the city and the other one was about Eli's presence in the town. 

We both thought of a way while waiting for Tane to finish his bath, Vicar face seems to remember something. He quickly tells me about what he had remembered.

"That is indeed another way to get into the town," Vicar said. 

"Really? I thought the only way to get into the town was using the gate."

"I remember that my mother had told the secret path she been using." 

"Your stepmother told you that? Is she wanted you to be an assassin, why would she told you that."

"I rather not think about why she told me, at least we have a way to get in now."

"So do you want to tell me the way or not"

"There no need to tell you as I'm the one who will do it, you will know it when I use that way to get in the town."

"Okay, let's us think how to hide Eli now." 

"How about we just made her wear a bonnet? I sure it will work out fine."

"Do you think that would cover her face?"

"No, but it would be the best way, do you have a better idea then?"

Vicar was right, there no other way to hide Eli. If we cover her face with a sack, it would be too cruel. It will draw more attention to us. Is there really no other way to make Eli's presence completely gone while we in the town. 

It took almost fifteen minutes for Tane to get prepare after he finishes he gets out of the cottage. We already waited for him outside, he apologized for taking such a long time to get prepare as he knows that Vicar really needs to get to the town quickly. 

Vicar said he didn't mind at all as he also said that he should be the one that feels guilty for making Tane guide him to get into the town. With all of that finish, Vicar says goodbye to Tane's grandmother and hopes that he will visit this place again and might even be bought something from town as a souvenir. 

Tane then leads the way as Vicar and Eli follow him. The further we get, the smaller the cottage was and in a few minutes, it vanishes from our sight. Along the way, Vicar asks Tane what sort of business in the town as he did say that while we were eating breakfast. 

"Oh! It's just that I needed to visit some of the merchants there." 

"I thought the merchant would go to your place? Didn't you say that yesterday..."

"Ahahah I did, but they were at our place just to get the potions and the reason I needed to go to the town was to collect the 20% of the profit they made by selling it. Almost forgot! As well as to buy some food."

"I guess running a business is pretty much hard too."

"Yup... these days, most of the merchant is fraud and try to scam us by lying us how much their profit for selling our potions." 

"Wait a minute! Didn't you already sell the potions to them? Why would you have to take 20% of their profit."

"You do know that Eniesia Town is one of the most successful port towns in the Kingdom Of Stymlios"

"I do know that... but is that something related to the topic that I ask you about."

"It somehow connected, because of that the kingdom has made a policy which the 20% profit of some products must be given towards the one who made it, the products include potion, crafts and other things that needed a people to made it."

"I somehow still didn't get it? Mind if you could explain it more..." 

Somehow Vicar's conversation has become a good one, I also wanted to know more about how business work in this town. It's not like I can sell anything but I think it might be useful to avoid getting scam and it just seems interesting to me. Why? Because I had the ambition to be an entrepreneur back in my old world but I was just too lazy to make it happen. 

"Sure! Because of the production of potions, weapons, crafts, and other things were not made by the merchant themself. Most of that kind of product they bought from the one that made it. The reason why the kingdom made that policy was...." Tane explains as Vicar and I listen to it very carefully as we don't want to miss out on the important things. 

After listening to it, I somehow get why they get the 20% profit back from the merchant. Some of the people who made the product might lie about it being a high-quality one like an example a high-grade potion. The people who make it might sell that product for a price like a high grade one to the merchant but what the merchant bought might just be a low grade one. It basically a scam towards the merchant and will probably ruin the merchant reputation. 

As this was a quite famous trading town, many people will buy that low-grade potion as their thought was a high grade one. People who use that potion thinking that it was high grade will be disappointed as it turns out to be a low-grade potion. It will ruin this town name and will make the trade ship went into a different port. 

Because of that, the kingdom made a fixed rate of prices of every handmade product so that they will be no more scam. When the kingdom made that policy, the honest people who made the product were mad as they will be selling a high-quality item at the same price for the merchant, this situation would only profit the merchant. 

The officials of this kingdom did hear the voice of the protest and added some new things in the policy that they had made. Which was that the one who made the product will get 20% of the profit from the merchant. The merchant then seems it was not good for them to give the 20% profit. 

The merchant did send their representatives to the kingdom but sadly the official was strict with its the principal and said that the merchant already made a lot of profit as the item they bought for the maker was already cheap enough. 

I think it kinda fair as the merchant could set any price to sell the item. if they get more profit from selling the item, the one that made the product will get more then. But I proud of this kingdoms official to be able to find a way of this problem. 

I do wonder why the merchant could not tell if the product were of high quality or low quality. There were merchants after all and should be able to tell the difference but again this was a different world and not 100% like the fantasy anime that I watch all of the time. 

Suddenly Tane stops talking about it as he points something in front of us. When we look ahead, we could see the town gate from afar. Somehow I felt so happy as we finally made it back to the town, I then remember about my owner Aliss and hope that she is doing fine. I also hope that our plan will proceed smoothly without much problem. 

"Look! Could you see the gate... it's big right?" Tane said towards Vicar.

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