Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 94 - Let's Quit

When we see the town within our sight, we know that we had to part away with Tane, it would just bring him trouble if we were sighted by the guards now. Tane will surely get arrested as well, he was nice to use, and if we don't want him to be involved in our personal matter. 

Vicar then stops at a point and Tane noticed that Vicar stops moving. He asks Vicar why he stops, the town was just in front of us. We didn't think a good lie for this situation, Tane would suspect something was going on behind him if we didn't manage to convince him.

"Umm, We had some stuff to do first.. you could go ahead Tane." 

"Some stuff? I thought you want to go to town first." 

"We did want to go there first, but we have to do something important." 

"Can I know about it?"

"No! You can't... it something personal." Vicar stutters. 

"I will not force you to tell me what it is but I think you acting weird, Vicar." It seems like he started to notice that we were holding some secret with him. 

If he knows about him he would be in trouble or that he might tell the guardsmen about us and we would be thrown back in the dungeon. What worse that he could be label as one of the allies that help us escape and he also will be in the dungeon with us. 

"Tane thanks for letting us stay in your place, the food was delicious but this is where we must part away."

"What do you mean?" 

Vicar didn't answer Tane's question as he uses his cloak spell and become invisible. He knows that this was the only way for us to get separated from Tane. We didn't want to cause trouble for him and this was the best way. While we walk away from him, I noticed that Tane looks around and search for us. He must not be expected that we would be gone like that. 

After we get far enough from Tane, Vicar undoes the cloak spell and we were visible again. I then compliment Vicar to use that spell, it would be hard to find a good reason to be separated from Tane. But I could tell that Vicar wasn't happy about it. 

"That was the best way..." I said to Vicar. 

"Dang!" He clenches his fist, "I should never use the spell..." 

I was confused about why he said that as in my eyes I think he made the right call to use the cloak spell. I then ask him why he did not want to use it. "Why? I think it's a good decision you used that spell."

"No it wasn't, I had wasted it for just that."

"A waste? It may seem like it but I think it's good..."

"You didn't understand it! I could use it when we trying to get into the manor."

The moment Vicar said that I realize what's going on in his mind. The manor had a lot of guards and it's nearly impossible to break in. But with the help of the cloak spell, breaking in the house would be a lot easier. The guardsmen wouldn't even notice it. 

If Vicar uses that spell now, it would mean that he couldn't use it for the rest of the day. His MP was limited after all and he could only use it once a day. It would be a problem for us now as we need to think of another way to get into the manor. Why does our job keep getting harder with time, a simple task has become much more difficult.

"We could wait a day for your mana to recharge... How about that?"

"Where should we rest? The town guardsmen would be searching for me everywhere..."

"A place that they wouldn't enter... The slums!"

"I wouldn't sure about that, they might be some of them there." 

"I thought they wouldn't enter that place?"

"The has been some situation where the guardsmen might go there, I know that most of the townfolk said the guards will never enter that place even if a crime happens there. But recently there some thieves that stole some gold and jewelry from a noble house and their hide in the slums. He thought he would be safe but the guardsmen storm the slums just to find that thieves."

When Vicar said that, I remember something similar that happens to me. I begin to think that it was the thieves that the bronze knight had defeated. I did remember that their hideout was so dirty, I thought that place wasn't part of the slums. But I did remember that the guardsmen were there at that place, a lot of them. 

To make sure that it was the same, I ask Vicar whether the one that defeated the thieves was the bronze knight. He replied that he didn't sure who defeated it but all he knows that all of the thieves were dead. When he said that, it confirms that it was a similar incident. The thieves were all killed by the bronze knight. 

We could not wait in the slums like this, if the guardsmen were there it would make us easier to be caught. Why must troubles always come in my way, I just wish that this all would be easier? Is this some kind of trial for me? can't I be happy with my owner? 

I ask Vicar a question, "Do you think we could do this?

"I'm not sure, but I still believe that we can. Why did you ask? Do you feel that you want to give up after all the things we have done?" 

"I don't know Vicar... things just keep getting harder for us."

"You the one that wanted to this remember! I still remember that time when we in the dungeon cell... that you said that you would help me escape just to cancel the marriage of Aliss."

When I think about it, I was the one that wanted this. Vicar wasn't that motivated to escape in the first place but I was the one that forced him to do so. I'm the one that made it more complicated, I should just listen to Vicar at that time that there nothing we can do. 

I'm the one that adds more problems but the one who burdens it all was Vicar and yet he didn't complain about it as much as I do now. I realize now that I shouldn't force him as it was all because to fulfill my very own selfish wish. It feels like I have a duty to helps whoever was my owner at the time, but I could just help them thinking and somehow I just made it worse. 

I also began to ask myself why would I do it all for my owner. I know that Aliss was my owner but I had my own feelings and thought. Thinking it back, all of the time I have been to obsess with being just a ring for my owner. 

I could just find a different owner, I know she bought me but she didn't even remember about me and didn't even try to find me when Sir Allen toss me. I was a fool to not realize it until now, no one really cares about me in this world as I was just an accessory to them. But there was one man that might not see me like that, it was the bronze knight. 

I do know that I need someone to help me as I can't do anything like a human would but right now I feel like a slave. I made my mind after thinking about this matter in just a few minutes, it's kinda a short time to think as this would be the important decision that I made. 

"Vicar, let's quit..." I said that to Vicar. 

Vicar was shocked when he heard those words coming out from my mouth. He asks whether I was just joking around but I tell him that I wasn't. After Vicar know that I really meant to quit, he asks me why.

"Why? There must be a reason..." He said. 

"I was thinking that we shouldn't interfere with the marriage, we don't know that Linceo might sincerely love Aliss. I always think about negative thought, Sir Allen might not be bad. The reason why he arranges that marriage might be because to see Aliss have a happy life."

"But? What makes you thinks that..."

"Remember the log we read, Aliss should be the last sacrifice to revive his dead wife but instead doing so. Sir Allen named that baby Aliss, the name that he and his dead wife wanted if they had a daughter. That's why I think that he might be good after all."

"Didn't you want to know what written in the second log?" 

"I do but I shouldn't risk you life for only that..." I said that towards Vicar.

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