Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 95 - I'm not Quitter!

Vicar looks at me very seriously, I could see in his eyes that he was disappointed with me. I do know why he was disappointed with me because I had already given up with all of this. Right now I don't care about what people may think as this would never work. I just had to accept it. 

"Tell me ring? Why do you start to give up now..." 

"It's because we will fail, there no way we can't do it." 

"So you telling me that your reason is that you afraid that we will fail, we didn't even try yet and somehow you could tell that we could not do it." Vicars look at me as he said to me to believe that we still could do it. 

"How? Tell me how then..." 

When I ask that to Vicars, he went silent as he didn't know the answers. It is just like I thought, we have no plan and we still want to go there. He still didn't notice that if we failed, he the one that will suffer the consequences and not me. How could they punish me as I am a ring, it's better to quit now. 

"Believe it! That's all I can say... remember that we went through a lot of danger yesterday and yet we still live. It's all because we believe that we would make it." 

I know what he trying to say but with only belief would not be enough, we need an actual plan if we wanted this to work smoothly. 

"Trust me that it's better to quit now cause if we failed, your the one that will be sent back into the dungeon..." I said that towards Vicar as he finally realizes my intention... 

"I know now the reason you telling me to quit but it's okay, you don't have to worry about me." He smiles. 

"It's not that I worry about you! It's just that I was the one that forced you into this and it would be wrong if only you get hauled into the dungeon." 

"Your not the one that forced me into this, I myself wanted to do it but I don't have the courage back then in the dungeon. But there you came telling me not to give up as we would find away. You believe that we could do it and look how far we have gotten now." 

I was indeed the one that believes that we could escape the dungeon cell and cancel my owner's marriage. Yet here I am doubting that we can't do it, I know that I'm stupid but I should not stop believing. If I kept believing that it would work, the situation would turn out how I thought it will suppose to be. 

Vicar then said a word to me, "Never Give UP! and keep believing that we could do this." He said that to me while he still smiling. 

I know that he tried to cheer me up and restore my self-confidence. I guess I should say thanks to him as he managed to do so. Part of me still doubt whether this would go on smoothly without any trouble but I believe that we could do this. 

"Thanks, Vicar... sorry about my behavior early, it just..."

"No need to say about it anymore, I know your intention... Let just focus about the task ahead." 

With that the conversation about me trying to give up was over as now we proceed to initial plan. That was to get into the town using a secret passage that Vicar stepmother had told him about. Vicar walk along the outer wall, there were no guardsmen there so we were safe for now. 

Vicar was looking at the ground all of the time, I bet that the secret passage way was under the ground. It's been a few minutes as Vicar still searching for it, I began to doubt that there secret passage that his stepmother told doesn't even exist. 

But I was wrong as Vicar finally found it, the reason why we have a hard time finding it was because a lot of grass were in the area. It was well hidden as I think that nobody even know that this even exist. When I look close at it, I noticed that it was a manhole. 

Vicar remove the manhole cover, we could not see what's in there as it was dark. We kinda regret that we have not brought a torch with us as it would be really helpful if we had one. There might be some monster lurking there. 

After removing the cover, we proceed to get in the manhole. Luckily there was a ladder, it would be rather scary to jump into the manhole without knowing how deep it was. It took us almost a few minute to finally reach the end. It was so dark that we could not see a thing, even the light could not shine through. 

We had to proceed either way or else we will be stuck in here. Vicar started to touch everywhere as it could be helpful in a way. Vicar feels that there was a rock wall on the right of us as there nothing in our left. Vicar use the rock wall as our guide in the dark. 

We didn't know how much time has passed since we been down here, we also had no idea where we were right now. Suddenly we hear a sound, we listen to the sound closely and realize that it was a human footsteps. There should be no one here beside us. 

Vicar already checked that no one had follow us here before entering the manhole. I then realized that it may not be a human after all, it could be an undead or some monsters that I didn't know of. I was about to tell it to Vicar but suddenly we both saw something behind us, there was a orange light in the dark. 

We didn't what was that but Vicar had taken a stick before heading down here. Thanks god that he had prepare before heading down here, at least he could be able to protect himself and Eli. The close the thing gets the brighter the color was and when it was within our range of sight. We noticed that the orange color was from a torch. 

Vicar and I was surprised by it, we really didn't expect it. We certainly thought that it was a monster but we were both mistaken. It was neither a monster or an animal like we thought, it was a human. In fact he was someone we both know as it was Tane. 

Was he been following us all of this time, I thought that we had loss him when Vicar uses the his cloak spell. How come he could be here, there's no way he could see through us even when we went invisible. In my head, I was thinking that he must have some special ability. 

Vicar still couldn't believe that it was Tane as Vicar ask him some question, "Are you really Tane? Or just some monster disguise to be him."

When Vicar said that, I realize that there was a possibility that this Tane might not be the one we knew. It might be a monster that have a mimic skill. But again I thought that a mimic skill couldn't mimic someone who not actually here unless the monster could read mind and become the exact person on our mind. 

"What are you talking about? Of course I'm Tane, there should be only one Tane exist and that's me." He replied to Vicar question. 

I began to suspect him as all impostor always said the same thing and admit that they were the real one. Yet again, I could be wrong and he might be actually the real Tane. The more I think about this matter the more confuse I become. 

"If you're the real Tane! Prove it... what do you know about us?" I don't know if this could prove whether he was real or not but this was the only thing we could do now. 

"I still don't know what happening but somehow I need to prove I'm the real one when I was the real one. Umm...You haven't taken a bath!" Tane said that to prove he was the real Tane. 

All of the things he could say, he choose to say that. But thanks to that I'm sure that he was the real one as Tane was that kind of people that would say anything without thinking it first. 

When Vicar heard that, he begins to laugh so hard. "HAHAHA! You're the real Tane, I thought you was a monster that have the skill mimic."

"Why are you laughing at me? Did I do something funny..." He ask Vicar. 

"Because we really thought that you were a monster, even the ring believe that." Vicar has slipped out something from his mouth, something that he shouldn't say to anyone. 

Tane looks confuse when Vicar said that, "The ring?"

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