Reincarnated As The Hero Ring

Chapter 96 - Sneaking Our Way

Vicar realized that he shouldn't say it, he tried to cover it up but I said to Vicars that it's time to tell him everything. He would not believe us if we tried to make up another fake reason, as right now we were suspicious people. Vicar agreed with it and he explains everything to Tane. 

"Listen Tane, we have something to tell you." 

"By looking at your face, is this an important thing?" 

"It's kinda important cause I think we had to tell you the truth about us..." 

"Are you guys were a criminal?..." Tane looks at us. 

What Tane said isn't wrong, we were a criminal but not that kind of criminal. It's because we have been to put the label as criminal in the town as we were able to escape the dungeon cell. I just hope that Tane will not harm us or tried to run away if he knows the truth. 

"We were not criminal but we did escape from the dungeon."

"Isn't that make you a criminal? No one ends up in the dungeon without doing something wrong."

"We had done nothing wrong, but it's up to you if you want to believe in us."

"I don't know whether to trust you guys but somehow my heart believes that you guys were the good guy. So tell me why you escape from the dungeon and the reason why you were in the dungeon in the first place."

"You know Tane, it's kinda a long story but here we go..." Vicar started to explain the reason and why he was being held in the dungeon. 

Vicar told Tane the reason he ends up in the dungeon in the first place because he knows a secret of some noble, a dark secret of the noble. The noble didn't want that secret to be exposed in the public and afraid that he would tell it. The noble decided to lock Vicar up in the dungeon. 

Vicar didn't mention the name of the noble and what's the secret was. If Tane knows about it, he will also be threatened by Sir Allen. Thinking of that, Vicar decided not to tell what was the dark secret all about. Vicar continues to explain that he found a secret passageway in the dungeon cell where he has been held. 

Thanks to that passageway he was able to escape, but it wasn't easy as that place had many undead skeletons. There Vicar met Eli, the undead skeletons harm her and Vicar kinda rescue her from that place. But there was no place to escape left. 

He does not mention Eli being undead as it might scare off Tane or he would suddenly attack Eli. It would be bad so Vicar didn't bring that fact up. 

As Vicar and Eli were at the end of a cliff, Vicar decided to jump with Eli. They both fell into the seawater and somehow washed away to the shore. That's how we were able to meet Tane. That was the end of Vicar's explanation towards Tane. 

Tane looks at Eli and said, "Wait a minute! So that girl aren't you fiance?" 

"Well actually she wasn't my fiance, she just a girl I met while I tried to escape." 

"But why does she kept clinging with you? That is not normal... There must be something else you hide from me, aren't you Vicar..." Tane said as he still didn't believe Eli wasn't Vicar's fiance. 

"It's the real thing I tell you that she wasn't my fiance and I don't know why she kept clinging to me either." Vicar tried to convince Tane and somehow he believes it as he could see that Vicar was being serious. 

Tane then asks us one question, "Tell me, Vicar, what sort of business do you want to do in the town?" 

Vicar simply answers it, "To meet with my sister Aliss."

"Your sister? Is she also being held in the dungeon..."

"No, but we had to meet her. Just to see whether she was fine or not."

"Mind I tag along then?"

We were both surprised when Tane said that he wanted to join us as well, Vicar then ask him something. "Why do you want to join us? This is a dangerous thing we do."

"I do aware of the danger but somehow destiny is telling me to accompany you."

"Destiny?" Vicar was confused. 

"Before I met you guys, I had a dream where I met somebody unknown in the woods at night. In that dream of mine, I also saw myself following the people that I had met into the town." Tane said. 

"And you believe the dream?" 

"Is that wrong? My grandmother always told me that some dreams were like a premonition of our future. That's why I believe it."

"Well if that the case, feel free to tag along with us. But do know that this is a dangerous thing that you sign up for, you could still quit if you want."

"I had already made up my mind, I will follow you guys into the town."

With that Tane was joining our party, somehow I felt glad that we had another person that we can rely on. Thanks to Vicar we were able to see what's in here as he brought a torch with him. Vicar then asks how Tane was able to find us here. 

Tane just simply said that he listens to the sound of the surroundings. If he does that, he could hear anything in 3 meters radius. He uses it when Vicar turned invisible and because of that, he could hear the sound of Vicar footsteps. Tane's job was just to follow that sound, he was hiding behind the bushes when Vicar undo the cloak spell. 

We were quite surprised that Tane had that kind of ability. It was quite useful as we could use it to know if there were someone in our area. Vicar asks him how does he had that kind of abilities. 

"Is your abilities is a natural gift?"

"No of course not, it requires a lot of practice and concentration. It's because I live in the woods and my job was to find the herb to make a potion.When searching for the herb, it's kinda dangerous and I didn't know if there were a wild animal nearby. So that how I develop that abilities." 

Tane does have a point, it's pretty dangerous in the woods. It's no wonder he had develop that kind of abilities. I should check his stats, he should have a good stats."

[Tane Eagius] Level 15

HP: 2500

MP: 150


Str- 8/100

Dx- 18/100

Ag- 21/100


Int- 45/100

Perception- 73/100

Charisma- 50/100


Magic- 0/100

Resistance- 5/100 

His stats was quite nice, I could see that his perception was 73 out of 100. Maybe that's why he could hear things within 3 meters radius. 

"Do you think I will be able to do it?" Vicar ask Tane. 

"I'm not sure but I think everyone could do it if they had the spirit to never give and and the will to learn." Tane said. 

Vicar realizes that he forgot about something, he remember that he hasn't introduced me yet. Vicar then introduced me to Tane as he think that Tane should know that I exist. 

Tane didn't believe it at first and then Vicar remove me from his finger, he then told him to put me on his finger. He does do what Vicar told him to do and put me on his finger. Tane was shocked when he hear someone said hello to him. It was me trying to initiate the conversation, he knows that Vicar was saying the truth and believe that I was real. 

He then give me back to Vicar as it was just to let him know that there were another people here in this group. But I notice that something was weird when I was remove from Vicar finger, Eli seems to stop clinging with Vicar all of the sudden. 

I didn't know if Vicar realize it or not but it's seems that I maybe the cause why Eli clinging with him all of this time. When I was in Tane finger, I realize that Eli wanted to cling with Tane instead but Tane pull me out from his finger immediately when I initiate the conversation. 

What I currently thinking might be true as there no other reason why Eli would cling with Vicar. I was about to tell Vicar about it as we could determined whether my theory was right or wrong but we had encountered a monster along the way. 

The monster that we encountered was a giant rat, it has a red eyes and a sharp teeth as well as the claws. The giant rat was staring at us and making a loud squeaking sound that echoes. We don't know why he doing that but we somehow had a bad feeling about it.

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