Since Steve decided to reveal about time travel he decided to state some things like Hydra surviving inside SHIELD. He still wanted Howard to stay in SHIELD though

Steve wanted Howard to not die by Bucky's arms. But he was struggling on not preventing his fight with Iron Man from happening. That should happen so that they will lose the first fight with Thanos.

While he was talking and warning about Howard's inventions from being exploited, Spider-Baby was able to enter the secret room unnoticced.

Tony thought of all the things Steve just said currently talking about. If Tony knew his father well, then his dad could piece things up with the amount Steve just said.

Tony thought to himself, "Since Steve already spilled the beans, might as well take advantage of this. Besides, I am not really that into stealth route. Though I did love the Assasin's Creed series.

Now how do I make an entrance?"

Tony was planning on playing a spiderman song or another ACDC since there were some songs already downloaded to the nanites.

He was checking his options when he overheard what Steve was saying. If he let Cap talk anymore then they really might just mess up earth more than Thanos ever did.

Tony decided to stop Steve but chances are Steve will retaliate and mess up some more.

Tony: Sorry Dad


Howard was suddenly shivering(due to electrocution) and passed out. A small shadow came dropping from above while Steve was getting ready to fight.

Tony landed with the superhero pose.

Unheroically, the nanites were structured to absorb all the impact. Hey Tony was still a baby and that landing is way to destructive for human bodies.

Steve: QUEENS? no wait he isn't even born right now. But the only other person that can do that... Tony?

Tony: Hey Capsicle, or I guess in this case I am the capsicle. So what did I miss?

Steve: Wait are you ..... well ..... Tony?

Steve: Wait I thought you were, I don't know... snapped?

Tony: And you were supposed to leave the stones and leave. Human Error. Now, Mind telling me how come you're still here?

Steve: Well I decided to do it the long way. Figured they could handles things back there. So mind explaining this?

Tony: You want the short version or the long one?

Steve: Can I even understand the long one?

Tony: Good point.

In simple English


Tony: Like that ever worked on me.

Steve: Try that when you're not a baby.

Tony was speechless, he had no comback since he really was a baby.

Tony: Reeeturning back to subject. Do you even know what you just did.

Steve: I though I was doing a good job telling your dad details while not messing with timeline.

Tony: Nooo, I was doing a good job being a good baby. Thanos did a good job being a super villain.

You were dropping atomic bombs waiting to explode

How many times did I warn you about time-travel? "

Steve: Yeah yeah I messed up so what am I supposed to do?

Tony gestured for Steve to come closer.

Meanwhile he ordered his nanites to concentrate on his right hand.

When Steve has in range, Tony jumped to his face and punched him. Steve was so unprepared for this that he was knocked-out for a few seconds.

Tony: Now I can say that I beat-up Captain America when I was a baby.

Steve was recovering from the punch and was getting ready to dish out his own punch when Tony covered himself while shouting "Child Abuse"

Steve: Damn it, wait why are you even a baby?

Tony: Relax and sit down this will be weird.


Steve got up and pulled a chair close to Tony.

Tony lied to Steve about time manipulation. Tony was not really constrained but he needed the timeline to follow MCU so that he could exploit it as much as he can.

Tony: "Anyway, got some of my memories wiped. Not the important events, but almost all our small talk were cleared. Needed room for baby's mind.

All my tech knowledge also got wiped, they can't take the risk. Not really important though since I can just do it all over again.

But I got some nano-tech from one of my contingencies, not much though.


Tony wanted Steve to handle the tech aquisition from his father. He did not want to reveal himself to Howard right now.

He also wanted Steve to think that he only had memories of events right now not technology. So that if someone got his info from Steve, they would not try to get the future tech.

The only people that would ever know about his actual technology in earth would be telepaths and the Ancient One. (AN: remember the default shape of the nanites?)

Tony: Right now, I need you to let dad set up another secret lab here. And materials and equipment, I need to build JARVIS as soon as possbile.

Tony also decided to hide the detail of him being from another world. Though he could trust Steve, there were some unsavory things Tony was preparing to do that the good ol' Cap won't approve.

Steve on the other hand decided to trust Tony. After the snap he had no doubt that Tony only wants the greater good.

They talked some more, catching Tony up to what Steve knows and what he did.

After a while Howard was starting to regain consiousness so Tony decided to leave.


Steve helped Howard up, he apologized for what happend to him and reasoned that he tripped the safety protocols when he talked.

Steve then asked for a the favor of setting up another lab for Tony.

Howard did not mind but said that it was going to take time getting the equipment.

Steve said to prioritize computer parts first and that he can make a small one that they were just going to expand after getting settled.

Tony, tired from all the physical activities he did while he was SpiderBaby, decided to rest.

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