Reincarnated As Tony Stark With A Skill

Chapter 11 - 11 Laws and Prototype

AN: Technical chapter, mostly anyways


The next few days, the laboratory was getting set up. It was slower since only Steve and Jarvis were working on it.

Steve rarely talked to Tony since they rarely got time alone. Steve going out late at night would also send a wrong message to his wife.

Tony started designing the Artificial Intelligence template for JARVIS. He stored them in the nanite's memory since it was not that much yet. He can't build the full system inside the nanites though. There was no way the whole AI was going to fit the nanite's memory.


His first priority was the rules AI's will follow.

Since he was basing the AI's Laws now he decided to set the first item as 0. He wanted to set the number 0 (b = 0, oct = 0, hex = 0) since 0 can be represented in any form of idea. There might be dimensions without time or other multiverse spanning laws but as long as there is something present in that dimension, there will always be a concept of 0 or nothingness. He did not want his AI going skynet on him due to some magic rules.

Rule #

0. Always Follow the commands of Tony Stark, Only Tony Stark can modify the definition and characteristic of Tony Stark is. And Only Tony Stark can modify details for this law. This rule superseeds all other laws.

In the articles of the Zero Law there is immediately a sub law (AN: or there a better term for this please comment if you know since googling random combinations won't answer me anything)

0.0 Definition of Tony Stark.

0.0.0 If you checked this, You are not Tony Stark.

1. You are not allowed to impersonate Tony Stark without his permission for the purpose of modifying of Tony Stark's AI's Laws (AN: will use T AI L s later.).

(AN: Please point out loopholes with the rules so that I can change it.)

(AN: also modified 2 and 3rd from 3 rules of robotics)

2. You may not injure Tony Stark or, through inaction, allow a Tony Stark to come to harm. Unless it would conflict with the First Law

Tony did not want a stray Ultron. If the AI's were able to gain sentience and modify their own programming, they should not able to modify the Zero rule since any AI based on this would not be able to modify TAILs on their own.

Tony then started including all his genetic characteristic. He setup everything that he currently knew of.

He was thinking of magic proofing the AI but he was still not able to figure it out

By the time he completed this AI's security, the only person who can modify it will be the current Tony Stark. Even if there was a parallel universe branched out from this universe, there was no way that version of Tony would be able to change the 0 Law.


He first set up a learning software. This was the most complicated one since humans learn through ȧssociation while computers learn through iterations of training. Tony figured that he could just let the software record all kinds of inputs and results. He also set up a random ȧssociator program to groups similar data together. He could rate it later on but now, its only job is to observe and record.

He set up Image and Sound processing softwares.

He created 3D models of each character in the English alphabet, scanned them at every possible angle and fed them to the program.

He then scanned a dictionary from his father's library. He now had a 3D model of the book which he took screenshots to feed to the image processor.

The sound processing was more harder since only he could analyze the data and feed the prepared samples.

He selected shots and prepared word while the learning software observed everything he did.

This went on for weeks until the lab was finally ready.

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