In the meeting room

Tony took the pager for Scott. He pressed a sequence of buŧŧons and the pager turned off. He then looked at Fury.

"God. I hope no one saw that.

Why'd you even have this on hand?

This was supposed to be for emergencies only."

Fury: "I got that ready the moment those new aliens started popping. I thought you people might need backup so I made sure to bring it everywhere."

Tony: "That I get. But why'd you bring that out now?"

Tony: "I thought World War was about to start. Doesn't that qualify as an emergency?"

Tony: "Hell no!!! It's just a war. It's nothing to get worried about."

Fury: "Motherf*cker. If this isn't an emergency, what the hell is?"

Tony: "I don't know. Get creative.

We got a lot of people with powers here. Press that when you're sure no one else could be of help."

Fury: "So what? Am I supposed to wait for an alien invasion or something?"

Tony: "Something. Did't you watch the Independence Day movie? Do you know how crazy people are about aliens right now? "

Before Fury could answer back, a figure dropped from the ceiling and into the middle of the meeting room.

Kitty: "Professor. It's bad. We need to get out of here. Now. The mansion might get blown up again."

Tony: "See? It's not even an hour and the panic already started."


Just a few minutes after Steve drove away, a small fleet of spaceships appeared and hovered over the X-Mansion.

They were spotted by some kids. They started to panic. Since the older ones were either in the meeting room or were in their rooms preparing, no one was there to calm them down.

The kids who panicked started a commotion which gathered the attention of more people.

"Aaah. Spaceships!!!"

"Aliens. There are actually aliens. Independence Day (movie) was right. We aren't alone"

"Wait. They're flying on top of us."

"They know we're here. They're preparing to attack us"

"Get out of the mansion!!! We need to fire back"

"Wait, don't start attacking. The shields. Their shield are probably still up."

"Then wait for their weapon to start charging. We'll shoot when they start opening up."

"Everyone, prepare to fire your attacks."

"Let's plough the road boys."

"Yeah. Up yours aliens. Up. Yours"

The kids started charging up their attacks, preparing to shoot at any target.


Jean and Storm got dressed and then flew out from the windows. They looked up at the spaceships.

Storm: "Aliens? Again?"

Jean: "Wait. They look familiar."

Storm: "That's not good enough. I'll get ready while make sure."

Storm's eyes became white and clouds started gathering around her. The sky started to rumble and a lighting storm started.

The bolts of lighting started collecting near Storm. She raised her hand and the bolts of lighting gathered around them. The unending supply of lightning that gathered around her as the light from it started to get brighter.


Up at the spaceship

Carol is stretching her hands getting ready to deploy.

Talos: "Are you sure about this? The signal was deactivated. It's probably a false alarm."

Carol: "You've seen the energy scans. They're clearly preparing for an attack."

Talos: "Why don't you wait a bit and watch the situation? Just to be safe."

Carol: "Relax. I've got this."

Talos: "Minn Erva, Tony?"

Minn'Erva and Tony just shrugged. They both knew Carol wouldn't listen. They already tried it before and they failed.

Carol jumped out of the spaceship and rush down to the Mansion. Everyone else just stayed on deck and watched her from inside the spaceship.

Talos: "Are you sure about this?"

Tony: "Yeah. I some friends down there who should be able to fight toe-to-toe against her. It's should be okay to have them fight. They should be able to beat her if they work together"

Minn-Erva had the cameras zoom down at the mansion. The screens showed Storm and Jean. She looked at their figures and her woman's intuition activated.

Minn-Erva: "Friends? Are you sure they are just friends and not something else?"


After they finished rescuing Skrulls from the first couple of planets, Carol started getting over confident.

The following sequence of successful rescue missions just made her more over confident.

The Kree's genetics were stagnant in terms of evoluition and didn't have their version of mutants who could fight against her. They had no way to fight her other than using advanced weapons system. Since most Kree weapons were useless against her glowing form, she didn't need to guard against them. It created a sense of security that grew as time passed. It evolved and become an idea that she was invincible.

Tony and Minn'Erva felt the change and tried to warn her. It didn't help as they had no way to prove that she wasn't invincible.

Fighting Tony didn't help as it was already established that he can beat her. It just meant that he was as invincible as her.

They also didn't use the power dampener chips as it just showed that she wasn't invincible without her power. She knew that as long as she didn't get hit by one of those, she would remain invincible.

Everyone knew that simple talk just wasn't going to be enough. She needed actual experience of losing to teach her to being so overconfident.

Since they needed her and didn't see the Kree making countermeasures any time soon, they let it go back.

The elaborate rescue mission became simple smash and grab. She continued her actions becoming more and more reckless. Everyone let it go since nothing bad came out of it.

Tony started thinking back on his memories of her movie. Since he knows her top speed, he knew that she arrived for Endgame a lot later than expected. Her hair also was a bit messy, which was abnormal since they were usually in perfect shape like the hair of those Super Saiyans. This may have meant that she came from something bad before coming back to Earth.

Given the recent events regarding the Shi'ar Empire, Tony hypothesised that she might have been involved with the X-men. Instead of Magneto helping the X-men, Fury may have activated the pager back then and called for her help.

Tony was now aware of the full power of the Shi'ar Imperial Guards. He knew that Carol alone wouldn't stand a chance against them. They have a way to contain the host of the Phoenix Force. They could restrain and capture Carol easy.

It may have taken Skrull spies to free her but it didn't matter. The problem now is that she is overconfident.

Tony thought about having her fight Gladiator and have her locked up for some time. It should be enough to make her learn her lesson.

He could also have some fun and do some bondage play while they were at it.

He was waiting for Shi'ar to calm down when Fury's pager activated. They rushed back to Earth, postponing Tony's plans with Carol.



Jean and Storm noticed a ball of light coming out of the spaceship. She recognized the light from Tony's memories and knew that it was Tony's 'friend' Carol.

Jean wanted to talk to her but she saw Carol fire one of her photon blasts. It was targeting Storm so Jean created a psionic shield to protect her.

The shield stopped the attack and Storm shot hers.

The concentrated lighting shot out of her hand and onto Carol.

Carol didn't encounter much electric attacks from the Kree so she wasn't that wary of it. She thought it was just like tasers down on earth. She thought she could just fly through it just like most plasma shots.

She was wrong.

Her suit didn't have any way to store the power from those lightings so when the it hit her, the lighting fried most of the circuits in her suit.

The electricity continued until it made contact with her body and started electrocuting her. She was able to withstand it for some time but Storm also didn't stop.

Storm just had more lightings hit her until it did the job.

Carol passed out from electrocution and started falling to the ground.

Jean wanted to go and catch her but the Phoenix inside her stopped her. It told her not to bother as she would soon understand why.

They watched until a black substance came out of Carol. It was Tony's symbiote who appeared and formed itself into a parachute. The parachute started to move and it flew towards the mansion.

Storm wanted to fire a couple for lightings but Jean already ȧssured her that Carol's passed out.

Jean and Storm landed and waited for the parachute to come down.

Kitty popped out of the ground with Tony. She could phase only one other person so she brought Tony who had more control over the situation.

Jean saw Tony and tried to explain the situation but Tony told her to relax.

"I already know the gist of it. It's not that serious anyway."

He then looked at the students who still had their attacks on standby.

"Okay people. Calm down. They're not enemies."

Some of the students backed down but some of them still have their attacks ready.

"Ok people. Last one to turn off their powers won't get to ride the alien spaceship."

Storm and Jean were amazed at how fast everyone turned down their powers. Tony may not be a teacher but they follow him better than they do some teachers.

Mystique approached them while the Xavier and the others were still coming out of the mansion.

Storm then remembered something.

Storm: "Hey Tony. What about my trip to space? Do I get to ride your rocket or will I also ride their spaceship?"

Mystique: "Can I also come along?"

Tony: "Fine."

Jean: "You heard that everyone? The next field trip is to space."

Students: "What? Seriously?"

Jean telepathically sent a message to Tony: [Please? Professor is thinking of closing the school. At least give them something very memorable.]

Tony: [You know that's not likely to happen right?]

Jean: [I'll 'help' you ...]

(AN: Some things are better left to the imagination)

Tony: [Deal!!!]

Tony: "Yeah. Next trip is in space. Just remember to keep this a secret."

Students: "Yaay!!!"

Tony shooed away the students and then looked Storm, Jean and, Mystique.

Tony: "Ladies. All of you look pretty.

Unfortunately, I'm afraid that's not going to be enough where we're going.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I have to bring you to go shopping."

Kitty, who was still quite close, overheard the word shopping. She ran back to them and interrupted their conversation.

Kitty: "I heard shopping. Can I come?"

Tony regretted even saying the word shopping. He tried to look around trying to think of a way to get out.

He saw Scott and Magneto, who stopped on their tracks. They slowly walked backwards after hearing the word shopping.

They both had experience with women and knew the torture that is accompanying them for shopping.

When they made eye contact with Tony, they wished him luck. Before Tony could even respond, they bolted off without looking back.


AN: Thanks for the people who congratulated me.

It's not actually the 100th yet since I had those non chapter posts but thanks anyway.

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