Reincarnated As Tony Stark With A Skill

Chapter 102 - Tony Vs Shopping

AN: Mystique is already in her human form.


After she got to join the trip, Kitty started walking back to the mansion. When she was a bit away from the group, she started skipping in excitement.

The four enjoyed watching Kitty's excited reaction. They thought it was cute until she was a little too far from them.

Tony: "Hey, where's Kitty going?

They looked at each other but no one had a clue. Ororo conjured a gust and had it lift Kitty. Jean followed by using her power to bring her back to them.

Ororo: "Kitty. Where are you going?"

Kitty: "The garage to borrow a car? Is something wrong?"

Ororo: "I know you just got your license and want to drive every chance you get, but I don't think we'll need the car.

Am I right, Mr. Host?"

Tony: "Need? You're not allowed to bring those cars even if you want to. A bit of offense to the professor, they're all way too old for my style.

I already had a car come and pick us up.

You four are going out with billionaire Tony Stark today.

I'm not going on a date with four very beautiful ladies on a sedan. We're going to ride in style."

Kitty: "Date?!!! What date? I thought we are going shopping?"

Mystique: "I thought you knew. We're going undercover to this event. Tony is bringing us shopping since our clothes weren't fancy enough. Do you still want to come?"

Ororo: "Oh. Since Tony's public reputation is involved, there's a very high chance of kissing and touching involved."

Jean: "Speaking of. I understand that Mystique is okay with doing those kinds of stuff.

What I can't believe, is that you're okay with doing those kinds of things. I mean I you've never even had a boyfriend."

Ororo: "I did have one. Well, sort of. It's complicated. But things happened and we had to break up. Also, he's sort of a spoiled kid.

And, she (Mystique) has been teaching me about espionage lately. We're practicing things that involve those kinds of stuff. I've practiced a lot but there's just something different when you know you are doing these things with a woman.

I figured I'll practice with an actual man. I figured that I might as well practice with Tony rather than Scott. At least I know, you would understand.

Can you imagine the mess it would do if Scott's girlfriend(regular human) found out I had him help me with such practice?"

Jean: "Yeah. She might be understanding but she's nowhere as understanding as me."

Ororo: "Exactly my point. How about you? Are really you okay with him doing these kinds of things with other women? Aren't you jealous or something?"

Jean: "Jealous? Please. I can have Tony all to myself if I want.

But if you know as much about him as I know. You'll know that I don't need to be as possessive of him like women do on other men.

He has this ability that if you knew, let's just say you'll be glad you don't have to handle him alone."

Mystique: "Really now? Are you talking about 'that' kind of abilities?"

Jean: "Yeah. I mean think of the possibilities"

She then started thinking of Tony's ability to create clones. She thought about having all those Tonys to herself. Her imagination ran wild until her nose started to bleed.

Ororo: "Umm. Jean? Your nose is bleeding?"

Kitty blushed a bit hearing their conversation. She wanted to back out but Tony said something before she could back out.

Tony: "Ignore them. You can still go shopping if you want to. You just have to keep quiet about this when you come back."


While the five were preparing for departure, a small spaceship dropped down from the fleet and landed near Carol's body

Talos came out of the ship in the form of Fury's boss. He waited for Fury and company to arrive as Tony told him that they would be seeing him.

He was also instructed to land the ship somewhere spacious as Tony needed it to serve as a distraction.

Tony already had the four women to deal with, he wanted the ship as a distraction so that no one else would see when they went out and try to come along.

The five were at the driveway at the entrance, waiting for Tony's ride to pick them up. They started to hear a car from a distance.

Tony: "Ladies. Prepare to become part of history. You four will be the first of what will later be known as, the WooooGirls"

Kitty, Jean, Ororo: "Woo Girls?"

Tony: "Has no one here been to a bar?"

Mystique: "I think he means those drunk girls who keep shouting in the bars."


Kitty: "I still don't understand."

Tony: "Just follow their lead."

They watched as the car came to their view.

They wanted to complain to him but stopped when they saw the sides of the car. Instead of the normal length that most Hummers have, they saw a Hummer that was as long as a limousine.

Ororo: "What in the..."

Everyone but Tony was amazed by the huge monstrosity of a car that drove by. They've have yet to see the a Stretch Hummer since none of those were made yet. Hummers were just getting popular and most owners still didn't have the idea to create such a thing.

They finally came back to their senses when the Hummer limo parked in front of them.

Kitty: "Umm. I'm not familiar with undercover work but aren't people supposed to be low profile? This car looks a lot more than just high profile."

Mystique: "Not exactly. The point of undercover is to blend in. And we're talking about him, this is blending in."

Tony: "Exactly. Now ladies?"

He opened the doors and had them come in.

Everyone came in but Ororo stayed outside and talked to Tony

"Do you know how much gasoline a regular Hummer uses up? And you go around in one of these?"

Tony: "Relax Ororo. Who do you think you're talking to? This thing runs on electricity. With you in it, this thing could run around the world and still won't use a drop of gas."


When Tony got it, he was greeted by the man sat on the side of the driver.

Jarvis (Human): "Hello Master Tony. I see you've brought some of the most gorgeous women I've seen today."

Tony: "Jarvis? Hey, I thought I told you to stay at home and rest. What are you doing here?"

Jarvis: "Relax young master. Mr. Happy here is the one going to help you with the heavy lifting.

I'm just here to make sure you are doing well.

I've already got Bob to go to the area. He'll go and pick me up right after we drop you off to go shopping. "

Tony: "That's good. Oh right, let me introduce you to everyone."

He then started introducing Jarvis to everyone.

Jean recognized the name so she decided to ask

"Jarvis? As in your AI?"

Jarvis: "Ah yes. My robotic successor. I have to say, that robot still has quite a lot of things to learn if he is going to take my position as the butler. "

Tony: "Hey, you know he can hear you right?"

Jarvis: "Of course Young master. Now, I shall be raising the privacy barriers.

Feel free to do 'anything' you want as the nothing would reach us here in the front unless the one of the intercom buŧŧons are pressed. "

Before Tony could even think of a retort, the barrier was already raised.

Jean and Mystique laughed at Tony who was just shut off by his butler.

Kitty: "Wow. How does that work? All the sound was gone right when the windows closed shut. "

Mystique: "Why are you wasting time with such things. You just need to enjoy the ride."

She then pushed some buŧŧons and the windows started closing.

A Champagne bottle also popped out along with glasses. She distributed one to each of them. She then talked with a more seductive voice than usual.

Mystique: "Now. Let's start getting into character."

Mystique pulled Jean along and they sat at both sides of the Tony.


When they arrived at the first shop, Tony already started looking for the rest area. He knew the girls usually don't buy things on the first store so he didn't need to pay attention as much. His mission was to take a break as much as possible.

Just as they walked in, a clerk already intercepted them and started introducing the ladies to their items.

Tony left them to their business while he walked to the bench area where one of the other men greeted him

"Really bro? Four women? Do you want to stay here until next month?"

Tony: "Yeah. I messed up"

The man scooted to the side and offered him a seat

"Here. You're going to need it."

Tony: "Thanks."


Kitty: "Oh my gosh. "

Mystique: "Why? What's wrong?"

Kitty: "Have you seen the price tags of these things? I could buy a car with one of these"

Jean just smiled and ȧssure her: "Relax Kitty. Just look at them and pick what you want. No need to worry about the prices.

Mystique: "She's right dear. You don't have to worry about that. We've got a sugar daddy for "

Ororo: "Yeah. Here, why don't you try this?"

Kitty: "But..."

Jean: "Try it or I'll make you."


It took some time for Kitty to get used to ignoring the price. But when she did, they started getting into the mood.

They started testing out dresses from store to store, trying everything they saw that attracted their attention.

Tony got to see everything they wore, judging them via his standards.

He was enjoying it at first since he got to watch pretty ladies. He got to enjoy looking at them wear all kinds of outfits. He was officially allowed to check them out. He especially enjoyed their time at Victoria's Secret. There plenty of things they tried and he made sure he was there as a judge for them.

Still, there were too many shops they went to. He eventually got exhausted.

He told them to not think about things too much and just buy anything they like. He even told them that he'll just buy the whole stores for them.

He thought they would be glad hearing the idea but he was wrong.

Instead of praise, he got reprimanded by everyone. They told him that they wouldn't be shopping anymore and that there's no more fun if he did that. He just had to sit there and wait while they tried out everything one by one.


He created 4 shadow clones and had them go on a cycle. They switched places every time he leaves, making sure everyone suffers equally.

After some shopping, Mystique brought the ladies to a salon where they had their hair and makeup done.

Tony tried to tell them that it was almost time for the meeting but felt that it was bad to interrupt. So instead of waiting for them to get their stuff done, he bought a couple of salons and had all their workers work on them.

By the time the ladies finished doing everything, all 4 clones of Tony were down on the ground.

He didn't have them all disperse at the same time as he couldn't handle the mental exhaustion from all of them combined.

Instead, he prepared 400 clones to share the load. He thought that with a hundred people sharing the stress coming from each of the 4, they should be able to handle it.

But when he had the 400 clones disperse, he all 401 of them got exhausted.

He forgot that the exhaustion was different from the memories. When the 4 clones got disperse, all the memories combined into 1 complete memory of the event. The memory was then scanned by everyone which caused more exhaustion.

The plan backfire and Tony now had 400 clones complaining to him.

When he reminded them of their deal with Jean, they calmed down and decided to give in.

They decided to have a ceasefire until the deal complete.

They got to talking and settled on one thing.

Unless absolutely necessary, they were never ever going to raise the topic of shopping to a woman.


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