
While Tony and the rest were trying to slip away.

When Talos got out of the ship, he went to Carol. He just finished checking her vitals. He brought her back to the spaceship when he noticed that there were a lot of students surrounding the spaceship.

"Hey, where are the aliens? Tony said this is an alien spaceships. Why is it just you humans?"

"Yeah. Bring in the aliens."

Talos: "Umm. It's not that there are no aliens. I myself am one of your aliens. It's just that, people don't react well when they see our true forms."

"So? What's the problem?"

"Yeah. Bring in the aliens."




Talos was looking for someone to help him. He looked at different directions and saw someone familiar in the distance. He recognized Fury with Xavier going towards him.

He waved his hand at Fury to try and grab his attention. When the students saw this action, they looked towards the direction. They saw the professor. The group split in the middle and a passageway was created to let Fury and the professor come close.

Fury: "Hey man. I thought we agreed you weren't supposed to look like that anymore?"

Talos: "I liked the look. Also, I'm not sure how these humans would react when they see my alien form."

Xavier: "You don't have to worry. These kids are a rather curious bunch."

Fury: "Oh right. This here is Prof. Xavier"

"Charles Xavier. Nice to meet you"

"Talos. Likewise"

Xavier raised his hand slowly. He didn't want to suddenly alarm by moving abruptly. He knew from Fury's memories that he was friendly and knew how to shake hands but it is still different when making first contact with an alien.

Talos recognized the actions so he extended his and they shook hands.

Talos: "By the way. Are you sure it's okay to reveal my true form?"

Fury: "Yeah. They're cool"

With Fury's confirmation, Talos transformed back to his original form.

Kid1: "Yes. It's green. I win.

Time to pay up guys."

Kid 2: "Damn it. Why are you green? Why couldn't you have been purple?"

Kid 3: "Hey mister. Do you have tentacles?"

Kid 4: "Can you transform into a bird?"

Talos: "Umm. No and No. Why?"

Kid 4: "Nooo. That's my allowance for this week."

Talos didn't know what was happening. As far as he knew, humans weren't that receptive of aliens the last time he was her.

He asked Fury why they weren't that creeped out by his transformation. Usually, people were disturbed or would go on guard after first witnessing Skrulls use the ability to transform from one person into another.

Kid 1: "Ms. Darkholme can do that. And she looks waaay better than you."

Kid 3: "Yeah. She also transforms better than you. She can transform into a bird."

"What is with you humans and transforming into other stuff?"

Fury: "Hey. Don't ask me. I'm still getting familiar with everyone here."

Xavier: "We should bring your friend back to the house and let her rest."

Talos: "Of course. Let me just send a message to the rest of the fleet. I'm afraid the ships might cause panic if they kept staying at their current location."


When they went into the mansion, Talos was led to their clinic. Since they already determined that Carol was okay, they didn't do further check-ups right away. Instead, they laid her on a bed and let her rest.

While they had Carol rest, Xavier cleared out the room from the students who followed them in. Only the three of them remained. A few moments later, Magneto and Scott arrived. With all of them present, they started their conversation.

Fury: "So. What's with the fleet? You still haven't found a planet or something?"

Talos: "Not yet. We are currently looking for an uninhabited planet to use but still haven't found one suitable for our needs.

About the fleet. We brought them because the universe isn't as stable as it used to be"

Fury: "Stable? I thought your people are refugees in a war. Are you telling me that's still stable?"

Talos: "Yes. Unlike our war which was not unpredictable, something big and unpredictable has suddenly happened."

Fury: "Motherf*cker. What the hell is worse than a space war?"

Xavier: "Mr. Fury. I believe, he was trying to tell us."

Fury: "Oh right. Sorry. Continue."

Talos: "As I was saying, we brought the entire fleet because of the tensions right now. We didn't know what the emergency was going to be so we brought our entire full force. Carol has been a lot of help so we couldn't not give it our best trying to protect her home planet.

You see, we needed this much firepower because one of the major galactic empires just changed their ruler unexpectedly. Everything went too fast and the ruler already solidified his reign before we even knew about it, military and everything.

Even their economy didn't feel a thing. It's like they were all mind-controlled into ignoring the fact that their ruler just got changed. But that wasn't the case. I got some of our men there checked up and they didn't have any problem.

Everyone wouldn't be panicking if one of the empires had a clue on who their ruler. But, no one has any idea who that man is at all. "

Magneto: "Do you know the name of their new ruler?"

Talos: "Not yet. No one has. Complications always happen during transmission that we couldn't find things out. "

Xavier: "I'm curious about the event. What could have lead to such an event happening."

Fury: "A coup? No. Revolution?"

Magneto: "No. How big was the scope of this empire?"

Talos: "A couple of start systems at least."

Magneto: "Then there's no way it's a psychic. I don't think even Charles could reach the moon using Cerebro, much less that far."

Xavier: "Even if that was possible, I don't believe any single person could control that many people alone. There's just way too many minds to control at once. The people would have moved liked robots moving identically and at the same time. It would have alarmed somebody."

They continued talking while waiting for Carol to regain consciousness. They tried their best to figure out how exactly the whole thing took place. The conversation helped them get acquainted Talos.


As time went by, all kinds of theories popped up. While they were a bit into the conversation, they still forgot to ask like what was the name of the empire they were talking about. They didn't care about such things because they weren't too focused on it. There was still the Hellfire Club problem to worry about. They just had this conversation to pass time.

By the end of their conversation, they still haven't figured out how it happened.

They actually got close to the truth with their theory about someone having the ability to multiply along with psychic abilities, and some kind of infiltration ability like transformation or teleportation.

Still, they didn't settle on it since they couldn't believe that someone could do that many things without alarming anyone.

Even though this conversation proved to be fruitless, it still gave Fury an idea. The earth needed more information about these things. They need to start observing other planets so that they wouldn't just get caught off guard in case something big like this ever happens again.

At first, he thought about creating a group in SHIELD dedicated to such things. A group that is solely dedicated to watching out extraterrestrial threats. And, dealing with them if possible.

But before he could pick up possible recruits, he started thinking about privacy. This would be top secret and his team would need to contain details about this project if this was ever approved. This is because, if details were to be believed, there were way too many security problems in SHIELD. There was no way the world would continue the peace it enjoyed if they knew that aliens are real and they didn't come in peace.

He started thinking about recruiting people outside of SHIELD. That way, the spies wouldn't be aware of anything that is happening in it.

Of course, he'd need help collecting information. Luckily, the Skrulls are currently present. If they agreed, they should be in information gathering such as background checks.

He also thought about having Xavier and some of the man's other mind readers help him with this.

He also thought about asking them for help in combat every now and then.

They shouldn't necessarily refuse as this wouldn't conflict with their objective of coexisting with humans.

He started playing with the idea of a sister organization with SHIELD.

SHIELD would handle Earth-based threats while this new group would handle extraterrestrials.

Thanks to the name of the first group, he'd call this other group.


He'd think of the meaning of the acronym later.


SWORD: Sentient World Observation and Response Department

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