AN: So for the one asking Kitty Pryde is the one who can phase through objects.

AN2:Sorry for the delay. It took way too much time looking for pictures of X-men in dresses. I gave up eventually and had to search just the dresses. Damn looking for dresses is hard. I don't even know how to describe the fancy dresses.


After they were done with the salon, Tony thought he was finally finished waiting.

He went back inside thinking that he could finally see the four but before he could even place a foot inside the salon, the employees stopped him from entering.

Tony: "What is it this time? Did someone mess up and made a monobrow? I thought they were already ready?"

"They are sir. We are to guide you to the show area. We don't want you to waste your first time looking at all of them in such a crude place."

Tony: "Wait, salons have a showroom?"

"Right this way sir."


Tony was led to another room where there was a curtain. He went a bit away from the chair where a chair was placed. He was then told to wait a couple more minutes as the show was about to start.

The first to come out of the curtain was Kitty. She has her hair in a ponytail. She was also wearing a green evening dress. One with a full front cover, some short sleeves, as well as a skirt that went just below her knees.

The first impression Tony had was cute.

Even though she had some heels on, there were not high enough that it would change her overall 'look'.

Tony didn't mean to stare, but he just couldn't help but stare at her ċhėst area. The V in the V-neck was a bit too low.

Mystique saw his stare. She suddenly had an urge to tease him. She first looked around to search for cameras and people. When she found out that it was clear, she spun around to show the back part of her dress.

Tony was shocked by what he saw. The dress Mystique wore wasn't just backless, the V at the back seems to be slowly extending. The opening slowly spread downwards until it was just above her buŧŧ.

He almost saw something but there was some shadow affecting his view. Tony raised his head a bit high to get a better view. The sight was getting clearer so he continued until he unconsciously stood up. He was slowly going towards Mystique when he saw something.

He saw Mystique face, upside down, between her legs, looking at him. She was clearly having fun teasing him and she noticed that he saw her, she stood up, looked back at him, smiled and winked before walking back to the curtains. She

Mystique: "Are you sure you can handle all of us?"

Tony: "Ahem... I thought you needed help with that."

She ignore his replies. She just walked away while making sure to move slowly. Swaying her hɨps at every step, and making sure to keep Tony staring at her.

Tony was speechless. If he didn't know any better, he would have thought that this was her 'sign'.

He couldn't help but be frustrated with the situation. He didn't have restrictions anymore. He was still a bit hesitant before but now, he fully invested in making sure his deal with Jean would end up in a success.


Tony had to 'settle down' for a bit so he told them to wait a while before sending the next one out.

He knew Mystique had an idea of what was happening to him. He wanted to get back at her a bit so he didn't hold back. He used the ability he gained from the Phoenix to help him settle done fast.

He told them he was ready and Ororo came out.

Similar to her costume, Ororo chose an outfit that is mainly black and dark colors along with some gold outlines.

Unlike the others, the outfit she wore wasn't a dress. Instead, she wore a rather provoking top that is showing a lot of her flawless skin. The top itself was sleeveless but she wore long gloves over it. Instead, it was the back part that showed most of her skin. Not only was the back part backless, there were also some parts of her waist showing as there also some slits there.

All in all, the top part of her body was only covered at the front. It was all held up by a piece of cloth attached to a gold choker like object around her neck.

(AN: I feel that's not enough. Check Ororo Munroe anime )

Tony was already a bit numbed after seeing Mystique so he didn't show any perverted reactions. Instead, he was able to show that he appreciated her for her beauty.

Ororo went back to the curtains with a smile on her face.

Jean was the last to come out.

She wore a scarlet long gown with a tight fit. The dress did a great job showing off her curves. It also had a split just below her waist that showed off the full length of her legs. She even wore shoes with very high heels that only served to accentuate her figure more.

When Tony saw this, he couldn't help but get attracted to Jean. He thought something was wrong with him since he already saw her nȧkėd before. Seeing her in such a dress wasn't supposed to be anything different.

He was wrong.

Turns out, he preferred looking at women who were dressed compared to seeing them nȧkėd. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy seeing them nȧkėd, it's just that seeing them clothe added some sort of effect.

He never realized this before because the other women he slept with before never dressed up this nice. They were usually dressed up way too much that it felt like the clothes were the point and not her. The two scenes were just too different to compare.


After the fashion show was done, Tony went to talk to the four again.

Jean: "What's wrong?"

Tony: "This might be a problem."

Mystique: "How so? I thought we are already very pretty."

Tony: "That's the problem.

You all look too beautiful.

Instead of going undercover, you might end up attracting more attention. There's no way they won't look at you when you look this good."

The four thought the problem was serious but they were wrong. Turns out, Tony was just hitting on them. Mystique was impressed with his move.

They thought this was one of his moves when in truth, he was genuinely considering the problem.

They waited for him to do something but he still kept up with his face. It didn't take long

Jean: "Wait. You're serious?"

Tony: "Yeah. Ah, who cares. It's not like I hate being the star of the party. We'll just have to do some special things to make them stop looking. Is that fine for you Ororo?"

Ororo: "Me? Why only me?"

Tony: "Well, Mystique can transform so she'll probably change into someone else later. Kitty can phase through walls so she'll probably more active than any of us. That leaves you and Jean. I can kiss Jean whenever I want, I just want to make sure you're okay with this."

When she heard Tony say this, she just went close to him. She then suddenly pulled him close and started kissing him

Tony thought she was going to ask him something so he didn't have time to react when she started kissing him. He just got to his senses and started to kiss her back when he suddenly felt Ororo start using her tongue. He reciprocated and they started torrid kissing.

Kitty blushed when she saw them go. She went to face another direction but she still turned her head and kept watching.

Jean, on the other hand, was slowly approaching the two. She wanted to go and join them but before she could, she heard someone reprimanding them.

Mystique: "Hey you three! Can we go now? Or do you three want to have a quickie before going to the party?"

Ororo and Tony pulled away from each other. She then asked Tony if she got her answer. Tony nodded and then they all looked at Mystique.

Tony: "Sorry."

Mystique: "I know it is kind of my fault since I was the one who started the teasing but you need to focus now."

Tony: "Yeah. The car is already waiting. Let's continue this in there."


At the Hellfire Club.

Jean: "Wait. I thought we were going somewhere fancy?"

Tony: "We are in somewhere fancy."

Mystique: "I'm not sure how since this place looks like a front for a str*p club"

Tony: "GENTLEMAN's Club. Please. Besides, there is supposed to be a gathering today. Things will be very different from the outside."

Kitty: "Umm. Am I even allowed to go inside?"

Tony: "You know, for someone who can pass through walls, you're focusing way too much on permission to go in."

Kitty: "That was because I didn't have to go through the front door."

Tony: "Well relax. I'm not proud of it, but ladies younger than you have already been inside."

Kitty: "What but that makes them... Isn't that completely illegal?"

Tony: "Yeah. But no one will catch them. Even if they get caught, they'll be out by the time they got at the station. Look on the bright side, at least they went in willingly.

I made sure that rule was implemented when I was active."

Kitty: "Couldn't you have stopped it?"

Tony: "Sorry. But it's not that easy. To stop it completely, the demand needs to be stopped. That is the hard part. There are presidents and royalty involved. It would be hard to handle all that. Some of them literally control the law. There's just no way to get them without affecting a lot of, for lack of a better term, little people."

Tony: [Sorry Kitty. I can do that but if I do, then I'd have to control everything. By then, humanity wouldn't have true freedom. Humanity would just be under my control. I might as well have JARVIS go full Skynet and have robots live with us. Or is it Matrix? Damn time problems, I want to rewatch movies.]

Kitty: "But..."

Ororo: "Kitty. Stop. Sometimes, you just have to do things in order to survive. Trust me, I know. At least they have control over their decisions on this."

Kitty just kept silent.

Tony looked at Kitty one last time before he went out of the car: "Are you sure you're up for this? You can still back out now. No one here will treat you any differently."

Kitty thought about it and made up her mind. She walked out the door and followed them.


The venue looked sort of like a casino with some gambling tables. There weren't any slot machines as gambling here was used to socialize and not to

Tony has just entered the venue. He had Jean and Ororo in each hand while Mystique and Kitty were by the side.

While he did feel everyone pay attention to him when he entered, he didn't feel anyone who kept staring. Not even the secret glances that people usually do.

Everyone in the venue just seemed to be focused on something else.

He lowered his hand to touch Jean in the ȧss for a bit as a signal to start a telepathic conference between all of them

Jean: [What's wrong?]

Tony: [Something is wrong. There's not even a single man paying attention to any of you. They're focused on something or someone else.]

Mystique: [Found her. The girl in white. Oooh. I like her boots. I don't remember seeing that in any of the shops we went to. I wonder where she got that.]

Tony started to feel afraid. He scared that they might pull him to go shopping later. He made a mental note to himself to start working on amazon after all this is over. He might as well introduce online shopping early in hopes that it would lessen the time women spend while shopping.


They walked into the venue and Tony led them straight to the craps table.

(AN: Dice game in Iron Man)

He threw bundles of cash to the dealer and had him change in it for some chips.

He got hold of the dice, had his ladies blow them for luck, and then started rolling.


(AN: Sorry, I'm don't go to casinos to gamble so not sure what the terms are.)


After Tony had a continuous win streak, the 3 ladies started looking at Jean.

Jean: [What? I didn't do anything. I swear]

Mystique: [Then how come Tony keeps on winning?]

They didn't have a clue. Even Tony didn't have an idea why he keeps on winning. Even before, he always has a winning streak when it comes to this game. He was just too good in this game that casinos would have banned him if he wasn't one of their VIPs. The amount he spent was more than enough to win the

He didn't know but if he had to guess, it was because of the girls with him. He tried bringing just Rhodey along once but that ended up a bust. Ever since then, he made sure to always gamble whilst beside at least a woman to flirt with.

Tony: "Ah you four are my lucky charms. I'll make sure to return the favor later."

Tony just got the dice and did his rituals when a man in black approached him.

He didn't wait for them to come close. He threw the dice in a hurry but it still ended up in a loss.

Tony: "Oh great. You MIB really need to be more subtle. You've just messed up my streak."

MIB: "Sorry about that Mr. Stark. But you have been invited to the meeting. "

Tony: "Fine. Let me just have some goodbye kiss from my ladies over here."

Tony went and kissed all of them, with a shadow getting passed during contact. He also told them that they could his chips and play. He was just about to go away when he saw the MIB still standing there.

MIB: "Ms. Grey as well. Please"

Jean: "What? Oh sure."


Ororo: [How did they know her?]

Tony: [Probably the same people who sent Mastermind. We might go to a shielded area so we might not be in touch for a while. You can ]

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