AN: "Weird cover. I'd rather have the no cover than this"


Tony and Jean were lead by the MIB to a private room.


The two entered and saw a room with a cozy atmosphere. The room was lit with warm lights and the sofas looked comfy. They was even a fireplace inside with a matching stag head on top. There were also candles and other ornaments scattered all over the place.

They thought that someone was waiting for them but when they found no one inside, they looked back to the people who guided them. They were just about to ask an MIB why there was no one around when they heard the door closed and locked.

Tony: "Well that was rude. "

He first went to check if the door was truly locked. He then had JARVIS search the room for bugs in case someone was monitoring them. When he found none of those things, he felt something didn't add up in their situation. This probably wasn't the final place and should probably be a secret door hidden somewhere. He got JARVIS to look out for bugs just in case and then he went to the fireplace and started messing with things.

Jean: "Umm. What are you doing?"

She watched as Tony touched the items one by one. He tried lifting things and moved things along while looking around searching for something.

Tony: "Something that triggers the secret mechanism. I'm looking for one."

Jean: "What?"

Tony: "Well, I didn't just join the Hellfire club because I wanted connections, I joined because of the toys. See, the club originated in England. You know how the British like their castles, with just a touch of hidden entrances and secret passageways.."

Jean: "If you want, I could help …"

Tony: "No! You ladies had your shopping. This is my time to play."

Jean: "Fine. But why are you starting with the fireplace."

Tony: "Because it's the fireplace. I would have started in a bookshelf but since there's none in here, it is definitely in the fireplace. Oh right, the stag head."

Tony started doing things to the ornamental head like pushing on its nose and pulling on its horns.

Jean: "That's just … What?"

She wanted to tell Tony that there's just something wrong with his logic but before she could even start, she saw Tony successfully rotate the stag's horns which successfully triggered some sort of mechanism.

Tony: "Yay!"

He then remembered Jean was about to say something so he looked at Jean.

"Sorry. What were you saying?"

They went through the door and saw another passageway. They started walking while continuing their conversation.

Jean: "Nothing. You rich kids really like to play huh."

Tony: "Yeah. I even have a workshop prepared just to build my Gundams. If you want, I'll bring you there sometime."

Jean: "I'd like that"

They kept walking. On the way, Jean suddenly asked.

"By the way, what's a Gundam?"

Tony hung up for a moment. He stopped on his tracks and focused all his attention on Jean. He wanted to see if she was messing with him.

If he remembered correctly, she was with him when he watched anime shows from time to time. In his perspective, she should have at least remembered hearing of it

"How about Zoids? No?

Wait, how about transformers. You remember that right?"

Jean: "Wait, are those the robot shows you watched all the time?"

Tony: "Are you serious right now?"

Jean: "Yeah. I mean you watched all kinds of shows when we were kind. You can't expect me to remember them all do you?"

Tony: "Woman, it's a good thing that you're hot. Otherwise, screw the Hellfire Club. We would be having our first fight. Right here, right now."

Jean: "That serious? You know what, let's just add one more woman to our deal. I've noticed that woman in white looking our way a couple of times. How about I also help you get her?"

Tony: "Fine. But don't think you could just solve everything with s*x. "

Jean: "Yeah, yeah. Remind me when that starts happening.

By the way, have you really never met that woman before? It feels like she more than recognized you."

Tony: "Nope. I swear to birdy, I don't recognize her."

Jean: "Fi?" (Pronounced like fee)

Phoenix: [Truth]

Jean: "Weird. Are you sure you didn't just sleep with her and dump her the next day?"

Tony: "Nope. What do you take me for? Someone who doesn't even remember the face of someone he sleeps with? She probably looks at me hoping to be one of my women like you four appeared to be."

Phoenix: [Also Truth]

Jean: "Ours. You might be the man but they are supposed to be ours."

Tony: "Fine. Still. I can't believe you're a bisexual."

Jean: "Why? It's your fault I became like this."

Tony: "Me? What did I do? Besides, isn't that kind of thing supposed to be developed naturally?"

Jean: "Naturally? What a joke. Think back when we were younger. Do you know how many times I've caught you staring at other women? This wasn't natural. This was trained. You trained me to be like this."

Tony: "Umm. I'm sorry? Wait, is this the reason you kept trying to make me form a harem? So that we could share all the women in the harem together?"

Jean: "Part of it. Yeah. You're the only man I'll ever love but that only goes for men. It's a different story when it comes to women."

Tony: "You know. I'm not sure if I am supposed to be weirded out, or really turned on right now. "

Jean: "Well. I won't put up a fight if you want to do it right here."

Tony: "Let's just go. I like the shy you more. This different side of you is giving me the creeps."

With that, Jean flipped her switch. She acted like a scared young woman and hugged Tony's arm tightly.

Tony felt his arm right in between Jean's brėȧsts. He just walked along while making sure to move sideways every once in a while.


At the end of the long passageway, they were greeted by another room. This time, the room was two stories high with walls of shelves filled with books.

They looked around for a bit but when they found nobody, Tony asked Jean to help find the secret door. Jean pointed out that this wouldn't be much fun but Tony replied by telling to just point at the shelf with the door behind it.

He knew the book the moment he got near as it was the most worn-out one. He wondered why no one tried to hide it but then he remembered that they were already in a secret room. Going to the entrance of the first secret room would already be a problem with all the guards. No one paid attention to this one since people rarely got here.

He pulled on the book and the shelf moved as expected.

Jean: "Is that going to be the last secret room? Or would there be a secret secret secret secret room?"

Tony: "I don't know. But if there is, I hope they do things properly next time. This one was just way too boring."


They went to a relatively shorter pathway and arrived at what appears to be a dining room. There was a huge dining table with people already sat down.

Someone noticed the two of them arriving and went ahead to introduce them.

"Ah. Mr. Stark and Lady Grey. You have finally arrived.

Everyone, I believe you all know who Mr. Stark is. So keep things short, I would like to introduce Miss Jean Grey, current incarnation of the well renowned Lady Grey."

Jean wanted to react to her introduction but before she could even make a move, she felt Tony hold her hand and lead her forward to present her to everyone else.

Jean: [What are you doing?]

Tony: [Just play along for now.]

After having taken a look at everyone present, Jean went back and held Tony's arm. He then took the lead and went down to approach the table.

Tony: "So, can someone tell us why what we are doing here."

His question was greeted by a shout by someone.

"Stop playing around Stark. You know why you're here."

Tony looked at the one who shouted and saw an old man who still had an aura of a king.

Tony: "Hey old man. You're still alive? Your son is really useless, isn't he? You're already this old and he still wasn't able to kill you? Are you sure his name is Shinobi? Should have named him "

The old man just humphed at him.

"What do you expect? That arrogant pup couldn't kill me even if I stood in place and offer my head."

Jean: "Son? Kill?"

Tony: "Jean. I present to you, Sebastian Shaw. The Black Bishop of the Hellfire Club."

Shaw: "King"

Tony looked back with surprise in his face: "Really? Since when? How'd you get it?"

Shaw: "The previous king died. Wait, how do you know I was the Black Bishop."

Tony: "My father told me. Something about not messing with his reputation. Is there a problem?"

Shaw: "That damn Howard. Ordinary members shouldn't be told of the inner workings of the club."

Tony: "Well, you can't do anything to him now can you? Or do you want me to send you to hell follow him?

(AN: Reminder. Publicly, Tony and Howard have a bad relationship. It's sort of like a requirement for superheroes to have daddy issues.)

Since reintroductions are in order,

Jean, I would like to introduce you to Sebastian Shaw.

The Nigerian King who sends all of those scam emails. "

Shaw: "You!!!"

He was just about to stand up and use his mutant powers on Tony when he felt someone hold him back.

"Come on Shaw. You said it yourself. No one fights inside the club."

They look at the one who interrupted. Tony and Jean recognized her as the woman in white that all the men in the casino were attracted to. Tony didn't know her name before but with this, he knew who she was.

Shaw: "Control your nominee Emma. Otherwise, I'll control him for you."

The woman in white is Emma Frost. The White Queen of the Hellfire Club.

She looked at Tony.

"Mr. Stark. If you could. Please restrain yourself from making such rude remarks."

Tony: "A request from a beautiful lady such as yourself. It would be my pŀėȧsurė. And please, call me Tony. Would the beautiful lady grace me with her name?"

Emma: "Emma Frost. White Queen.

Well then, Tony, Ms. Grey. Would you please take your seats. I would like for things to not get delayed any longer."

Tony looked to where Emma was pointing at. He helped Jean take her seat before sitting right beside her.

While the two were taking their seats, the others still kept staring at Emma. For as long as they could remember, Emma has always kept an ice queen persona. Icy, aloof, cunning.

Since she has both telepathic and ability to transform her body into diamond, she saw herself as above most other people. With her powers encompassing both physical and mental aspects, she never paid attention to anyone seemingly weaker than her.

Everyone else here knew that she was a manipulative b*tch that would do anything needed to get what she wants.

She just has a very different aura when interacting with Tony than with any other person, that they couldn't help but be shocked.

They wanted to observe Tony and see what made him so special but before they could even see him move, they heard Emma telepathically giving them orders to introduce themselves.

The first one to cave in was the an extremely overweight man.

"Harold Leland. Black Bishop"

The next one to introduce herself was an expressionless girl.

"Sage. Black Rook"

Tony: "Ah, the rumored Inner Circle. But why are all of you black? Seeing as only the White is the Queen, are we going to be white ones then?"

Shaw: "No. You are just a candidate. You need to show your worth before you would be given a position in the Inner Circle.

Ms. Grey on the other hand. You shall be the Black Queen if you so wish to accept it."

Tony: "Hey old man!! She's mine. Go get a girl somewhere else."

Shaw: "Will you shut up for just a second Stark! You talk too much for some lowly human."

Tony smiled when Shaw snapped. He preferred talking to this version of Shaw rather than the high and mighty version of him.

Jean: "What's happening? Why am I going to be Queen? I'm not even a member of the Hellfire Club.."

Shaw: "Didn't Wyngarde inform you before coming?"

Emma: "He didn't arrive with them. He's most likely been caught. And you want someone as useless as him to serve under me."

Shaw: "You know he was worthy of the position with his abilities alone. He's at least better than that human you chose."

Tony: "Hey. That's racist."

Everyone stared at him looking

"What nonsense are you spouting right now?"

Tony: "I don't know. I just wanted to try playing the race card for once.

Anyway, if that Wyngarde is the real name of Mastermind, then she's right. He really is useless.

His illusions couldn't even fool me, a lowly human."

While the rest were slightly. Surprised, Emma just smiled. She was proud that her pick bested Shaw's choice.

Emma: "I told you he's better than Wyngarde. "

Jean telepathically asked Tony about his relationship with her since this Emma woman clearly knows about him. Tony kept insisting that he only remembers meeting her today. He even offered her to look through his memories later. He was just about to suggest that she might be one of his stalkers when they were interrupted by a shout.

Shaw: "Lies. You're bluffing. Sage."

Sage: "Negative. Breathing normal. Heart rate constant. Pupils show no signs of dilation. No irregular microexpressions. He's telling the truth."

Tony: "Oh. A walking lie detector test. Well, you're not a telepath.

Enhanced brain activity? No. That doesn't explain the lack of expressions. Computer mind? Oh. Looks like I hit the mark. A mutant with a mind that works like a computer. INteresting."

He watched Sage's face closely. After noticing her pupils dilate the slightest bit when he said Computer Mind, he knew he hit the mark.

"Can I get your number? I'm interested in how your mutation works. I can also use your help in the next project I'm going to be working on. I'll give you 10% of the cut if you help me."

After getting Sage's contact details, Tony looked back at Shaw.

"So, what's the problem?"

Shaw: "What are you talking about?"

Tony: "Stop with the mind games. I know no one trust anyone here in Hellfire since this place is full of backstabbing. I'm too lazy to participate in that. So just tell me and let's be done with it. I'm willing to help if there's profit to be gained."

He looked back at Shaw who still kept on his stern face.

Tony: "Still not admitting it? Fine.

You've sent one of your men to recruit one of the top telepaths on Earth. Groups rarely need multiple telepaths. And don't say that Jean's your only telepath, you have Miss Emma here. She keeps trying to get into my mind for a while now so I'm sure she is one.

I don't know what your power is yet but I know you're also a mutant. Harold over there, he's also another one. He's just way too relaxed to not be one.

Counting that Illusionist, you have three people who can control others.

You don't need 3 mind-controllers to control the Hellfire Club. Especially when the only person who could oppose your decision, the White Queen, is already on your side.

And then there's me. There's no way you just recruited me for money. As for information, you can access most information with Sage. Unless she doesn't know how to hack, it should be easy for her to get most of the information needed.

The only thing I can offer that's better than any member in the club is related to the military. But the club operates covertly.

Secret facility then?

Is that it? Are you planning to strike some secret research base that is working on mutants?"

Shaw looked at Emma thinking that she already informed him beforehand. She denied it immediately and Sage confirmed her statement.

Emma: "Just tell him. I understand your repulsion to humans. But he's not like most humans. Trust me, he's different than most mutants."

With Emma's last statement, Jean just couldn't help herself anymore. Emma seems to know way too much about Tony while Tony didn't even remember her.

Jean: "This might be out of Can I ask how you know about Tony? You clearly know about him but he never knew who you were before today."

Emma: "Of course he wouldn't. But why would I tell you anything? Now, be a good girl, sit down, keep quiet, and be pretty."

Jean glared at Emma but she just ignored her stares.


Shaw: "Have you heard of the Weapon Plus Program?"

Tony: "[Sigh] You mutants really love to be in the trouble huh. I've just gone through a fight and here is another one. Can't you people just live in peace.

And I just got this new tech I want to play with. Do you know how much I want to work on my toys? Ah who am I kidding, you probably don't even know the word 'play'. You're way too focused on growing and exerting more of your power."

Sebastian: While I do admit that I enjoy having power, this incident wasn't started by us. It's the humans who fired first. We were fine with living under the radar just like that school of yours but they just had to start hunting us."

Tony thought about everything that happened recently. He wasn't sure why all of these problems happened at the same time but he had an idea. He remembered sending Fury to look for an officer named Stryker. He probably poked around too much and those people started to panic.

It was probably Tony's fault so he thought about helping clean the mess. Even if it wasn't, he'd still get some benefits. He thought about what his demand will be with the hopes that what he will do will draw Jean's focus from going full force in creating her/their harem.


Shaw: "What?"

Tony: "I'll help you deal with them. In return, I get to pick first on all the loot.

Also the positions. Jean and I will become Kings and Queens of the Hellfire Club."

Jean: "Huh? You want me to be the Black Queen?"

Tony: "No. You'll be the Red Queen. "

Jean: "There's a Red Queen?"

Tony: "Yeah. How could I forget when my father boasted how he slept with the Red Queen of their time. My mother beat him up after that. Anyway, since no one hear appears wearing red, the position should be available"

Jean: "And you're going to be my Red King then?"

Tony was just about to agree when someone else answered Jean's question before him.

Emma: "No. He needs to be the White King.

I mean. I'd like it if Mr. Stark takes on the position of White King instead of the Red King. Otherwise, I will be losing influence with this transaction."

Jean knew something was up with Emma. She was still patient with her before but now that it looks like Emma wants to steal Tony away from her, she snapped and decided to make her move.:

"Okay. That's it. Come with me."

Jean stood up and pulled Emma out of the room. Emma resisted at first but Jean just used her powers to lift Emma up, along with her chair.

Everyone else just stared as the two Queens went out to the corridor.

After a few moments of awkward silence, Tony broke the ice by asking Shaw if the conditions were acceptable.

Shaw: "Don't joke around. With the relationship between you three, it'll not be long before you take over my position."

Tony: "Relax. I'd prefer not dealing with politics if I don't have to. As long as you don't try and kill me like you did the previous White King, I don't mind letting you take the lead in the operations of the club."

Shaw acted like he didn't know what Tony was talking about.

Tony: "Look. I know the previous king didn't die of natural cause. I don't care. Just leave us after alone after things settle down."

Sage: "Truth"

Shaw: "Fine. But I get to kill the ones I want to kill. I don't want you or Ms. Grey to stop me from killing somebody."

Tony: "Hey, I don't mind if you want to kill every single one of them. What I do care about, is information.

I'll have someone harvest all the information first before you start killing people. I want all the research data they've got on mutants."

Shaw: "Do you want to create a personal mutant army with the information?"

Tony: "Don't worry. I promise I won't target you as long you leave us alone. Look, as a sign of good faith, I'll let you in on some money-making event."

Shaw: "I'm listening."

Tony: "Are aware of the rising stock prices of technology companies?"

They started talking about what would later be known as the Dot-Com Bubble.


Shaw: "Why didn't you talk about this earlier? You have just begun and you are already doing things worthy of becoming the White King.

I'm truly envious that Howard has such a brilliant son like you. I wish I had a son like you instead of that bastard Shinobi."

Tony: "Well my father certainly didn't think that was the case. So I can expect your full cooperation then?"

Shaw: "Not just mine. We'll need the whole Hellfire Club to take full advantage of this.

Where are the queens? Such a bright future needs to be celebrated."

Tony: "Oh yeah. Where are they?"

Sage: "Library. Busy."

Tony: "Busy? What could they be busy with? I'll go and call them."

Tony stood up and went to where the two were supposed to be.

On his way out, he passed by the three. He made sure to pass by their shadows and had his symbiote bond with and then monitor them.

While the Inner Circle appeared to be in harmony on the surface, he knew believe what he saw. He knew from the stories of how ruthless these people can be. He couldn't rest easy unless he was aware of their movements.


Tony passed through the corridor and got to the secret entrance of the library.

Hearing what appears to be the sound of slamming, he hurried thinking that they started to fight.

He got back to the library and was shocked by the sight that greeted him.

While the two were indeed in close contact with each other, it wasn't because of the fight that Tony was expecting.

Instead, he arrived to see Jean and Emma in an intense make-out session.

Jean has Emma stuck in a corner with her hand all over her body. It was clear that Jean was the dominant one as some of Emma's clothes were already off of her while Jean still wasn't.

He stood still trying to enjoy the scene of some girl on girl action when he saw Jean look around and stare at him.

Jean: "Oh Tony. Perfect timing"

After making sure that it was indeed Tony who walked in on them, she telekinetically lifted Emma, had her body face Tony and then went behind her. She then pulled Emma's legs up to her head while making sure Tony paid attention. She then swayed Emma's body, making Emma look like a treat to attract Tony.

When Emma realized that it was Tony who saw her in such a position, she felt embarrassed and covered her face with her hands.

Jean: "Now. Here is your prize. See. I've prepared her. She's already ready for you."

Tony: "Wha… Okay"

Since Emma only looked embarrassed but did not seem reluctant, who was he to reject such a woman who was basically offering herself to him. He went forward and approached the two.

Tony: "Wait a sec. Have her close her eyes for a bit."

On his way, he remembered that the three X Women waiting for them. He didn't want to just leave them alone while he was having fun.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

After confirming that Emma couldn't see anything, he created two shadow clones and had them go in different directions.

One went to the Inner Circle to bid them farewell. The other went exited the secret area to pick up the three ladies.

Afterward, he got some time to think. Since their business here was already finished, he might as well do things properly. He created a portal and transport Jean and Emma, back to his house.


Inner Circle Meeting room.

Tony's clone ran back right after saying goodbye to the members.

Sage: "Pervert."

Harold: "Shaw. Are you really just going to let him be?"

Shaw: "Do we have another choice? "

Harold: "No. But. Didn't you notice it? Emma is different around him. I'm afraid she might be in love with him."

Shaw: "Haha. Emma Frost. In love. That's an even bigger joke than my son."

Sage: "Hmmm."

Harold: "Fine. But don't go complaining to me when he takes over your position."

Shaw: "Relax. I've dealt with Starks before. He's just like his father. They have a weakness for women.

Emma is probably going to exploit him. Poor kid.

But enough about that. Finish the preparations. I doubt the kid could handle Emma alone, much less two of women."

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