Reincarnated As Tony Stark With A Skill

Chapter 106 - Actual 100th (R-16)

If the commenter was correct, this should be the true 100th. Enjoy

AN: I placed the R16 because I read some R18 for research purposes, this couldn't compare to those.

Also. I'm not sure which words are supposed to be censored so I just censored them all.


In Tony's Malibu Mansion

Right after they got settled, Tony was started kissing Jean on a sofa. They going at it for a while now while Emma sat beside them watching.

Jean didn't know why he kissed her when she was offering Emma to him. It all made sense when they started kissing. Tony didn't just kiss her to reward her, he established a telepathic link while kissing.

JEan: [You know. This right here, it's kind of a turn-off.]

Tony: [Really? What about Emma watching? I thought you'd enjoy having some hot girl watch us.]

JEan: [I never thought about that. Good job.]

Tony: [You really trust her, huh?]

Jean: [Long story but yeah. Why? Don't you want her]

Tony: [That's not what I'm saying.]

Tony heard what he needed. He still wasn't entirely sure about Emma before because she's

JEan: "Hey Emma. Why are you still sitting there? Don't you want to join us?"

Emma: "Wha? But I thought"

Jean: "Just. Come here."

Before Emma could even react, Jean lifted Emma up. Emma slowly floated towards the two and landed on Tony's ŀȧp.

Jean didn't just carelessly place Emma on top of Tony. She made sure that a certain part of Emma's body got into contact with Tony.

Emma: "Uwa. Ummm."

When Emma was placed down, she felt a certain something poking at her. Tony's d*ck over his pants, poking at her.

Emma's blushed when she felt Tony. She then tried to get off of Tony.

The problem was, Emma moved awkwardly. Every attempt she did failed.

When looked from afar, the scene looked more like Emma grinding Tony.

Tony: "Jean!"

Jean: "Don't look at me. I only used my powers to place her on you. She's grinding you on her own now"

Tony: "That's not it.

Stop helping me.

You feel like some very helpful step-sister rather than my girlfriend right now.

I want to at least turn women on my own.


Jean: "Kind of useless since she's already wet but fine. Be my guest.

Oooh, right off the bat"

Tony ignore her. He pulled Emma closer and started to kiss her.

Emma was a bit surprised at first but she immediately returned the favor.

The two got to focused on their kissing that Jean felt left out.

Jean: "Hey. Don't forget about me."

Tony just ignored her. He continued kissing Emma. He even started placing his hand all around Emma's body. Whenever his hands felt Jean's, he slapped them away and replaced them with his.

He didn't want to just focus on Emma. She was already wet and it was getting to the point where he could tell without needing to check. Emma was already ready for him that he would rather handle Emma and Jean together.

It was just that it was mostly because of Jean and not him. It felt more like Emma was ready for Jean and not Tony. He felt that rather than him sleeping with two women, it was them sleeping together with him as their d*ck. He didn't like that.

He wouldn't have minded if this was some sort of play but the situation was different. It was his first time sleeping with Emma. He didn't want to appear as some replaceable d*ldo. He wanted to make an impression.

He wanted to show them who's boss.

Jean kept trying to join the two but Tony kept blocking her advances. He wanted to teach her the lesson that it wasn't him joining them, it was them sleeping with him.

Jean eventually took the hint and stopped meddling. Instead, she apologized and requested to join them

Tony: "Good girl. Now come."

Everyone was getting ready to take off their clothes when something interrupted them.


The three looked at where the sound came from and saw people staring at them.

Mystique and Storm were staring at them while they tapped their feet appearing to be impatient.

Kitty was hiding behind Storm. She didn't want to be seen but even she kept staring.

Tony looked for his clone who was supposed to be with them. He was supposed to bring the three home. He wanted to ask him what's the problem because instead of bringing them to the X mansion, he brought them to this Malibu Mansion instead.

He found his clone held by the collar by Mystique.

Clone Tony: "Sorry boss. They forced me"

Emma was staring back and forth between Tony and his clone. The two were completely identical if you ignore the messy hair and clothes of the original.

Emma: "You're a mutant?"

Tony: "Sort of? Is that important?"

Emma: "Not really."

She wanted to continue kissing Tony again but they were interrupted again.


Ororo: "Jean? What about the 'thing'? Are we still 'needed'?"

Mystique: "Yeah. I thought we were going to do this later?"

Jean: "Oh hey. Yeah. Things have already started but please. Feel free to join us. "

Tony: "Ok that's it. What's happening? And don't tell me it's nothing. I know something's up.

You people are just way too into me recently. It's not like I hate it because I enjoy the attention. But damn it even I'm not that attractive."

Jean: "Sigh. And I just got you in the mood too.

Fine. Ladies, if you will. Tony, you stay on the sofa."

Tony wanted to talk back but Mystique interrupted him.

"Nah ah ah. Stay.

Be a good boy and we'll give you your treat. "

Tony was left in the sofa while Jean and the rest went somewhere private


Inside one of the rooms.

Jean: "JARVIS. Did you get what I requested?"

JARVIS: "Yes Ms. Grey. They're in the shelf on your left"

Jean: "Got it. Thanks."

She opened the shelf and took out the following: A crown, a can of whipped cream, as well a bowl of small fruits such as cherries and strawberries.

She distributed the items to the others when she noticed Kitty was with them.

Jean: "Oh Kitty Why are you here? Are you going to join us?"

Kitty: "Wha..? I don't know what this is."

Jean looked at Mystique and Ororo: "You didn't tell her?"

Ororo: "No. I thought it was going to be only us three. We don't even know who this girl is?"

Jean: "Her? She's Emma. She's going to be joining us for this."

Jean then started explaining to Kitty what they were about to do.

After telling her what would happen, Kitty blushed so hard that she couldn't even look at any of the other women.

Kitty: "Sorry. I can't this is all just too..."

Ororo: "Don't worry. You don't have to if you. Um, what's the AI's name again? Jarvs?"

JARVIS: "Yes Ms. Monroe."

Ororo: "Can you have someone pick Kitty up? "

Kitty: "Wait. It's okay. You don't have to send someone. I can just stay in the guest bedroom. "

Jean: "Are you sure? You know it's nothing to send a car to pick you upright?"

Kitty: "It's fine. Mr. Tony already bought all these fancy things for me. I don't want to bother him anymore."

Jean: "Fine. JARVIS, please escort her to one of your rooms. Oh, remember to make it soundproof. "

Immediately after Jean's command, a small drone flew near them. It 'bowed' to Kitty and JARVIS voice came out of the drone.

JARVIS: "Right this way Ms. Pryde. "

Kitty followed the drone while trying her best to avoid facing anyone.


After Kitty left, Jean looked back at the three and asked them something.

Jean: "I have an idea. Do you want to add two other women?"

Ororo: "There are others?"

Jean: "Plenty. But only two worth mentioning. So?"

Ororo: "I don't mind."

Mystique: "Me too. But can Tony handle six of us?"

Jean: "If he uses that thing, we would be the ones who couldn't handle him."

Mystique: "Fine."

Jean, with the help of the Phoenix, created a portal. Two women came out of it.

Jean: "Girls, meet Carol and Minerva. "



Tony saw Kitty pass by but before he could even start talking, she started running. She tried to get out of the area as fast as she can that she even overtook JARVIS' drone that was supposed to be leading her.

Tony: "JARVIS, is she okay?"

JARVIS: "Yes sir. She's just a bit embarrassed right now."

Tony: "Embarrassed. Why?"

JARVIS: "Sorry sir but I'm not supposed to tell. Please don't ask again because I will have to answer you about it."

Tony wondered why JARVIS made that request but just let it slide. As far as he could tell, JARVIS's systems have never been compromised. The AI would immediately inform him if the situation needs attention but since it's not, it's probably not important.: "

Tony: "Fine. By the way, what's going on with Jean and the others?"

JARVIS: "The six ladies are preparing. They told me that you should just stay there and be patient."

Tony: "Wait six? Jean, Emma, Ororo, Mystique. There's only supposed to be four, does you sensors have problem?"

JARVIS: "No sir. It's hard to explain. They told me not to tell you if possible so please don't ask anymore."


Tony didn't wait long. The ladies started getting out of the room one by one.

He saw the four mutants as well as two others that weren't supposed to be here.

Minn-Erva: "Hey Tony. Miss us?"

Tony: "Carol? Minn Erva? What are the two of you... What are all of you wearing?"

At first, Tony thought he saw all of them wearing some frilly undėrwėȧr. Mystique and Ororo was a bit of a surprise but seeing them only wear undėrwėȧr was nothing that alarming.

It was when she looked at Carol and Minn-Erva who just arrived out of nowhere that he started to check things out.

No one was wearing frilly undėrwėȧr. Everyone was wearing undėrwėȧr made from what appears to be whipped cream. They even have some fruits on hand which Tony could only imagine would be placed on top of the cream.

It looked like he was going to get lucky with everyone so he decided to just sit back and wait. The ladies eventually lined up in front of him.

Jean: "Surprise. Ready girls? 1,2,3"

Jean, Emma, Ororo, Mystique, Minn Erva, Carol:

"Happy Birthday Tony!!!"

Tony: "Birthday? But my birthday isn't until...JARVIS, what day is it today?"

Jean: "See, I told you he forgot about it."

The girls started giggling while they waited for JARVIS to answer.

When JARVIS confirmed that it was indeed Tony's date today, all of the girls couldn't hold it in anymore and started laughing.

It took a bit of time for all of them to calm down but when they did, Jean walked towards Tony with the crown in hand.

Jean: "Happy Birthday Tony."

She then placed the crown in her hand on Tony'.

Jean: "This is our present. Right now, you are our king."

Tony: "I'm the king? Does this mean what I think it is?"

Jean, Emma, Ororo, Mystique, Minn Erva, Carol: "Yes!"

Tony: "Well then. As the king, my first command is to reinstitute Prima Nocta."

Jean: "Ah. Emma, Ororo."

Jean approached the two got and had they lay on their backs. She then placed the cherries on top of their brėȧst and then served them to Tony.

Jean: "My king. I offer you these two. They are still vɨrġɨns so I suggest going taking things slowly."

Tony: "Wait, really?"

The two just nodded while making as little sound as possible.

Tony: "Well then, Itadakimasu."

Tony didn't take things slow as Jean suggested. Instead, he pounced on the two like a tiger pounces at his prey.

He took huge gulps at the whipped cream covering their brėȧst ignoring the cherries that were supposed to slow him down.

He then played with their nɨppŀės while alternating kissing the two.

Jean, Carol, and Minn Erva just sat down and watched but Mystique wasn't satisfied with that.

The original plan was for her to be in the place of Emma. Since there were only supposed to be the three mutant women, she figured that Tony could handle them like some proper foursome. They were going to be taking turns having s*x with Tony but at least it wouldn't take that long. She would have to make out with a woman from time to time but at least she'd get f*cked frequently.

Now that there were six women instead of three, she started to doubt if she would even get f*cked as much as she wanted. She knew Tony's skill from Jean but she still doubted if he could handle them all. She might end up unsatisfied which was one of the reasons she agreed to join the group s*x in the first place.

Mystique: "Jean. This isn't what I thought was going to happen. You know, it might take a while before we get to have s*x. Are you even sure he could handle us all?"

Minn-Erva: "Believe me, he can. It just might take a while. See, he has this thing with vɨrġɨns. Even my first time was long by alien standards. I suggest you make out with someone while you wait."

Minn-Erva pulled Carol and they started kissing. They immediately got into it that they forgot Mystique was watching

Mystique found nothing awkward with their movements which suggested that they were used to it. She left the two alone and looked at Jean to question her.

Jean: "I'll see what I can do.

My king. I'm sorry to interrupt. But your other subjects are unsatisfied. I hope you use your powers to help us tide through this drought."

Tony heard their complaints. He thought about ways to alternate all of them and have them be satisfied. He thought about having them form a pile and they switch between all of them. He thought lots of ways to try and satisfy them but he knew in his heart that there was only one way to do it properly. He had to use his clones.

Tony: "Mystique. Tell me. What do you dėsɨrė?"

Mystique: "I want to get some. I heard the rumors. I want to get f*cked until I pass out."

Tony: "Fine. But remember, if I do this, there's no turning back. "

Mystique: "Oh just do it."

Tony created four shadow clones to handle the four.

Mystique was surprised at first but before she could even react, Tony already held her close and started kissing her.

The Jean and the others were the same. They each had a Tony with them doing things like kiss them to eat the whipped cream off their bodies.

Every girl had a Tony to keep them busy.

The original brought the two to his room. He knew this was sort of special to women so he made sure to do it somewhere comfortable. Besides, having their firsts on the sofa didn't sound as special.


Original Tony

Tony: "So. Who would like to be first?"

Emma: "She can go first. I can wait."

Tony: "Ororo it is them."

Tony lifted Ororo and placed her right in the middle of the bed. He looked at Ororo and they looked at each other eye-to-eye. He saw some hesitation at first but Ororo's determination wiped them away.

Tony pointed his d*ck at her entrance and started going in slowly. He eventually felt the barrier that is her hƴmėn. He slowly pushed through but right when he did.


A thunder struck.

Tony saw some doubt in Ororo's eye but he ȧssured her that it was normal. She's probably just not used to the pain and her powers ended up getting out of control.

Ororo: "But what about your house? It might get destroyed if this repeats."

Tony: "Wait, is that why you're still a vɨrġɨn?"

He saw Ororo embarrassed but nodded.

"Then it's fine. I've worked with your lighting before. Remember? I can handle your lighting. You can lay back down and let me do the rest. Just try to enjoy the feeling as much as possible."

Tony stuck himself inside Ororo again. This time, he did some extra work by kissing her and having Emma switch with him while he played with her nɨppŀės.

The distractions worked. Instead of the pain, Ororo was distracted by the pŀėȧsurė. Tony was completely inside her without anyone hearing any lighting.

Tony stayed still for a couple of minuted while Storm got used to him.

When he felt her get comfortable, he started moving inside of her. He took things slowly but thanks to his experience, it didn't take long for Ororo to climax.

When she did, another lighting struck the mansion.


This time, the lighting felt more powerful. The sound was not only louder, the mansion also shook a bit when it hit.

Ororo passed out after her first climax.

Tony: "Wow. Talk about a climax.

JARVIS, I think you need to prepare a lot of lightning rods."


With Ororo down, Tony was left with Emma to deal with.

He looked at Emma with a face that told her that there is a bit of a problem.

He only knew Emma from the movies but he did know about her second mutation. She has the ability to transform her body into diamond. All parts of her body was supposed to turn into diamond when she transforms and Tony ȧssumed no part is an exception.

After having s*x with Ororo, Tony was afraid that Emma might also be someone who couldn't control her powers during s*x. He fears the idea that she might turn her body into diamond as he broke her hƴmėn. Not only would his d*ck get scratched by diamonds, it was literally possible for his d*ck to get cut-off during s*x.

Sure he could probably regenerate his d*ck back in a few moments but he would still get his thing cut off. Not only would it be painful, it may also give him nightmares for years to come.

He didn't want to risk his d*ck getting cut off so he decided to just talk about it straight with Emma.

Tony: "It might be the wrong time to ask but...Can you tell me about your powers? Or do you only have the powers of telepathy."

Emma: "About that. I still can also transform into diamond. I have it under control but I couldn't guarantee that what happened to her wouldn't happen to me.

I understand if you don't want to continue..."

Tony: "No. It's okay. I have a solution but it might end up hurting you"

Emma: "Really? How? By the way, if you are thinking about diamond cutters then you can forget it."

Tony: "Diamond cutters? No. I don't need machines for this. But I'm not sure if you're okay with this.

See. I hope you could turn yourself into diamond now. It's just that, regular women already feel pain when their hƴmėn are torn, I'm afraid that this might hurt a lot more."

Tony wanted to reassure her some more but Emma already got into her diamond form.

She laid down next to Ororo and told Tony that she was his.

Tony looked down on his d*ck while trying to utilize another one his powers. He focused on trying to turn his d*ck into diamond.

Emma started to wonder when Tony started staring at his d*ck. She thought some weird things like a laser coming out of it but was startled when she saw Tony Jr. turn into diamond.

Emma: "You can do that?"

Tony: "Shh. I still need to focus."

Tony focused on his powers to try and sharpen certain parts of his d*ck. He focused on the lower part with the ridge. With its original shape designed to scoop s*men out of a vag*na, he figured that it could be repurposed into scooping the hƴmėn out of Emma.

He wanted to scoop it all out and not leave any fragments of it behind. He didn't want his d*ck to get scratched every time he put it inside Emma.


Emma: "Aah. Aaah. Oowww"

Tony succeeded in securing his d*ck's passage inside Emma. It came with a price though. The thing felt a lot more painful than she thought.

The pain was too much to handle that Emma also ended up fainting.

He lifted her and reposition her so that she could relax when he something shine where she previously was. He looked closer and saw that it was fragments from Emma's body. He picked them up and placed them in a container.

He didn't know if Emma is a nostalgic person but if she is, this would definitely be one special memorabilia.

Tony technically already had s*x with Emma but he didn't feel satisfied. He went outside to join the rest but the scene that he saw surprised him.

Tony: "What in the... "

Out of the four clones he created, three were ganging up on Mystique. They each occupied one of her holes f*cking her.

The one who was supposed to handle the other three was also near Mystique asking her to do something.

He heard somethings about having Mystique transform something but the woman was already out of it to hear him. She already transformed back to her mutant form unwillingly which suggested she couldn't focus properly.

Jean and the rest were watching Mystique get g*ng b*nged but noticed the original coming out of his room.

"So are you done with the two?"

Tony: "Not quite. But both of them are passed out. They can't do anything.

But enough about that. What's this? I thought there was enough of me for all of you."

Minn-Erva: "I tried to warn her but she wouldn't listen. She kept seducing all of your copies that they just decided to attack her."

Tony: "Let's just leave her then. What about you three? Who wants to go first?"

The three competed to reach Tony first but Minn-Erva ended up being first somehow. Tony started making out with her while making sure the other two also had some of his attention.


Emma woke up just before Tony started f*cking Jean. He approached the two hoping that she could join them.

Jean knew what happened to her so she decided to let Emma have Tony first. Instead, she got Tony to create another clone so that she would get to have s*x at the same time as her.

Jean and Emma were both in the dȯġġƴ position while facing each other.

The two were getting f*cked at the same time that at the same pace that the two started to resonate with one another. They started to have a telepathic field that also spread to the others.

It was a rudimentary link as they didn't form it intentionally. The link couldn't pass any thoughts and could only pass a certain feeling. The feeling of being horny.

As everyone participating was already horny, none of them notice the field spread. The field slowly expanded until it covered the room Kitty was in.


Right after Kitty got into her room, she took off her clothes and got on the bed. She didn't want to do something else for now and just tried to sleep.

While she wasn't familiar with the bed enough to sleep fast, the quality of the bed helped her get some rest. She slept soundly before the orgy took place.

Thanks to the soundproofing, she bȧrėly heard the thunder from Ororo climaxing. She kept sleeping even as the field reached her.

Her experience with the telepaths would have helped her fight off the field if she was awake. Unfortunately, she was unconscious and did not have any defenses.

The field started to affect her until she had a wet dream.

In the dream, she was f*cked by Tony. She was also in the dȯġġƴ style just like Jean and Emma. The only difference was that instead of facing Emma or Jean in the dream, she was facing herself.

Kitty couldn't help but stare at the image of her who was clearly enjoying having s*x.

They dream continued until Jean and Emma came. When they did, the field was cutoff and Kitty woke up from her dream.

She felt that the dream was too real that she decided to inspect her p*ssy for sėmėn. She thought that they may have taken advantage of her while she was sleeping.

When she reached her hand out into her p*ssy, she felt it was wet but she found no signs of it even being touched.

She was relieved at first. Then, she felt some disappointment.

She enjoyed the dream more than she expected and even thought about doing it with Tony.

Kitty: "Oh god. What am I thinking? Stop it"

She tried to go back to sleep but she felt something was missing and couldn't go back to sleep.

The dream made way too much of an impression that she wanted to see what was happening.

Kitty: "Maybe just a peek. A peek wouldn't hurt anyone. I'll just see what they're doing and immediately go back. "

With that, she started to phase through walls until she got to where the others were at.

She started talking a peek and saw Mystique getting g*ng banged by a lot of Tonys. She was shocked away first but saw Mystique pass out from time to with a hint of satisfaction in her eyes.

She felt some envy when she saw that but her attention was dragged onto something else.

She hear loud groans from inside Tony's room and she decided to look inside.

There, he saw all women taking turns having s*x with Tony. They all passed out after c*mming.

The scene stimulated Kitty to the point where she started to touch her self.

She kept touching herself while watching that she didn't notice that someone already found her.

She was just about to climax when she felt her body float up and carry her right in front of them.

"Well looky here. Looks like our little Kitty is curious."

"Don't you know the saying, curiosity killed the cat?

"Hey cat, you see that man over there? He is curiosity. "

Tony greeted their new guest while without taking a break. He continued pounding the lady he was currently f*cking without minding the guest's stares.

Right after c*mming inside the woman, he whipped out his d*ck for Kitty to see.

Kitty tried to look away but she still has one of her eyes staring.

Tony: "Like what you see?"

Kitty: "What? See? I'm not..."

Jean: "We know you are staring. It's a sight to behold, isn't it? You don't need to deny. We have two telepaths here. You can't hide your thought even if you want to."

Emma: "Yeah. Now, let me see what is in your... ooh two Tonys at once."

Ororo: "Forget that. I suggest you try one first. I doubt you could handle two of him alone."

Jean and the others got hold of Kitty and they started to undress her.

Kitty: "Wait. My clothes!!!"

Jean: "You know, you can still back out if you want to. Just use your powers and no one here would stop you. Ororo and I would even escort you to your room."

Everyone paused for a while and waited for Kitty's reactions. They saw her try to struggle away but they saw no signs of her using her powers.

They waited for her to stop struggling. Kitty eventually did and said in the lowest sound she could.

"But I'm still a vɨrġɨn."

Jean: "Oh another one. Our king would be happy"

Ororo: "Yeah. Turns out, that's his specialty."

They started undressing her. After which, Jean took a can of whipped cream from somewhere and started covering Kitty with it.

When Kitty was fully prepared, the women each held a limb and presented her to Tony

"Our king, please. Enjoy the feast we prepared."

Tony wondered why they covered themselves with whipped cream before doing anything but it's not like he hated it.

He looked straight at Kitty's face which turned bright red. She might appear shy but at least she showed no signs of resistance. He could do anything he wanted without it being a burden on his conscience.

He started to devour Kitty.


Unlike the first two mutants, Kitty's powers did not get activated by anything. Tony was able to make her c*m without passing through the bed and down to his workshop.

He laid her back to the bed and went back to the other women.

He continued doing each and every one of them. He got serious and tried his best to make them pass out by c*mming.

He didn't know if he succeeded in satisfying everyone but at least he knew someone enjoyed it. It was clear that he always got Ororo satisfied as thunder struck the mansion every time she came.

He kept doing every one of them. He was able to make every one of them c*m but it was clear to everyone (except Mystique) that one Tony wasn't enough.

They requested Tony to create two more clones and arranged for each to have two women each. Each Tony would do one woman while the other one rested.

With Mystique handling a group of Tony's on her own, the others split up to form three groups of threesomes.

Everyone got what they wanted while Tony enjoy being with seven women at once.

The situation lasted for a couple of days but some of the women were weaker than the others and they eventually got exhausted.

Tony wasn't of them.

Thanks to the body modifications caused by the Phoenix, he didn't get exhausted like he used to be. It was a pleasant surprise as he had a hard time handling two enhanced women before.

He hasn't even started doing major work on modifying his body but he could already last longer than before.

He and his clones were about to start another round when his partners interrupted them.

Emma: "Wait. Time out."

Ororo: "There's no way we can keep going like this."

Minn-Erva: "Yeah, you're way too energetic. I thought you'd go down on day 3 since there were a lot of us teaming up on you but it doesn't look like your going to be finished anytime soon."

TOny: "Finished? This is not even my final form. But I get what you're saying. How about I whip up some breakfast and then we finish this later."


One month later

Shaw: "Where the hell are Stark and Emma?"

____ END of Chapter

AN: For those who felt that harem was forced. That's because this was never supposed to be a harem establishment chapter at all.

This is just supposed to be Jean's birthday present to Tony.

Something special for the (supposedly) 100th chapter.

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