Reincarnated As Tony Stark With A Skill

Chapter 107 - Morning After

The morning after the last day.

Tony woke up on his bed. I took a while for him to finish booting up and after he did, he got up and was greeted by a mess.

On the bed, he saw women sleeping on top of each other. Some of them had their arms and legs spread all over the place. While others had their hair spread covering someone sort of like a blanket.

By the side, he saw Mystique passed out on a couch in a position he couldn't imagine being comfortable.

He looked at everyone and then started to compare them to their usual appearance in his memories. While some of the women looked more presentable than the others, not a single one of them was close to the image he had of them in his memories.

He especially found the difference in the mutants' images to be more evident.

They normally had this air of a lady thanks to Xavier's school early curriculum only having high-level etiquette lessons as their elective. The class was eventually discontinued due to it not being having any sort of demand from a more recent generation of students. Though Kitty didn't get to take the same class, she still has a bit of the same air thanks to Ororo being her primary teacher when it comes to femininity.

He couldn't find this sort of prim and proper look on any of them. They were all just in a mess and Tony couldn't help but feel proud to be the one who caused it.

He even wanted to take a picture of everyone as a sort of remembrance but he knew better than to do such a thing secretly.

He slowly sneaked out of the room, moving as slowly as he can, careful not to wake anybody up.

When he got out of the room, he had JARVIS prepare the workshop. He was going to build them some personal gifts to thank them for coming to his birthday party.


After Tony left the room, some of the women opened their eyes to take a peek. They looked around checking to make sure Tony is out and when they found no signs of Tony, they started to move. They wanted to get up but before they could, their legs collapsed and they fell back to their places. They started to panic thinking that the sounds attracted Tony's attention so they acted asleep. They waited for a while but didn't hear anything.

Carol: "Is it safe?"

Jean: "It's safe. He's probably not that close by now."

Mystique: "Good. I thought he might come back. He might have woke one of us up and start having s*x with us again."

Carol: "Weren't you the one who wanted to get Tony to f*ck you senseless?"

Mystique: "Yeah. But that back then. After the first week, even I started to get sore. Lucky Tony did that poking thing, otherwise, I wouldn't have lasted past the second week.

Still, that was refreshing. Hadn't had that much fun in ages."

Minn-Erva: "I like you. What's your name again?"


"Minn-Erva. So, Mystique, where did you come from?"

"Earth if that's what you're asking."

Minn: "Really? But you're like me. How did you.."

Before Minn-Erva could finish her question, Mystique used her powers and transformed into Carol.

Minn: "That.. are you a Kree-Skrull hybrid? "

Mystique: "Skrull? No. I'm a100% from Earth. Earthling? What do they call us out there by the way?"

Minn: "Some call you Terrans, others call you Earthers. Depends on the empire you're from. You still don't have enough reputation to get an actual name, much less name yourselves.


Emma: "Wait. Are you people serious? There are aliens?"

Minn-Erva: "Didn't you see our spaceship?"

Emma: "There are spaceships?"

Jean: "About that, she wasn't with us when you arrived. She's actually a new one we just picked up."

Carol: "Speaking of new ones, who's the underage kid who joined us?"

Kitty: "I'm not underage. I just haven't finished growing up yet."

Ororo: "Wait. Why don't we all just introduce ourselves right now? Properly this time.

We may have living with each other for a while now but I don't think everyone here knows each other."

Hearing Ororo's suggestion, Jean started by introducing herself. Everyone followed suit and got to know a bit about each other.

Carol: "Wait. Kitty, you're still a student?"

Kitty: "Yup"

Carol: "Then Isn't it illegal to have a relationship with your teacher?"

Jean: "I don't see any problems though."

Mystique: "Now that I think about it, I'm not sure the school has a provision for our case. Ororo?"

Ororo didn't give any replies. None of the teachers remembered the rules good enough to determine if what they did was illegal. Jean wanted to try and ask JARVIS in case he had the rule book in his memory but another voice was heard before she could ask.

Emma: "Why are you even thinking about that? Those are rules made for humans. Do they even apply to us?"

Carol: "I'm still a human. Or at least part of me is."

Minn-Erva: "Are you though? I've seen you destroy spaceships by with your hands. Even without the Kree part, you're still more like these mutants than some human."

Ororo also pointed out the time when they fought. No regular human could handle getting hit by that much electricity. That alone already put Carol away from the human classification. She then pointed out her photon blasts and the fact that she could fly. Carol finally accepted that she wasn't close to a normal human at all.

Jean: "Don't worry. Even if you're a human, we could still call this a class in sėx education."

Ororo: "And having sėx with Tony is the practical exam?"

Mystique: "Well she certainly deserves a perfect score and some bonus points if that was the case."

Carol: "Do you even sėx ed? Because I don't remember letting a man c*m inside you being a good thing."

Kitty: "What? Why?"

Carol: "Do you even know how babies are made?"

Kitty: "Umm Eggs and spėrm combine and then 9 months later the baby is born?"

Ororo crawled towards Kitty. She had Kitty open her legs. And then she checked her p*ssy and found it some of Tony's c*m dripping out.

Ororo: "Well she definitely let Tony come in her. She still has it dripping out."

Emma: "Good job professor obvious. If you haven't noticed, we all still have Tony's c*m dripping out. "

Kitty: "Wait. What's this got to do with babies."

Mystique: "You remember why women have periods right? Also the egg, 28-day cycle. You know, all those things."

Kitty answered the question while starting to get nervous: "Yeah."

Mystique: "Now think how long we were having s*x."

Kitty answered in a weaker voice: "Yeah"

Carol: "How about the spėrm and c*m? Are you starting to figure out their relationship with each other?"

Kitty answered in a bȧrėly audible voice: "Yeah"

Emma: "And you never took any pills the whole time didn't you?"

The other girls started to laugh seeing their prank was a success. They were almost started going into full blow laughter when Ororo and Jean signaled to stop them.

Jean approached Kitty and started to hug her: "Come on girls. She's starting to cry. Can you stop teasing her now? At this rate, she might get traumatized with having s*x."

Mystique: "Trauma? Really? Even though she lasted all the way until now? You should be worried about something else. After all this time, it's more likely that she got addicted to s*x rather than get scared of it."

Minn-Erva: "Well if she did, she wouldn't be the first one. That's for sure."

While Mystique didn't feel guilty, Ororo did. Ororo approached Kitty and also started hugging her.

"Don't worry Kitty. They're just kidding. You don't have to worry about anything. You're not going to get pregnant."

Mystique: "Yeah. That's part of the reason Ororo and I agreed in the first place. Tony has this ability that enables him to c*m inside a woman without getting her pregnant. Never experienced having a man c*m in me before but now that I've experienced it, I've gotta admit. I also want to experience that feeling every now and then."

Carol: "Wait, you said ability? But back then, he said it was the work of some special ċȯndȯm he had made"

Emma: "It Tony impotent?"

JARVIS heard everything they were talking about. He started to process the effects this conversation would have. When he determined that it would lead to his creator's reputation being smeared, he decided to interrupt the conversation.

JARVIS: "I'm sorry to interrupt Ms. Frost.

First, the term is infertile and not impotent. Second, Mr. Stark isn't infertile. He does have the ability to ɨmprėġnȧtė someone. It's just that he doesn't want kids this young so he decided not to ɨmprėġnȧtė anyone."

Kitty: "Men can decide if he wants a woman to get pregnant?"

Ororo: "No. Just Tony. I suggest you take precautions when you have s*x and it's not with him."

Jean: "Unless she wants to have kids of course."

Ororo: "Right"

Mystique: "So if it's not, make sure you don't put out unless the guy brings protection."

Jean: "Remember, Tony is an exception."

Minn-Erva heard the conversation and started to have weird thoughts. She may have gotten used to some cultural difference. But she still felt this way of teaching someone about reproduction was wrong. She looked at Carol and asked her.

Minn: "Is this how sėx education is done on Earth?"

Carol: "Not sure. The sėx-ed classes just got introduced in my time. I've also been away from Earth for a while now. There"

Emma: "Just so you know. This is not how it usually works. It's just them who are different. It's basically normal for them since they live in the school for the weird."


After a few minutes of Kitty getting a crash course in sėx ed, Emma decided to go and interrupt them.

Emma: "You know if she did get traumatized, Jean or I could always wipe her memories of the trauma away."

Jean: "We aren't supposed to use our powers anytime we want you know."

Emma: "Really? Because if I remember correctly, a non-blue-skinned redhead went and started using her powers without permission."

Jean: "Hey! That was different. You were way too close to Tony that I just had to do it."

Mystique: "Oh yeah. Tony said that he didn't recognize you back at the club. But when I next saw you, let's just say you couldn't be just some casual hook-up. You have a history with Tony don't you?"

Ororo: "So, can you tell us?"

Carol: "Yeah. Tell us."

Even Kitty who already stopped crying looked at Emma with interest.

Emma was a bit overwhelmed by the pressure and was about to cave in but before she could, Jean interrupted them.

Jean: "Nope. As her manager, I won't allow her story to just be narrated casually."

Ororo: "Manager? Like for those actresses in those telenovela we watch?"

Jean: "Yes. Exactly like those. Her story is just too good to not make a series out of it. I even regret my actions. I should have gradually sifted through her memories instead of just going through all of it in one go."

Emma: "If you want, I could help you wipe those memories away. "

Mystique: "You make it sound like messing with people's minds is easy. I thought it was supposed to be a delicate process."

Emma: "Not really. It's just like any skill. It becomes easier when you practice it. The problem is more on the people. Young people rarely get amnesia so it's easier to practice on old ones."

Jean: "Just so everyone here knows, this isn't how I imagined talking to girls after s*x is supposed to be."

Mystique: "Well none of us here could be classified as normal."

Jean: "I know. But don't you feel bored talking about powers and training all the time."

Emma: "Fine. You want to experience what normal girls talk about. I'll start.

Does anyone here notice how Tony's c*ck is leaning to the right?"

"Yeah. Had I had to turn around a couple of times just to change things up."

"Really? It feels like left to me though."

"Which do you think is left and which is right?"

K: "Umm. I'm not sure about the leaning part but I think his p*nis grew longer at times."

E: "Oh yeah. I remember that."

C: "Aren't you just imagining things?"

E: "No no. I did remember that."

C: "Really? I didn't feel it though."

E"Maybe it's because of the way he f*cked you. Remember when I was riding him that one time?"

O: "The one where you suddenly collapsed?"

E: "Yeah. That one. I didn't pass out because I came. Well, I did, but that's not the point. See I f*cking the hell out of him when his c*ck suddenly grew longer. I remember that since it suddenly reached my wȯmb."

O: "That's nice. I only felt his d*ck moving in all sorts of directions."

Mys: "At least you didn't experience him trying to choke you."

J: "Oh right. I forgot to try that. So. How was it?"

Mys: "Mind breaking"

Minn: "So you weren't just acting when you lost it?"

Mys: "The what?"

O: "She probably doesn't remember."

C: "Well we sure know whenever you ȯrġȧsmed."

"Yeah" "Noisy" "Umu"

J: "Haha. You know, if you kept having s*x with Tony and kept c*mming all the time, you might be able to solve the energy crisis the country is supposed to be experiencing."

O: "Oh yeah. Well, at least I didn't pass out immediately after a p*nis went in me."

E: "Hey! Why are you attacking me? What did I do to you?"

O: "Sorry. It's just that that was the only thing I remembered."

E: "Really? What about when Jean started joining everyone? Or when Kitty ran away after suddenly squirting."

K: "Sorry"

J: "I thought everyone liked when I mixed things up."

Myst: "I would have. It would certainly have helped if you went for me."

J: "I'll remember to do that next time."

K: "There's a next time?"

Myst: "I don't know about you but I'm certainly coming if they ask. Do you know how hard it is to enjoy s*x when you have to focus on not going blue? It takes a lot of focus to maintain control over your powers.

I'm surprised you didn't pass through to the bed at all."

E: "Oh yeah. She did start as a peeping tom. So, how did we look?"

K: "I don't know what you mean?"

O: "Ignore them. You don't have to come back if you don't want."

J: "Yeah. Just remember not get caught peeping."

C: "Wait. Is it just me or are you talking as if this is going to be some kind of anniversary thing?

If that's the case, then we're not coming. We still have a lot of work to do. Vacations are nice but it a month is already too long and the work has probably already piled up."

O: "Not me. I still have to go search for my tribe after this. I have to go to a ceremony now that I lost my vɨrġɨnɨtƴ."

E: "Aren't rituals supposed to be before you lose your vɨrġɨnɨtƴ?"

O: "That's different. This is a ceremony for something else. Now that I've lost my vɨrġɨnɨtƴ, I can finally break up with my fiancé."

J: "You have a fiance?"

K: "You didn't tell us about that."

O: "Sort of? Tt's more of an arranged marriage partner than an actual fiance. See, I came from a line of priestesses. We have some ties with this royal family. Every once in a while, the clans had to arrange a marriage between the tribes to maintain relationship. "

C: "They force you to marry at this age? Isn't that tradition supposed to be obsolete?"

O: "Not force per se. We just had to live with each other for some time. If things went great, we get married. If not, we break up."

E: "Then why didn't you just break up, to begin with."

O: "It's not that I didn't. It's because I couldn't. Remember when I first came here?"

J: "Yeah. We were pretty young back then."

O: "Exactly. He had this crush on me but I didn't like him. It also didn't help that I'm older and he's so immature. But you know how we kids were, I didn't want to disappoint anyone so I didn't break it up. Things happened and before I knew it, I couldn't do it even if I wanted to.

I'm not sure if they even know I'm still alive but now that I'm ready I have to do things properly. "

E: "If that was a long time ago, he has probably already forgotten all about you."

O: "Yeah. But it still doesn't change the fact that we're supposed to get married. I have break things up properly before I can live at peace with myself."

K: "Aren't royalties supposed to be touchy when it comes to those things?"

O: "Yeah but this tribe likes to keep things under the radar. Which is exactly the opposite of what was going to happen in case they try to do something fishy about me."


The women continued talking until someone's stomach started to growl. It led to a chain reaction that made everyone feel hungry. They wanted to go up and get something to eat. They tried standing up but found out that their legs were still shakey and they wouldn't be able to walk.

Mys: "Hey Jean, mind lifting us up and bringing us to the kitchen"

Jean: "Actually, why don't let the food go to us. JARVIS."

JARVIS: "Please wait a moment. The food is almost ready and Mr. Stark will be bringing it up here soon."

K: "Pancakes?"

JARVIS: "Among other things."

Mys: "Damn he's great at bed and he knows to prepare the food. You ladies better start the competition. Because I might just go ahead and snatch him."

Jean: "I wonder if you even satisfy him"

E: "Yeah. I doubt you could handle him all on your own."


Tony arrived with a parade of trays following him. Each of them was filled with some kind of delicacy that he figured they would enjoy.

Tony: "So. Who's hungry?"

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