Reincarnated As Tony Stark With A Skill

Chapter 109 - Weapon Plus 1

AN: So I go take a break for one week and the apocalypse starts.


If you don't know about the coronavirus, you should watch the news more.

Yeah, I know this is just a coincidence but damn sh*t hit the fan way too fast on my perspective.


During breakfast, Emma asked jean what she was planning to do. Jean didn't understand what Emma was talking about but Emma filled her in.

Since Jean is now an official member of the club, Emma thought it was appropriate to set up Jean's status to back it up. She should have some sort of material power that she would use on her dealing while at the club.

Jean: "Do I need to?"

Emma: "If you want to enjoy the privileges of being a member, yeah. The club doesn't accept nobodies. Sure you got in due to your powers but if you keep up your presence, you'll to have some background."

Jean: "Then I'll pass. I've seen your experiences. I know what happens in the club. It's full of lies and betrayal. I'd rather not have the benefits if it means I'll save myself from all that trouble. Tony didn't seem to have much dealing with the club and he looks happy."

Emma: "Well he shouldn't be your role model. He's a special case. You've heard of his weapons company. It's powerful. With that kind of backing, someone would have definitely invited him into the club if he wasn't already a member. Even back before you joined, Sebastian was thinking of using him. I was supposed to go and ask him to help us. And he refuses, I was supposed to help 'convince' him to help us."

Hearing this, Tony couldn't help but have some regrets.: [Damn. I should have waited before setting up the meeting. Who knows, she might have brought more women to join us.]

Emma noticed Tony's reaction a little. She couldn't read his thoughts so she decided to just clear things up: "Oh. Before you get any weird thoughts, I was just going to use my powers to convince you. Our intel didn't include your resistance to telepaths. Only your weakness for women."

Tony: "Aww. Too bad."

Emma: "Besides, now that I've seen everyone here, I don't think the women I would bring would have helped. I don't think they would be your type."

Mystique: "What do you mean type? He has a type? It sure didn't feel like it. Especially since there were two of us who were blue."

Ororo: "I can testify that he enjoyed being with someone black."

Minn-Erva: "Aliens too. Oh, he also attacked Kitty."

Carol: "You really aren't picky when it comes to women huh?"

Jean: "I should say so. As long as a woman is hot, he'll try to sleep with her."

Kitty: "Is this the sėxuȧŀ predator you were talking about?"

Jean: "Not quite."

Mystique: "But considering your circumstance, yeah."

Tony: "Really, right now?

How did this become about me? We were talking about Jean's future company.

Jean. Are you going to try it in the club?"

Jean: "You're deflecting. But fine, I've lived my life without these so-called benefits. I don't think it would make a difference continuing to live my life without it"

Mystique: "Wait Jean. Before you decline, why don't you try it out for a bit? It wouldn't hurt to try and if it's a success, it could help fund the school while Charles is gone."

Jean: "Wait, I thought the Professor leaving is just temporary. He was supposed to come back after a short break. Base on your words, this feels a lot longer."

Mystique: "He said it was just a short break. But if I know the guy, he'll need a lot more time than he thinks. And given this whole time, he might have even realized it by now. Though I have no way of confirming it without asking him directly."

Tony: "I do. JARVIS?"

JARVIS: "Mr. Xavier is still in the institute. He's been busy working on something for Mr. Lensher and his family.

But I've found a one-way ticket booked under his name without a corresponding return flight."

Kitty: "First Ororo, and now the Professor. Why is everyone leaving? Is the school going to close?"

Mystique: "Relax Kitty. He's just going out on sabbatical. The school will continue running even without him."

Ororo: "And I'll definitely come back. Even if the school closed, you could still stay at the mansion."

Kitty still wasn't completely relieved but she relaxed after hearing Ororo's words. It wasn't a promise but it feels like it to her. She relaxed considerably.

Tony, on the other hand, was confused by the conversation. There was something he heard for the first time moments ago. He looked at Ororo: "Wait. You're going somewhere? Who's going to look after the school with the two of you gone?"

Ororo: "It's not like I'll be gone for a while. This is just a quick trip."

Tony: "Okay. But Where are you going?"

Jean: "Yeah. You haven't told us where you're supposed to go."

Ororo: "Even if I told you, I doubt you've heard of it."

But if you want to know, I'm going to Wakanda. "

Kitty: "Wakanda? Where's that?"

Mystique: "Sounds like someplace in Africa."

Jean: "Is that where your fiancé's family is?"

Ororo: "Yeah. But before you can even ask, no. None of you can join."

Tony: "Wait. You have a fiancé in Wakanda?"

Ororo: "Yeah. I'm going there to break the engagement up. Oh, I'll also need to apologize to you in advance."

Tony: "Apology? Why would I do you need to apologize?"

Ororo: "Don't you have some sort of business deal with them?"

Tony: "What deal? I don't have a deal with them"

Ororo: "Oh right, outsiders. Jean, a private chat room please."

Emma: "You know I can still hear you even if you do thing telepathically right?"

Ororo: "Go ahead and try. At least I can say that I've made an effort not to talk about them to outsiders."

She looked at Jean who was already starting to focus.


Jean: [Okay, it's secured.]

Ororo: [Look. I'm sorry. This may be selfish but I want to break up my engagement with my fiance.]

Tony: [No. I get that. What I don't understand is why you are apologizing to me. It's not like I'll be affected by that.]

Ororo:[Look. I know you got the Vibranium from someone in Wakanda. And considering the quality of the clothes before, you're partner is someone important. I'm apologizing because you might not be able to acquire more after this.]

Tony: [Oh that. Don't worry about that. I can get more anytime I want.]

Ororo: [Stop it with your men's pride. I have an idea on how much Vibranium costs. Even if you got it properly, that Vibranium must have cost a fortune. So can you just shut up, and take my apology. Okay? I'll owe you for this.]

Tony: [Alright. I'll take that you owe me one. But you really don't have to apologize.]

Ororo interrupted him before he could even explain. She kept trying to apologize while Tony kept insisting that no apology was necessary.

Tony kept trying to tell her about his Wakandan identity but she kept interrupting him.

Jean got annoyed that she just decided to cut-off the telepathic channel mid-conversation.


While the two were having their telepathic conversation, the others were staring at them. They watched as the faces Tony and Ororo kept changing expressions.

Minn-Erva, as the only pure alien, couldn't help but ask something. : "So…. Is this kind of conversation normal for you guys on Earth?"

Carol: "Nope. Not where I'm from."

Mystique: "It is with these telepaths. But this is nothing.

You should have seen Charles when he was new to this. He did some poses and hand gestures in the hopes of not looking stupid. It didn't work.

Worst was when he tried to go through Magneto's helmet. He's got this face that looked he was trying to unload a massive #2 while constipated. He was even groaning."

Kitty: "Seriously? The professor did that?"

Mystique: "Yeah. But don't tell anyone. Otherwise, he can trace it straight back to me."

Emma: "I can wipe that part from her memories if you want. That way, he'll never know who she learned that from"

Kitty: "Please don't."

Carol: "Dangerous memory wiping ideas aside. I think they're done."

They looked at the three who looked back at them.

Tony: "Sorry for the interruption. Anyway, going to Wakanda and I am planning to go along."

Ororo: "What? That's not part of our talk. Besides, even if you go, they wouldn't let you come with me."

Tony: "Don't worry. I can handle them."

Emma: "Wait. What about the attack on the weapon plus headquarters. We need your help in getting through their defenses."

Tony: "Oh right. I forgot about that.

JARVIS, how is your personal project going?"

While Tony was busy with the women, he let JARVIS do some personal work of his own.

Tony wanted to play with the new toys he got from the Shi'ar personally but he didn't have the time. Most of his clones also took their breaks after doing their jobs. After finishing the equipment and toys he was going to play with, the production facilities didn't have anything else to do. It ended up free with no schedule of it being used for some time.

Rather than let the spare facilities and resources idle around, Tony allowed JARVIS to use everything the AI wanted. He allowed JARVIS to play on his own. He wanted to see how good the randomizing functions he added inside JARVIS worked. Tony was testing out ways to create creativity.

It was a vague idea so he decided to test it by allowing JARVIS to have his own project. Tony just sat back and watched while JARVIS did everything from bottom up.

He wanted to see what JARVIS would do with his newfound autonomy.

JARVIS's started designing the project with the aim of creating a T-800 terminator.

Tony got scared at first. He thought that JARVIS would create an AI for the terminator. Though he made sure any AI offspring from his AI would follow his laws, he still wasn't that confident that nothing would go wrong.

Even with his fears, he still didn't try to touch JARVIS's project. JARVIS hasn't failed him once and the AI earned his trust. He let the AI do what it wanted.

Besides, if it led to something horrible, someone from the future would go back here to stop him already. X-Men love to send people back to the past without regard for the effect of those actions to the future after all.

He doesn't know much about the X-men, other than the more public info, but he does remember Wolverine got his consciousness sent back through time. He also remembered Cable being a time traveler.


He observed the T-800 blueprint and noticed that there's not that much computing power inside. It still has a lot of processors inside but it's hardly enough for a proper AI.

Tony allowed JARVIS to use Pym Particles but the AI only used it for parts of the redundant circuits. Instead of placing an AI in it, JARVIS used a lot of quantum communicators to connect the T-800 to the AI directly.

Tony relaxed. Since JARVIS was controlling the body himself, Tony didn't care what else JARVIS did. He actually wanted to watch some more.

The AI seems to be trying to create a body of its own. He thought that this T-800 was going to be just a prototype. Tony didn't know where his AI was going with this. He wanted to see if JARVIS would create Vision's body or develop a different sort of body.


JARVIS: "The main systems have been completed, but there is a problem. There are still no weapons systems."

Tony: "It's fine. You can just use guns. Unless you haven't installed the targeting systems. But I think I built you better than that."

JARVIS: "Of course sir."

Tony: "Great. I'd rather have a male audience for this but this is what you got. Why don't you bring the prototype here? Let's show them what you've made"

JARVIS: "Right away sir."


While they were waiting for JARVIS's body to arrive.

Emma: "You're going to send your robot?"

Tony: "Yeah. Isn't this interesting? You get to fight with a robot."

Emma: "You know how important this is right?"

Tony: "Well I'm just a human. I couldn't do much even if I wanted to."

Emma: "What about that clone of yours, that should be of help"

Tony: "I know you're not at ease. Don't worry. I will send missiles for back up. Worst comes to worst, you get out and I'll blast the whole place.

For now, what do you ladies prefer? Earrings or necklace?"

He was planning to give them something as a gift. He knew they did him as a present. He wanted to return the favor but he knew having s*x with them isn't the way to go. So he decided to just planned to give them jewelry.

Also, this would serve as a souvenir for their nights with him but he wouldn't tell them that.


JARVIS's T-800 appeared and just as Tony expected, none of them were amazed. Tony started missing hanging out with men. They would have thought this was cool, unlike women who identified the terminator as just another robot.

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