Reincarnated As Tony Stark With A Skill

Chapter 110 - Weapon Plus 2

AN: Well, I had to do some paperwork for travel and other stuff and some school stuff. Especially visa papers. Damn ȧduŀting.

Things are just coming in that I don't think I'll return to the old schedule soon. I will still try to post at least 2 chapters a week. Don't worry I'm not thinking of dropping this. Just going to get slower.


After introducing the T-800 to everyone, Tony sent JARVIS to his workshop to prepare. He left a miniature clone with his AI to supervise him as well as check on the outer skin the robot is supposed to use.

During the time JARVIS was working on the T-800's body, the AI also started manufacturing the outer layer it was going to be using as its skin.

Since Tony already had some basic research on organ cloning done as preparation in case he ever needed to replace an organ, JARVIS didn't have to do much work to create the skin. He didn't even need to create a machine to build the entire skin in one go. The life cradle from U-Gin Project can just weave the skin together. He only needed the genetic samples to base the skin on.

Since JARVIS was basing this on the real terminator, he got some HYDRA agents to collect Arnold Schwarzenegger's DNA. He didn't want to diverge from his model as much as possible and preferred the terminator as authentic as possible.


Tony waited as Jean made her decision. No one seemed to be against her making the company. Mystique has some experience in how a company runs but her experience is only limited to short periods. Emma was the only other person who ran a company but based on Jean's inquiry's, it didn't feel that Emma had a hard time running her company.

Jean: "I'll give it a try. But I need help. I have no idea how to run a company."

Jean looked at Emma as she was the one who raised the idea but Emma immediately turned her request down.

Emma: "Don't ask me. I just order people and sign stuff. I don't actually run the company"

Jean: "What? But I thought you had your own company..."

Emma: "Oh that? I got that from my father. That's the only thing that man is useful for."

Jean: "Still. You don't seem concerned about your company. You must have some trick to manage that."

Emma: "Trick? I'm a telepath. I just use my powers to control the people who run the company."

Jean knew that Emma wouldn't be any help. She turned her head to look at the only other person who owns a company, Tony. She knew he didn't use any powers to control his company. His public company. He should at least have some sort of advice for her.

Tony: "Don't look at me. I just play with guns and stuff. Stark Industries would run smoothly even without me."

Jean: "Then why is your name in the name of the company?"

Tony: "The company has a board of directors. They are supposed to run the company but the ones in mine are just a bunch of greedy people who would do anything to get a profit."

Jean: "That sounds bad. Other than playing with your toys, it feels like you don't have any sort of control over your company."

Tony: "That about sums things up. Stark Industries is managed by Stane. He makes most of the decisions. All I do is spend money.

Actually, I did have a suggestion. Don't get a human. But you can forget that. You're a telepath so it doesn't really matter."

Jean: "Any other advice? You know I don't like controlling people.

I know you have more companies. I remember Ororo and the others got their paychecks for side jobs from your company. You should have some way to manage your people"

Tony: "Yeah. JARVIS."

Jean: "JARVIS? But I thought he's going to be joining the fight. Wouldn't he hang or something?"

Tony: "Who do you think you're talking to? I spend all my money on my toys. Do you think I won't set aside money for my first major project? JARVIS has enough computing power to take over the... nevermind. JARVIS could handle managing all my companies."

Jean: "Then can I also have JARVIS run my company?"

Tony: "Yeah. But that would make it partly my company."

Jean: "It's you so I don't mind. I didn't plan to have my own company in the first place."

Mystique: "Ignoring what I think is Tony boasting about taking over the world. Isn't it easier for you to just give Jean a company to play with?"

Tony: "Well yeah. I just didn't know if she wanted to build a company from the ground up. Jean?"

Jean: "I don't know. Is it fun?"

Tony: "Not that I know of."

Emma: "It's still more fun to go shopping with the money you get.."

Jean: "Then Tony?"

Tony: "Fine. Since you studied medicine, I think it's easier for you to manage a medical facility. Jean, what do you want, underground or not?"

Jean: "Of course not. Why would I run an illegal medical facility?"

Tony: "Not illegal, underground. You can still follow the rules if you want to. You just don't have to report on anyone. It might be more for you since mutants don't exactly blend in nicely in regular hospitals."

Mystique: "Plus, you could charge whatever you want. I know a lot of people who would give anything just to get treated. With alien medical technology, we could earn a lot."

Tony:" No. We keep that tech in house. We only use that for our people and our friends.

Since I'm partly in charge, this company will only use Earth's most cutting edge technology to treat people who could pay and people who can be considered as important."

Jean: "What? Why? We could save millions with the Carol and Minerva have."

Carol: "She has a point. Even with just a single med-bay, a lot of Earth's problems would be solved."

Tony: "No means no. There's a reason for this. But it would just be bad if you hear it from me. Instead, I'll wait for any of you to realize it. When you do and you still want to go help those people, tell me.

Besides, it's not like we wouldn't be able to help plenty of people. There's a lot of overpriced medicine in the US. We could profit off of it while helping people at the same time.

It would also help the mutants' public image when the time for you to reveal yourself to the world comes."


After finalizing some stuff with regards to Jean's company, everyone started to get dressed.

Tony then distributed jewelry to the ladies. They either got a necklace or an earring depending on their preference. Tony wanted to give them some kind of gift as well as leave some sort of mark to the women he slept with.

It was just a simple ornament as Tony didn't have a lot of precious stones on hand. They instead had a bit of Tony's nanites to make it pretty.

He decided to give part of it away since the amount he had couldn't cover his whole body anymore. He also didn't need that much for protection as he has his own suits now. He'd rather give parts of it away as they could help these women, more specifically the mutants, not get detected by mutant scanners.

After all the preparations were done, they split themselves up. Tony and Ororo went to Wakanda. Jean, Emma, and JARVIS were joining up with the Hellfire Club. While the others were going back to the X Mansion.


Alkali lake. A few hours later

Shaw, Sage, Harold were hiding when Emma, Jean, and JARVIS arrived. The two ladies packed light. Other than the pseudo black widow suits Tony gave them, they only brought masks. They didn't bring anything because JARVIS brought just about everything they needed.

T-800 wore the leather jacket the same as in the movie but the weapons he brought were different. Instead of a mini-gun, the T-800 was equipped with a pair of AK-47. AK's were not rare compared to mini-guns. Bringing his own minigun could lead to them being tracked. AK's were a lot more common and Tony already had his ammo's dominate the black market. If there was anyone investigating things later, they would only trace things back to his black market identity.

In exchange for not using a minigun, Tony had the Ak's customized. Not only is it designed to be a lot more accurate than the original, it was made using alloys that will help it to withstand continuous firing without making the gun overheat.

JARVIS had to use the custom ones because the AKs used a special magazine instead of a regular one. The magazine is special because it has a miniaturized Tony clone in it. The clone creates and maintains a portal connecting the magazine to Tony's ammo factory. There, loading machines are set up so that it could feed the ammo from the factory straight to the gun.

The two AK's with unlimited ammo should be an appropriate replacement for a minigun.

While it was Tony's idea to set up a FULLCLIP cheat, he doubted JARVIS would use up so much ammunition that the AI would need to keep the factory running. JARVIS's targeting systems learn over time. Even if it was some random gun, the AI shouldn't use that much ammo. The ammunitions kept in storage should be more than sufficient unless JARVIS decided to get through a wall by making a hole using the guns.

Other than the pair of AK's, the T-800 also has the laser sight pistol as a backup sidearm. It wasn't customized as JARVIS was able to run a simulation where it would be needed. The Ak's should be able to do the small gun's job.

Instead, JARVIS brought grenades of every type. As their target isn't a military base but a secret research facility, there shouldn't be a lot of tanks and other heavy armor equipment in it. Grenades should be enough.

If there was ever a problematic situation, there is still miniature Tonys on standby. He would just help support his robot to complete his first mission.


Shaw: "Finally. Did Stark chicken out? Where is he?"

Emma: "Out, he couldn't come. He sent this guy instead."

T-800: "Hello Sebastian Shaw. It is nice to meet you."

After saying this, the T-800 went and presented its teeth to Shaw.

Shaw: "What the... Schwarzenegger? Is this a joke? I thought Mastermind is taken out."

Jean: "It's not him. This is... Well, he's an actual terminator."

Shaw looked at Jean as if she's nuts. He was just about to do reply something sarcastically when Emma backed Jean's claim.

Shaw: "You idiots. We need Stark. He's the one who can get us in. Not some actor. What are supposed to do with this guy? Send him in a one-man mission?"

Jean: "Yeah. How did you know that?

Actually. Tony wanted to get some combat data. He said that this guy will handle everything. Including the regular humans. Oh, he also said you should take care of your son. Family problems and all."

Shaw: "Son of a ... Does he think this is a joke? I'm going to... wait, what do you mean son. That pup is here? "

T-800: "Confirmed. Satellites tracked a helicopter transporting one Shinobi Shaw."

Shaw looked at Sage expecting to get some answers. She was the one who gets them their intel. She should have told him something like this.

Sage: "Not sure."

Shaw: "Useless. Fine, I'll take care of him."

Emma: "Are you still talking? Weren't you the one who was in a hurry?"

Shaw: "Fine. Anything else I should know about?

None? "

T-800: "Stay here. I'll be back"

Seeing as there wasn't any more intel to be gathered, JARVIS decided to start his mission. He got his body moving. The terminator started walking.

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