Reincarnated As Tony Stark With A Skill

Chapter 111 - Weapon Plus 3

Alkali Lake

Inside the facility.

The head of the facility, Colonel Stryker, is currently watching footage of one of the laboratories.

The screen was showing 5 blonde girls. They were looking at a shabby-looking man while some scientists beside them were giving them orders.

Stryker: "Weapon XIV... Are they ready?"

"Not yet sir. There are still some problems.

The increase in numbers helped. They are now able to control a group of people like a fully grown telepath.

It's just that they still have a problem in their control. The test subjects still end up vegetables after each test."

Stryker: "That's disappointing. Tell them to fix it. Now. Push the quintuplets if you have to."

"But sir, we're already at the limit. Any more and it would be torture."

Stryker: "It couldn't be helped. We need to hurry things along. They started the investigations earlier than I expected.

SHIELD has already stumbled upon some clues. You know how they do things, it's only a matter of time until they learn everything. You have to have them ready before then."

"But sir..."

Stryker: "That's an order.

Now, what about their obedience? Is there a chance that they would rebel?"

"I don't think so. Dr. Sublime removed their growth limiter. He said that they'll have to follow him or else they'll die fast. "

Stryker: "That's not enough. Set a proper kill switch. That's the only way you can be sure of their obedience. "

Stryker reminisced a bit. He was thinking about Weapon X. The guy was so obedient before but even he went crazy and attacked everyone in sight.

Stryker: "Speaking of problematic ones. How's X-23 moving along?"

"The embryo was just successfully planted in the surrogate mother. Growth accelerants will be administered once she stabilizes. But the scientists have doubts. They're warning us that the fetus might have an accident being exposed to the accelerants this early. "

Stryker: "It's fine. Its father was basically immortal. There wouldn't be a problem as long as they did things properly and cloned him correctly"

Stryker continued managing the projects when an alarm suddenly rang.

Stryker: "Status Report."

"Intruders detected at levels 2 and 5. No details on them yet."

Stryker: "Intruders? How did they get to the 5th level this fast? What are the guards doing?"

"Sir. There's a problem. Reports from the surface said that they haven't detected any intruders."

Before Stryker sent out an order, they felt an explosion.


"Sir. Combat reported on the surface."

"It's a distraction. Focus on the intruders inside."

"But sir. The guards are requesting reinforcements. They said they couldn't handle the attacker"

"Already? How many are they looking at."


"I said, how many?"


Hearing how many attackers are on the surface, Stryker guessed that the attackers were mutants.

"Activate all the Weapons. These attackers are mutants. They are going for their fellow mutants. As for the one on the surface, send Shinobi to handle it."


Back at the surface. A few moments before

Everyone watched as the T-800 started walking towards the dam structure of the lake.

(AN: At least I think that Alkali lake was the result of a dam. Won't really matter in the story since it is supposed to be some underground facility but if I'm wrong but please tell me if it's not supposed to have a dam.)

One of the other Hellfire club members, Harold, was starting to get nervous when they saw that the T800 kept walking without even trying to hide. He thought that the T800 might ruin their preparations so he pointed this out to Shaw.

Shaw: "Emma, Grey. Tell that guy to hide. He'll give us away if he keeps walking like that."

Emma rolled her eyes and ignored Shaw's command. As far as she was concerned, they already told them that the T800 was a machine. They should be aware of the situation. Telepaths couldn't use their powers on him even if they wanted to.

Seeing no response from Emma, Shaw started getting impatient.

This was noticed by Jean. She knew conflicts during the mission is bad so she reminded them that the T800 was a machine.

Shaw: "Bullsh*t. Stop giving me that crap and control that guy."

Emma: "Ugh"

Emma was getting annoyed with Shaw. She decided to use her powers to make Shaw shut up.

Shaw was about to talk but found out that he couldn't mutter anything. He looked at Emma with a glare and was pointing to his mouth. He wanted her to stop this but she just ignored him.

Shaw was preparing to use his powers to blast Emma away.

He doesn't normally have enough energy to kill Emma in her diamond form but today is different. He stored a lot of energy as preparations for this attack. He was supposed to use this on his enemies but things are already messed up.

Since the T800 appears to be giving them away, it looked like the attack already failed. He was going to order a retreat but Emma's defiance ticked him off.

He might as well use this chance to kill Emma.


Emma changed into her diamond form and reminded Shaw about the futility of his actions.

He ignored Emma's taunts when he was interrupted

"Hey look. He's going somewhere else."

Shaw looked at the T800.


Instead of the entrance with a lot of guards on the other side of the lake, the T-800 was walking towards a huge circular gate facing the side of a cliff. It appears to be a door that covers one of the dam's old facilities.

Shaw: "Why's he going there. Sage, tell me what's there?"

Sage: "Nothing. It's an old overflow pipe. It goes straight to the lake. There isn't even a service tunnel in there."

Shaw: "Well he's clearly going there for something. Grey, can your powers reach that place."

Jean wanted to confirm it but instead of yes, her mouth said no. It didn't stop there as her mouth started spouting more words that she didn't intend to say.

Jean: "No.

Relax. You're way too impatient. Just sit back and wait for the robot to be back."

Jean didn't know why she couldn't control her mouth but she heard Tony's voice in her mind.


When the T-800 got close to the old overflow pipe, JARVIS detected a familiar radio signal.

It came from the back door program Tony secretly placed on the computer chips his companies manufactured. The facility was using his chips in all sorts of things inside the facility. These backdoors were transmitting a beacon to try and make contact with the main JARVIS program.

While the facility has all kinds of shields set up. It wasn't able to block everything.

One such thing is the water pipes. As there was a lot of water flowing around the facility, it was inefficient to have a human manually operate these kinds of things. They used electronics on all kinds of stuff like controllers and sensors. There were some sensors monitoring water quality that were outside the shields but connected to some computers inside.

One such sensor is connected to the decommissioned pipeline. It is not actually decommissioned. It is secretly connected to the facility as it is one of its water sources.

The signal was weak but the T-800 was able to detect the signals thanks to its advanced transceivers. JARVIS was able to get in touch with the facility through this and gather all the data he needed.

He was reviewing all the data when something triggered a special alarms. Tony set up these alarms to inform him that someone just crossed the line.

There were kids involved.

Weapon XIV was basically about them controlling quintuplets. The program bred clones that were then introduced to growth accelerants.

While the five looked like little girls, they were still infants. They were undergoing harsh treatment that was supposed to become worse.

There was the X-23 program which Tony knows as Laura. She was still in the wȯmb but the problem was that she is growing fast. It was already developing enough that Tony couldn't consider abortion.

He also saw Nightcrawler, who was said to have been detained for a long time now.

The scientists in the facility were experimenting on children.

The worst part was, Tony felt it was partially his fault.

Since he had Fury check on Colonel Stryker, the guy felt pressured enough to hurry things along. Stryker got so spooked that he didn't mind maltreating kids.

Tony decided that he needed to get involved.

He told JARVIS to wait for a bit while he rescued the children.

He then told JARVIS to go wild after he was finished with things. There was no need to care about collateral damage all innocent would be replaced with him in disguise. He would also harvest everything they knew beforehand.

JARVIS wouldn't need to be careful anymore.

Tony already has his clones preparing purgatory them. Tony was going to be collecting their heads along with their souls before they become completely dead.

Just like the previous Emperor of the Shi'ar is currently experiencing, Tony would handle them like the devil. These people would end up in a situation where they were hoping to die.

"JARVIS. Go ahead. No need to go Ultron. You can go full-on Skynet"


Back to Jean

Tony told her to stall them for some time as JARVIS just found out a lot of things.

He didn't go too much into the details as he himself was just processing the data. Still, he told her to get ready. They were going to combat after the T800 comes back.

Jean was just about to inform Emma about what she learned when she heard another voice in her head.

Phoenix: "Hey Jean. Mind if I take over your body for this?"

The Phoenix slept the whole duration of Tony's birthday. She knew about Jean's plan and knew about Tony's history. She knew she wouldn't be needed for that so she decided to take asleep.

Now that everything is finished, she decided it was about to get up from her nap. She was getting bored with sleeping all the time when she overheard this conversation.

She then got the whole story from her half in Tony. She knew Jean would probably be angry when she learned all this and decided to help.

Phoenix wanted to help her do know a great way to let off some steam.

Jean wondered why Phoenix suddenly asked her this. Phoenix was just residing quietly inside her before this.

The Phoenix was just about to explain to her about what's going on when she was interrupted.

T-800: "I'm back"

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