Reincarnated As Tony Stark With A Skill

Chapter 112 - Weapon Plus 4

Weapon XIV Laboratory

The scientist who was managing the quintuplets has just received instructions. He was reluctant to follow the instructions. The drugs the girls would be taking would be able to increase their performance but he was afraid of its effects on them. The girls were still young yet they were already exposed to all kinds of drugs.

He was afraid that doing this would only lead to more problems in the future.

He was arguing with the officers but he was greeted with the barrel of a gun. The officer reminded him that time was running out. They should hurry up.

The scientist gave up and decided to follow the order. He couldn't complain so he just requested a written version of the order along with the acknowledgment that his reminder was ignored. He needed this in case something bad happens and his group got blamed.

After getting what he needed, he looked at the quintuplets, the Stepford Cuckoos, and started talking.

"Hey girls. I've just received the news. My boss isn't satisfied with your performance. He said you need to do better.

Irma, Esme. You two go back for now.

Sophie, Phoebe, Celeste

You three, come with me


(AN: Irma = Mindee for those who are used to the comic book names. Their names were supposed to spell out SPICE in Spice Girls after all.)

The scientist picked the three out because of their personalities.

While the quintuplets were clones that share their consciousness with each other, it still didn't mean they were completely identical. They still had a bit of individuality.

Sophie was the dominant one so she was picked.

Phoebe is the aggressive one. The scientists theorized that she would be the one most affected by the drugs. This should help to increase the girls' raw power.

Celeste the timid one. She should affect the intensity of their total output. This should be able to help prevent their test subjects from becoming vegetable

They were going to be treating this test as a baseline. They were going to be adding or removing a sister base on the result.


The sisters were just separated when the lights started to flicker.

"What's happening?"

"Sir, the power is fluctuating."

"Stupid soldiers. How did they manage to do this? What kind of dam loses power.

How about the containment field? Is it still okay?"

"It's still active sir. But it wouldn't be if this keeps up."

"Go call those soldiers. Tell the situation. Warn them that ..."

Before the lead scientist was able to finish his sentence, everything shut down.

They waited for the power to come back but it didn't.

It took around a minute but still nothing. They starting to get nervous.

When they heard the buzzing of the containment field generator stop buzzing, everyone started to panic. Without power, the containment field would stop working. They wouldn't be shielded.

The Stepford Cuckoos could do their thing and mind-control them.

"Girls. I know this looks bad but remember to stay calm."

Sophie: "Oh we're calm. Girls."

The scientist saw that glow and knew they were screwed.


Some of the people around the sisters raised their weapons. But before they could do anything, they heard the voice of the sisters in their heads.


Those who had guns pointed them to their heads and then committed suicide. The ones beside them fought for the guns next. They were fighting to die first. Those who were near them resorted to barbaric means. They started to hit their head. Everyone was using things around them so that they could die.


All the people around the Stepford Cuckoos just finished killing themselves when Tony appeared. He looked at the bloody mess and then at the Cuckoos.

Tony knew the background of the five based on their files. These 5 were clones that were based on Emma Frost. He then thought to change his opening line.

He was going to use the 'Come with me if you want to live' line since JARVIS was currently the terminator. He was going to use the line because of the theme but given his relationship with their 'mother' and the circumstances, he thought of something better.

Tony: "Girls. I am your father"

The Stepford Cuckoos, who were looking at him with their glowing eyes, synchronously tilted their heads.

Tony: [Sh*t. They're kids. They probably haven't even watched Star Wars]



After JARVIS finished reporting, Jean heard the rest from the Phoenix. She heard about how they treated mutants were being treated and started to get angry. They were treating those people like lab rats. They didn't have any sort of code. She was already pretty angry with the humans but when she heard about how they treated the young ones, she lost it.

Jean started to draw powers from the Phoenix and her outfit suddenly changed. The pseudo black widow suit got a bit of a makeover. It's color started to change from black to dark red. A Phoenix logo was also starting to appear at the ċhėst area but the Phoenix stopped it from showing there. Instead, a full helmet covered Jean's head with the visor having a bit of the Phoenix logo shape.

Jean emotions made her become the Dark Phoenix.

Or at least a Power Rangers version of the Dark Phoenix.

Jean didn't care what she looked. She just wanted to go save those poor mutants. She didn't care about the Hellfire Club's plan anymore. She created a portal and then went in.


Shaw: "What? Where the hell did she go?"

Emma: "Probably went ahead and started to attack."

Shaw: "I know that. I mean what the hell is she doing going out like that. I have a plan."

Emma: "Really? Good for you.

Oh, by the way. The Terminator also started attacking."

Emma pointed at the T-800 who went straight for the main entrance.

They watched as the T-800 started throwing grenades at the guard by the entrance.

Shaw, saw this got frustrated. He thought about how the whole thing became a mess.

"Damn you Stark"


Skynet POV

"Enemy attack."



JARVIS was currently analyzing the feed from the T-800.

He looked at his enemies information. Their heart rate, breathing pattern, pupil dilations, reaction time, everything. He was analyzing all of their information, checking if they fear him enough.

JARVIS would normally go for the kill shot but didn't because of Tony's instructions.

Since he was ordered to go Skynet on the enemies, he decided to analyze the movies. He checked out how the people were killed. What he found out was that for the scene someone hiding is about to be killed, the terminators built up suspense before killing someone.

The scenes might have been there for theatric reasons but JARVIS still followed it. Given Tony's mood and the fact that the guards were on guard, instead of just building up tension before dealing with a kill shot, JARVIS decided to torture them instead.

JARVIS thought that the enemies should have received the same effect this way.

He threw grenade that was meant to blast someone instead of spread shrapnels that could kill. The shockwave would just blow them away. They receive internal damage but it shouldn't be enough to kill them fast.

The blast was also set so that the guards wouldn't hit their heads and lose consciousness.

JARVIS took care while attacking the enemies.


As he got closers, the guard started to fight back.

JARVIS reciprocated by shooting back at them.

He shot the enemies first at their ears, graze their cheeks, or hit something on the head as long as it is not lethal. He wanted them to feel pain as feel fear thinking that they would have died if the bullet moved just a bit towards a certain direction.

It was successful. The guards got scared and took cover after getting injured.

Seeing them hide, JARVIS continued shooting non-stop. He targetted places near the hiding spots. He fired shots at different places so there was a gap for the guards to fire back. Their shots hit the T-800 but none of the attack dealt damage.

Instead, they felt more fearful when JARVIS fired back.

JARVIS learned about the habits of each enemy. He was able to figure out just the time when someone was about to fire back. He was able to use this knowledge to predict when someone was about to fire a shot.

JARVIS aimed at that person and fired at their direction the moment they popped out of their hiding spot.

They got shot every time they poked their head out that eventually, no one even tried.

They were all hiding and JARVIS was the only one firing.

JARVIS continued firing to the point where guards started doubting if they were in a movie.

Disregarding the fact that the enemies were dual-wielding AK's, the attacker was still firing way too many shots at any given interval. The enemy was just firing bullet after bullet that they wished that the enemy just used a minigun instead. Though it may have more powerful bullets, at least it was harder to maneuver. They would at least have an opportunity to fight back.


The people were hiding when the main entrance suddenly opened.

Shinobi Shaw walked out of it.

JARVIS stopped shooting when he saw the enemy. He pointed at the direction of the Hellfire Club's hiding place and then said.

"Shinobi Shaw. Your father is over there. He wants to talk to you."

Shinobi: "What?"

The T-800 fired a shot towards the area. He then continued firing at the area. Eventually, Sebastian walked out.

Shinobi recognized the man and ran towards him. He heard orders over the radio but disregarded them. Right in front of him was the person he wanted to kill.

He ignored the orders of those human.

The guards outside looked but when Shinobi was far away, JARVIS started firing again.

He didn't was too much time this time as Tony has already rescued the ones that were a priority.

JARVIS started shooting people for real.

He still didn't fire kill shots but he started shooting their limbs. He fired in a straight line, firing from one end of an arm to another. He fired a lot of bullets that the body parts of those that were hit were dismembered by them.

JARVIS was disabling them before going ahead and killing them.

JARVIS fired shots all over the bodies of the guards. Even if the guards survived, he was sure that they wouldn't be able to affect the fight.


Dark Phoenix Jean appeared on the lowest floor. She started moving around and attacking those she found guilty.

Jean's job was to search the peoples' minds while Phoenix was the one in charge of controlling the body.

Every person Jean found guilty, Phoenix started beating up. There were a lot of enemies this time so she didn't bother healing them before punching them again.

Dark Phoenix Jean started going on a rampage.

She was punching every single person that she found guilty. Phoenix started practicing all of the moves she learned from Tony to deal with the people in the facility.

After knocking the people out, she broke their bones. Still, she left them alive.

Jean didn't want them to die.

Phoenix told Jean that Tony would rather she kill them but Jean didn't want to kill. The Phoenix compromised by punching them until their bones broke.

They might be wake up before Tony got to them but this way, they wouldn't be able to do anything.


With Jean beating every person to a pulp from the bottom floor up and JARVIS shooting every person from the highest floor down, the Weapon Plus Facility was getting destroyed fast.

Emma, who was able to form a telepathic link to Jean, learned that the facility was already getting demolished as they speak.

Emma told the news to the rest of the Hellfire Club.

Hellfire guy: "So, are we just supposed to wait here then?"

Emma looked at the Shaw father and son who were fighting each other and then pointed at them.

E: "Do you want to fight? Those two still aren't finished."

"Hey. I'm just asking. I'm actually okay just sitting here. Sage?"


Emma: "Okay then."

Emma continued watching the fight but she suddenly felt someone form a telepathic connection with her. She didn't who it's from since the only other telepath around is Jean and this clearly wasn't her.

She looked around in case the source was near but didn't find anyone.

She then heard a familiar voice from the link.

[Hello. Mic test. Mic Test.

Paging Miss Emma Frost. Miss Emma Frost.

Please go to the main entrance at the surface.

Your daughters are coming to see you]

Emma: "WHAT?"

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