With the Shaw father and son were busy killing each other, they paid less attention to protecting their minds from terrorists. Emma was able to use her powers on them, making herself invisible in their eyes.

She was near the entrance when saw a camera. Her mind stopped for a bit because she wasn't wearing a mask to hide her identity. She remembered a warning given to her and thought that she just messed up.

Luckily for her, JARVIS already took control of the system. Emma didn't need to hide around cameras.

Though she wasn't aware of the situation, JARVIS was and made a move to reassure her. She saw the camera pointing away from her. The camera then started swinging from side to side trying to copy a human who feigning ignorance, acting as if he saw nothing.

She waited near the doorway and watched as it slowly opened up.

When it did, the first thing she saw was a blue-skinned teenager. She looked up and down and examined the guy. She saw some noticeable characteristics such as yellow eyes as well as a tail.

"Hi. I am Kurt Wagner. They call me Nightcrawler"

Emma: "No. "

She looked again and concluded that this person is in no way related to her. She remembered the blue womEn she was with. He may be related to them but he was definitely not related to her.

She figured that the message is definitely a prank and she was just being messed with.

[Don't go. In front, they are related to you.]

Emma: [This guy? No way. He might be related to Mystique, but he is definitely not related to me.]

[You never know. Remember, you kept passing out last time you had s*x? There are plenty of times where you had no idea what was happening.]

Emma: [No. It can't be.]

[Mystique could have easily transformed into a man. That along with alien technology, you never know. He might be yours]

Emma: [That's not true. That's impossible.]

[But it is. Someone sharing the same DNA as you is near.

Search your feelings. You know it to be true]

She started hesitating. While she thought the idea was pretty crazy, it's not like it couldn't happen. She was just thinking about how things could have happened but she felt some unstable psionic energy that was affecting her.

She looked up again. This time, she was able to notice people. They were behind the male teenager and were position far away from Kurt as possible.

She saw Jean in her Dark Phoenix Ranger form. Besides her were 5 identical looking girls

Emma couldn't see Jean's face but based on her body twitching, she figured that Jean was laughing.

It didn't take much for her to figure out what happened.

At some point, while she was distracted, Jean should have set up a psionic field that affected her. She recalled how powerful the psionic field was. Based on the information she gathered, she knew what happened to her.

Emma: "Misdirection? You got me using magic?"

Jean: "Yeah. Sorry about that."

Emma: "I can't believe I fell for that."

Jean: "Don't take it too hard. I doubt any telepath could face my attack head-on while I am in this form. "

Emma: "So that part about me having a child is also a prank?"

Jean: "Oh that? No. That part is true. Girls, this is Emma. Your mother. Sort of"

They waited for any of the Cuckoos to talk but they just looked at Emma.

Jean: "They don't talk much but they are supposed to be yours, Emma. Tony said that the DNA would match."

Emma: "I still don't get it. How are they mine? You know I haven't even gone all the way with anyone other than Tony. "

Jean: "I'll tell you later."

Emma: "Then forget about it, I'll just get the detail from him myself. Speaking of the devil, where is he? "

Jean: "He went home first. He is working on a medicine to cure these girls."

Emma: "Cure? Why? What's wrong?"

Jean: "The bastards who ran this place experimented with them. Girls, can you try reading her mind. Don't worry if you can't. Just try."

The Cuckoos followed Jean's orders They focused on Emma and their eyes started to light up.

Jean: "See. They made their eyes glow whenever they use their powers. It's probably so they can see when they use their powers. The problem is that's not all that they did. These girls are also subject to artificial growth hormones. The girls are actually just 2 years old but they look like proper kids already. They'll die early if this doesn't stop"

Emma: "Those damned humans. I still don't understand why your group keeps protecting those ungrateful little pricks."

Jean: "I think this is different but even if it's not, not all humans are evil. "

Emma: "I know. But if these girls truly are mine, I won't let them join your group in that stupid cause of yours."

Jean: "Aww. So you're going to be that kind of mom?"

Emma: "... Don't you still have more people to rescue?"

Jean: "Not really. These kids are the last ones that need my attention. All that's left are ȧduŀts. Go send your people to free those guys. This way, they should feel that they did something."

Emma: "Will you also be giving away participation trophies after all this is over?"

Jean: "Wha... How did you know?"

Emma: "Oh just stop it."

Jean: "Fine. I'll send these kids away. Are they done fighting out there?"


Sometime later

Workshop under Tony's mansion.

As Emma and Jean entered the room, they notice two separate robotic arms turn and 'look' at them. After a glance, the two robotic arms looked down and returned to what they were doing. Seeing as they were ignored, the ladies also ignored the arms and started looking for Tony.

As they looked around, they saw the state of the place which is a unique kind of mess. On one side of the room, there were all kinds of cars, motorcycles, and what looks to be a jetpack, disassembled with parts all mixed up.

On the other side, there was a huge shelf with only a single item on it. It was a miniature model robot. Jean felt that it was familiar but didn't recognize.

While looking around, they heard Tony's voice yelling.

Tony: "No. That's not sit. I told you to sit. You'll fall off if you keep trying to go out."

""Aww. A box of puppies.""

Tony: "Oh hey ladies, nice timing. Can you use your powers and tell them to sit? I tried using treat but they just ended up more active."

Just as he said that, the puppies started approaching the ladies. They stood up and started leaning to the side. With all five of them leaning, the box started tilted forward.

The puppies started rolling out.

Tony: "Dum-E, U. Go clean this up. Jean..."

Before he even finished asking for help, the two were each carrying two puppies. He looked at the last one who was on his leg, wagging its tail while looking at him.

Tony: "Let's talk somewhere else."


In the garden.

The three watched as the puppies play around.

Emma: "So. Why are you playing with puppies? I thought you were working on a cure for those kids."

Tony: "Oh that? I've finished that hours ago. JARVIS is already manufacturing the cure as we speak. These puppies are supposed to gifts. I finished some experiments and was wondering what to do with the products when your daughters showed up. Voila, free pets gifts."

Jean: "You know that's worse than killing people right? No one experiments with puppies."

Tony: "Well, I had no choice. I found their mother dying. It's either I save them or they die. Besides, they're not actually puppies. Anymore."

Emma: "Not puppies? That makes sense. I've never seen dogs with that short of a snout having those kinds of ears. If I'm not wrong, they'll stand up, right?"

Tony: "Yup. At least that's the plan."

Emma: "But what's with the neck and tail fluff. They'll look bad on guard dogs."

Tony: "They weren't going to be guard dogs. They aren't even supposed to grow large enough for kids to ride."

Jean, hearing Emma confidently talk about this kind of stuff, couldn't help but ask.

"You know about dogs?"

Emma: "Just the big ones. My family had a lot of them for security. I'd go play with them all the time. I'd actually rather spend my time with them than with my family. Anyway. Tony, what are these supposed to be now?"

Tony: "I doubt you've heard about this since the games just release recently, but I've designed them based on Pokemon, specifically Eevee. Pokemon are well.... they're like how mutants are to humans. They can do all sorts of stuff like freeze stuff, produce electricity, or spit fire."

(AN: I know Eevee's a fox. Remember the haven't fully grown up yet so they all look close to each other.)

Emma: "Why are you making mutant animals?"

Jean: "Also, when did you have the time to work on this? I thought you were working on that robot suit of yours along with your spaceship?"

Tony: "Remember the clones that I made? They're basically me. And as you know, I can create a lot of them. Now imagine having a full research facility but me. I only need material to work with.

Why do you think I was asking for hair samples and all kinds of materials from the people in the school? I was trying to find out how mutants got their powers so I can give myself some later. I don't need it now though so I might as well play with the results. They're like mutants where they get their power after they grow up. Don't worry, I don't create clones from the samples like they do."

Hearing this, the two were shocked. Jean shared some of her knowledge with Emma so she also knew what they did to mutants on the site they just came from.

While the people on the Weapon's Plus program were just bȧrėly scratching the surface, testing on actual mutant as well as clones of mutants, Tony seemed to already have a handle on mutant abilities.

Tony: "Anyway, what happened after I left?"

Emma: "Shaw died."

Tony: "Which one?"


Tony: "Are you sure?"

Emma: "What do you mean are we sure? They both got blasted to smithereens."

Tony: "How should I say this. Unless you're sure, people rarely stay dead in this universe."

Even if Tony did not read a lot of comics in his past life, he knew one thing. People of this multiverse usually don't stay dead. Other than some special characters who always end up dying, there's always a chance of someone surviving or coming back to life. It may be more controllable in the MCU since it's more realistic but even then, people may still just stop being dead.

This is actually one of the reasons why he doesn't just kill people he considers important or powerful. If he kills them, there's a good chance they might just end up rising from the dead. He'd rather waste resources watching them rather than risk being caught off guard by an enemy he doesn't know. Also, he won't be wasting resources soon. Thanks to JARVIS monitoring the production of sci-fi movies, he was reminded of a way to turn his prisoners into resources.


Emma: "I'll keep watch in case Shaw comes back."

Jean: "Forget about us. What about you? What happened to your talk with royalty?"

Tony remembered what happened to him and Ororo in Wakanda and shivered.

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