A bit before

Ororo is sitting looking out the artificial windows, waiting impatiently for Tony who suddenly left to do handle some things.

She was just about to fall asleep when she heard something behind her. When she looked, she saw someone in costume.

Tony: "I'm Batman."

After hearing the voice, she recognized it and determined that the one in costume is Tony.

Ororo: "Tony. What are you... Are you making your voice deeper?"

Tony: "I'm not Tony. I'm Batman"

Ororo: "Oh please, I know you're Tony. Also, you just did it again."

Tony: "I said I'm Batman."

Ororo: "Okay Batman. Do you have any food? See, I'm flying with this stupid billionaire who thinks he's the best but still forgets to bring food inside his plane. "

Tony: "What are you talking about, I have food right here."

As he presented the shelf, he saw Ororo giving him a look that told him that he messed up.

Tony: "Ooops"

Ororo chuckled a bit. As she did, Tony removed his hood and proceeded to get something from the shelf. He started eating as he sat down opposite her.

Tony: "Good. You've finally relaxed. I'd rather be with this laughing you rather than that annoying strict teacher-faced you."

Ororo: "Wait, so you changed into that costume just to make me laugh? Are you trying to hit on me? You do know that what we did is a one-time thing right?"

Tony: "Nope. That's a trap. I'll get in trouble either way so I'll just ignore that. And no, this is what I'll wear when I meet with T'Chaka."

Ororo: "That's King T'Chaka. He's still royalty you know. I still can't imagine how you even managed to convince those people to sell you Vibranium when you're this insolent."

Tony: "Well I was going to tell you before but you kept interrupting me. So now, you'll just have to wait to find out."


Tony pulled Ororo to the ċȯċkpit and showed her the view of their destination.

Ororo: "What is it?"

Tony: "See that mountain over there? Does that or the surroundings look familiar?"

"No. Why? Where are we?"

"And you wanted to go straight to Wakanda."

"Are you telling me..."

"Yep. They managed to go full hermit. JARVIS, if you will. "

"Certainly sir. Ms. Munroe."

Before Ororo could even react, Tony pushed her down the pilot's seat. The harness moved on their own, locking her in her place.

She looked forward, checking to see what Tony was afraid of, and saw that they were flying straight towards the side of the mountain.

She grabbed the stick and tried to pull it but nothing happened.

"Tony!!! Something's wrong. Your plane isn't working!"

"What's wrong?"

"The stick is stuck"

"What? Speak English. "

"The stick. It's too hard. I can't get it up. Do something."

She tried to do something but the mountain was already too close to do anything.

"Shit. It's coming."

She prepared for impact but it never came.

As she opened her eyes to take a peek, what greeted her was something alien yet somehow familiar.

She saw scene of a city that is modern yet still has characteristics unique to native Wakanda.

Tony: "Not too shabby right? It's still too traditional for my tastes but they did a good job. Well, passing marks considering they do have a lot of Vibranium."

"This... We're in Wakanda?"

"Yeah. Oh look, the welcome party is already here."


When the plane got close, the bomb bay opened. Tony, in his Batman costume, flew down and landed right in front of King T'Chaka and the Queen.

Queen Ramonda: "T'Challa isn't here Tony."

Tony: "Aww. Too bad. How's Shuri?"

T'Chaka: "She's still an infant Tony. It will be years until she even become capable of remembering that appearance. "

Tony: "I'll tell her you said that. 'Not Mommy' "

T'Chaka: "Again with the jokes. You may have great timing but it still doesn't mean she understood what you said. Nobody can talk to infants."

Tony: "I can. I'm a little rusty since it's been a while but I could still speak baby."


Ororo got nervous witnessing Tony jump straight towards the two heads of Wakanda. She thought that the Dora Milaje would attack him but instead of an attack, Tony was greeted by a warm hug.

Seeing that everything went well, Ororo also flew down.

Ororo: "King T'Chaka. Queen Mother. Hello"

T'Chaka: "Tony. You do remember that Wakanda is supposed to be a secret, correct?"

Tony: "Hmm? Oh her? She's Ororo Munroe. I think you're supposed to know her."

Queen: "Munroe? Are you her?"

Ororo: "Yes Queen Mother. I ..."

Before she could say anything, Queen Ramonda started to tear up.

Queen: "I'm so sorry my dear. We tried to save them. We did. Unfortunately..."

Ororo: "I know Queen Mother."

T'Chaka: "Let's talk inside. This place is inappropriate for such a conversation. "


After going inside, Tony learned a bit about what happened. As it turns out, her parents weren't just victims of an unfortunate accident. The moment Ororo became an orphan, her parents were targeted along with the rest of her tribe. They were attacked by a group of Death Cultists because of their priestess origin conflicting with the god of their belief.

Tony: "Wait. Uovu? Isn't that Swahili for Evil? I thought Wakanda helped Bast become Africa's main god. Why are there people who worship that god?"

T'Chaka: "It's my fault. There were some incidents (Klaue) that distracted me from fulfilling my duties as king. If I've been paid less attention to my problems, maybe we could have saved your tribe."

Ororo: "It's not your fault your majesty. It is theirs. I just hope that no one becomes their victim ever again."

T'Chaka: "Of course. All the members of that cult has been wiped out. I made sure of that myself. None of them could spread terror ever again."

Hearing that, Ororo felt some relief.

She felt the hand holding hers tighten a bit. She looked at Tony who was by her side comforting her when she saw his face looked serious.

Ororo: "What's wrong?"

Tony: "Hmm? It's nothing. It's just... Be careful. These kinds of religions, they usually don't die that easily. Wakanda is fine since it closed its borders but the rest of Africa isn't that safe."

T'Chaka: "I'll notify the War Dogs (Wakanda's Spies). "


Tony was thinking of everything that is happening. Other than the humans and mutants infighting, the problems he knew about seem to come from outside Earth.

It was also problematic that the topics are somehow related to gods. Sure they may be making moves themselves but they're clearly aiming for Earth.

[That's the third god (other than the Norse Gods) I heard about. Hopefully, nothing big will happen.

Also. What the hell Odin? Isn't Earth supposed to be part of your territory? It isn't even Ragnarok yet and Earth is already getting invaded.]

He waited for some kind of response in case Heimdall overheard him but after a bit of getting nothing, Tony decided to set some traps of his own.

He controlled his symbiote to split up and bond to the people in here. He made them hide in their shadows.

Originally when he arrived in this universe, that god guy warned him not to mess with the time. He followed that and tried to maintain the major event as close to what he knew. Unfortunately, it looks likes someone else might be trying to take advantage of the ripple effects he caused.

Regular humans and mutants couldn't do something about the future since they don't even know about it. The only ones powerful enough and daring enough to tamper with time are the gods that exist in this universe.

He actually didn't mind them doing so as long as he gets to do what he wants. Unfortunately for him, they didn't seem to care. He also speculated that they may be trying to manipulate him.

That is why he decided to spread out his symbiote to everyone he knew and set them up as traps.

If they sense the symbiote and back off, then all should continue according to his plan. They would go their separate ways and he would leave them alone. He's fine with them doing whatever they want after the end of Endgame happens.

By then, he would have already had Infinity Gauntlet and should have enough power to fight against those gods.

But if they decided to just wing it and start moving ahead of schedule, he'll just have to use the All-Black Symbiote and re-establish its identity as the Godslayer. It was its original purpose after all.

He didn't want to meddle with gods. He just wanted to participate in some team-ups and say the Avengers Assemble line. But seeing them continue doing these kinds of stuff, Earth may get destroyed before he even has the chance to do what he wants.

For the sake of witnessing those iconic events first hand, he prepared himself to fight those unruly gods.


Tony's thoughts were interrupted by someone making an announcement.

Dora Milaje: "My king. We have brought the things that you have requested."

Behind the speaker, people were carrying a container filled with something mystical judging by the engravings.

Ororo: "Is that?"

Queen: "Yes dear. We weren't able to save your tribe but we still have your tribe's heritage. As the next-in-line, I believe these belong to you."

Ororo approached the container and started to open it. She was just about to lift it open but hesitated.

Queen: "What's wrong?"

Ororo: "I... I'm"

Ororo didn't know what to say.

In her mind, she was thinking of the responsibilities that would come with this inheritance. As one of, if not the last, surviving member of her tribe, she would have responsibilities that she didn't have to face before.

The obvious one is reviving her tribe. It's not like she didn't want to have a child, it's just that for her tribe to live, she'll need to bear more than one.

That's where things get complicated.

Combining the situation with her original purpose for coming here, an idea came up that she had to bear the child of her supposed to be ex-fiance, T'Challa.

It became a choice that she had to make. Either she fulfill her duties and lose her freedom, or abandon her heritage in exchange for her freedom.


Tony: "Ororo? Are you ok?"

He tried to look at her and when she turned her head, Tony saw that she started crying again. The difference was unlike before where she was crying due to sadness, this time she was crying because of something else.

Tony tried to ask her what's wrong but she didn't answer. Seeing as she wasn't going to be answering, Tony decided to do something abnormal and use telepathy.

He looked into her mind and after learning her circumstances, he said.

"King T'Chaka. She's crying because of some sort of arranged marriage. What's that all about?"

T'Chaka: "What arranged marriage? Oh, that one. Don't worry Ororo, you don't have to honor that."

Ororo: "BUT!!!"

Queen: "Relax dear. It's not like we want you two to get married. That's just some silly tradition we can forget.

Besides, T'Challa already has someone else he likes. Forcing you two to get married would just make everyone unhappy.

Do you remember a girl named Nakia? T'Challa has a crush on her now. Speaking of crushes, Tony, can you help T'Challa on this? This way, dear Ororo here wouldn't feel guilty about abandoning that silly tradition."

Tony: "Wha...? Okay... Wait, what's this arrange marriage thing all about?"

Ororo, who stopped crying after hearing Queen Ramonda request Tony to become her son's wingman, decided to answer his question.

Ororo: "My and the Golden Tribe have this tradition of pairing up the descendants with each other. Enforcement became lax but now that I'm the only one left, I figure that the enforcement of such traditions became strict."

While Ororo was explaining to Tony about the details of the tradition, King T'Chaka and Queen Ramonda couldn't help but notice the two's closeness to each other. They weren't like their son and knew that such closeness wasn't regular for people who are just friends. They started discussing with each other and then called for the two's attention.

T'Chaka: "Ororo. Do you know the specific words used to describe the tradition."

Ororo: "No."

T'Chaka: "Good. This makes things easier"

Queen: "How about Tony? Do you know of his identity?"

Tony: "Wait. Where are you going with this?"

T'Chaka: "Tony, does she know that you trained to be the Black Panther?"

Ororo: "What?"

T'Chaka: "I guess not."

Queen: "Ororo dear, see the tradition only states that you have to be paired up with a member of the Golden Tribe. It never stated that you have to marry the prince."

Ororo: "But it's always been..."

Queen: "It has always been a prince because they are usually the only member of the Golden Tribe. Luckily for us, there has been an exception in this generation. Tony?"

Tony didn't want to but seeing as everyone was paying attention, he had to. He pulled down on his lips and showed his tattoo.

Unlike the last one which he copied off of the King's brother, this tattoo was unique for him.

Ororo: "Are you telling me...?"

Tony: "Before you start. Remember that it was your fault. You keep interrupting me that I wasn't able to reveal my identity."

Ororo: "But he already has a girlfriend."

Queen: "And? It may not be common anymore but Wakanda does allow polygamy. His identity is also special enough that he can be classified as royalty"

T'Chaka: "We've done what we can. We have offered you these choices. It's your decision now Ororo. "

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