Reincarnated As Tony Stark With A Skill

Chapter 115 - Bat v Cat + Emma

Storm: "Please tell me you're joking. He's not actually a part of the Golden Tribe, is he?"

T'Chaka: "He is. Even Bast recognizes that his identity. I can arrange a ceremony if you want."

Ororo declined the offer. She knew that with his identity as king as well as his willingness to do this that Tony's identity is legitimate.

Along with this information, she thought about her relationship with Tony as well as their relationships with Jean. She knew that this could make things complicated.

She treated Jean as her sister and being in this kind of relationship could cause some complications. Recent events however made it clear to Ororo that Jean doesn't mind being in these kinds of situations.

It was Tony who might actually pose a problem. While she would much rather bear his child that someone she bȧrėly knows, she wasn't sure that he was the same.

During the talk the women had, there was a common topic that they noticed. Tony didn't seem to want to have kids. That or at the very least, he made sure not to ɨmprėġnȧtė anyone. Combining that with his playboy tendencies, Ororo thought that Tony is a flight risk.

She didn't mind raising the kids on her own because she could still get monetary support from him. The man has a lot of companies not to mention alien technologies. He could support a small country with his money not to mention a family.

She was more concerned about the kids' childhood. As an orphan herself, she knew that living without her parents was hard. She didn't want her future kid/s to experience what she experienced.

Ororo: [It's not like he can be in two places... OH]

Ororo remembered that Tony could create clones of himself. As this was the last of her concerns, she was able to make her decision.

After making her decision, she started to prepare.


Tony: "Umm, Ororo? Is this you?"

T'Chaka: "Oh right Tony. I forgot to warn you. Her tribe lives similar to lions, not panthers."

Tony: "And? Do I have to YEET my kid off a cliff or something?"

T'Chaka: "No. Remember how Bast has to approve of the next Queen? They also have something similar, except in their case they'll try to kill you."

Tony: "What?"

Queen: "Run dear"

Tony suddenly had a bad feeling so he jumped to the side. Just as he moved, a lightning struck the place he was at.

Tony: "Umm. Ororo?"

He looked at her and saw that her eyes were already white. He also noticed a ball of air forming around her. Along with that, Tony felt the air suddenly dry up as water droplets started to form around her.

Tony: "Avatar State? That's cheati... Sh*t."

He wasn't even able to finish his sentence when icicles flew towards him. He dodged the needles and then started to run.

He went to the corridors and Ororo followed.

Queen: "Ah youth"

The two watched the other two. Then, King T'Chaka called on his people.

T'Chaka: "Tell the guards to stay back. They'd just hurt themselves."

Dora Milaje: "Yes my king."

The guard has just spread the order when she heard a reply.

Dora Milaje: "My King. Not good. The prince has just arrived."


T'Challa's plane just left his plane when he heard crashing sounds from inside the castle.

He thought someone has infiltrated Wakanda and started an attack so he ran towards the sounds.

He was just about to enter the building when he saw Tony, still in his Batman costume, ran out of the castle.

T'Challa thought that Tony has just attacked the castle and was running to escape. He ran in front of him.

T'Challa: "BATMAN!!! STOP!!!"

Tony: "Are you serious right now?"

Tony wanted to avoid T'Challa but the guy kept on intercepting him.

Tony looked behind him to check out where Ororo was when T'Challa tried to sneak an attack. Tony was in a hurry so he didn't want to waste time so he thought about how to deal with him.

Tony remembered a few things. One was the request given to him. The next was from his memories of T'Challa's movie. T'Challa flinches when he sees Nakia.

Tony didn't even need to think as he immediately got an idea.

He started to focus and created a clone.

"Sexy Technique"

After a puff of smoke, Tony disappeared leaving his clone disguised as Nakia wearing a swimsuit with a label.


T'Challa flinched just as expected.

Tony took advantage of this to land a hit at T'Challa. The hit was strong enough that T'Challa got knocked out.

T'Challa, who was falling, was able to hear something before going unconscious.

"Lesson 1. It's just a swimsuit. You only have to pay attention if they're wearing almost all strings. Also,

SHIT! Hey! Timeout. I'm lecturing someone over AHH..."

Back to the Present

Jean: "Pfft. "

Tony: "Stop it. This isn't a joke. She still trying to kill my clone right now."

Jean: "Then fight back. Spank her or something"

Tony: "Really? Spanking? That's your solution?"

Jean: "We both know you could have knocked her out already if you wanted to."

Emma: "Wow. Shaw was right. You do have a weakness against women."

Tony: "Well what do you think? It's fine if a woman man hits a man but its domestic abuse when the man fights back."

Emma: "Well. Women who sleep with a lot of men are called sŀuts but you don't see us complaining."

Jean: "Exactly. Anything else?"

Tony: "Ah screw it. If she asks, I'll put the blame on you Jean."

Jean: "Fine. But remember, you have your newly adopted kids to worry about. Spouting that I'm your father to those kids. Let's see how you'll handle being a single parent for those five by yourself. Emma, let's go"

Emma: "What did you say? He's their father?"

Tony: "Wait. That was just a joke. You know I couldn't help myself. It's just too good to not say it."

Emma: "They're kids Tony. You know they'll believe whatever ȧduŀts say. They'll tell you you're their father since your the one who said that to them. "

Jean: "Good idea Emma. Let's go ask them right now. JARVIS, send the medicine to the mansion when they're done okay."

Without even a warning, the three humans were transported to the X-Mansion.



Inside the X-Mansion

Jean immediately found the quintuplets and teleported to them.

Jean: "Hey girls. Guess who's here?"

The Cuckoos took a peek and saw Tony.


Jean: "See."

Tony: "Please don't."

Jean: "Face it, Tony. You're their (step) father."

Tony: "Nooooooooooooooooo"


After settling down, they started to talk about how the five would be handled. Jean suggested they stay and enroll in their school but Emma rejected Jean's suggestions.

Jean: "Why?"

Emma: "You saw my memories. You know why."

Jean: "But this is different. Tony, help me out here."

Emma: "No. He's not supposed to a part of this."

Jean: "Oh please, we both know you'll agree if he told you to do something."

Tony: "Wait. Can you tell me what you two are talking about? I keep hearing my name but I still don't understand why I'm in your conversation."

Jean looked at Emma

"Just tell him"


"Look, if you continue acting like this, he'll probably get bored of you. You'll end up alone and broken. But if you told him now, he'll probably just forget about it and move one. Then you're free. You could refuse him if you want without feeling guilty anymore."


"If you don't want to, I'll make you. Besides, he deserves to not be kept in the dark after all that he did for you."

Tony: "Huh? What did I do?"

Emma: "Fine. Remember back you were a kid and you helped this lost girl?"



She started telling her about all the times she's encountered him before.

Back when she was young, Emma's family went and brought her to the STARK Expo. There, she was looking around when she got way too focused on some interesting inventions. Her attention was on the displays and didn't notice that she got farther and farther away from her family.

She got separated from her family but that wasn't all. The worst part was that no one was looking for her. As she discovered later in the future, one of her sisters, who hated her, was the cause of the lack of a search party. That sister of Emma's hated her that she decided to make excuses and gain as much time as she can so that their parents won't look for Emma. Hopefully, until after she had an accident.

Knowing that Stark Expo is a huge site and some of the instructions given to her if she even became lost, she waited in the same area. She waited for quite a while but no one seemed to be looking for her. She thought she got abandoned and was starting to cry when Tony noticed her.

Not only did Tony comforted her when she was sad, but he also helped her reunite with her family. He pulled her hand and confidently guided her straight to her family. She never got to introduce herself to him but she did learn of his name later.

Tony didn't remember this encounter because back then his primary purpose wasn't to help her. His primary purpose was to teach JARVIS to self optimize his processes. He had JARVIS run facial recognition on everyone to see the performance differences and find out what else they could improve on.

Tony didn't know her name because he didn't need it to search for her family. He just needed cameras to take a look at her face. He was too focused on analyzing the system's performance that he didn't even remember the face of the girl he helped that day.


Their next encounter was in her teens. She was forced to participate in one of the rich kids' gatherings as her father wanted her to form a relationship with one of the rich kids. Her father was hoping to use that opportunity to build connections with other companies and use that as a stepping stone to grow his wealth or power.

During the party, Emma's evil sister got her drunk and was planning to throw her onto one of the guys. Her sister hoped that this would cause some scandal that would result in Emma getting disowned.

Emma didn't know it but she was actually thrown towards Tony. Emma's sister picked him because he's the one with the biggest background in the party. In. her mind, he wouldn't sleeping with any woman in the party as this would only increase his reputation.

Tony, keeping up with his spoiled teen persona, didn't refuse the offer and went home with Emma. He help her get into his car and then proceeded to leave her alone. He didn't touch her more than necessary to keep his image not because she wasn't attractive but because she didn't pose any challenge for him.

He had Jarvis send Emma home while he went to see some movies. The late 1980s was a great time to watch movies. Star Wars V, Back to the Future, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Ghostbusters, Top Gun, and many more. Tony was too busy studying about the Mystic Arts for the past few years that he decided to spend the time to binge watch all those things.


Emma learned about what happened from her father who instead of reprimanding her, scolded her instead of not taking advantage of the situation. It was at that period that her telepathic powers, which were just some whispers in her mind before, started to grow.

Thanks to her growing powers, she started to learn more about her family. She knew about his father's image of everyone. This was also when she learned that her evil sister hated her. She couldn't bear knowing all the things she learned as was the fact that she was being treated like an object any longer. This was when she ran away from home.

She started living on her own but due to her previous life, she wasn't able to survive the real world. She applied for jobs but because she wasn't used to common people, she had this attitude that caused her to be fired. She also didn't know about how to save money so she kept on staying at hotels rather than something cheaper.

Her money from her savings as well as her paycheck ran out. She couldn't pay for her stay any longer which the hotel manager tried to take advantage of her. It was at this point that Emma got control of her powers.

Later on, she met her first boyfriend. He was a reckless guy who has a lot of debt and didn't think things through. When she revealed her powers to him, he went ahead and took advantage of it. They went to some sketchy casinos to earn some money. The problem was he couldn't keep his mouth shut, he boasted about her powers and the intel reached his debtors.

They got caught but they didn't have enough to pay the debt yet. If that wasn't enough, they were also related to the casinos that the pair duped. They got further into debt and Emma's boyfriend broke. He told them her 'Frost' identity. It was at that point that she decided to trust no one. She was planning her escape while these people were planning a fake kidnapping of her.

The kidnapping got broadcasted but Emma's father didn't comply. Emma got locked up for real this time as they didn't know what to do with her anymore. While the perpetrators were thinking of a way to fix their mess, Emma was secretly using her powers to turn everyone on each other. A few hours with a telepath and they started killing one another.

She left the room just as the time for her kidnappers to do something to her was about to come when she 'heard' a rescue team coming for her. She decided to play victim and see who came for her. She saw some SWAT come in all equipped with STARK Weapons and equipment. Even when he's not here, he still seems to be watching out for her.


After getting used to her powers, she decided to continue her previous routine and use her powers to earn money. She went to a bigger casino where she coincidentally met Tony once more. She recognized him and went to join him.

She followed Tony's moves and proceeded to help him win every round. Tony noticed the funny business she caused and immediately had JARVIS check. He determined it was her and called her to come. He thanked her for her help and then proceeded to warn her not to do this anymore. The casinos were being upgraded and she would be caught soon.

He then proceeded to suggest that she do some strip show at some high-end club instead. It has a lot less security and a lot more privacy. She should be able to earn a lot more money without having to do much. She just has to practice restraint as anything too abnormal could get herself exposed instead.


Tony: "Wait. That was you?"

Emma: "You really didn't recognize me?"

Tony looked at Emma up and down before replying

Tony: "Could you blame me?"

Anyway, you do know they're just coincidences right?"

Jean: "Maybe for a guy but not for a girl. You should have seen her memories instead of just hearing about it. It's was too much for a mere coincidence."

Tony: "Okay. But we still haven't solved our problems. What are we going to do with all those... "

Suddenly, the door opened with Minn-Erva rushing into the room.

Minn-Erva: "You're all here. Good. We have a problem.

Carol lost her powers."

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