An: So, Black Widow trailer is out.


Fury: "Is she dead?"

Emma: "Sadly no. I do hope she'd die from embarrassment after she knows what happened. Getting taken out by a bunch of kids."

Jean: "Come on Emma. No need to be salty. Besides, they're technically still your clones. Do you expect them to do anything less?"

Emma: "I guess not."

Fury: "Clones. Aliens?"

Tony: "Not this time. Human-made. And no. You're not allowed to use them for your super-secret boy band. Well girl group in this case"

Fury: "I haven't even."

Tony: "B*tch, please. You've seen the results. I know you're tempted to. I'm guessing none of the X-men or the brotherhood joined you when you asked. Though I supposed you struck some sort of deal to get some people to help you on that space program of yours."

Fury: "How did you...? Is there any person who doesn't secretly work for you?"

Tony: "[Chuckles]. You know, in some other dimension, I think I get to say that to you.

So, what's the deal"

Tony looked at Magneto for answers. While the X-Men may offer their help voluntarily, Magneto certainly won't.

Magneto: "I'll help them carry their space station to space. In exchange, he wipes out all our records along with the condition that he won't pursue us and help us escape from our pursuers."

Tony: "As long as things don't get too public to coverup?"

Fury: "Of course"

Tony: "You know this will only be effective as long as he's in control of SHIELD right? What if the situation changes?"

Magneto: "It's fine. I only need a few years. By then, I'll disappear along with Charles."

Tony: "What? Why? I remember you have kids. What about them?"

Magneto: "Just my past catching up to me. I don't know who it is but someone managed to find me. They bombed my whole village."

Tony: [Wait. This sounds familiar. Isn't this...]

Fury: "I'm still not convinced that they're targeting you. Just because the missile hit your house, doesn't mean they're targeting you."

Magneto: "Then how about the fact that 2 missiles went straight to our house and landed right in the middle of our dinner table? Right on time when we usually ate. I know because that's the time all our clocks are stuck at. Also, the missiles around our house weren't just any random missiles. They're Stark's. All of them."

Tony: "Wait. I didn't do..."

Magneto: "Relax. I know that. My family was all here when it happened. Your body double plan to trick the aliens turned out to be useful. We managed to fake our deaths. It helped me gain extra time for my family as well as to investigate. Otherwise, I might have had to fake my and my wife's deaths, just to prevent my kids' identities from being revealed as mutants. "

Tony: [F*ck. This is the story from Age of Ultron. The twins aren't orphans anymore. Or were they not orphans at all? Damn it I reincarnated too early.]

Fury: "Then how did you know they were Stark's?"

Magneto: "One missile didn't go off. I disassembled it and compared it to the fragments of the first one. But that isn't the point.

My point is that these people got the best weapons money can buy. Just to kill me. Do you know how much those Stark missiles go for? They'd have to have deep pockets to waste all that just for a bombing. Some other groups like the Ten Rings may have the money for that but none of them near Sokovia. "

Tony: "So what's your plan? Send your kids here while you go out for revenge?"

Magneto: "A bit. Don't worry, they're older than those girls. Speaking of. 6 o'clock"

Just as Magneto finished speaking, Tony felt hands grabbing onto him. Tony looked back and praised them and then said that he'll go out for a while.

Jean: "Wait. Where are you going?"

Tony: "To the orphanage to adopt a few more kids. Where do YOU think? I'm going to get the puppies."

Jean: "What about the hot chick? You sure you don't want to wake her up like Prince Charming?"

Tony: "I'll pass. I already have a super woman trying to kill me. Besides, I don't want to literally be suċkėd dry."

Tony was about to create a portal and teleport out when he remembered that people who don't know about that like Fury was here.

He looked around to search for the other person who could travel past. He started looking for someone blue. He finally found Nightcrawler(Kurt) beside one of the new kids.

Tony: "Hey overgrown smurf. "


Stark's Home

Tony: "JARVIS, were you listening?"

JARVIS: "I believe you're going to be bringing the Eevees to your daughters, sir."

Tony: "Oh come on. Not you too."

JARVIS: "I'm sorry sir, but this is the conclusion I came up with after analyzing all the information gathered from the monitoring devices. I believe that, in your words, the most appropriate adjective to describe your situation is screwed."

Tony: "Ah sh*t. At least call them step-daughters. Seriously, what the hell, I haven't even met Pepper yet the universe is giving me kids."

JARVIS: "Very well. The Eevee's are almost done getting cleaned. The only thing left is their travel carriers. Are you really sure about going ahead and using the space stations to carry your pets?"

Tony: "Pokeballs"

JARVIS: "Understood. Pokeballs. Are you sure about this, sir? If you granted access to the new equipment, I believe I can build a Pokeball with much less materials."

Tony: "It's fine. I want to be the first one to play with the new machines.

Besides, they're going to be obsolete anyway. At least this way, then won't age a lot. Just make sure the systems are compatible with the Shi'ar technology. Otherwise, there's no point for all this rushing."


Ever since a certain stupid Emperor tried to control the Phoenix Force, Tony has basically got himself a galactic Empire. Granted, his coronation ceremony isn't complete yet but it still doesn't change the fact that he owns an Empire now. Along with the Empire was a fleet of spaceships and warships that follow his every command. This new set of spaceships made his plans obsolete.

Initially, he had a plan to harvest various raw materials and resources from the asteroid belt involved multiple space stations. He would spread all over the asteroid belt and have them act as jump points while he harvested the meteorites. Unfortunately, this plan got a major upgrade and everything had to be reorganized.

Along with the Imperial Guards, the Shi'ar also had all kinds of weapons and spaceships in their arsenal to protect their territory. They were just like a certain country who liked to spend a lot of money on their military. Combining that huge resource allocation with the speed of technological development coming of a galactic empire and you have a lot of advancements in their technology. The military equipment needed to be replaced frequently to keep up.

Tony used his powers to repurpose some of the older spaceships to help him gather resources near Earth. This left him with some extra space stations' bodies that he no longer needed. He thought about reclaiming all the raw materials but decided to just hoard it in case he ever needed it.

Luckily for him, the usual event that plagued hoarders didn't happen to him. He had enough storage space to hoard everything and not have to dispose of something, only to find out that he needed it a few days later.

He was able to find a use for those space stations.

Since they were spherical in shape, they were already the correct shape to act as Poke Balls. He just needed to add a few things to make it a proper Poke Ball

(AN: If I remembered wrong and they weren't spheres, then just treat this as a retcon. Comics do this all the time. )


One thing he added to make the space station a Pokeball is the Pym Particles. By using it to miniaturize the space station, it could now change sizes from a key chain sized object to a throwable ball and back.

Next, he needed to figure out how to call a Pokemon into and out off of the Pokeball.

The first part is making the Pokemon go into the ball when it becomes smaller. Since he was a bit short of time and didn't want JARVIS to play with his toys before him, he just went to the Shi'ar Empire and got one of their ships that were equipped with tractor beams. He had JARVIS mount them near the space-station's airlock compartment.

Next is to make the Pokemon bigger or smaller. By changing the shrinking and enlarging shuriken so that they were shaped like needles, they were able to go faster on a straight line than before. He then mounts the needles onto a railgun and fires it a the Pokemon. He, of course, had JARVIS man the railguns so that they wouldn't accidentally kill the Pokemons. He then added multiple laser pointers combined to make a bigger beam. This was used as an ȧssistant to help someone aim towards the Pokemon.

Finally, he needed to make the interior as livable as possible. If he remembered correctly, Pokemons didn't do a lot of things outside their Pokeballs. He figured that the interior should be comfortable enough that most Pokemons, except for Pikachu, wouldn't mind staying inside.

With this in mind, Tony had JARVIS modify the interior. He used artificial gravity generators to create a unidirectional gravity regardless of the POkeball's orientation. This should make it so that whoever inside is always upright. Next, he added some utilities. He then added furniture like a refrigerator, JARVIS powered cooking machine, tv, bed and some sound systems.

He also some Shi'ar equipment to recycle the wastes and other materials inside to make is partially self-sustaining. He already set things up so that the healing machine would have valves to exchange materials and resupply stocks. The recycling system is just an insurance incase the Pokeballs got lost for quite some time.


After finishing the setup of the Pokeballs, he had a clone test it. He was surprised at how comfortable everything is and didn't even mind staying in it.

Tony: "Damn. These Pokemon live better than some people. JARVIS, change the color scheme to blue and yellow. Have the regular Pokeball be a little less comfortable and the Great ball uses special fabrics or something. As for the Master Ball, mark it as under development."

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