Reincarnated As Tony Stark With A Skill

Chapter 118 - Moira MacTaggert

AN: Had to prepare. Buy gas, food and other stuff. My country is now in lockdown (sort-of).

Still can't understand why toilet papers get sold out in other countries tho.

I'm using tissue paper given from drive thru's, take-outs, and other stuff and I still haven't finished using up my whole stash.


After Tony left, Jean went to check up on Scott who had just fought with Rogue. Jean got hold of Emma and the Cuckoos and levitated them down to the ground.

Jean: "Scott. Are you alive?"

Scott: "Yeah. Thanks, Jean."

Jean: "Don't thank me. Thank them."

Scott looked at where Jean was pointing and saw five girls who are identical to each other.

Scott: "Thanks girls. So, mind introducing me to these lovely ladies?"

Jean: "Sophie, Phoebe, Irma, Celeste, Esme."

Scott: "Hello. I'm Scott. So, where are you from?"

Jean: "You can do the introductions later. All you need to know is they are telepaths and they're Tony's kids."

Scott: "Telepaths. Tony's. But they look like around ... Wait, Is this what you did when you went to college? "

Jean didn't answer Scott's question. Instead, she just smiled as if he guessed correctly.

Scott: "No... Seriously? Does Ororo know?"

Jean: "Ororo is trying to kill Tony right now."

Scott: "Let me guess. That blonde girl is your babysitter. Well, I guess Tony wasn't lying."

Jean: "Lying about?"

Scott: "It's nothing. It's just a random thing we talked about during boy's night. Tony started bragging about having bikini models as his babysitters. Of course, none of us believed him. I'm guessing he never forgot about that."

Emma overheard Scott's ramblings so she went to talk to Jean.

Emma: "Hey Jean. Remember the deal about you becoming their step-mom?

Jean: "Umm. No?"

Emma: "Fine. Then I won't be helping train the puppies. Let's see how you like it when you clean up after 10 kids."

Jean: "Wait. Stop. I'm sorry. Scott. This is Emma, their DNA mother."

Scott: "DNA?"

Jean: "They're clones. It's a long story. Let's get this girl restrained first."

Jean looked at Minn-Erva and Fury who followed along with Magneto. The two were the ones most familiar with Carol's powers. They probably have some information on things to watch out for while trying to restrain Rogue.

Minn-Erva: "Carol had this chip stuck on her neck which kept her from using her powers which is gone. Unfortunately, I have no idea how it worked since it wasn't standard equipment."

They then looked at Fury as he's the only other person.

Fury: "What? I have no idea how alien tech works. Stark provided everything that was useful."

Magneto: "Stark... What about those collars we used on those aliens from before?"

Scott: "That might work. But ours are already in storage. It would take some time to get it. What happens if this girl wakes up?"

Fury: "About that, I think I have an idea."

Fury turned around and looked for something. He saw one of the students inside the mansion playing with Goose.

Fury: "Can someone help me get Goose?"

Emma: "Cat? What is it supposed to do, overload her with cuteness?"

Fury: "Not Exactly."


Jean was levitating Goose toward them but before she could even start, Fury warned her not to do it fast. Goose might get angry.

Jean: "Really? You don't want your cat to get angry?"

Fury: "Yeah. You know how super pets go. So, what's up with the puppies?"

Jean: "What do you mean what's up?"

Fury: "Honestly, I don't know. I'm just expecting it to be weird."

Jean: "Weird? Well, they look flat-faced dogs with rabbit ears."

Fury: "That's not what I meant."

Scott: "Look I don't know how we got from alien cuffs to puppies, but why are you asking as if the puppies should do something awesome. Are they supposed to spit fire or have lasers?"

Fury: "Well yeah. I mean they're Stark's. Aren't they supposed to do something like that?"

Scott: "Wha... And I thought us mutants are supposed to be the weird ones."

Jean: "I don't know Scott. Tony did say he did something to those puppies. They aren't even barking like dogs."

Emma: "I believe his exact terms were mutants. He said they were like us but for animals."

Scott: "I don't... You know what, let's finish this inside. My body hurts. I need to have it checked."


Jean: "Hey Fury, here's your cat."

Fury: "Thanks. Hey Goose, you know what to do right?"


Fury: "Okay. I'm ready."

The others who saw this started looking at him weirdly.

Emma: "Are you serious right now?"

Fury: "What?"

Scott: "You're pointing the cat at her."

Fury: "I know. Can you hurry up and get the collars already? Goose isn't light you know."

Goose heard this and started getting angry. She tried to face Fury but Fury knew better than to be in front of Goose's face. He made sure to hide behind Goose.

When Goose couldn't face Fury, she settled on scratching him instead. She extended her claws and started waving her paws around.

Fury: "Hey. Stop it. Goose, come on. I already lost an eye. Goose"

Fury didn't know what to do. If he let Goose down, he might get eaten alive. If he kept holding onto Goose, he might get scratched instead. He didn't know what to do so he ended up spinning around trying to use the rotation to keep Goose's paws away.


Scott: "Can someone get this on video? I want to show this to our students and prove that we aren't the weirdest people on Earth."


After placing the power dampening collars on Rogue, the went to the clinic to have her and Scott checked out. The other students tried to follow but they were all told off and left.

When they went inside, the same Professor X with Beast checking up on Carol's vitals. They were also on a video call with some old woman. The young ones didn't recognized who they were talking to but Magneto recognized her.

Magneto: "Moira. Nice to see you."

Moria (In some Scottish Accent): "Erik. How's the brotherhood?"

Magneto: "We had some accidents but nothing we couldn't handle. I'm guessing they called you in for a consult."

Moria: "More like I'm helping them study her. The girl is supposed to be human be she has the blood of an alien. Do you know what this means?"

Magneto: "No. But I have a feeling that you're going to tell me."

Moria: "This is the key to my research. If I figure out how they got her body to not reject all that foreign blood, I might be able to complete my formula. Mutants who don't want their powers could get rid of them."

Magneto: "Are you still on that? You're just wasting all that money Moria. Why would anyone want to get rid of their powers."

Moria: "Says the guy who can literally create a flying a submarine. Not everyone likes their mutations, Erik."

While Magneto and Moria caught up with each other, Jean and Scott approached Professor X to ask.

"Umm Professor, who is she?"

Prof. X: "Moira MacTaggert. A friend from our old days. She owns a research facility in Scotland and has it researching mutant biology. Right now, she is working on a way to remove the mutations safely."

Jean: "Safely? Is that even possible? The X-gene is embedded in the genes. Isn't removing them going to cause more problems instead."

Prof. X: "No my dear. She isn't working on removing the gene, just it's effects. She is currently working on a way to stop the X-gene from activating but thanks to our new alien friends. With all those new medical techniques and equipment, she has finally discovered a new path. If she succeeds, she might be able to reverse the process entirely."

Jean: "You know, Tony is also working on something mutant related. I think he is trying to induce mutations on puppies"

Professor X was about to inquire more about the research but everyone in the room got distracted.


A cloud of smoke appeared and when it clears up, they saw Kurt(Nightcrawler) and Tony. They looked just like they were before but Tony has a briefcase that wasn't with him when he left.

Tony: "Thanks. Here."

Tony handed Kurt some cash. He wanted to put it in Kurt's hands but Kurt refused.

Kurt: "No. I couldn't possibly."

Tony: "Just take it. Go buy some Häagen-Dazs or something."

Kurt: "But.."

Jean: "Just take it. He has plenty of that anyway."

Kurt: "Thanks."

After accepting the money, Kurt went and bamfed himself to a nearby store.


Jean was looking at Tony, more specifically his briefcase.

Jean: "Tony. You didn't..."

Tony: "Yep. Tada."

Tony lifted the briefcase and it opened automatically. Inside the briefcase were five the Poke Balls as well as a shiny blue cube.

Tony waited for someone to make a reaction but got nothing. He looked inside the briefcase to check if the Poke balls are still inside when he saw the attention-grabbing cube.

Tony: "Oh right. The Tesseract is still here."

Tony searched around to see if either Minn-Erva or Fury was around. He found Fury but he seems to be occupied apologizing to Goose. Tony was able to find Minn-Erva.

Tony: "Minn-Erva. Catch"

He threw the cube to Minn-Erva like it was some sort of potato.

Minn-Erva recognized the cube and panicked for a bit before proceeding to catch it. Her hands slipped for a bit but eventually, she was still able to grab hold of the Tesseract.

Minn-Erva: "What's wrong with you? This isn't some toy."

Tony: "Relax. It's not like you dropped it. Besides, it's not that fragile that it would break when dropped. Take care of it for a bit. Just make sure Carol doesn't make contact with it. I still need to present this

Here are the puppies. Tada !!!"

Tony proceeded to present the Poke Balls again.

Everyone got a look look at what was inside. They thought the briefcase may have some magic tricks and something might have changed but they were disappointed. Other than the balls, there wasn't anything else in the briefcase.

Fury: "Is it just me, or does the word puppy mean something else to rich people?"

Emma: "No. Puppies still mean puppies"

Scott: "So it's Tony?"


AN: If you know about Moria McTaggert, please don't spoil it.

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