Tony: "So, how's Carol?"

Prof. X: "She'll be fine. But I can't so for sure about her powers. According to Erik, with the way Rouge was fighting, she should have already lost her powers by now. Even he doesn't understands why. I doubt your friend could regain her powers until then."

Tony: "It's fine. I think it's actually better for her to be powerless for now."

Jean: "You want her to lose her powers?"

Fury: "Hey. I thought you brought that cube to give Carol her powers back?"

Tony: "Fury? I thought you were busy? Did you settle things with Goose?"

Fury: "Yeah. I'll get her some roasted pig later. What about the cube? Why did you bring it here if you weren't going to use it?"

Fury pointed at the Tesseract on Minn-Erva's hands.

Tony: "That? That's just the bait for Carol. I'm going to have her take some tests. She'll have to work hard before she gets her powers back"

Fury: "But what about the aliens. Earth is defenseless without her."

Tony: "Not really. Besides, aren't you forgetting about all these people around you?"

Fury looked around. He was there when they fought an ȧssassination squad. He knew part of their capabilities.

Fury: "Look. No offense to everyone here. You're nowhere as strong as she is. I saw her destroy spaceships. Even Magneto couldn't do that."

Tony: "Why do you need to destroy spaceships? With the people here, you could steal the spaceships instead. They're way stronger than her alone."

Fury: "But that's dif--"

Tony: "Nuh-uh. No buts. I'm not letting her get her powers if she doesn't learn some discipline."

Emma: "Discipline? You? Really?"

Tony: "Hey! I can be disciplined if I wanted to. Just because I don't do it doesn't mean I don't know about it. Minn-Erva, help me out here."

Minn-Erva: "Nope. You play around with those toys of yours during the missions"

Tony: "Hey. They do the job. But that's not what I meant. I meant about Carol."

Minn-Erva: "Oh that. Right. You should have seen her on the field. She way too reckless. She doesn't do reconnaissance just because she has powers. She'll plow through any place without checking if there are traps. At least Tony knows about the traps. He just likes to poke at it anyway."

Tony: "Thank you. See, Fury? This is what I mean. Carol was a soldier. But somehow, she managed to be more reckless than before. Since the only thing that changed is she got full access to her powers. This is definitely because of that."

Fury: "Fine. But if someone alien did come to invade. You better get me one of their spaceships."

Tony: "The next time an alien goes and invades Earth, you wouldn't even know where to put all things, aliens. Now, who wants to train a superhero?"


When Carol regained consciousness, she felt her body rocking back and forth. She immediately opened her eyes and looked around. She looked all over and found out that she was in a forest. She tried to look around to look for clues but wasn't able to find anything she was familiar with. The only thing she knew was that she was in a horse-drawn carriage with her hands tied along with one other person.

Carol: "Where Am I?"

When the person noticed her, he started talking to her.

"Hey, you. You're finally awake. You're trying to cross the borders right?"

Carol: "That voice. Tony?"

Tony: "Nope. I'm Batman. I mean Ralof. Now, where was I? What's the next line again? Ah, screw it."

With that, the scene Carol saw changed. Instead of the forest, she was now inside an empty room. Other than the bed she's laying on, the only other thing in the room is a crate beside her bed.

Tony: "So, do you want to get your powers back?"

Carol: "What are you saying. Of course, I want to."

Tony: "Good. Then for your first task. Go open that crate."

Carol followed his instructions. When she opened it, she saw a black piece of cloth with some hints of yellow.

She pulled it out of the box and unfolded it. When she did, she saw a black swimsuit with a bolt of lightning running across it.

Carol: "A swimsuit? Why are you showing me a swimsuit?"

Tony: "That's not a swimsuit. That's your costume. What else would you do with a costume? You're going to be wearing that."

Carol: "No. I'm not wearing this. It's just a swimsuit. You're sup just for your fetish."

Tony: "Just a swimsuit? No no no. That right there is a special suit. First of all, don't you remember your uniform being baggy at 'some' places? This costume can wrap around your body better than that old uniform. You shouldn't be complaining about that baggy costume any time soon. Secondly, it looks good. You keep charging every time we strike somewhere, this shouldn't be a problem, right? And most importantly, it is designed by some very expensive designers. The form and cut is supposed to emphasize your body more. Your ċhėst is already great but that ȧss just sucks. We tried to do all kinds of things except getting you pregnant and still nothing. Face it, it's flat. This should help it look a bit better."

Carol: "No. This is just stu--"

Tony: "Plus, if you don't wear it I won't be motivated to help. Good luck trying to recreate that blast without me."

Carol: "Fine."


Inside the control room for Carol's room.

Tony, Minn-Erva, and Jean were inside the room, watching as Carol through the video feeds. They watched as Carol took off her clothes and changed outfits.

Carol: "Done."

Tony: "Good. Now do a twirl."

Carol tried to spin around but instead of a pageant spin, Carol turned around like a penguin.

Tony: "Sigh. You're hopeless. I don't know how you did it but you managed to make your ȧss flatter. That's it. I'm out. Minn-Erva, you trained like her before. Want to take charge? I don't care what you do. Just make sure she doesn't get loose an arm or something. "

After giving Minn-Erva the wheel, Tony took the Tesseract from her.

Minn-Erva's relationship with Carol wasn't like it used to be. Instead of training her, she end up spoiling her instead. At least with the Tesseract on him, Carol wouldn't have the change to 'accidentally' regain her powers.

Tony was just about to leave the room when the doors opened up.

Tony: "Mystique? Weren't you supposed to be out or something? If you're here for Carol, she hasn't even warmed up, much less started training. There's no way she'll stand a chance against you right now."

Mystique: "Hi Tony. I heard you tied up my daughter?"

Tony: "WHAT?"

Jean: "I guess that's your sixth daughter then."

Tony: "Wait. WHAT??"

Mystique: "Look. She might like to play rough, but please don't treat her the same way you treated me. That's way too rough for regular humans."

Tony: "Wha?? Wait, who's your daughter?"

Mystique: "Anna Marie?"


M: "Rogue? Don't tell me you treated her like one of your one night stands?"

Tony: "Oh, Rogue I haven't even met her. Much less touch her."

Mystique: "Really? Then why is a collar with your name wrapped around her neck?"

Tony didn't know what was happening. He thought that after he left, they just knocked Rouge out and kept her unconscious until things were done but as it turns out, he was wrong. He looked at Jean for answers.

Jean: "That collar was the power dampening collar you left here. We thought it would help restrain her powers."

Tony: "Fine. "

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