After everyone arrived, Anakin grabbed Padme's hand and pulled her to his room. When they got inside, Anakin showed to her his droid.

He approached the place where C-3PO usually is and removed the covers. He was about to present his droid to Padme but then he couldn't.

Anakin: "JARVIS? Where's 3PO?"

JARVIS: "C-3PO is currently in the kitchen, sir. Do you want me to call for him?"

C-3PO is currently in the kitchen because the droid is helping Anakin's mother, Schmi, cook.

When Tony's supplies started to run out, he went and had JARVIS start cooking. He would make some simple dishes from time to time but would mostly help Schmi with the cooking.

He did this just until C-3PO was ready.

After Tony and Anakin completed C-3PO, JARVIS uploaded cooking as well as all other chores in it. C-3PO could fight people now, so doing house chores would be easy. Cooking was a lot more complicated since C-3PO doesn't have the appropriate sensor mounted, but the droid only has to prepare all the ingredients which is easy.

JARVIS used the excuse of having the droid do chores so that he could fine-tune the droid's movements. In truth, he had C-3PO do this because he himself didn't want to do it.

He was following his master's example. Tony didn't want to waste time on matters he didn't care about and had JARVIS do those things for him.

JARVIS didn't want to waste his resources when there's another droid that he could command could do for it for him.

Since the droids were the ones preparing the meal, everyone had a lot of time for conversation.

They started talking about the slave trading and how slaves have remote explosives implanted inside their bodies. Anakin told everyone that he was working on a scanner so that he could find and remove it.

While they were talking about slavery, Tony refrained from getting into the conversation. He knew about the transmitters and JARVIS has already found it. Tony just didn't remove it because of Anakin's mother.

After the 2 boys leave, Watto was going to sell her to another person. He sold Schmi to her a good person who freed her and then married her. It sounded like she would have a good life later.

There is a problem with her getting kidnapped but Tony already prepared for that. Tony already scouted some Tuskan Raiders and learned of their capabilities. Counting in some technology development that rarely happened in this universe, he still determined that C-3PO has enough capability to protect her.


While they were talking, Jar Jar finished his meal. He looked at the bowl of fruits looking for dessert. He opened his mouth and used his tongue like a frog, using it to grab a fruit and then swallowing it.

Jar Jar: "Excuse Me"

Anakin ignored this and started talking about pod racing. He boasted that he was the only human who could do it but then Tony interrupted.

Tony: "No you're not. I could do it too."

Qui-Gon: "Really? Then you two must have Jedi reflexes..."

That's was when Jar Jar used his tongue to get another fruit.

Qui-Gon reached for the tongue in order to catch it. He was going to pull on it before reprimanding him when he noticed something else moving.

He saw Tony on his side, already had his spoon swinging. The spoon is clearly aiming to swat Jar Jar's tongue away.


Before everyone in the table knew it, Qui-Gon already caught Jar jar's tongue which was flying back to his face.

Jar Jar: "Aaah. My ton.."

Tony: "Don't do that. It's rude."

Qui-Gon: "The boy's right. What was your name again?"

Tony: "Tony Stark"

Qui-Gon: "Tony. What a peculiar name. The two of you brothers have amazing reflexes."

Tony: "Thanks. That's an honor coming from a Master Jedi"

When Tony said this, Padme's face became serious. She looked at Qui-Gon, asking if their identities are exposed.

Qui-Gon didn't have such an obvious reaction. Instead, he had a poker face on and was looking at the boys.

Anakin: "Master Jedi? Is that different from a Jedi Knight?"

Tony didn't know what to say. He could answer the question but he figured that he might appear to know too much. He decided to just keep quiet and look at Qui-Gon for answers

Qui-Gon: "What makes you think that?"

Anakin: "We saw your laser sword"

Qui-Gon tried to deny it but Anakin defended that no one could kill a Jedi. Qui-Gon refuted the Anakin's claim before admitting that he's a Jedi.

Qui-Gon refused before telling everyone in the room about their purpose. They talked about their secret mission and how their ship got damaged.

Anakin: "We can help. Tony, JARVIS and I could fix anything."

Tony: "Yeah. But I don't think that's their problem. You went to Watto's to look for parts. Based on Watto's tone, you don't have any money. Since you are in a hurry, I suggest pod racing. There's a race."

Anakin: "I built a racer. It's fastest ever."

Tony: "No. Mine's faster."

Anakin: "No. Mine."

Tony: "No..."

They continued this until Schmi stopped them. She pointed out how Tony could do it but Anakin couldn't. Watto wouldn't allow Anakin to race. She also mentioned how worried she became when Anakin races.

For the newcomers, that's was when they found out that they Tony and Anakin weren't related. Schmi worried about Anakin way more than Tony that it was hard not to notice.

They had no time to focus on it though because Anakin still kept convincing her mother to allow him to race.

Tony: "Um, Mrs. Skywalker? How about Anakin and I join the race together. I could watch over him and make sure he doesn't get into an accident."

Tony then looked at Anakin for help. He looked at him with a signal for Anakin to show his puppy eyes.

With that, Schmi finally consented. She still had some conditions for Tony but they were mostly precautions. They both knew that things would be different during the race.

Tony: "Great. Master Jedi Qui-Gon. After this storm passes, do you mind helping us 'convince' some sponsors?"

Qui-Gon: "Sponsors?"

Tony: "Yup. Entry fees are needed to join the race."


Tony already investigated some inner workings of pod racing. He knew some of the weaker-minded people.

Tony wasn't able to convince Qui-Gon to help him with the sponsorship at first. The Jedi reasoned something about giving compensation.

There could only be one winner in a race and Tony would likely yield. 'Convincing' someone to sponsor Tony would just be plain extortion then since it's would be a guaranteed loss. At least in Watto's case, Qui-Gon still paid the value in Republic Credits. It may not be useful in the Outer Rim but there is still value.

Tony gave up and led him to a race organizer instead. He had Qui-Gon help him join the race under certain conditions.

The condition was that he would only take off after giving the others a head start. This was so that people wouldn't place a last-minute bet on him. He would stay still until the bettings are close before going. This was a favor for the House so that they wouldn't lose even if he won.

Tony didn't mind this because he was using his repulsor technology on his race pod. They were the peak of air-breathing engines in this universe where hardly anything goes supersonic. Every civilization is so focused on Hyperdrives that even the fastest known spaceship in this universe can only bȧrėly go supersonic in the atmosphere.

(AN: I'm not too familiar with ALL non-movies since there are too many but I don't remember anything making a sonic boom starting from atmosphere. Even the Millenium Falcon only maxed out at 1200kph = 333m/s in the atmosphere. Not even Mach 1. Mk 3 Iron Man suit beat that on its way back from work.)

Not only was his repulsor technology better than all the atmospheric engines. He also placed repulsor engines all over his racing pod because of their size. Not only could it do sharp turns, but it could also act as a weapon if someone gets close to him. They would need to be almost in contact close but by that point, every person knew the one approaching is definitely up to something.

Tony could shoot the enemy down without fear of the incident being used to reject his request to undergo Jedi training. Preemptive self-defense is justified in a universe where a lot of people can peek into the future.


After settling things the entry of Tony, Qui-Gon went to deal with Watto. He did deal with the Naboo ship as the wager, earning contempt for Padme. Padme thought it was too risky to bet the ship and stated that the Queen wouldn't approve.

That night, Qui-Gon gathered Anakin and Tony for a 'health' checkup. He got their blood sample and sent them to his Padawan, Obi-Wan, for a Midichlorian Count.

Obi-Wan: "The readings are off the chart. Over 20 000. Even Master Yoda doesn't have a Midichlorian Count that high."

Qui-Gon: "And the other?"

Obi-Wan: "Impossible. It's over 90 000! I think the machine is broken."

Meanwhile, the Symbiote inside Tony's blood smiled. Jedi sensors count Tony's Symbiote in the same category as Midichlorians.

Qui-Gon went to Tony and got another sample. Tony knew about the readings so he didn't add any symbiote in the new set of samples. He also reabsorbed his symbiote from the first sample.

Qui-Gon: "Check again."

Obi-Wan: "Master, I think the machine's still broken. It's still reading over 20 000."

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