The next morning.

Tony was still sleeping when Anakin shouted.

Anakin: "Tony! Tony! Wake up. It's race day!"

Tony: "5 more minutes."

Anakin: " Tony! Wake up! JARVIS is gone."

Tony: "JARVIS? I had him do last-minute upgrades on the pod racers. Now let me get back to sleep."

Anakin: "But..."

Tony: "Sleeping. Can't hear you"


After a few hours of Anakin excitedly waking everyone, they went to the race venue. Qui-Gon met with Watto to make sure there's no problem with the deal. Watto then retorted that Qui-Gon should prepare to pay up. Anakin may be a great pilot but he couldn't win.

Watto boasted how he would bet everything on Sebulba because he is confident that guy will win. Qui-Gon took that bet in exchange for a deal. He would get Anakin and his mother in exchange for Anakin's pod. He was also supposed to add Tony in the deal but he remembered that Tony wasn't a slave.

Watto didn't accept, reasoning out that no race pod is worth 2 slaves. Qui-Gon then changed his demand to Anakin alone.

Watto didn't want to let the boy go because he was much more useful than his mother. Watto took a chance cube and let fate decide on who go free.

Qui-Gon used the Force to and had the cube pick Anakin.


Everyone got ready and the pods were brought into the Arena.

Anakin looked for Tony and found him sleeping in his race pod.

Anakin: "Tony! Wake up. Why are you still sleeping? "

Tony: "[Yawn]. Oh hi. Is the race about to start?"

Anakin: "No! They're introducing everyone. Get ready. Where's JARVIS? Also, where did you get this plating from?"

Anakin wanted to ask Tony since they woke up. This was because Tony's race pod transformed overnight.

Yesterday, Tony's pod was just like his own.


It had internal components showing all over the place. It had wires hanging all over the pace. Even when Tony said that it was ready, he didn't believe him. Tony had it run a few ŀȧps just to convince him.

What Anakin is surprised about is that the very next day, Tony's pod was ready. It wasn't just running, it also had platings. There were still some plating that didn't completely cover some region but it was the same for the others. Tony's pod transformed from bȧrėly usable to complete in one night.

Tony: "JARVIS is ... occupied. How about you? Is your pod ready?"

Anakin: "Yup."

Tony: "Really? Then what's with the plug hanging off of your engine?"

Anakin: "The wha... That Sleemo. (AN: TN->Slimeball. Some kind of alien insult.)"

Anakin rushed back to his pod to fix it, He then did a full body check on it again

Tony, seeing this, smiled.

He didn't look for JARVIS because he knew where JARVIS was. His Iron Man suit, which Anakin thought of as JARVIS, is already dissembled and all over his racing pod. He did this so that he wouldn't have to worry about others pulling something on him.

He thought that someone else would mess with him but he was wrong. Barely anybody knew of him. No one knew if he was a strong opponent. They thought he was just like Anakin who hasn't even finished a race.


Seeing as nobody else was coming, he closed his eyes again. He then talked to JARVIS through an ear-piece.

Tony: "JARVIS?"

JARVIS: "All systems ready, Sir. Mr. Anakin's pod is also running."

Tony: "What about the other thing?"

Jarvis: "I have already fed the (alien) camel some laxatives. If everything is working properly, the effects should be showing right about now."

Tony then started looking for Jar Jar.

He gave JARVIS the orders to put the camels they were riding on some laxative because he knew the camels didn't like Jar Jar. They would fart on him sometime before the race.

Tony wanted to use this event to see if Jar Jar is actually a Sith.

If Jar Jar avoided the crap the camel would spray, then Tony would do some proper investigations on him. If his suspicions were correct, he would try to see if Darth Jar Jar has any intel on the current Master Sith's, Palpatine's, clone body. Tony wanted to scout ahead and see if he was going to be targeting just one Sith or a whole clone army of them.

If his test failed, it's not like it would matter. Some people would probably even find joy in Jar Jar's tragedy.

He wanted to see the whole thing first hand but couldn't. He didn't want to alarm a possible Sith Lord. Instead, he just had JARVIS record it. Not only would his target not be alarmed, he could check in case his eyes fooled him.

Tony discovered early on that his invisibility only works on those affected by the Force. With JARVIS as his eyes, he would know if something suspicious happened.


JARVIS just informed Tony that the camel started aiming its but towards Jar Jar.

Qui-Gon: "Tony? "

Tony: "Hmm? Hello."

Qui-Gon: "Looks like you're ready."

Tony: "Yeah. I don't have to win anyway so no pressure."

Qui-Gon: "Still, I hope you be careful. Too much confidence can become your weakness."

Tony: "I guess so. Thanks."

Qui-Gon: "Good. Also, remember to feel. Don't think. Not as much as you do. Use your instincts."

Tony didn't know what to say. Ever since he got Isekai'd, he was mostly thinking. Even to train himself, he was also thinking.

Back in the MCU, he was taught by his martial arts instructor that instincts can be developed. He got his clones to help him gain experience. Some parts of it may be due to muscle memory but there was still a lot of thinking involved in his training.

He was able to develop his instincts partly because of thinking but it wasn't the same in this universe. He didn't have to have experience to develop instincts at the level Qui-Gon was talking about. Instead, all he had to do is be in tune with the Force.

Tony: "Don't think? That might be hard. I'll try my best."

Qui-Gon: "There is something Master Yoda once said to me that I will say to you.

Do or do not. There is no try."

Tony: "Okay. I'll do it."

Tony reached his hands towards his compartment and grabbed the helmet of his suit.

Qui-Gon saw this and was satisfied.

Qui-Gon: "Good. May the Force be with you."


The race was about to start.

Tony and Anakin looked at each other but didn't say anything. They just nodded to each other and waited for the race to begin.

After the announcer said it, everyone started their engines.


The bell rang and the race began.

Tony starter his timer and watched as everyone started moving. He wanted to how fast his opponents were but then discovered something.


Anakin: "You're not moving too. I want to win against you."

Tony: "Is that why you're so excited? That's not why we're here. Now Go!"

Anakin: "No."

Tony: "We can just race later"

Anakin: "No."

Tony: "There's no more time. If you don't want to, I'll make you. JARVIS."


JARVIS tapped into the 'upgrades' he made to Anakin's pod.


Anakin's pod started moving. Anakin saw that he was about to crash into the wall so he had no choice but to control it. Anakin looked back one last time before going full speed.

With Anakin's pod racer being one of the fastest on the planet, he was easily able to overtake the last ones.


Tony watched as Anakin's rank started to climb.

Tony: "Good. JARVIS, start the music"

Tony saw that he could go not. Still, he didn't go immediately. Instead, he waited for the song to finish to instrumental part and then he started going.

Tony reached a clear area and then started increasing his speed.

He got near the second to the last place


It didn't take much time for Tony to create a sonic boom.

The last place was affected by the shockwave and lost control of the steering. The pod started pitching downwards until it hit the ground.


Tony witnessed this. He saw how the enemy got eliminated and thought of something.

Tony: "JARVIS, do you have some dubstep?"

JARVIS: "Dubstep sir? I don't have anything with that term in my storage"

Tony: "It's okay. We'll just make our own. Where's the next target?"


Tony drove his pod until it was close to the next racer above him.

When the racer was on sight, he started slowing down until he's subsonic. Tony then went close enough to hear the other person's engines.

He would go to side by

Wing Weeeng Wang Wong Woong.



The pod racer also crashed


After doing it a couple more times, Tony started to get the hang of the differences between the sounds due to the doppler effect.

He started playing around with the sounds but then he noticed something. The sounds of the engines of the slower racers were similar.

Tony thought about the Sebulba's and Anakin's race pods. It may be due to them being special characters, but they do have unique sounding engines.

Tony figured that the faster race pods would be different so he started racing for real.

After passing a few more competitors, he saw Anakin's pod behind 2 pods. They seem to be colluding with each other, preventing Anakin from getting through.

Tony: "Great. I can finally cheat righteously."

Tony got beside Anakin and did some hand gestures. It was signaling Anakin to back off for a bit.

Anakin saw the gestures and backed off.

Tony then went in front of him and behind the two others.

He looked in front and waited for a bit.

He waited for the Force to do something and then felt something.

Tony understood it and started moving forward.

He got right in between the two pods when he felt something ominous.

Tony knew that the two racers would probably squeeze him in.

He could have sped through the two but chose not to. Instead, he starts getting close to one of the pods. When part of his pod was close enough nothing could be seen from the outside, Tony activated a repulsor near that part.


The other racer's pod started to smoke.

Tony then moved to the other pod and did the same thing.

Moments later, the two racer's pod started to slow down.

Tony and Anakin continued moving.


They got to the canyon were snipers were camping.

A few shots were fired but Tony did nothing.

Tony didn't watch out because he knew he wouldn't get hit. This is because Tony already had his clones replace the snipers.


It wasn't long and they reached the first place, Sebulba.

Tony finally got to the last sound he could record.

He signaled Anakin not to wait for him and to go ahead.

Anakin wanted to see if he could help but Tony told him not to. He blocked Sebulba's pod and let Anakin through.

Seeing Anakin proceed, Tony started playing with Sebulba.

He would go around Sebulba's pod, distracting him.

He would then go behind him and then approach him.

Tony did what Sebulba did to Anakin and got Sebulba's head close to the lighting arcs between Tony's engines.

When Tony got everything that he needed, he went ahead to overtake Sebulba.

He then had JARVIS release some smoke from smoke bombs to choke him.

Tony then started influencing Sebulba's movements. He slowly led him towards a stone pillar.

They were just about to crash into the pillar when Tony turned off the smoke. He then dodged the pillar.

Tony: "JARVIS? How's Sebulba?"

JARVIS: "Still alive sir."

Tony: "Alive? Oh well.

Did Anakin win yet?"

JARVIS: "Almost there sir. Unless some other racer catches up, he should win."

Tony: "OK. I'll stay here until he wins then."


AN: I think Daisy Ridley agreed the Luke wasn't Luke in the Last Jedi.

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