While Anakin was still on the way, Tony had JARVIS pilot the ship. He let his AI pilot the ship while he watched the footage of Jar Jar and the camel. He wanted to focus on it as much as possible

(AN: Don't do this while driving even on AI cars. Tesla may have autopilot but it's nowhere near perfect. I may retract my statement later or if the AI's manage to navigate the streets of urban Southeast Asia at it's worst.)

To watched the footage. He saw the camel aim its but at Jar Jar and him not noticing. He waited for the camel to spray at him, checking the surroundings for anything moving. Tony found no distractions. Jar Jar stood up and was about to get hit right in the face when Tony heard the sound of someone calling for Jar Jar. The frog turned his head just in the nick of time, preventing the camel's #2 spray from hitting him straight on the face.

Tony: "D*mn it Padme!!! Why did you call Jar Jar? He was just about to ..."

Tony stopped because of the scene. Jar Jar was surprised by the crap. He started jumping and flailing around and eventually tripped. Jar Jar tripped straight to the camel's buŧŧ.

Tony: "[Sigh]. This still isn't definitive. Jar Jar may just have dumb luck. I can't believe I'm actually taking that Darth Jar Jar joke seriously. JARVIS, I want you to review the footage. Check for any sign that Jar Jar was just faking it."


After Anakin finished the race, Tony went in second.

He went to the parking area and deboarded his pod. When he got out, the first person to greet him was Anakin. He went there to tell Tony that this competition didn't count. They were going to race again later and see who is faster.

Tony agreed.

After Anakin, he was then confronted by Qui-Gon. Qui-Gon asked why he did all the things that he did during the race.

Tony: "That? I just followed your instructions. You told me to feel it and that's what I did. I just tried to feel (the beat). But I gotta admit, the beat is kinda weird."

Qui-Gon: "I see. But couldn't you have just overtook the others without cause all those sonic booms?"

Tony: "Yeah. But where's the fun in that?

I couldn't win in the race anyway. Isn't enjoying the race and having fun the next best thing. Besides, it felt like something, I think it's that Force thing you mentioned, talking to me telling me to just play around."

Qui-Gon didn't know what to say. He did instruct Tony to trust his instincts. He also felt, through the Force, that Tony was saying the truth. There were also no signs of Tony leaning towards the Dark Side.

He didn't know what to do with him. It did feel like Tony is leaning on the Light Side. It's just, the way Tony was good was wrong.

Tony is essentially still a good kid. It's just that Tony is a chaotic good.

Qui-Gon started to suspect that the prophecy he knew about may have been inaccurate. The prophecy which talked about the one who would bring balance to the Force. There might have been some errors during its recording. It might not be a chosen one but a pair of chosen ones.

Anakin would be one side and Tony was the other.

They were similar in some ways but different in others. Maybe they got together in order to balance each other.

He went to Watto to get the parts and finish the deal. He sent the parts to Padme's ship while he accompanied Anakin. He didn't pay that much attention to their conversations because he was caught up thinking about this.

"Yes sir"

Qui-Gon accompanied Anakin to sell the kid's racing pod.

Anakin didn't think twice about selling it because he was already set on building another.

He wasn't satisfied with the results of the competition. He might have won the race but his pod wasn't the fastest. He watched the replays and knew that Tony's was faster. He wanted to build a faster race pod and race against Tony. He wanted to win a race properly and he knew that he would lose if use his current race pod.

After selling it, they returned to Skywalkers' place. Qui-Gon then informed the mother and son duo that Anakin is set free. It was just him though because Watto didn't agree to having both of them set free. He then informed them of his intention of having Anakin undergo training to become a Jedi.

After saying this, Qui-Gon left the two to talk about Anakin's future.

He went to an isolated area and then called for Tony. He asked Tony about his parents. Qui-Gon knew Anakin had no father so Tony was the only one left. He wanted to see if Tony did fit the criteria from the prophecy.

Tony: "My father? I don't have a father in this universe."

The statement was misleading but Tony did say the truth. He arrived at this universe but he wasn't born here. He also didn't know anyone, aside from the Ancient One, who knew how to travel between universes but that should only be limited to Marvel Universe. Not only was this in a bigger inside the Disney Universe, but his father is also already dead. The only way his father might appear here is if he came from the past or through transmigration. His father died peacefully for it to be the second.

Tony was successful in misleading Qui-Gon. Qui-Gon thought that what Tony referred to as the universe was all of known space. He didn't think it was related to some parallel universe. He was convinced that Tony also had no father.

Tony jumped for joy. He was so excited because he could finally get to make his own lightsaber. One that is 100% authentic not to mention personally made by him.

Qui-Gon left Tony to calm down while he went for Anakin. The boy agreed and even started packing. He went to C-3PO and told it to watch over his mother.

Anakin was instructing his droid on what to do when Tony who got back to the room overheard this.

Tony: "Don't worry Anakin. You know we've already finished 3PO. As long as his memories aren't wiped, he'll be able to help your mother."

Anakin heard the advice and let things go. He looked back at Tony and noticed JARVIS still wasn't around. He tried asking again but Tony just told him to wait.

After packing their bags, Tony led Qui-Gon and Anakin back to his pod racer. Tony already reconfigured the pod while Anakin and Qui-Gon were out. The race pod could now carry the 3 of them.

They got settled in.

Tony: "Hey Anakin. You want to see where JARVIS is right? JARVIS."

The pod's HUD started to glow and JARVIS voice was suddenly heard.

"Hello, Mr. Anakin. I heard you were looking for me."

Anakin: "JARVIS is in the..."

Tony: "Yep."

Anakin: "He controls..."

Tony: "Yep"

Anakin: "How did you..."

Tony: "Later. JARVIS"

The race pod started moving.


The three got back to Padme's/ Naboo spaceship. The boarded the craft then Tony returned to his pod.

Qui-Gon: "Tony?"

Tony: "Wait I'll just get my droid."

Qui-Gon thought Tony was going back to the settlements. He wanted to stop Tony since he felt something bad was approaching. They don't have that much time. He was just about to pull Tony back when he saw Tony pull apart his pod.

Tony started pulling pieces of his race pod and leaving them at the ground. He then pulled out some large units out of the pod and placed it at the center of the others. These were the life support and other modules that weren't in the pod during the race

The suit Tony brought was just like MK 42. Its parts could fly separately and ȧssemble on its own.

When most of the parts weren't fixed to Tony's pod, they were able to move freely. They started moving on its, ȧssembling the Iron Man suit from the ground up.

Tony went back to the ship and watched the spectacle.

Anakin: "JARVIS can be dissembled?"

Tony: "Yeah. It's a handy trick to save space."


Qui-Gon: "Tony, Anakin. Go. Tell them to take off"

Qui-Gon went in front of the rider to confront the new arrival. He was going to stall for time while the ship took off.

Tony: [Darth Maul. But how? We even used my pod racer. There's no way we were slower than regular running. This guy shouldn't have appeared for at least an hour]

Tony pulled Anakin and they went inside. JARVIS also noticed the situation and went in the ship. While walking inside, he also activated the self destruct buŧŧon on Tony's pod racer

After getting inside, Tony went to the ċȯċkpit and told them Qui-Gon's instructions. He then went back to the ramp. He created a clone of himself, immediately putting it in a Force Cloak upon creation. The clone slowly sneaked away.


Qui-Gon drew his lightsaber while Darth Maul jumped off of his speeder.

The guy then drew his lightsaber, which is a long stick twice the size of Qui-Gon's lightsaber.

The two started clashing their lightsabers.

While they were fighting, Tony clone went for Darth Maul's speeder. The speeder still had its engines running because Darth Maul didn't expect someone to steal it in this situation.

The clone rode the speeder and drove it away.

Tony: [Yes!!! Darth Maul's speeder. Stupid Sith, you might be powerful but you still need to secure your belonging. Now this speeder is mine.]

When he got behind a sand dune, the clone created multiple clones again. One to pilot the speeder, the rest to remove any sort of remote control or tracking. It was supposed to be slowed down by the weight but one of the clones Force lifted the others up. They were able to maintain its maximum speed even with multiple people riding it.


After the initial clash, Qui-Gon waited for an opportunity to escape. He felt the spaceship fly near him and jumped towards it.

With the help of the Force, Qui-Gon was able to jump a physics breaking a hundred meters high, landing on the cargo ramp.

Anakin, Tony and another guy from the ċȯċkpit waited for Qui-Gon to get in.

Anakin: "Are you alright?"

"What was it?"

Qui-Gon: "Not sure. But it was well trained in the Jedi arts. My guess is, he's after the Queen."

Anakin: "What are we gonna do about it?"

Tony: "Us. Nothing. We're just kids. We'll only be burdens if we meddle in something like this."

Anakin: "But..."

Qui-Gon: "Patience Anakin. Tony's right. We couldn't do anything about him right now.

For now, Anakin Skywalker, Tony Stark, meet Obi-Wan Kenobi."

Tony and Obi-Wan: ""Hello There""


Seeing the Naboo spaceship take-off, Darth Maul looked for a moment before giving up. He started walking to where his speeder was supposed to be but immediately found nothing.

He looked around and all he could see was sand and Tony's pod racer.

He went to pod and saw the HUD counting down. When he saw that there was 50 + seconds left.

He counted in his mind while he started to look for clues. He looked for any kind of secret compartment.

40 39 38 ...

32 31...17

He hasn't even finished the seat when he felt something bad was about to happen. He trusted his instincts and jumped away from the pod.

Just as he jumped, the pod already exploded.

Darth Maul: "What kind of counter explodes at 17?"

Darth Maul touched his wrist-mounted comlink to remote control his speeder. He pressed all buŧŧon but discovered nothing seemed to work.


(AN: Number 17 not important. Don't read too much into it.)

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