In space.

After the introductions, the boys were told to settle down in the ship. R2 lead the way, leading them to the resting area.

Inside the spaceship, there were the pilots, the Queen's guards, her aides, the Queen, and others already inside. There were many more passengers than the number of beds inside. Even with resting shifts, there still wasn't enough beds for everyone.

Tony was already prepared to not have a bed. Immediately after they arrived, he had JARVIS set up hammocks for him and Anakin.

Tony then picked up a blanket and gave it to Anakin.

Anakin: "A blanket? And you brought hammocks? How did you know there were no beds left?"

Tony: "Umm... The Force told me. Come on, let's go to the ċȯċkpit and meet everyone. Maybe we can witness the ship go into hyperspace."


Back before, right after the boys left.

Qui-Gon held Obi-Wan back from following them. He wanted to talk to his apprentice about something.

Qui-Gon: "Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan: "Yes. Master."

Qui-Gon: "I have a request for you."

Obi-Wan: "What can I do?"

Qui-Gon:: "I want you to take one of them as your apprentice."

Obi-Wan: "Apprentice? But I'm still a padawan."

Qui-Gon: "Yes and no. You still have much to learn of the living Force but only little could learn from me. When we return to Coruscant, I am going to recommend for you to face the trials."

Obi-Wan: "Thank you, Master. After taking the trials, I will try to take one of them as my padawan. But, I don't think the council will agree to train them. The boys are too old."

Qui-Gon: "Taking one of them as your Padawan is enough. I will handle the rest"

Obi-Wan: "Yes, Master."


After the ship started moving, Tony and Anakin went to do some exploring. Other than the droid room and the engine room, they didn't find anything else interesting.

After a few hours of doing nothing, Tony finally knew how boring space travel can be.

He didn't notice this before because he could just use magic to go back to his home any time he wanted back in the MCU. He also didn't have that much else to do because JARVIS already prepared everything he needed for him. He couldn't even 'pass the time' with a woman because of all sorts of reasons. Galactic Network also wasn't accessible because then, the group's position would be exposed.

If he approached any other group Jedis, they would likely reject his requests before the Jedi Council gave its approval. Fortunately, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan were two of the most unruly Jedis in the Jedi Order.

They didn't reject his request. Not only would these lessons help the 2 boys to catch up to their future peers, but Qui-Gon could also see how his current apprentice would deal with having his own padawan.

Qui-Gon called for Anakin, deciding to teach the both some basics. He taught them some basics, that even some younglings were capable of doing, like telekinesis. He would teach some theories and have his Padawan demonstrate it.

Tony already knew about these things but he still listened. It was still better than getting bored doing nothing. His patience has paid off. While all Force-sensitive people could do those things, Jedis have more intricate techniques thanks to their long history studying the Force.

While Anakin and Tony had similar levels of Force sensitivity, Tony had a lot more time playing with it. There is a clear gap between the two kids that caused the Jedis to change their style teaching.

From a group lesson, the teaching became a one on one session. Qui-Gon would teach Tony some advanced applications for the techniques, while Obi-Wan helped Anakin master the basics.

During the lessons, Anakin was able to master most of the basics in a short time. This was because he was focused. He wanted to catch up to Tony as soon as possible, afraid of being left behind.

He put a lot of effort that when it was time to rest, he immediately slept due to mental exhaustion. He was in a deep sleep that he didn't have the time to miss his mother. He didn't even notice Padme walking between him and Tony in the middle of the 'night'.

(AN: It's space there is no night.)

Padme was there because there was a communications port near them. She went to see the message from one of his advisors. A message that reported about the total number of deaths by the invaders who attacked her planet. The adviser wished for her to contact him and comply with the invader's wishes.

After seeing the message, she was felt helpless. She wanted to do anything to help her people but had no way to do so. She even thinking of contacting them. If the Jedi didn't warn them that it was a trap, she would already done so.


After some time, they finally arrived at their destination, Coruscant. The center of the Republic.

The pilots introduced the kids to Coruscant up until they were about to land. He specifically pointed out Senator Palpatine who was waiting for them in the landing pad.

Tony: "Wait, Senator Palpatine is from Naboo?"

pilot: "Yes. He's even lived most of his life there until he became a senator. Is there any problem?"

Tony: "Not really. I just thought it was weird. I thought that the Queen would be the one usually her and not him. "

The pilot explained the how the differences between a Senator and the Ruler of the planet. He wanted to help Tony understand but the boy wasn't listening.

Tony: [Sh*t. Palpatine is also from Naboo. That annoying Sith Lord... I can't believe I didn't remember that. The Sith who trained him may have been experimenting in Naboo.]

Tony remembered that Palpatine's master was studying how to become immortal. He also remembered how the Palpatine in the last movie is supposed to be a clone.

Since the clone appears to have the same memories as the original, Tony could only conclude that the Sith's soul transferred between bodies.

Palpatine didn't appear to be studying about immortality in the movies so he must have learned it from his master.

Palpatine killed his master after the guy taught him everything.

In an instant, everything started to fit together in Tony's head.

(AN: Everything here happens in Naboo)

The Master was betrayed and killed by his apprentice. Having a grudge against his apprentice, he didn't die peacefully. He wouldn't just go along and peacefully become one with the Force. He would fight back. He would try to get his revenge. He would try to come back to life.

He knew how to transfer his soul and did it. He looked for a host who couldn't fight back when he takes over. He started looking for a child to reincarnate into.

Unfortunately for him, his apprentice expected him to do so. Palpatine started monitoring all the children in Naboo, watching for some sudden change. The Master couldn't escape the persecution and had to give up taking over a human baby.

Tony guessed that the Master wasn't able to go to another planet for some reason. The only choice he had was to reincarnate as a Gungan baby. There were Force-sensitive Gungan's and the Master chose Jar Jar.

The Master tried to take over Jar Jar body but something must have went wrong. There may have been some kind of incompatibility. The take over may not have been smooth, causing some mental damage to the original Jar Jar. The master then decided to keep the damaged soul as a front, to circumvent any sort of investigation on him

Some things in the clone wars (TV) also supported this. Jar Jar managed to survive the battle in Naboo, not to mention the clone wars, with his stupidity.

Following Qui-Gon's teachings that there was no such thing as a coincidence, then Jar Jar's luck wasn't luck.

Since Jar Jar has never been aware whenever he did important, he has done that subconsciously. Palpatine's Master may have been taking over Jar Jar's body from time to time just to keep the body from dying.

Tony: [Jar Jar is a Sith. He's a f*ckin Sith. He is Palpatine's Master. But living with that Jar Jar...I'm not sure if I should pity the guy or be impressed by his patience.]


When they unbounded, the passengers split to the Naboo delegation and the Jedis.

Tony and Anakin went with the delegations since the Jedi's still had to report about Darth Maul.

After settling down in their new accommodations, Tony pulled Anakin to do some Jedi training. He did this in order to distract the boy. If he didn't do this, Anakin would have started missing his mother.

Tony didn't want Anakin to miss his mother because it would just make allowing them to undergo Jedi Training a lot harder.

In order to get Anakin's full attention, Tony challenged him to disassemble and ȧssemble devices using just the Force. They weren't allowed to touch anything and had to use the Force

instead of screwdrivers.

It was hard at first, but Tony told Anakin tips that he discovered managing to have Anakin get the hang of it. They finished playing with the equipment they brought along and was just about to start with the appliances in their room when Qui-Gon came.

He arrived just in time to witness Tony and Anakin ȧssembling the last equipment piece by piece.

Qui-Gon: "Amazing. I see that you two won't have any problems constructing your own lightsabers. Get ready, you two are going to be tested."


Before going to the Jedi Council, Anakin and Tony went to say goodbye to Padme first. Unfortunately, Padme is 'out on an errand' and wasn't able to meet them.

Anakin was just about to say goodbye when Tony pulled him back. He reminded Anakin about the gift Anakin so painstakingly prepared.

Anakin didn't want to give it along but Tony forced him to. Anakin got the Japor snippet carving he did and gave it to an attendant and requested to pass it along to Padme.

After the boys left, the Queen's aides looked at the Queen. Padme is the Queen right now and not some double.

They looked at her. They passed it along. When they saw her smile, they started to tease her. The queen was young and her aides were still women after all. This kind of incident is worth some gossip.


Tony and Anakin went to face the Jedi Council.

They met every single Jedi Master present.

Tony was focused on a particular person, Master Windu. Tony knew he was the doppelgänger of Fury in this universe. He thought he was prepared to see him but found out he still wasn't ready. Not only did Fury and Windu not look like each other, Windu's actions were almost a complete opposite of Fury's.

Windu was so in composed and in control of himself that Tony wanted to prank the guy just to try and make him say 'M*therf*cker'

Fortunately, Tony managed to control his urge. He thought of how if he got to be a Jedi, he could troll the guy as much as he wanted later.

With that, Tony and Anakin had undergone the tests.

They managed to do everything easily, proving that they are strong with the Force.

Unfortunately, thanks to the time between tests, Anakin had the time to think. He thought about what would happen if he got accepted. He knew he would be isolated and started missing his mother.

In the end, Yoda still sensed the fear inside Anakin.

Yoda: "Fear leads to Anger. Anger leads to Hate. Hate leads to suffering."

Anakin started to back down but Tony decided to intervene.

Tony: "Master Yoda. I think you're wrong about something. While Fear may lead to the Dark side, I believe it's not always the case. There are some cases where Fear leads to something good.

What about the incidents where mothers exhibit extraordinary strength during the times when her child is in danger? Isn't it fear which helps her gain her power? She is afraid because her child is in danger. In this case, fear helped her save her child.

What about when a non-Force sėnsɨtɨvė user is in danger? Fear makes one faster. It makes one cleverer. Fear is what helped them survive.

I don't think it's bad to be afraid. Even you are afraid of that bad guy who attacked us. Fear makes companions of us all. I think it's the greed from trying to stop that fear which makes one bad.

You, Masters, also fear but you react properly. With people as wise as you guiding, I think Anakin's fear wouldn't lead him to the Dark side.


Yoda: "Hmm. Point, you have. Meditate on this, I will."


(AN: If someone wants to write a fanfic of Darth Jar Jar, please tell me about it. I would like to see what happens when that guy starts moving seriously)

Also, Fear lines from Doctor Who. The series before it became too woke

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