AN: Week 3: I don't think I like democracy anymore. There should be a basic common sense exam before being allowed to vote. Too many stupid people for democracy to lead to something better.

The president in my country is drunk again. He basically placed a bounty on C C P Virus' head. No extra research funding in the announcement, just a bounty. It's not even big enough to risk going bankrupt.


After the test, Tony and Anakin were told to wait outside.

The council started to discuss whether or not the two boys would be trained.

While Tony didn't manage to have anyone approve their training immediately, he was able to avoid them rejecting outright. Some of them even started to think.



Tony: "So, are you okay?"

Anakin: "I'm sorry. It's just, I miss mom."

Tony: "It's fine. It happens. Though I thought you would last a week. Kids usually enjoy being away from home."

Anakin: "You don't seem that bothered being away from Tatooine."

Tony: "Well, I had practice. But enough about that, we should relax for now. Those old guys won't finish their debate any time soon."


Tony closed his eyes and looked like he was sleeping. In truth, he used his nanites to contact JARVIS who was waiting in their room. He instructed him to establish communication with his clone back in Tatooine.

Tony: "JARVIS? What happened?"

JARVIS: "Sir, I haven't been able to establish contact with our hideout Tatooine. It was lost right after we jumped into hyperspace. I thought it was just because of interference with the hyperdrives but apparently, that wasn't the case."

Tony: "Weird. It was working properly back in Tatooine. Did you change the comms to RF or something?"

JARVIS: "No sir. The quantum communicators are working. It's the range of the communicators that changed."

Tony: "That doesn't make sense. It was working all over the MCU... Force. It's probably the Force again. Wait a sec, I'll check mine."

Tony went to the bathroom to get some privacy. There, he created a clone and dispersed it. He waited for his clone to receive his message and create a clone to respond.

After a bit, he was able to establish contact with his clones. He learned how their comms also lost contact sometime after he left. He didn't have an exact time but they did seem to match with JARVIS's analysis.

With this, Tony's got more evidence that things were different because of the Force. It seems to be affecting all things quantum.

He first noticed this when the Pym Particles he brought doesn't seem to be working. It wasn't that much of a proof alone but with the new information, things made some sense.

If the quantum communicators weren't working, then it might have meant that the rules of quantum physics in this universe is different. But that isn't the case. His equipment seemed to work just fine.

With this new information, he figured that there some something interfering with all things quantum instead. From there, Tony just picked the most mysterious and most likely cause of it all.

Seeing as he couldn't do much about it right now, he decided to just plan for a bit before ignoring it for the meantime.

He asked for updates and got a message saying that Darth Maul's speeder is safe. The clones weren't able to find his spaceship though because Maul had it come for him after they stole his speeder.

Tony told them to forget about it and focus on something else. He told them to start preparing to build an organization of their own. He would need a source of funding now since he's not a rich kid anymore.

At the very least, he needs it until the clone war begins. By then, he would have as much funding as he wanted. At least that is what he thought so based on what he saw on the Clone Wars. Anakin seems to be crashing spaceships and destroyers here and there, not appearing to care about the cost of all those ships.

After finishing his unusually long toilet break, Tony went back. On his way, he met Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan.

The two accompanied the kids to face the Jedi Council.


Windu: "No. They wouldn't be trained"

Qui-Gon: "No?"

Windu: "They're too old."

Qui-Gon: "They are the chosen ones. You must see that."

Yoda: "Clouded, the boys' futures are"

Qui-Gon looked at Obi-Wan. They both knew what the look meant.

Qui-Gon: "Very well, we would train them. I take Tony as my Padawan learner."

Obi-Wan: "And I would take Anakin as mine."

Yoda: "Hmm. Obi-wan to take the trials, the reason this is."

Windu: "We would agree to Stark's training but not Skywalker."

Anakin: "Why not me?"

Windu: "Your emotions. It is easy for you to fall into the Dark Side. Stark, on the other hand, he seems to be in control of himself just fine."

Tony: "Ummmm..."

Qui-Gon: "I'll take on Anakin then."

Yoda: "Young Skywalker's fate will be decided later."

Windu: "Now is not the time for this. The Senate is voting for a new supreme chancellor and Queen Amidala (Padme) is going back to Naboo..."

He then started focusing on the current situation. He focused on the one's attacking (Federation) Queen Amidala's planet of Naboo. and how they would be pressured by the situation. The council wanted Qui-Gon to go with the Queen to protect her as well as get some clues about the Sith.

They were talking about things that were supposed to be classified. They didn't care that the boys heard them. They didn't pay any attention to the two that it started to annoy Tony.

Tony: [No wonder the Sith defeated you Jedis. Not only do you not keep secrets properly, you don't even seem to know that you've annoyed Anakin. Of course, you see him as dangerous. You people don't even act like you want him on your side.]


After the Jedi's talked, the group went to join the people from Naboo.

On the way, Anakin apologized for being a problem. Qui-Gon refuted him and told him wasn't and wouldn't be one.

Tony: "Umm. If I remember correctly, isn't the restriction only for Jedi training? Couldn't you still train us in skills that aren't exclusive to Jedi?"

Tony said this to get Qui-Gon to teach him some things while he still can.

He was planning on interfering with Qui-Gon's fate but he wasn't sure if what he'd do would amount to anything. He doesn't have the advantage after all.

If he failed and Qui-Gon died, at least Tony would be in the same ranks as Batman, Obi-Wan, and Anakin. It would be nice to say that he was trained by Liam Neeson before he died.


Qui-Gon agreed with Tony's suggestion. He was just about to pick a lesson when Anakin asked about midichlorians. Qui-Gon explained its concept to the both of them.

Padme and her group arrived and they all boarded the same spaceship they used to get here.

On their way back, Tony approached Padme and asked her if he could borrow one of the droids on the ship. The ship's droid crew were just replenished so Padme allowed it.

Tony went to the droid room and picked one at random.

He heard the droid cry during the procedure. He didn't know why he was pitying the droid but he couldn't help but apologize.

Tony: "Sorry little guy. I promise I'll fix you and upgrade you later. I just need an R-series droid for now."

Tony then ripped the droid until he reached it CPU. He carefully removed it and then picked some nanites off his head. He placed them on the connectors and had JARVIS control it to interface with the body. He then waited for the droid to start up.

Beep boop beep

Tony: "JARVIS? I don't think the translator is working. I still can't understand what you're saying."

Tony tapped on his head and the Iron Man helmet appeared around his it.

A message appeared on his head coming from JARVIS.

Seeing as he could still communicate with JARVIS using his helmet, Tony told it to focus on mastering the body first. Tony was going to need JARVIS' help


When they arrived, Jar Jar leads the group back to his city. The Queen wanted to make contact with the Gungan's to ask them for help.

After arriving at the lake when the city is, Jar Jar went first to check the situation.

He went back to the group to report that no one is there. Then, Jar Jar told them that his people were somewhere else. He proceeded to lead the group to the Gungan's sacred place.

There, they met the leader of the Gungans, Boss Nass. The Queen was just about to offer an alliance when Padme interrupted her.

Padme: "Your honor. I am Queen Amidala"

Anakin: "Huh?"

Tony leaned his head and whispered.

Tony: "Congratulations kid. You just courted a Queen. Too bad it only lasts for a few years. You still won't be king.

Padme continued with her introductions and told them that she has a body double for protection. Padme then proceeded to diplomatically ask for help. She knew from Jar Jar that the Gungan's have a grand army. She asked for their help to repel the Federation's droid army.

While Padme was busy with this, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon looked at each other. They looked to see if the other knew anything but both showed no signs of it. Qui-Gon smiled, impressed by Padme's acting skills. He may not be prepared but the Queen was still able to fool a Jedi.

After her speech, Padme proceeded to bend the knee. Everyone followed suit and also knelt.

Boss Nass liked how Padme didn't think that they were better them Gungans. He didn't accept their servitude and declared that they would be friends.

They got together and started planning for war.


AN: About the comment about Palpatine's Master supposed to have gotten an actual story. Sorry but I don't have any idea what it is. I've only use the movies and TV series as source plus wikis. I don't remember Plagueis in the story other than ROTS. I've never read the novelizations because I wasn't even aware there are novelizations until last week.

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