Reincarnated As Tony Stark With A Skill

Chapter 134 - Battle of Naboo

After the grown-ups finished their planning, Qui-Gon went to where Obi-Wan and the boys were.

On a clear field, Qui-Gon saw Obi-Wan watching the boys. They were currently running around and playing tag. The only difference between them and regular kids is that they were moving at very high speeds.

Normally, kids could run fast and everything was normal. But the boys were running at their current speeds for a long time, where regular children should already be exhausted. The boys looked like they just finished warming up.

Obi-wan noticed his come and approached him:

Qui Gon: "What is it, Obi-Wan?"

Obi-wan: "Master. Are you sure about this? Letting them... "

Qui Gon: "Play? You think what they're doing is playing around and not training."

Obi-wan: "Yes master. "

Qui Gon: "I see you still have much to learn when it comes to teaching.

My dear apprentice. You should keep in mind. You shouldn't treat the boys like any youngling."

Obi-wan: "I shouldn't?"

Qui Gon: "Of course. They're too old. "

Obi-Wan looked at his master with a peculiar gaze. The Jedi council said this to him, using this as the reason they wouldn't train the two.

He thought his master would just forget about that and train them like any other Jedi.

Qui Gon: "You find my decisions incomprehensible? Looks like I may still have a few things I could impart with you.

My apprentice, if we train then like how we train younglings, they wouldn't learn patience. Younglings have patience because it is taught to them at a young age. It's already too late for that.

You need to teach them in a different way. A way that is much more appropriate for their age. "

Qui Gon then told him about how previous plans.


When Tony asked Qui-Gon for a lesson, Qui-Gon first thought of teaching them how to build a lightsaber. It's wasn't restricted knowledge as there are people who leave the Jedi order with such knowledge. The Jedis did not come after them. The Jedis only placed restrictions on matters regarding the Dark Side and Forbidden Practices

Building a lightsaber may be too early for the boys who haven't even been trained but it seemed like a good idea. The boys appear interested in it after all.

He figured it would make for a good intermediary process before letting them practice meditation.

Since the boys weren't trained at a young age, no one was able to pound into their heads the importance of patience. He knew that it wouldn't do them any good if he just straight up told them to meditate.

This is a slow process, necessary to build one. If they didn't do it properly, the blade produced wouldn't be satisfactory.

Qui Gon was counting on them failing. When they fail, he would point out how their lack of patience was the source of the failure. By then, the boys would have to learn about patience and hopefully have appreciation of it.


"But master, how did lightsaber forging turn into playing tag?"

Qui Gon explained to him that learning how to run would be much more useful considering their current situation.

Naboo is about to enter a war with their group in the center of it. There was also a possibility that they facing a Sith.

The situation is dangerous. Teaching the boys how to build a lightsaber at such a time would be inappropriate. The boys don't know how to use it. Having a lightsaber wouldn't be of use and might even draw danger to the boys.

Teaching them how to run with the help of the Force would be much better. If they ever faced a situation where the boys would be in danger, the Jedis could stall for some time while the boys ran. The boys would be able to stay away from the danger and the Jedis don't have to allocate part of their attention to protecting them.

After the short lecture, Obi-Wan thanked his master for his teachings. The Jedis then went back to the boys and continued watching over them.

The scouts who went to the city finally returned. They reported the situation of the city. They also brought as many soldiers they could to help in their attack.

After learning about the situation in the city, the group settled on the plan where the Gungans become a decoy. They would pick a fight with the droids and try to draw as much of the droid army from the city as possible.

When the droids are away from the city, the humans would go and infiltrate the city. They would then split into groups. One group would try to capture the leader of the attack, the viceroy of the Federation. Another group would create a diversion to draw the guards away from the first group.

Padme asked Qui-Gon about his opinions on the plan. He pointed out that a lot of Gungans would lose their lives but Boss Nass his men didn't seem to fear death.

Padme then pointed out that they would also be sending a group of pilots to attack the spaceship that controls the droids.


The Gungans started showing themselves, and their opponent sent their army as planned.

The humans used this diversion and were able to successfully enter the city. They were all there except for JARVIS's armor body. They split into their groups and the diversion group started gathering everyone's attention. Blaster shots were heard all over the place, and the infiltration group entered the palace.

Once inside, the group went to free all the combatants that were captured. They prioritized freeing the pilots, only freeing other allies they met along the way.

As soon as the hangar doors opened, a barrage of blaster fires were heard. There were still a lot of droids in there, guarding the N-1 starfighters for the exact scenario that is currently occurring.

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan went forward, deflecting blaster bolts from hitting other people from their group.

Knowing that the Jedi's couldn't focus on the boys, they commanded Anakin and Tony to find cover.

Anakin went behind the nearest crate and stayed over there.

R2-D2 went full throttle, trying to avoid getting shot as much as possible. The droid was going to one of the starfighters that doesn't have an Astro-droid equipped and got it ready.

While these two felt the danger, Tony was left standing. He wasn't scared stiff though. He was just standing there because he didn't feel any sort of danger. He was instead busy looking around acting like how girls were during shopping. He looked at each starfighter, trying to see which starfighter he would get into. They all looked like they were in good condition so Tony ended up picking the shiniest of them all.

He pointed towards the ship and then looked at JARVIS by his side, using his R-series droid body. JARVIS knew what Tony meant and immediately started moving.

Seeing JARVIS, Tony went and hid with Anakin. They were waiting for the shooting to slow down so Tony pulled from his pocket, a packet of snacks he got from the spaceship. He went and ate a weird-looking berry and then offered some to Anakin.

Tony: "Want one? I'm not sure what it is but it tastes good."

While the two were hiding, the other pilots risked their lives to get on their starfighters. They tried their best not to get shot, but the droids were still able to land a few hits on them. This left a few of the star-fighters unmanned. Particularly, the shiny one that Tony picked.

The kids felt that the coast was clear so they proceeded to get into their starfighters.

JARVIS: "Hello, Sir. I've already have access to the autopilot and mapped out the controls. All systems are all operating properly. I have also prepared a brief manual for you to ignore."

Tony: "Great. I will ignore it. Establish contact with R2 and tell him to prepare to do a manual override. "


The droids were wiped out and the infiltration group started moving again.

Anakin was afraid that he would get left out so he stood up and called the people's attention.

Qui-Gon: "Anakin, stay where you are. You'll be safe there."

Anakin: "But I..."

Qui-Gon: "Stay in the ċȯċkpit."

Tony: "Me too?"

Qui-Gon: "Yes."

Tony: "Okay!"

Hearing this, Tony sat down and started pushing buŧŧons. He close the ċȯċkpit and removed the brakes on the starfighter. He let it slowly drift forward and then turned the ship towards the entrance of the hangar. No one other than Anakin noticed this because the ȧduŀts all just thought it was just another pilot launching his ship.

Anakin: "Tony? Why is your ship moving?"

Tony: "Shhhh. It's a surprise."

Tony started aiming the ship's weapons towards the hangar doors. He set the target right in the middle of the hanger and then checked for obstacles. He saw some of the crates they used as cover and had his starfighter hover a bit higher.

He eventually got a clear trajectory.

He contacted R2 and asked it to close the ċȯċkpit. When it did what Tony requested, he then started a communications channel.

Tony: "Hey Anakin. remember when you said you wanted to race with me?"


Tony: "Then get ready. We won't have that countdown. Only a start shot."

Anakin: "What start shot?"

Tony: "Just get ready. Believe me, you won't miss it."

Tony then waited for the gates to open.


When the ȧduŀts got to the gates, the door started moving on its own. It opened at a much slower pace than how it did before. It opened at such a slow pace that everyone noticed a hooded figure on the other side.

The hooded figure slowly looked up, at just the same pace as the doors opened.

Tony was surprised by Darth Maul's entrance. He wasn't surprised by Darth Maul but by speed of the doors instead. They so in sync with his head lift that it couldn't have been an accident. It was so good that Tony even felt like he's hearing Maul's entrance music.

Tony: [Wow, a dramatic entrance. Is this you, Force?]

Tony's symbiote saw the midichlorians group together to form a face before nodding. It looked proud of its work that Tony couldn't help but smile for a bit.

Tony: [Nice. But unfortunately, it's not flashy enough.]

Tony waited as the group of ȧduŀts split up. Padme and his people took the long way, while the Jedi's faced Darth Maul.

Tony listened and waited for Qui-Gon to say 'We'll handle this'.

Darth Maul and the Jedis started taking off their robes when suddenly


Tony shot a proton torpedo straight at the unrobing Sith's face.


AN: People relax. I think you're forgetting something, Padme is still a teenage girl. Teenage girls never go for a younger boy who likes them. At least not before they say Ara Ara first.

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