Reincarnated As Tony Stark With A Skill

Chapter 135 - Battle of Naboo Part 2

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan were surprised by their enemy exploding. They looked at each other to confirm that they weren't hallucinating before looking back at their enemy.

The explosion didn't just affect Darth Maul. It also affected the surroundings. The blast created a cloud of dust, making it hard for the Jedi's to see what was happening.

The cloud of dust started to clear up and they could see a silhouette of Darth Maul's body.

Qui-Gon told his apprentice to pay attention, just in case the suspected Sith is still alive. Then, he looked to the place where the attack originated from.

As he looked back, he saw the Naboo starfighter floating in mid-air, with Tony inside the ċȯċkpit.

Tony noticed Qui-Gon's gaze. He didn't open the ċȯċkpit but he used the speakers inside JARVIS to have a conversation.

Tony: "Is something wrong? You three aren't just taking off your robes to go to a swimming pool or something, right?"

Qui-Gon shook his head

Tony: "Then why are you looking at me? Am I supposed to wait for you guys to undress before I shoot the guy?"

Qui-Gon: "No Tony. You shouldn't have attacked him first. It's not the Jedi way."

Tony: "Jedi Way? Why would I follow that? I'm not a Jedi."

Qui-Gon: ...

Tony: "Don't look at me. Blame the council. It's the Jedi council who said it. They're the ones who rejected our training."

Qui-Gon: "This boy..."

Qui-Gon was contemplating on his decision to take the boy as his padawan when his current padawan attracted their attention.

Obi-Wan: "Master..."

Both Tony and Qui-Gon turned their heads to see that Darth Maul's upper body, torn apart but still moving.

Tony: "Ahhh, Zombies!!!"

Tony held the fighter's controls without waiting for Qui-Gon or Obi-Wan's instructions. He tried to fire another shot but JARVIS reminded him of the starfighters limited ordinance. He had to save some Proton Torpedoes for the droid control ship later

He gave up on using a proton torpedo and settled for the blasters instead. He had JARVIS lock on to Darth Maul and all he had to do was shoot him.

Pew Pew Pew x25

Tony kept firing at Darth Maul, not stopping until the guy stopped moving. He kept firing non-stop that he didn't notice that it was his attacks that caused the Sith's movements.

Tony only stopped when he saw Qui-Gon's lightsaber ignite.

Tony: "He's still alive?"

Obi-Won: "I don't think so."

Tony: "I see. Let me fire another Proton Torpedo just in case."

Qui-Gon: "Tony, wait. We still need to determine his identity."

Tony: "JARVIS?"

JARVIS: "Sir, at the end of the corridor. The Sith's lightsaber flew over there, after the first shot."

Tony thanked JARVIS and then pointed the lightsaber to the Jedi's. They pulled it using the Force and then ignited Darth Maul's lightsaber.

They saw the red blade and finally concluded that he was a Sith.

Everyone in the room was paying attention to the red lightsaber. The others saw the reaction of the Jedis and knew things were serious.

Padme and her group started to increase their pace again, trying to stop the war as soon as possible.

They started running when they were blocked by rolling destroyer droids.

They started to hind behind cover when the destroyer droids were shot down one by one.

Tony knew he wasn't the one who fired and looked at the source. He saw Anakin in his starfighter still in the hangar.

Tony: "Ugh. Why are you still here? "


While the plan of the Naboo people were proceeding smoothly, Tony's plan went to a complete halt. Instead of flying in space and playing Space Invaders, he sitting down and receiving a lecture from Qui-Gon.

Qui-Gon was currently lecturing the two boys while watching over Darth Maul's corpse. He didn't actually watch it expecting for the body to move again. He just didn't want Tony to shoot at it until there wasn't even a corpse.

Qui-Gon was sure that Tony would try to pulverize the corpse. He didn't know why, but Tony is uneasy when he saw the corpse. He heard the boy mumble something about going for the head, and something about dust. This was enough to monitor the boy.

At the start of this lecture, Tony immediately tried to reason his way out of it. Tony said that he did what he did because he saw the current events.

He stated all the important details he knew of the event, telling Qui-Gon that they must have been shown to him by the Force.

Qui-Gon didn't believe it was at first because it was hard visions to appear to someone who wasn't even that attuned with the Force.

He was just about to warn Tony about lying when he heard updates from the other groups.

He heard status reports and updates consistent with Tony's description.

Qui-Gon had to listen to Tony's visions.

Based on the visions, they had one last problem. The droid command ship wasn't going to be destroyed by the pilots of Naboo.

He believed Tony but he wasn't going to send 2 kids to the middle of a battlefield.

He instead sent his padawan to destroy the control ship.

While Obi-Wan was busy disabling the droids, Qui-Gon stayed in the hangar contemplating on what to do.

Tony's visions included his death after all. Part of the story Tony said, included an evil voice stating that Qui-Gon was dangerous. It seemed that the other Sith knew of him and wanted him dead.

Qui-Gon was contemplating whether to follow Tony's visions and 'die', leaving Anakin to become Obi-Wan's apprentice.

Qui-Gon didn't want to 'die' and leave the two boys alone but it looked like his death would be important. It led to the Jedi Council allowing Anakin's training. It also gave him the time to meditate on their enemies. With them thinking he was dead, the other Sith might lower his guard and let Qui-Gon discover some clues on them.

Qui-Gon's final concern is Tony's training. Based on the boy's actions, he might not be the best person to be his master. Tony plays too loose with the rules even for his tastes. Fortunately, he knew a person who might be suited to be his master. The only problem he had was how to convince that person.

After deliberating on whether to die or not, Qui-Gon made up his mind and sent a message to Master Yoda.

Obi-Wan got inside the droid command ship and blew up the base like how Anakin was supposed to. It's not like it was difficult, considering that a child managed to accidental do it.

The droids fighting with the Gungans deactivated. Unfortunately, Obi-Wan didn't destroy the command ship fast enough. A certain Gungan was able to destroy a huge amount of droid tanks. Though it was completely a coincidence, the credit still went to Jar Jar. Boss Nass had to promote Jar Jar.

Padme and her people successfully captured the Leader of the attack, Viceroy Nute Gunray. They got sufficient evidence against the man.

Tony learned that Naboo was going to hand him over to the Courts of the Republic and tried to stop them.

Unlike the judicial system of the Shi'ar Empire, the Courts of the Republic doesn't utilize mind readers. They also didn't have an impartial AI making the judgments. They were using the judges/justices, lawyers, and other living people. There was no difference between their courts and the courts back on Earth, They took way too long to decide and are basically controlled by how many lawyers you have.

Tony knew their vulnerabilities and was already proficient in manipulating these things. It was one of the things his father made sure he learned after all. Without the support of ALL the citizens, he knew that whoever has the most money wins. They only have to buy the judges or hire a planet's worth of lawyers.

Whether you have the public's support or not, you still won't have the chance when you don't have a stronger power. Naboo doesn't have more money than a federation of traders. They also don't have a droid army that can occupy a planet. They have no way to influence the results of the trials, unlike their opponent. Tony knew that Nute Gunray would be set free sooner or later.

Tony tried to use the 'visions from the Force' excuse to try and stop them. Unfortunately, they don't believe him as much as Qui-Gon did. They still handed the man and all their evidence to the senate.

In the end, Tony told Padme to contact him when they fail. Nute Gunray would do something when he is set free. None of Padme's advisers supported him so there was nothing Tony could do. He decided to give her a trinket to remind her of his warnings.

While the war ended in a victory, death's were unavoidable. Everyone sustained deaths, including Jedi Master Qui-Gon. The great Jedi Master died due to a surprise attack from their enemy, who they all thought was already dead. The Sith, thought to be dead due to his body being shredded into pieces, was able to do one last sneak attack on the Jedi before dying.

A private room in Naboo's palace

Yoda was currently looking at Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon. He had just conferred the rank of Jedi Knight to Obi-Wan and then proceeded to look at Qui-Gon.

Unlike regular Jedi robes he was wearing before, Qui-Gon is now wearing a mask and the uniform of a Jedi Temple Guard. An elite group of Jedi's whos identities remain a secret.

(AN: For those unfamiliar, think Jedi Anbu. Except they're Guards)

Yoda: "Dead, you are now. Anonymous, your identity has become."

Qui-Gon: "Thank you, master."

Qui-Gon then reminded Master Yoda about the two boys.

Yoda opposed their training, stating that he sensed grave danger. While he did sense the danger, Yoda also saw a vision of what would happen if they managed to get past all dangers. A future, Tony requested the Force in exchange for a Lot of playtime.

Qui-Gon also pointed out how people's reactions to death weren't that convincing as he thought. They had to do something. With Obi-Wan stubbornly trying to complete his 'late' master's Final Request, it should help sell the fact that Qui-Gon was finally dead.

The chance of a beautiful future, combined with the possibility of eliminating the Sith once and for all, made for a convincing reason. Despite the dangers that the boys' training might pose, Yoda still agreed.


The boys learned of their training after Qui-Gon's. 'funeral'.

They would be trained, but there were conditions for this training. First of all, is that they were going to start from the basics. It was a reasonable condition considering they both didn't receive any proper education.

A condition that the Jedi Council emphasized was that they weren't going to receive any further special treatment after they caught up with their age group. They were already sure to be Padawans and they were also allowed to skip 'grades' after passing the test. They wouldn't be allowed anything else. Even if they finished the whole course in a couple of months, they still wouldn't be allowed to jump ranks. They had to stay as Initiates up until they reach the proper age to be Padawans.

The council said this because Qui-Gon talked about the boys' ease in learning Force techniques. They were too receptive to the lessons, making the council think that the boys would become arrogant.

Remembering how Tony abided only by the rules that he knew, Qui-Gon had this part pointed out to them specifically. He had made sure the two understood the implications so that they wouldn't complain about it later.

As a final instruction before Qui-Gon disappeared into anonymity, he asked the two to get along with other fellow Initiates and not just themselves.


While Tony was on his way to the Jedi Temple, a group of his clones were busy dismantling a spaceship.

They were busy dismantling Darth Maul's spaceship because Tony feared that it was fully teched out.

Back before the Coruscant delegates arrived, Tony had a lot of his clones running all over Naboo. It wasn't just regular running. It was the Force ȧssisted movement he learned.

He was trying to locate Darth Maul's spaceship before Palpatine arrived but found no signs of it. He had legions of clones running around instead of helping the Gungans in the war but still found nothing.

Even with his suit flying all over the place, he was still having a problem locating it.

He looked through all clear patches of land where it could be parked but didn't find the spaceship.

He almost gave up until one of his clones dispersed without any notice. The clone was just running across an open field when it happened.

He didn't know why it happened so he sent more clones to the area. They didn't see anything even after they encircled the place.

He looked around as this was the only anomaly in Naboo. He tried to search for snipers or other dangers in the area but still found nothing

After a while, Tony got impatient. He decided to create as many clones as possible even at the cost of causing some environmental damage. He created clones until he filled the open space.

The clones were just about to trample the area when Tony noticed an empty spot in the field. There were no clones there even though it was supposed to be filled with them.

He had his clones encircle the place, pressing all over the space in the hopes of opening a door.

Some clones got lucky and managed to trigger something. The ship suddenly appeared.

Tony: "Cloaking? Darth Maul's ship can cloak?"

Tony checked on his suit but it didn't notice it until just now.

Seeing superior technology equipped on the ship, Tony decided to dismantle it first and spread the parts all over the planet. He would then wait for some time before reassembling it. This way, even if he missed a tracker in the spaceship, Palpatine would only be left with a part instead of a ship.

Tony then checked on Maul's speeder but didn't find anything that he missed


Inside another spaceship, the republic used to transport the dead.

Darth Maul's body parts were laying on a gravity-stretcher.

Maul's body, torso, head, and an arm, was on a separate stretcher. It looked limp and lifeless when suddenly, Darth Maul's eyes opened.

Maul: "Jedi !!!"


AN: Yep, Maul is still alive.

Ashoka has a lot of progress involving him. Clone Wars S7 E9 10 so far. Anakin is also sort of OP in ep 9 which is nice. I rarely sensed that he is the chosen one in the movies after all.

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