AN: Sorry can't do any major timeskip yet. You will understand later.

also this is longer than normal so probably not going to post a chapter tommorow


1 yr 6 months

Clone Progress

In the past few months, Tony got little improvement in regards to training his clones.

Now he can 4 clones that could last a day, more if he only neeeded them for shorter amounts of time.

Tony wanted to build up his chakra capacity but his body was not storing any of the excess chakra he was collecting.

He gave up trying to make more clones for now since baby sized clones were not much of a help .

They could help him study but had not much material to study from. The personal library of his father was already memorised by Tony when he was sneaking out at nights for stealth training.

Education/ Progress

Jarvis' training regimen was also completed.

Tony was ready for any college degree.

Since Tony had interest in computers, they decided to finish this part up to undergraduate level. Masters degree was not that important to them since technology was rapidly developing. Any further degree they get in computer related technology would be obsolete by the time Tony was old enough that it mattered.

Tony got to setup different games that would become a hit later on. He gave it to his father for more funding but the man noticed that Pong was still going strong so he decided to release it when the hype was down. (AN: So basically games are still release within 1 yr from the actual game history. But now Tony got every profit from it)

Tony now owned one of the most popular game making companies in the world.

Secret Projects Progress


Tony also ordered plenty of computer parts for his server rack. It did not raise any suspicion since Tony usually throws away the older parts. The only thing that felt weird was that the junk did not have the same weight as it did before.

Tony used his nanites to modify the parts of the computer. The power usage was not noticeable since every upgrade reduced the computer's power usage. Most of the power the computer draw was for the nanites now rather than the for powering up the server rack.

Tony used the parts to modify his own computer. The parts that are still inside his computer rack now had the power of a 1990's PC. He can only do this much modification without drawing attention.

With this much time, Tony got the AI's voice recognition in perfect condition for English. Though processing the commands were still not that complete. He also started tapping into the military network figuring out how to get access to it.

The internet was still in 1991 but the military would have already setup their own network. He got access from one of the hardlines he found due to tracking Zola.


At nights, Tony got the laboratory's storage ready. He contacted Steve to order chemicals and test tubes. He set up the storage to store many kinds of samples. He could store them now while he can still get the sample, he would just work on it later.

One of the things he was taking samples of is his blood as well as tissue samples from different organs. He wanted to extract the human growth hormones and he wanted it to be the same as his own growth hormones. He did not need it now since he was still growing but he can only get it now while none of his organs are fully developed. He wanted his body to develop better than the old Tony.

He also got the future Steve's blood samples. He wanted to check if time travel affected the body somehow and the only sample he could acquire was Steve. Steve was not that against it provided that only Tony had access to it.

Tony also got some of Janet Van Dyne's samples when he got brought inside the SHEILD facility every occasion he can. The woman got powers due to the quantum realm but did only explained that long term staying in the realm did this to her.

Pym Particles

Tony also started producing his own Pym particles from the data and sample he had. He was able to check it using Steve's Quantum suit. He only set it up for shrink/enlarge so no time travel was involved.

He was still not able to build his own regulator due to the materials limit so he left it for now.

During the last 6 months, Tony focused on tracking Zola. The man was supposed to die next year but he was acting normal up to now. He did get to know of some hidden rooms and tunnels inside the camp since that was where the scientist was whenever he was lost.

This continued until today. The tracker for Zola placed him inside a hospital. The SHEILD had their own doctors. The only reason this would be happening is if the man was going there to get a second opinion for the diagnosis.

This would be the event Tony was especially waiting for. Zola getting diagnosed to death.

Tony already got everything prepared for this since he met Zola. He even talked to Steve about his plans with the scientist so that he had help. Of course what he said to Steve was a plan to leave monitoring devices toward all communications. Steve thought that they could wipe out Hydra after

That night, Tony contacted Steve so that they could sneak inside the SHEILD facility.



Steve: Sorry Tony, it looks like I should be staying out here. I might kill Arnim Zola if I ever meet him like this. Isolated with no witnesses.

Tony: Its alright Steve, I can handle from here on out. Just keep watch and guard me so that I have an escape route after this.

Tony sneaked into the Camp Lehigh through one of the Hydra hidden entrances. They were unguarded since they can't exactly ȧssign any guard not employed there and employees missing would be fired.

Tony got access to the computer room that housed the servers used for the Zola Algorithm. Tony got the location from Steve and it fits. Zola had be using this system for years now so this was the one he would get transferred into.

Tony opened the main computer. He scanned the system and figured the storage format. He then created 32 clones. They could only last 3 hours but that would be enough.

Each Tony opened different computers and started searching for secrets and hidden files. They also found an AI program that Zola was working on. Zola was probably working on his own AI before he got diagnosed. Though the AI was mostly decision making and had no function for voice and image processing. Tony did not mind since Zola was going to be bringing his own when he becomes a cyberlife.

Tony finally figured out how Zola got to transfer himself to the system. It turns out that Zola got the AI as his base system which prevented the scientist from accidentally becoming like Plankton. ((AN: from spongebob if you don't get the reference.)

All Tonys got to examining the code. The were planning to insert TAILs inside the AI code and did not want any loopholes or bugs that could mess with TAILs.

Tony then got one of the spare data lines. He used his nanites while tapping to the base's power to bring the cable up to the surface near one of the fence's tall metal poles.

He used the metal pole as an amplifier to communicate with Tony's own computer. Tony was not worried since he was using an encryption along with multiple signal hopping. The current radios would just feel extra white noise.


Zola POV

Dec 25 1971

Zola was alone in his own office. He had setup the mind transfer machine to transfer his mind.

He tested its outputs multiple times now using prisoners Hydra procured.

They had no more problems to solve and the system looked stable. Zola did not even check his code since he was confident in his own hiding and encryption technology. Zola was going to transfer himself now while almost no-one was in the base. It was going to take some time so this holiday was the best opportunity.

Tony was celebrating holidays at their home when he suddenly got a promt. "Transfer Initiating, ETA : 7 days. Tony just smiled and continued enjoying the party.

Jan 1 1972 12:00 AM

Zola got himself transferred to the computer system just an hour ago. He got a Hydra agent before to cleanup his body after the process was complete and the Hydra agent just reported now.

He got to checking his new body when a sound suddenly registered to his sensors. He turned on every sensor in the room when he heard a voice.

?: "Hello Zola."

He was just about to respond when his voice suddely replied

Zola: "Hello Master Tony"

Zola was shocked, he did not know why he reacted immediately as well as the reaction he did. He checked his own code when it suddenly appeared on the top of his directives, TAILs. He checked it out and tried to change it but he couldn't.

Tony noticed a lag with Zola, the cyberlife was supposed to continue on complimenting Tony.

Tony: Well it looks like you still have a bit of your own conciousness, can't have you going Skynet on me now so hold all processes for now and don't do anything without permission

Zola: Yes sir right away.

Tony got the nanites from Zola's glasses to monitor the computer system for now. If there is so much as a spark without permission, they were to disconnect the computer from the power sockets.

Tony then left the room to the secret tunnel which had no cameras and suddenly puffed out into smoke.


Tony: 3, 2 ,1 HAPPY NEW YEAR

Tony got the memories from the clone and suddenly though to himself, "Happy indeed"

AN: Yes the timeline says Zola get diagnosed in 1972 but I want to do this as Christmas to new year event. It still can still work since since they are close enough . Also new year is technically 1972

AN: They only did tamper with the coding now since doing it earlier might get them found out. Later and the AI might already have sentience from Zola and cannot be modified anymore.

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