AN: SORRY got delayed doing story line check.

turns out Tony stark is younger/ the same age as Carol Danvers

more on that at the end


Days passed and Tony was able to sneak back to Zola's computer system.

He was not that in a hurry or even worried about his new henchman going rogue since his nanites are already monitoring the communication ports when he set the trap for Zola.

He got to the main camera and started talking.

Tony: All right you are allowed primary processes. No signal and data transmission allowed. Now show me your program. All of it.

Tony got to inspecting the source code. There was not much difference in the processing of images and sounds. It was almost all the same just more enhanced due to different languages like German also included.

There was also all his research memories as well as scientific background.

The program was mostly the same except the learning program.

Tony even got 32 clones to check the codes themselves. They returned after a bit but was surprised with what he processed. (AN: not long term clones just hour long ones.)

He was surprised that the code was still a yes or no result. It is just that there were too many processes and inputs required to come up with a solution.

He did however notice that the code still factors in the TAILs as its primary condition.

This is not how he was designing JARVIS' decision and learning programme.

ZOLA was more of a highly complex program. The way ZOLA was learning was too restricted.

Tony: I guess this was the reason ZOLA never improved his body or even got his body to expand more than 1970's technology, there is so little expansion on things he was not supposed/designed to do. He could lead HYDRA to the 2000's but they will eventually go independent.

Tony was still not convinced with ZOLA's loyalty even with his realization. He set up his own monitoring to continue secretly watching while at the same time allow the AI to report by itself.

He could use the help right now and this was the most convenient help he can use.


Tony ordered ZOLA to report all the HYDRA information. He was going to conquer one of the secret bases for himself.


Tony got to setting up the different HYDRA bases for his black market network.

Though dealing with illegal things was bad, they were not going to be gone any time soon. Tony decided to take advantage of this.

He was going to build AK-47 ammunitions factory at the secret base near Malibu. Then set up different distribution bases at countries. Africa was especially important to set up due to the instability there.

He chose AK-47 rounds because of the guns. The AK47 was designed to last. They were the weapon of choice for everyone not from Allied forces. The guns were available even by 2000's. This was a long term investment he was sure would not fail.

Tony started by first acquiring the materials for the arc reactor. He only needed to get the large chunks of metal for bending.

After two months of continuous work. The ammunitions factory was ready.

Though the secret base was only the size of a large house, with the machines Tony used for the factory, it was comparable to Stark Industries' full scale factory. With maximum capacity to produce a 100 000 rounds a day.

Tony got to using HYDRA's network for acquiring raw material and shipping the ammunitions out of America. He would soon build his own network but it was not yet necessary.

They did not know the origin of the ammunitions but they knew one thing, the ammunitions there were better.

It was cheaper that Soviet union made ones but the quality was the same. Even the higher ups of the Soviet union was worried with the competition. The USSR was not that stable after the war and their ammunitions was one of their sources of profit.

Both USSR and Allied forces were sending their people to investigate the manufacturer. One to eliminate the competition, the other to provide support.

Both failed in getting any leads, with the infiltration of the HYDRA already done years prior, there was no way for any non HYDRA to get information on this.

Even the higher ups at HYDRA were not completley aware of the situation, they just know that HYDRA should protect the manufacturer due to the instructions from Zola.


tony 3 y.o. 1973

AN:Still low tech era

Tony finished setting up JARVIS. The AI was basically an infant but it was still more reliable than ZOLA ever will be.

The rest of the languages he got his father to but translation dictionaries for now. He sent his clones to train with these books. Though his pronunciation was worse that the ones he learned properly, they are enough to not be ignorant.

He also set the clones to build the database of words for all these languages. Though he himself did not need it, it would help with the growth of JARVIS.

All these achievements were successfully suppressed by Howards from going public due to Steve warning Howard due to Tony's reminder.

Tony also finished setting up his own regulator and Pym Particle Disk. Though his looked more aggressive so he called it S-shuriken and L- shuriken. (AN: Suggest more names If you want I don't have any cool names right now)

Tony could now produce 32 clones that could last a whole day. He figured that the amount he could produce doubles every half year.

He also got to contact The Ancient One again which said that she was willing to train him after he became 5 y.o.

He remembered the academy in Naruto also started at 5 so he figured the mystic energies would usually develop by that age. He did not factor the Phoenix Host and other mutants since they were not exactly humans.


All this time he was monitoring the activities in Asia and Russia. Those places produced strong people even without.

He got no hits while trying to find Natasha Romanoff. He got the name of Natasha's father from the movie but it still took time to find her parents. The USSR was still crumbling but not yet split. The two would might not be in Russia before her birth.

He did however get information from Asia. He knew where Shang Chi and a man working with genetics with a surname Cho were.

He could not contact Shang Chi since the man was still under training.

He was able to secure a contact with Helen Cho's father.


Father Cho's POV

In Korean

?:Hello professor Cho, I've been expecting you.

The man was surprised when he saw the executive chair turn to face him.

The one in the chair was a baby wearing a business suit.

The professor's first question was "How were you able to turn when your feet or hands can't even reach anything"

:"Stark tech just deal with it"

Another man popped out of the shadow. This was the man who he was going to negotiate with not the baby.


He sent Steve to meet with the man since he can't exactly negotiate by himself. He used the cash he earned from the illegal trade to fund the research.

He even negotiated an NDA to access his the results and experiments.

The father Cho was not against having an investor. He got no restrictions and only needed the experiment results and technology in exchange. The best thing was that the man could also arrange access to some highly advanced equipment if needed.

He happily made a deal and Steve left dumbfounded. The soldier did not expect such an easy task. Since Tony usually had to handle the business side of Avengers back then, the man did not experience this much but he still knew that men can be greedy. He forgot to factor in that he was negotiating with a scientist not a businessman.

He did not know how Tony got to produce such a real life doll but went along anyway. He did not care since no one checked the baby .


Steve and Peggy also started trying to have their own kids. Though they first consulted with Howard on what would happen to their kids.

The father was a super soldier so it might be dangerous for either Peggy or the baby. (AN: Imagine the baby kicking in the belly with the strength of a teenager, or if the kids go premature by like 4 months due to them already fully grown. )

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