Still somewhere in 1973

Tony stopped developing games. He already developed enough games to last till 1980 so he just used the profits to buy stocks of other companies.

He was particularly aiming for Nintendo since it was another future successful company.

Besides, he doesn't need to build the games himself by that point. With all that time, JARVIS should be able to design such a basic game.

Another company he started acquiring is Lucasfilms, since Disney was already partnered with Stark Pictures, Tony did not prioritise getting it.

Lucasfilms on the otherhand should be starting production of Star Wars. George Lucas was probably going in the red for that films since the company just started. It was the best time to buy it.

They were about to get their funding from some company when Stark Pictures swooped in to acquire their company with the production funding.

He got his father to purchase the company since he read the novels before and heard of the company producing the films. He even offered the money from the game profits just to prove he is serious. Atari was successful and with Stark Industries producing all the hardware, there was more profits than what they should originally get since the subcontracts were all gone.

Since Howard did not manage Stark Pictures that much now anyway, he decided to allow Lucas full creative control. The only demand was to check the final product before showing.

Since Tony was also present in the negotiation, Tony decided to add another demand. Tony wanted to cameo as R2D2 in the franchise. Sure with Tony's skills he could just build an actual R2D2 with matching C3PO, but he wanted to build some fame. To be added in the credits at the part which actually mattered, he needed to be someone that is in the main group.

On the dark side, Tony wanted to use this as a diversion since people were starting to get suspicious of him.


Some time ago

ZOLA: Master Tony, I would like to report to you about your current safety. There are some Hydra agents who want to kidnap you due to your father's bragging. They are even consulting me for mind-control training just like for the winter soldier program.

Tony: Thanks for the update, if there is nothing else urgent then you should return to text communication.

ZOLA: I suggest you lay low for now. That is it Master Tony. Goodbye

Tony returned to setting up stuff.


Other than for cover, Tony also wanted to slip into Wakanda. With his current body, he can't just go to a plane and ride to Africa as a baby. Even with fake identities he created using Hydra he was just not going to be able to sneak out to Africa.

He can't exactly tell Steve either due to him warning the guy to not mess with time so much.

Plus, Tony would create his own light saber later. He wanted to be able to have an excuse to bringing a light saber everywhere. Getting to tell people: "I was R2D2, I am supposed to be carrying a light saber everywhere" would be the most eccentric reason any normal person would accept.

With the miniaturisation tech and a miniture arc reactor almost completed, he only needed to work on restricting the laser and he would have his own working lightsaber. Though he should also work on powerful miniture speaker. If he waved the lightsaber without the sound effects, he might look stupid.


He got the small arc reactor ready. It was still the size of the original circle ċhėst arc reactor since he did not try to miniaturise a full sized arc reactor.

There might be effects in the quantum side of the process and create some accident. He is still delaying this until he got full understanding of the miniaturization process.

At least he already had the ant man suit and pym particles working. Reverse engineering a working sample would be easier than researching from scratch.


Tony started using the research data in the UGIN project to produce his own stem cells.

UGIN would be producing simulacrum later on but right now, stem cells is his option for body repair. It can't repair bodies without a scratch but that did not matter since this was only for emergencies.


some time after

Tony and Steve talked to Howard, Maria, Jarvis, and Peggy. Since Howard and Peggy already had an idea, it was easier to do it straight.

They were informed about the reincarnation and time travel. Steve let Tony explain how their timeline worked. Though Howard was the only one able to follow the explanation.

They were also informed about Tony needing to be treated coldly by his father from here on out.

Tony got to explaining things with his father on how he never got taken seriously or recruited by any secret organization due to him being a rebellious teen.

That only way he would be able to grow safely is if people think he was a spoiled rebellious teenager.

Since his parents were close to this Tony than the original, it took them revealing a bit about Hydra so that they would follow the plan.

They were told about the monitoring and how Tony was in one of the target list due to his closeness with his father.

Though reluctant, everyone cooperated since they were still subconsciously treating Tony as a baby that was under the crossfire.


This event would had increased the stock price of SI. It also started hinting at the older Stark treating Tony as some ȧsset.

Everything was going to plan. Tony even discovered that clone chakra is now shared by other clones after getting dispersed. He can't find any reason other than his body still developing.

He might later be able to create a shadow clone that can last indefinitely. For now though, he can only maintain one clone with chakra replenishment, the chakra return from the clone was just that inefficient.

Still 1974

Star Wars started filming and Tony got to go to Africa. He of course got Steve as his bodyguard otherwise no one would allow him to go to the place.

A super soldier created by the military using billions of dollars of research.

Captain America - The Babysitter

Next stop Wakanda.

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