AN: there is a scene in Star Wars shot in Tunisia, so that is the location for now


Tony just finished his first scene as R2D2.

Since everyone thought he was just a spoiled brat that got the part due to his father. They set him up as one of the first scenes.

Rich kids usually get bored easily or do acting so they prepared his scenes early. That way, they could re shoot without messing up the schedule.

By the end of the second day, Tony was already free to roam. They can add the robot sounds later and the scenes were great.

Even George Lucas was glad that the baby was actually smart. They actually saved some money with the baby being part of the cast.

Hiring the son of the guy paying for everything was actually good since they didn't need to pay the kid from their wallet.

The kid will still earn part of the profits but if the movie failed, it was like free labor.

AN: Tony Stark free child labor Haha


That night, Tony got himself ready to sneak out. Since Tony had access to the US spy satellites, he was not afraid of getting lost on the way.

Steve was already inside the room while he was preparing.

Steve: You sure about this.

Steve: Still can't believe you were able to build a suit with the current tech.

Tony: I built my first one from scraps, it's not even a challenge since I only built a set of flight stabilizers.

Steve: I understand less than half of what you said. But from my experience, I only know one other guy that can do that.

Tony: Aww you just know what to say to make a baby feel special.

Steve: That's just creepy

Steve is used to Tony saying anything but he still feels weird when the guy jokes about being a baby

Steve: You done with wearing that suit or what.

Tony: Almost, try being a baby trying to wear metal boots and glove. You know what nevermind, I think your kids might just be able to wear it like normal.

Tony was only wearing the Arc reactor and the repulsor gloves and shoes. He can't get the gold titanium alloy easily since it was still a restricted material.

Even Hydra agents can't slip some out since the material was still not mas produced.

The nanites were still enough to cover the exposed parts anyway.

Tony: Oh also I'll be leaving this.

Tony created a clone of himself that could last a week.

Steve: Where did you get this from? Is this the reason you wanted to find the Cho's early? To make a clone of yourself?

Tony -clone: Nope, I am something else, just think of it like magic for now. The UGIN research was for us, boss can't exactly go to the hospital for something like a bullet wound. I on the other hand am just temporary, I can't take more than a serious punch. Though you're the only person I know that would punch a baby.

Steve was processing when he heard the reminder of him getting punched by a younger Tony.

Steve: You're really not letting that go huh

Tony: I'll even make sure that Morgan remembers that story. His father beat up Captain America when he was a kid. At least she might do something else other than playing in my workshop.

Steve: Morgan does that? She seemed such a nice kid.

Tony: That girl is a handful, at least I'm sure she takes after her father.

They continued this pointless talk until midnight. When they were sure that no one could see them, Tony took off to the Wakanda

Steve: Now what do I do with you?

Tony- clone: Just don't let me get hurt and I'll be fine, I'm less of a trouble than the boss.

Steve: That still makes you 2nd most troublesome person I know.

Tony- clone: Yeah that guy really makes things harder for us clones.

Steve: You still have more like you? God think of the chaos.

Steve remembered Ultron

Steve: One person already almost caused the extinction of humanity and you're telling me there's at least three of you?

Tony: Relax Steve, you're almost 70 now. I don't want to be known as the person who caused Captain America a heart attack.

Steve on the other hand was starting to regret just following Tony around. Though the man/kid was different than when they first met, he still can't help but think Tony's plan to leave have the iron legion around the world. At least now that world didn't seem so cold as it did before.


Tony was searching for the caravan of slaves that was supposedly still under transport.

He got this intel from the connections in the ammunitions trade. Most of the African militia was already using his ammo. They would give intel on their own in the hopes that the suppliers would give discounts, any extra bullets might mean victory over the opponent.

After some time, Tony finally found a caravan. Passing near the borders of Wakanda. (AN: borders might mean a country away, Wakanda should have figured out flight even without Shuri)

Tony flew near the caravan while also starting sending out SOS beacons. Wakanda should be able to decode and track this.

If not, then Tony would just cancel his plans for Wakanda. He can't work with them if they don't even have this much capabilities.

A quarter hour later and a plane was detected by the nanites. Tony saw a figure jump from it while the plane started landing in the open area.


King T'Chaka POV

AN: Just imagine an accent. An language should be Xhosa

T'chaka: Have you found these source of the signal?

Random Dora Milaje (DM): No my king, but the signal is still transmitting, they should be somewhere in that caravan.

T'chaka: Then I will stop them first.

The king jumped.

He dropped directly onto a soldier, the caravan had roofless jeeps which did not usually matter since they were still inside their own territory.

The head vehicle stopped so the other vehicles followed to see what happened. They were surprised when they found the corpses of their comrades.

The current black panther was ruthless. He did what he learned from the previous, kill the threats.

When the soldiers were terrified, a spear suddenly hit another one of the soldiers. They were getting killed one after the other and the only thing they saw on their dead comrades were either claw marks or weapons like spears and axes.

The soldiers were terrified. They only a few of them left and they don't even know where their attackers are.

Suddenly, a shadow dropped in front of the remaining ones and asked " Do you know why we are here?"

No one was able to answer. They thought it was about the slaves but they were still untouched.

When no one answered, the black panther just killed them all. They were useless and leaving them alive would just endanger Wakanda.

Black panther and the DM went to free the slaves. They did the usually secrecy story so people of Africa still continued the story as the black panther saving the people. The finished but , there was still no reaction.

They let the slaves leave but the beacon remained. When the slaves were no longer in sight, T'Chaka suddenly said in English "You can come out now"

The king and DM were in a kind of triangle position when something dropped from the sky to their center. A puff of smoke spread.

All of them suddenly heard a voice in their language "Relax, also you missed one"

A knife flew to a soldier who still had some signs of life. The guy might fool humans but they can't fool the nanites sensors.

The Wakandans were impressed. They knew from the accent that the newcomer was American. Those people usually used guns.

Those primitive weapons could never do a thing to their clothes. Melee weapons on the other hand, can still be used to strike certain places and let the weapons pass through their Vibranium cloths.

When the dust settled, they saw an infant with gloves and boots that seemed to glow a bit.

T'Chaka: You have my attention. What do you want.

Tony: I said relax, I know of the true Wakanda so let's talk there. Dispose of the bodies while I go clean up all traces of you ie. me ever being here.

T'Chaka: If you know of Wakanda then you should know of its problems with outsiders.

Tony replied: Well good thing I have this.

Tony opened his mouth while pulling his lower lip. Inside, the King found the symbols of Wakandan Royalty. They were proof of belonging to the Wakanda.

Tony used the nanites to simulate the drawing from NJobu in the movie. .

The king decided to bring the child in after he saw the mark.

T'Chaka thought that they did not violate any law or tradition.Tony was not exactly an outsider if he had that mark.

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