Reincarnated As Tony Stark With A Skill

Chapter 141 - Parallel Thoughts (True Multitasking)

AN: Something's wrong with my connection to (pc). Not sure if it's my internet or . It keeps logging out. There might be problems with this since I've lost multiple portions of a chapter working directly at the editor.


Tony started studying about Force abilities which he could use. He has an idea on what to do, which was to used the framework he had with JARVIS. He just needed to find the non-electric equivalent of things that he needed.

First of all was the connection. Tony wanted to establish an 'internet' connection with his clones, different from his current situation which was more like a regular mail. He found out about Force-bond. A link between two Force-sensitive people, able to connect the two between great distances.

There could appear in special situations, such as the two subjects being related by blood, but it is usually formed between master and apprentice who have a deep understanding with each other.

Tony's case is a special situation, but he figured that it wouldn't be as difficult. He would be bonding with himself after all. In his perspective, he already had a deep understanding of himself. He should be able to bond with himself. The link should be better than normal even if he doesn't understand himself as deeply as he thought, because his clones were just copies of himself.

When he tried it, he didn't encounter too much difficulties just as he expected. Even though that was the case, he still went to the other Jedi for advice. He went to Aayla Secura (BLUE Female Jedi with 2 head tails).

(No. It's not a thing for Blue chicks. It's just that there was rarely any other colored alien women right now)

While he was trying to consult with her, he was also trying to feel out her relationships with the other Jedi. There was a rumor back in his previous life about her getting it on with another Jedi after all so he thought he might have a chance with her. There was a loophole in the Jedi code where they only forbid emotional attachments. Tony was hoping she wouldn't mind being in a physical one.

Even if Tony failed, at least he would have practice trying to attract an older woman. He already knew about Padme being a hard-ass when it comes to her principles. Tony hoped that this would make things easier for him as it should be harder for him to attract a Jedi.


After a few weeks of consultation, Tony was able to set up the bond with his clones. The bonds had Tony confused at first because they shared everything, vision, and other things, with each other. It took some time to get used to but nothing an absurd amount of shadow clones couldn't accelerate.

After mastering the technique, Tony started having his clones interconnect with each other. The Force allowed it because shadow clones had a different status from biological clones. They might have their peculiarities but they were actually the same person.

After establishing the clone internet using the Force, Tony started transferring information between his selves. It was also smooth sailing, thanks in part with his experience.

After he mastered creating a stable connection, he started practicing how to do some parallel processing.

He did this by trying to analyze stuff. The results didn't matter as much as the process of analysis here.

He started checking his results and redundancies happened as he expected. He and his clones had the same line of thinking after all.

He started ȧssigning his clones to different ways of thinking so that he wouldn't repeat himself all the time.

It went well for a small group but it quickly became complicated as more clones were added. He could create millions of clones after all. Even he couldn't come up with unique ideas that fast.

He was able to solve this by splitting the connection into groups. The groups each had a leader splitting up the jobs. This reduced the load on the primary Tony.

With this framework, Tony was able to do some true multitasking. True multitasking wasn't something as simple as writing different things with both hands. He could just plan things ahead and let muscle memory do the rest. Instead, true multitasking enabled him to read multiple unrelated books and analyze them separately, at the same time, without anything interfering with one another.

Tony best felt the differences when he tried to telekinetically control multiple lightsabers at once. As he controlled one lightsaber while wielding the other, he felt that he could face focus Mace Windu directly without experiencing the lack of focus he felt before. He wasn't sure if he could beat his Master with it, but it was a different matter entirely.

Feeling the newfound power, Tony thought about utilizing the other Kyber Crystals that he got. He got them for the sake of experimenting but this ability changed his mind. He felt that it would be a waste not to use them alongside his True multitasking.

He started thinking about Gundam's DRAGOON system, and how he could create something similar with the lightsabers. They should be a huge help in the upcoming war and could even help him deal with armies by himself.

Tony checked his nanite reserves and found out that there wouldn't be enough left for him if he proceeded with his ideas.

He had to make more and started checking out recent studies on how he could create nanites in this universe. He planned was to use Pym Particles back at home, but it wouldn't work in this place.

He was just about to go to the Jedi Library when the clones connected to him started talking.

Still Tony: [Oh right. I got sidetracked again. Thanks.]

He started to focus on Shatterpoint.


Tony and his clones started things out by testing things out on a sheet of ceramic he had manufactured. It was deliberately created with flaws that Tony was aware of. He used this as a baseline, checking to see if the ability can differentiate between different weaknesses.

After picking the target, Tony focused on all the parts that he could sense. He was going to let the ability run on autopilot, and was going to be getting a feel for the whole process.

When it started, a lot of information from the Force started flowing into him. When he checked what sort of information was flowing into him, Tony found out that he severely underestimated the Shatterpoint ability.

What flowed through him wasn't just some rudimentary scan of the target, it was a full molecular scan of the target. Everything from the existing bonds between the target's atoms, all the way up to the interactions they had with other things that weren't even directly connected to them. Apart from that, there was also information about the history of the material itself. A lot of information went to Tony, with some of the information too unfamiliar for him to comprehend. He could only observe and watch with amazement.


After a short time, Shatterpoint started showing its effects. A layer of cracks started to overlap with Tony's vision, with the cracks passing through the weakest points of his targets.

After getting a feel for Shatterpoint, Tony started testing it out on other things.

Shatterpoint showed to him the most crucial weaknesses of objects. Metals didn't break just by poking, but a lightsaber was able to pierce through supposedly resistant materials like it was regular metal.

Tony: "The F*CK kind of OP ability is this? Lucas allowed all this just to get Samuel L. Jackson his purple lightsaber? I guess he really is one Bad Ass M*therf*cker. "

While Tony was impressed with his master, he was wondering what happened to Nick Fury. He was also badass for most of the MCU, right up until he got into Carol's movie. He wondered why the Nick Fury he knew was too goofy.


After testing Shatterpoint on objects, Tony started testing its effects on events. He thought something similar would happen but found out that it was much more vague than he expected. He learned about the key figures or turning point of events, but only that and nothing else. He didn't have to ask to guess the reason for the vagueness.

After playing with his new ability, he started using it on everything that he could think of. The Scimitar, his lightsabers, the Jedi Starfighter he was ȧssigned to. He wasn't confident enough to just play with it as he still hasn't understood enough of the ability to recreate it. He used the technique as much as possible to observe and hopefully understand it.


During his practice, Tony tried to use Shatterpoint while flirting with Aayla Secura and other female Jedis (No Padawans). He practiced on them because they swore not to form emotional attachments.

They blushed most of the time, and some even flirted back to Tony. It wasn't a lot normally but it was a lot for a Jedi.

Because it made things too easy for Tony, he decided not to use them on women, unless necessary. Flirting was supposed to be fun, and he wanted to have some challenges.


After a few weeks of practice, Tony went to his master to spar with him again. He already had experience with Shatterpoint. Now, he wanted to see how good he is compared to his master.

The two went to an arena and faced off against each other.

Unlike before, they didn't start slow and was already having an explosive match. Each strike they released, deflected the opponent's attack while simultaneously trying to deal their own.

During their clashes, Tony would try to use Shatterpoint on his master. He waited for a crack to open and as soon as it did, Tony went for it. He was able to push Mace Windu back far.

Windu was surprised by what happened. He didn't know how Tony was able to do that but he knew that answer as looked at his apprentice.

Windu: "That was...I see you were able to use Shatterpoint."

Tony: "Yep."

Tony said it proudly and waited for his Master's reaction. He wasn't expecting any praise, but he thought that his master would do something which would help Tony make him say the M-word.

He saw his Master smile, but Tony felt something bad was about to happen.

Windu: "Good job, my Padawan. Really. With your Shatterpoint, I can finally perfect Vaapad."

Tony: "Umm. Master?"

Tony felt a lot of danger from his Master. He ignited his other lightsaber and had his clones control it over the Force-net.

Windu didn't wait as he started attacking him again.

Windu looked like he was trying to kill Tony so he didn't hold back. Tony had his clones control his body while he focused on the DRAGOON lightsaber.


After Tony started controlling his DRAGOON, Windu felt the pressure against him to increase.

It didn't feel like he was fighting against Tony alone. It felt like he was fighting two Tonys at once. Tony's use of two lightsabers wasn't just dual wielding, forcing Windu to take note of the other lightsaber as a separate entity. It felt like he was fighting two users of Shatterpoint at once.

Windu was enjoying the challenge and his Vaapad technique also grew. He discovered new weaknesses that he wouldn't have noticed otherwise. This made his impression of chosen ones in general, not just Tony in particular, much better.

They may have some special treatment and they were much more eccentric than the others, but they weren't always on the receiving end. Thanks to their closeness with the Force, he was able to improve himself.

He was just about to praise his Padawan when he noticed some arrogance. His Padawan might have thought that he got him on his back.

Windu: "Looks like I still have to teach you a few things."

Windu found one of Tony's Shatterpoints and knocked his Padawan out.


Tony: "M*ther*****"

Tony woke up in the infirmary. He remembered his Master beating him which made him curse.

Windu: "You really like that term, huh?'

Tony: "Not really. It's out of habit. I guess I lost?"

Windu: "Of course. But it's not your fault. If it were any other Jedi Knight, you would have defeated them. I'm just that good."

Tony: "I thought Jedi's shouldn't be proud?"

Windu: "We practice Form 7. We are allowed to dwell on some things. Just make sure to have a clear mind, able to differentiate so that you wouldn't fall to the Dark Side."

Tony: "Yes Master."

Mace Windu nodded. He started walking away and was about to leave his Padawan when he looked back at him.

Windu: "Oh right. You said you wanted to be on a mission?"

Tony: "Yeah?"

Windu: "Then recover fast. You are going to be guarding Senator Amidala. She has just been a target of an ȧssassination attempt, and the Chancellor would like you to guard her"

Tony: "Senator Amida? Padme? Already?"

Windu: "What do you mean already?"

Tony: "Umm... I thought she was still the Queen? I heard from some people that they wanted to let her stay Queen."

Windu: "You heard this? From who?"

Tony: "From the Temple employees. They're a surprisingly good source of information. There are a lot of gossips though. I heard someone say that Chancellor Palpatine got injured when he returned from one of his travels."

Windu looked at his Padawan weirdly. He knew that his Padawan didn't devote his attention to his training but he thought it was just so that he could do more research. As it turns out, his Padawan also wasn't focused on research as he had time to hear some gossip.

Windu: "You should Focus on your training more, my Padawan. The Republic's Chancellor getting injured is something that wouldn't happen without us knowing."

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