AN: DRAGOONS = Disconnected Rapid Armament Group Overlook Operation Network

RC flying guns


Since there weren't any female nurses to treat him, there was no reason for Tony to stay in the infirmary. He slept for a bit, just as an act, and then left the infirmary

When he got out, he went to his lab to get a few things.

Tony: "JARVIS. How's the search for the new core for the Arc Reactor going?"

JARVIS: "Some materials tested worked as core replacements but they are all unstable. There are still a lot of materials to test. The special crystals, in particular, are difficult to procure covertly as they are highly regulated."

Tony: "Give me a list of the crystals. I'll try to get some through the Jedi Temple. How about the suit?"

JARVIS: "All systems are running. The communications problem still exists. The inter-star system-wide transmitter is too big to fit inside."

Tony: "It's fine. We'll just do things like a Jedi and use the Hyperspace Transport Rings relays. The Quantum communicators can reach nearby planets anyway. Just make sure the DRAGOONs are ready."

JARVIS: "Yes sir. 6 Laser canon type DRAGOONs are ready."

Tony: "Laser canons? What happened to the Turbolasers?"

(AN: Canons are used for starfighters. Turbolasers are for destroyers and other big ships.)

JARVIS didn't answer TOny's Question. Instead, he had the Turbolaser DRAGOON go to Tony.

When Tony noticed the DRAGOON, he knew why his AI didn't go with Turbolasers-type ones. They were too big. It was longer than the speeder bike Anakin ȧssembled out of spare parts.

When two of them are placed side by side, they would occupy a space bigger than the Jedi's standard Delta 7 Starfighter.

Tony: "Fine. Go pilot prototype suit. We might need it"


After dressing up, Tony went to the council to officially take the mission. He walked in, while also bringing JARVIS(Iron Man suit) along. They weren't surprised by JARVISbecause they were aware of him.

Tony used the Jedi's funding to build it after all. They thought he was bringing it on the mission to test it.

In a world where a lot of dangerous things exist, no one treated the Iron Man suit as a weapon. Tony said that it was a full-body prosthesis and the Jedi council believed him.

In their minds, they even Tony built the suit, especially for bodyguard and escort missions. They didn't treat the weapons on it as a threat. They thought it was just for self-defense that helped incase the blaster-resistant armor and flight systems equipped couldn't be used.


Afterward, he left with Master Windu.

On the way, Windu warned Tony not to expose the fact that he could use Shatterpoint. This was because of a certain anonymous Jedi Sentinel's (Qui-Gon) report.

The Dark-side of the Force has clouded the whole system around Coruscant in particular. The Sith that caused it might be nearby.

The Council wasn't able to determine which planet it came from exactly, so they told Tony to keep his Shatterpoint ability a secret. If it really was the Sith just like the Sentinel expected, it might give the Jedi's a clue to them.

Tony's abilities were still a secret to the public. The only thing publicly available is his Padawan identity. The Sith might be careless against him. They might leave clues that his Shatterpoint ability could notice.

Tony: "Wait. Sith? You're making me, a Padawan, face a Sith?"

Windu: "Relax. It's justs speculations. I doubt they would deal with a Senator here on Coruscant. But just in case, let your droid bring the Senator. I'll be following you, so you only have to repel the Sith for some time."

Tony: "Droid? You really won't call it JARVIS huh?"


After arriving at Padme's quarters, they exchanged pleasantries. Padme was about to complain but Windu wasn't going to have any of it. He introduced Tony to her and then left his Padawan alone.

Tony: "[Sigh]. Well, I guess it's his way of saying good luck. "

Padme: "Wait. Tony? Is that really you?"

Tony looked at a mirror around the room. Then, he acted disappointed. While he was at it, he also started using the Force to suggest to Padme to feel guilty. He couldn't use Jedi mind trick on Padme, but he was able to take advantage of her emotions to change her mood.

When Padme saw this, she went to Tony on impulse. She was unconsciously treating Tony like he was a kid after all. She said she was sorry and even hugged him.

Tony turned around and was just about to hug her back when a knock on the door interrupted them.

He saw Palpatine come in from the room.

Tony; [F*cking Sith.]

Palpatine: "Ah. Padme my dear. I see you've met Jedi Tony."

Padme: "Ah, Yes. We've met... But Chancellor Palpatine, I don't need a bodyguard."

:Palpatine: "Nonsense. It isn't even been a while since you became a Senator and you're already the target of ȧssassination."

Padme: "But Chancellor..."

Palpatine: "Please. I wouldn't have done this if we knew who the perpetrator is. Tony, my boy. Do you have any clue on who might have done this."

Tony didn't feel weird when Palpatine acted chummy with him. The guy already tried to get close to Anakin and him from the moment they got to Coruscant.

He didn't act well at first since he knew it was just the Sith recruiting another apprentice. He was able to distract Anakin up, making Palpatine fail. The two didn't budge until Palpatine secretly gave them things and started spoiling them.


Tony: "The Jedis are still investigating."

Palpatine: "And you?"

Tony: "In my opinion, I believe it's Nute Gunray."

Palpatine: "Viceroy Gunray. That's..."

Tony: "I know. But he's the only one I know who has the motives."

Tony then looked at Padme and waited for her reaction.

Padme: "Wait. I remember you telling me..."

Tony: "Yup. Master Yoda said it was the Force showing me visions. Unfortunately, visions alone couldn't be used as evidence."

While the two were talking, Palpatine's eyes narrowed for a bit. He listened to how Tony foresaw things years before it happened. It was a lot vaguer than proper visions but it happening way too early was important. It was the final proof to Palpatine that Tony was strong with the Force. He wasn't certain before because Tony wasn't showing off when it came to Force abilities. Tony showed off his tech skills but it wasn't what Palpatine wanted.


After talking for a bit, Palpatine left to have his men investigate.

Padme then told Tony that she really didn't need a Jedi bodyguard.

Tony acted like he was sulking, and tried to make Padme feel guilty again. He murmured how it was the first time he gets to leave Coruscant, and how Padme was making him go back instead.

Padme: "I'm sorry Tony. It's just... I don't like the feeling of having a bodyguard."

Tony: "Then, how about you treat me like a tourist. I've rarely gone out of Coruscant, so you might as well guide me.

So, Ms. Tour Guide, where are we going?"

Padme: "Making a senator like me a tourist guide... What are the Jedis teaching the younglings these days?"

Tony: "What? You want me to act like a bodyguard instead?"

Padme: "... Fine. We're going to Rendili StarDrive ."

Tony: "Rendili StarDrive? Isn't that the Republic Navy's primary contractor? What is a senator going to go there for?"

Padme: "Senator Organa asked me for help. They're trying to prevent the Navy from wasting the Republic's resources trying to deploy this new fleet. We couldn't stop the creation so we are trying to stop their deployment.

Those in opposition asked me to check on it. I'm still new after all, so they thought I could give them a fresh perspective."


Tony hitched a ride on Padme's ship. Even though he already has a ride, he still had JARVIS pilot his starfighter. Padme's craft only had a Naboo starfighter escort, so his starfighter helped increase the safety of their travel.

On the way, the two started catching up. Padme talked about her time as a Queen while Tony talked about all the stuff he did when he and Anakin sneaked out of the Temple.

They eventually got to the shipyards, and Tony noticed the fleet of military starships. The shipyard basically turned into a military camp. Normal people couldn't get in, much less an ȧssassin.

Tony: "Wow. You really didn't need me for this."

Padme: "Told you."


When the two got off, they were greeted by someone. The shipyard was clearly aware of Padme's visit. Tony's status as a Jedi also gave him clearance to join the tour. They got around the place smoothly.

On the tour, the guide started talking about their fleet. They talked about the 200 Dreadnaught-class heavy cruisers and the large amount of AT-PT it could carry.

Tony: [Wow. And I thought I was already wasting the Republic's money. It looks like I still have a lot more money to waste than I expected.]

Tony continued listening to the tour. He was particularly interested in the Slave circuit they were going to be using. They functioned similarly to JARVIS and his sub-AIs. The circuits could control most of the ship, reducing the need for people to man it.

What made it interesting to Tony is the way they controlled the slave ships. They use RF-based communicators instead of Quantum ones.

Tony figured that they used RF for the bandwidth. Managing a fleet would be easier with such things. A lot of data could be transmitted from the flagship to multiple ships simultaneously, without needing to prepare multiple communicators to handle the volume. Not only was it efficient, but the fleet could also be expanded easily. They don't have to 'pair' a lot of communicators and only have to tune in to one frequency.

What truly attracted his attention is that the system worked in Hyperspace. They don't experience interference while doing a jump.

Tony wanted to use the spaceship on his DRAGOONs. That way, he could add some hyperdrive engines on the Turbolaser-type ones. He could send the DRAGOONs to his clones who didn't have the Quantum communicators that they needed.

He asked about the slave circuit's creator so that he could talk to him later.


After getting what he needed, he and Padme started going back. They talked about the fleet for a bit, but they were disagreeing in almost everything. Tony sided with the military after all, while Padme was against it. In the end, they decided to stop talking about the fleet.

While the main Tony was talking, his other minds were on something else. He was trying to figure out why this fleet didn't show up during the movies. They didn't look like the triangular starships nor the separatist's spaceships. They wouldn't have left this fleet as it was a lot of firepowers. Something must have happened to it.

The two were about to board the spaceship when Tony noticed a spaceship arrive. He ship knew the owner of the ship because the ship looked like a brown egg.

Tony: "Count Dooku. I see"

Padme: "Tony?"

Tony: "Sorry Padme, can you wait for a bit."

He then walked towards the new spaceship and waited for Count Dooku to get off his ship. He greeted the Count and then introduced himself. Tony didn't attack him yet because Dooku still wasn't identified as a Sith. Tony wanted to take this chance to get to know somethings.

At first, Tony asked him about Form 2. The man was the master of the form and it made for a good intro.

Afterward, Tony slowly drove the conversation towards Dooku's ship. The man's ship looked like it was solar-powered. Tony wanted to know how it managed to jump to Hyperspace with solar power alone.

Dooku was proud of his ship so he entertained Tony's questions. Thanks to Tony's enthusiastically asking his questions, Dooku saw a bit of himself in him. He even had a fleeting idea of wanting to slowly take Tony as his apprentice.

When he was tried to get close to Tony, Padme interrupted their conversation. She still had an appointment to get to, and she had to leave as soon as possible.

Tony apologized to Dooku, telling him about his mission. Dooku gave him his contact info and they bid farewell.

Before they left, Tony placed part of his symbiote on a shipyard employee. It jumped between hosts until it got to a high-level officer.

Dooku might have arrived to sabotage the fleet. It would be a waste of metal, so he might as well take it for himself.


On their way back, the two didn't encounter any danger such as space pirates. Things were going smoothly up until they landed on Coruscant.

The two left the ship and were about to board a transport when Tony felt something amiss. He pulled Padme back and checked the surroundings.

He found a lot of possible attack points but he found no possible ȧssassins on each place. There weren't even any suspicious people nearby.

Since he couldn't find the ȧssassin, he started thinking of other possible attack points. He had JARVIS check their transport.

JARVIS: "Sir. There's an explosive on-board. I've disabled the device but it should be remotely activated."

Tony: [Useless ȧssassin. Bomb in the transport? Really?]

Tony was very disappointed with the ȧssassin. He thought that the ȧssassin would attack Padme directly. Tony was counting on it after all.


After their interaction with each other, Tony knew that he and Padme were incompatible.

He could try to woo her but he was sure they wouldn't last. They were just too different from each other to find a common ground. They would just suffer, and it would make things more awkward for him and Anakin.

He was about to give up when he noticed Padme change her clothes. The new clothes she wore made it easy for Tony to see her nips. Tony had not had some for years now. Seeing those things turned him on enough to make him try again.

He knew they wouldn't last so he planned to make the relationship temporary. This is where the ȧssassin came in.

He needed the ȧssassins to attack so that he could fake a suspension bridge effect. They would be attracted to each other for a short amount of time until their minds clear up. This should be enough for him to get it on with her, without having to make things last.

Tony: "Fine. I'll do it myself"


(AN: Sorry for who weren't rooting for Padme. SW2 was just too full of her nips to pass. They've edited it a bit but those things could still be easily seen on a big screen)

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