Tony settled some things with the Phoenix before he returned to the Force.

He didn't really mind what happened since he rather enjoyed the test. It also helped that he didn't have to lose an arm or something. The Phoenix also promised to help him with the only aftermath that he considered detrimental. He only confronted the Force because of the act of betrayal.

When he talked to it though, he couldn't be that angry with it. It did what it did in order to hasten Tony's path to becoming a Jedi Knight. It felt that Tony didn't want to remain a Padawan so it decided to help by administering some of the Knighting tests.

While its intentions were noble, Tony still preferred that it say something to him before it did anything.

Tony didn't want to stay a Padawan just because he felt restricted. If it could figure out a way to let him go to the Restricted Section of the Jedi Archives, he would have preferred that instead. He still hasn't made Windu say the M-word yet. He wanted to stay as a padawan because it made a lot of things more convenient.

If it really wanted to help, it should send a Force vision to Yoda and Windu. Tell them to let Tony study in the Holocron and other forbidden Archives.

Most of Tony's tests encountered complications with regards to the Force. It wasn't usually related to each other, so he wanted to be saved the hassle by checking if someone else encountered it before trying to solve it.

Tony and the Force started planning. Then, he went to sleep.


When Tony woke up, he was greeted by a fully dressed Padme. He acted like something dangerous was about to happen but Padme told him it wasn't that.

Seeing the seriousness in Padme's face, Tony knew that he wouldn't be getting any round 2's.

Padme started talking. She said that she didn't know what came over her when she grabbed onto him. She regretted her actions and shouldn't have done what she did.

She started talking about duties and responsibilities, trying to prove that what they did was wrong. Tony's future as a Jedi would be ruined, just because he has a relationship with her.

While Padme was doing things that Tony planned to do, he somehow felt like he was getting dumped. He didn't want to get dumped on record so he countered by using some of the diplomatic skills taught by the Jedi. He talked about how good it felt and started confusing her. He pointed out how stressed she must have been and that she was busy even back when they were kids. She must have felt frustrated never having been in a relationship. She was only doing this now because she didn't want to be in a relationship.

Tony was just starting with her relationship problem when she interrupted him. She boasted how there is a boy from the Senate, Rush Clovis, who went to court her.

She was even thinking of agreeing to be his girlfriend. She thought he would have already asked her if he didn't get bogged down by his duties. Chancellor Palpatine sent him to the banking clans hoping to get some favorable treatment. It was the Chancellor's personal request so he had to go there.

Tony: [Perhaps I have treated you too harshly.]

Weird thought about Palpatine aside, Tony interrupted Padme from talking about her suitor.

Tony: "Look. If you really feel that way, fine. I'm okay with treating this as a random fling. You don't have to embarrass yourself by creating an imaginary boyfriend."

Padme: "What do you mean imaginary? He's real!!!!"

Tony: "Oh right, female senators shouldn't do these things. Fine. I'm willing to act as if nothing happened. I just healed your wounds and then you got some rest. This would be our little secret."


The two were reenacting the scenario of what officially happened. They did this so that they wouldn't have to lie in the investigation.

Things were just about done when they heard someone knock. They were both alarmed at first but Tony relaxed when he heard the pattern.

He still held onto his lightsaber, but he went to open the door. He saw his Iron Man suit at the door so he let it in.

JARVIS: "Hello sir. Ms. Padme."

Padme: "JARVIS? How did you..."

Tony: "I've left some marks along the way. It's something original, so JARVIS should be the only one who could detect it."

Tony pulled Padme up and led her to JARVIS. The suit started opening up, showing enough space for Padme to fit in.

Padme: "What the...JARVIS isn't a droid?"

Tony: "It's complicated. Just get in."

He slapped her on the ȧss just to jolt her into wearing the suit. Padme looked like she was complaining but Tony already planned ahead and installed noise canceling in the suit. It canceled out all of Padme's ramblings, preventing Tony from hearing anything.


During their escape, the two still encountered Tony's clone attackers.

They still tried to attack, but the attacks weren't effective. The suit was able to deflect the attack and deal with some of its own. The attacks formed a scenario that highlighted the suit.

They eventually got to the massive hole that also acted as a ventilation shaft. The suit grabbed onto Tony and it started flying away.

The attackers followed on their jetpacks but the suit was able to fly faster. It was clear that they were flying to the Jedi Temple, so the attackers gave up the pursuit and ran away.


In the Temple's hangar.

Mace Windu was waiting in one of the platforms.

After Tony's droid informed him of the situation. There was a hologram from Tony himself, so he gave his Padawan's droid some head time.

He was just about to follow when the droid contacted him and told him everything was fine. There might be some trouble following him, but it was nothing a few Jedi couldn't handle.

He was patiently waiting for his Padawan when he felt something approach from the horizon. It was Tony and Padme, going towards the Jedi Temple.

The two landed and Windu asked about Tony about the senator he was escorting.

Tony: "Here she is. Good as new. Well, not exactly. She did suffer a minor flesh wound. Nothing a healing session couldn't handle."

Padme got out of the suit and did some greetings. She then proceeded to the infirmary to check on her wounds.


The master and student started walking back to the Council room. Tony talked about the attackers and Windu thought it would be best to discuss things with the council.

When they heard that the attackers might be Mandalorian, the council didn't believe it at first. The Jedi may have fought against Mandalorian before but they have since become Pacifists.

Tony: "You know what, it's easier to show you. JARVIS."

JARVIS walked into the room and showed the council the hologram. They saw the Mandalorian themed armor and couldn't help but accept that it.

The council discussed things and decided to ask the Mandalorians directly. Tony was going to be accompanying the party going to Mandalore because he's the one who encountered the attackers

The council told Tony to wait until Obi-Wan and Anakin returned to Coruscant.

The topic they would be discussing could lead to some conflict. The council knew Obi-Wan is familiar with Mandalore's current ruler so they thought it was best that he lead the investigation.


For the next few days, Tony continued escorting Padme on her activities. The two acted as if nothing happened, but Tony noticed Palpatine appearing more frequently. It looked like Padme's acting wasn't able to fool the Sith.

Palpatine told Tony that he could accompany Padme longer if he wanted. The guy would just put up a request for the council.

Tony saw Padme's reaction and decided to tease her for a bit. He said that it would be nice if that happened. Tony noticed Padme having some sort of reaction behind Palpatine and decided to stop. He used his master as an excuse. Windu wants Tony to focus on his training which he didn't pay much attention as it is. He would only get an earful and get beaten up as soon as the ȧssignment was over.

While excusing himself, Tony added a hint of annoyance to his Master. He was trying to bait Palpatine but the guy didn't show any unexpected reactions.


After a few more days of waiting, Obi-wan and Anakin finally arrived. They arrived just in time for the Republic's Navy to announce their new fleet's maiden voyage.

Unfortunately for Anakin, this meant that he wasn't going to meet Padme. The announcement marked the end of her business in Coruscant. She went back to Naboo for some rest and left just before Anakin and Obi-Wan arrived.

After a debriefing on what happened, Tony went with the two on a trip to Mandalore. They used a Republic Cruiser as Anakin's Jedi Starfighter was damaged during their mission. It was still repairable so they didn't give him another one as a replacement.

On their way, the trio started catching up. They had a lot to talk about, but Anakin complained about how Tony was allowed to travel on his own.

Tony wanted to complain about how he was stuck in Coruscant but didn't go through with it as it would make him look bad. Instead, he boasted about how good he is with a lightsaber.

He talked about how proficient he has become when using the lightsaber and how his master was confident enough to let him go on his own. Anakin wanted to get the same treatment so he challenged Tony to a sparring match.

Tony looked at Obi-Wan to get his opinion. Obi-wan allowed it and thought that it might be a good chance to get Anakin motivated into training.

The match was to be conducted in one of their stopovers on their way to Mandalore. They were supposed to refuel on a planet with a Jedi temple. The two set the refueling time as their time limit in order to not cause a delay. Their travel time might extend otherwise.


When the two got into an arena, they started fighting immediately.

Unlike his fight with Windu, Tony was more relaxed during this fight. He didn't use Vaapad as a handicap, but his proficiency in the other forms proved to be enough for Anakin.

During the fight, Anakin displayed his mastery over Form 5. He dealt a heavy blow, but they too slow for Tony who sparred with Mace Windu. Tony saw an opening and immediately exploited it to gain victory.


Obi-Wan: "Very impressive Tony. Unfortunately, I don't think Anakin appreciated your mastery of lightsaber techniques."

Obi-Wan then asked Tony to spar with him. He wanted to demonstrate to Anakin how good he should be before he's allowed to be on his own.

Tony: "Wait a second."

Tony went back to the ship and changed his shoes. He wore the shoes with repulsers from his Iron Man suit.

He did this to gain as much high ground as possible. He would need that much to win against Obi-Wan.

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