Tony returned with his new shoes and the fight started.

When they started attacking each other, it immediately became clear to Anakin why Tony was allowed to go on his own.

Not only was Tony was able to keep up with Obi-Wan's Form 4(acrobatic Form), he was also able to deal some attacks of his own.

Anakin could bȧrėly deflect all of Obi-Wan's attacks when they sparred, so he knew the gap between him and Tony.

Seeing the two's skills in the lightsaber, Anakin could only sit back and watch as much as he can.

The two kept at it for a bit, but the two suddenly stopped fighting. Anakin didn't notice any reason for this so he asked why they stopped.

Obi-Wan answered Anakin by asking him a question. He wanted to see what his Padawan thought about the fight.

Anakin said that he noticed a clear gap between his mastery over the lightsaber and Tony's. He said that he would try his best to catch up with his friend.

Obi-Wan felt satisfied with his Padawan's reaction. He was just about to encourage Anakin but Tony interrupted the two.

Tony: "You got what you wanted. Now, can we fight for real?"

Anakin: "What are you talking about Tony?"

Tony: "I'm saying, Obi-Wan didn't fight me for real.

Come on, Master Windu told me you are a master of Form 3(Defence). That's saying something since to him, my skills are just passable. "

Obi-Wan: "Well, you're not doing anything that requires me to use it."

Tony was irritated by Obi-Wan's comment. He drew his second lightsaber and started attacking.


Anakin knew Tony has two lightsabers but he has rarely seen him use both. Now, he finally understood why.

Tony wasn't just dual-wielding the lightsabers like other Jedi's, he was also letting it move on its own. Not only that, but the lightsaber also seemed to have a mind of its own.

Tony was attacking in a coordinated fashion with his lightsaber. They would strike at the same time, and from completely different directions.

Anakin also figured out why Tony changed his shoes before the fight. He used it to ȧssist in his moves. He used them when pouncing on Obi-Wan, making his attacks faster and stronger. He also saw him use it for defense.

There was an occasion where Tony had to jump and Obi-Wan was waiting on the landing zone. Tony used the shoes to help him fly away.

He saw Tony attacking from directions that weren't supposed to be possible. Tony was swooping from all directions, even sliding from the ground up.

Anakin tried to be in Obi-Wan's place and tried to imagine how he would be doing. He would be able to block some attacks, but he wouldn't be able to block all of it.

He knew that he would lose immediately so it made him respect his master more. Obi-Wan was continuously blocking the attacks, consistent with form 3. He has also dealt with some attacks whenever he found an opening.

Anakin watched the two fight for a long time. He didn't notice the time and was startled when some youngling from the Temple went to find them.

The two stopped fighting when the youngling showed up. They let the youngling watch for a bit but stopped as they knew why the youngling was here.

Their ship was refueled and they had to go. The fight ended with a draw because time ran out.

Before they left, the youngling asked Tony if he would accept the youngling as his Padawan. Tony refused, stating that he still a Padawan himself.

He could have used some other reason to refuse, but Tony knew that Anakin heard them talking. He wanted to show this to him because Anakin was whiny about not becoming a master. Tony felt that Windu still wouldn't grant the guy the title, so he said this in front of him so that he could use this on him in the future.


After the sparring, Anakin pestered Tony into helping him. Anakin got the robot he built for sparring and asked Tony to input his moves on it.

Tony refused, stating that the droid wasn't worthy. The droid couldn't even fly and even if it did, JARVIS could still easily beat it.

Tony offered to have JARVIS spar with Anakin instead. It should be able to simulate Tony as he has already practiced while using it.

The three did their own stuff for the rest of the trip. They only stopped when their pilot informed them that they were on Mandalore.


The moment they got off their ship, they were greeted a huge welcome party. There wasn't anyone that looked fancy, but there were a lot of guards and helpers that would help them with anything they'd need.

They were led to a grand hall, where the Duchess of Mandalore would come to greet them.

While waiting for the Duchess' arrival, Tony and Anakin left for a bit to gossip. They felt that the entourage they were given was too much for a mere acquaintance.

Tony: "So, what's with Obi-Wan and the Duchess? Did they do it?"

Anakin: "Do what?"

Tony: "[Sigh] You're training is clearly incomplete. Look, I can talk to you about it, but I can't help you with the actual stuff. Well, I could, but I don't think it's for the best. I'd also have a few conditions as I don't really enjoy sharing."

Anakin: "What are you saying? You know, you're being weird again."

Tony: "You'll understand it when you grow up. Anyway, do you know about their history?"

Anakin: "Not really. Master didn't really talk about her."

Tony: "I see."

Tony pulled out a communicator pressed a buŧŧon. He waited for the other side to answer and then he started beeping.

Tony: "Beep Boop Boop Beep"

Tony didn't wait for a reply and turned the communicator off. He turned around to see Anakin staring at him weirdly.

Anakin: "What was that?"

Tony: "Binary(Droidspeak)."

Anakin: "YOU... I mean what was that about?"

Tony: "Oh, I'm contacting an intelligence organization. There are way too many diplomats here. I don't think we'll get anything."

Anakin: "You've got a point."

Anakin then tried to ask Tony about the intelligence organization. He knew that these kinds of connections are important. Obi-Wan has his own connections and taught Anakin about it.

He asked Tony directly without worrying about being too rude. These kinds of connections were usually kept secret, but the two knew each other well enough that such things would matter.

He thought he would get a no but Tony pulled out another communicator and gave it to him.

Tony then gave some instructions on how to contact his clones' group. There was a bit of code involved which he used just in case the connection's encryption was broken into.

Anakin: "Thanks. But what do I call this group? It's weird referring to them just as a group."

"HYDRA. They're called Hydra"

The name was infamous in the MCU but Tony thought that it was the only name he could think of when he settled on how it would operate. He had clones working on everything after all. He could fight off most attackers but incase the initial amount of clones failed to survive, he could just create more clones to retaliate.

In truth, Tony felt that it wasn't that appropriate. He could create more clones than two clones per clone while a Hydra could only grow two more heads.

Hydra is severely lacking as a description, but Tony couldn't think of anything else. He had to settle on it. He took advantage of it decided to mislead the others instead.


The two boys went back when the Duchess of Mandalore, Satine Kryze, finally arrived.

Satine: "Master Kenobi. My Shining Jedi Knight. What brings you to our system?"

Obi-Wan: "Satine. You've grown more beautiful. Unfortunately, I've come here due to disturbing circumstances. I believe some of your people are trying to incite a war."

Obi-Wan started explaining the circumstances. Tony showed the recording of the attack, as well as some results of their investigation.

Tony wasn't even finished with the presentation when the Jedi's heard someone murmur about something.

The Jedis looked at the source of the sound. They wanted to ask the person but Duchess Satine interrupted them.

Satine: "[Sigh]. You don't have to ask her. This looks to be the actions of Death Watch. "

Satine dismissed most of the people and only left a few high ranking people. Then, she started telling the Jedis about the group.

Death Watch is a group of Mandalorians who practice their old warrior ways. They don't acknowledge the pacifistic government of Mandalore and hope to bring back their old warrior traditions.

Mandalore's officials thought it was just a new group that was starting to gain traction. They didn't expect that it was already expanded their reach out onto Coruscant.


While Obi-Wan was talking with the Duchess, Tony's mind was on something else. He was confused because he thought that the incident would just incite an investigation. He didn't think that an actual terrorist group would be dragged into this.

Tony: [The hell? What's happening? I thought I was one who attacked? Why is this Death Watch taking all the credit? I want to remain anonymous but damn they took advantage of me.]

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