Inside Padme's Chambers.

Obi-Wan and Anakin have just arrived, and they greeted the Senator.

Padme was pointing out how much Anakin has grown and the Jedi reciprocated.

Anakin: "So have you… grown more beautiful, I mean… For a Senator, I mean"

Everyone other than Jar Jar looked away when he said that. Obi-Wan in particular, cringed at his Padawan's line. He was a bit ashamed at calling Anakin his Padawan. Anakin has witnessed his and Satine's interactions. Obi-Wan thought he paid some attention but the Padawan clearly didn't learn from him.

Padme: "Ani. You'll always be that little boy I knew on Tatooine."

Everyone else knew what that meant so they started talking about some proper business.

They talked about Padme's protection when Anakin announced that he would find out who was trying to kill her. Obi-Wan reprimanded his Padwan, and the two got into a debate.

Anakin was just pointing out how it was overkill to have 2 Jedis as her bodyguard when the door opened.

Tony: "Sorry I'm late. My droids heard that we were going to meet Padme and decided to polish themselves first."

A bouncing green ball and a metallic silver armor appeared. Tony introduced Haro and Jarvis, and then greeted everyone himself.

Unlike Anakin, everyone else has met Tony before. He didn't have to be so formal and greeted them casually. When he got to Padme, they hugged briefly. Everyone thought it was a friendly hug, but Anakin was jealous of Tony's treatment.

After Tony caught up to their conversation, Anakin continued his talk with Obi-Wan. With Tony included, Obi-Wan himself couldn't deny and agreed that having 3 Jedi was overkill.

They started talking about the suspects when Tony announced that it was Gunray who was trying to kill Padme. He was sent to track down and capture the ȧssassin. They needed to capture him alive as the Republic's investigators were coerced by Gunray's Organization into not accepting holographic evidence.

After a bit of discussion, Padme went to her room to rest.

When she was away, Anakin started complaining about his treatment. Padme didn't even recognize him, yet Tony was able to get a hug.

Tony: "It's just a hug Anakin. You can also get one if you ask. Here, let me show you. Jar Jar, can you hug Anakin for a bit?"

While this wasn't what Anakin meant, this hug interrupted his broody emo thing. When Anakin calmed down, Tony gave a signal to his droid to do something.

JARVIS pulled out the jetpack from his back and gave it Obi-Wan. Tony mentioned that it was a gift from Satine and then suggested that he practice using it.

Anakin: "Didn't you tell Satine that Master hates flying? He probably wouldn't even use that jetpack. "

Tony agreed and then tried to take it back.

Obi-Wan didn't let him, as he grabber the jetpack before the droid took it.

He got the instructions from Tony and then reminded everyone about their duty. They split up and checked the security.


After their checks, everyone got back outside Padme's bedroom. They started discussing the situation when Anakin pointed out that Padme covered the cameras.

Obi-Wan was worried but they told him that all 3 droids were around her. They were actively scanning the surrounding, and she shouldn't be in any trouble.

Tony: "It's because you kept staring at her like that. She's creeped out. She wasn't like this before. I was in the same room as her and she managed to sleep just fine. In fact, I think she slept so... [slamming noise]"

Anakin got near Tony and grabbed onto him. He asked Tony what the hell he was doing in the same room as her.

Obi-Wan stopped his Padawan from going further and told him to calm down.

After he was released, Tony started telling Anakin about their story. He did it the long way though as he was trying to point out something else. He was trying to redirect their attention to the attackers. He pointed out how the ȧssassins were able to fly and that the Jedis had to catch up to them.

He directed this statement to Obi-Wan as he was the only traditionalist in the group. Anakin already upgraded his equipment a long time ago. He still preferred using a speeder, but his boots could allow him to fly in case of emergencies.

Obi-Wan: "I don't hate flying. I just..."

Anakin: "We sense it too."

They started running, barging into Padme's room. When they got inside, they saw JARVIS already wrapped around her.

Seeing Padme suited up, they looked for the source of danger. They saw Haro with mechanical hands extended, holding onto two multi-legged worms.

R2-D2: Alarming beeps

The droid retreated and started running away.

Tony and Anakin tapped their boots and the repulsors came out. They jumped out the window and pursued the droid.

Obi-Wan drew his lightsaber and kept on guard. When Padme's security team came, he got his jetpack and put it on.

He turned on his jetpack and the thing suddenly launched him off. While he was able to get used to it, he didn't have much control initially. This lack of control would have had a speeder crash onto him if not for his Jedi Abilities.

After he gained control, he looked behind him as he heard something crashing. He looked back to see what happened and found that a billboard started falling.

Obi-Wan: "Oh dear."

He used the Force to direct it into falling on an empty veranda. Someone would lose a veranda, but at least no one would get hurt.

Then, he went to pursue the two Padawans.


The ȧssassin got onto a speeder and started running away.

Anakin pursued the ȧssassin while Tony waited for a bit.

When Obi-Wan arrived, Tony gave him a watch that was tracking Anakin. They talked about something, and then they split up. Obi-Wan went to his Padawan while Tonflew towards another direction.


When Obi-Wan caught up, he saw his padawan get on top of the ȧssassin's vehicle.

Anakin drew his lightsaber and used it to make a hole on the roof of the vehicle.

While he was making a hole, the ȧssassin started shooting at Anakin. The shot grazed at the arm, making Anakin let go of his lightsaber.

Obi-Wan went for the lightsaber but stopped when he noticed the lightsaber transforming. A repulsor also appeared, and the lightsaber flew back to its master.

Seeing this, Obi-Wan felt that he was getting old. He has seen such a thing before, but he still wasn't used to lightsabers flying back to their masters.

After the lightsaber returned, Anakin used it to destroy the engines. The ȧssassin's vehicle started crashing.

Obi-Wan joined Anakin and the Jedis approached the crashed vehicle. They pulled the ȧssassin out of it and Anakin started interrogating.

He tried to get some answers but the ȧssassins kept stalling. When Anakin unconsciously used the Force to make her talk, a dart struck her. The dart started killing her but she was able to say a few words She Murishani Sleemo, meaning bounty hunter slime.

They looked at the source of the dart and saw a person in Mandalorian armor shoot it.

Anakin tried to follow, but Obi-Wan stopped him.

Obi-Wan: "Leave him to Tony. He should be able to get some information considering his position. We should go back to Padme and keep up her protection."


The man in Mandalorian armor, Jango Fett, flew back to his spaceship after killing the ȧssassin. He just landed near the hangar, when a hooded fellow approached him.

"Hey. Want to buy some Death Stick?"

Jango refused the offer but the guy was persistent. Not only was the guy not leaving, but he was also even approaching him.

The guy got scared and started running.

Jango got to his spaceship and flew away from Coruscant.


The next day, the three went to the Council and reported the situation. Tony immediately told them the identity of the ȧssassin Jango Fett.

After the agreement, the Death Watch became mercenaries. They did this as a way to practice the Mandalorian ways while also being productive.

They came to learn of Jango through this new venture. They thought he was also a Mandalorian but none of the clans vouched for him. They didn't mind Jango wearing a Mandalorian Amor because he was proven capable enough to wear it. They just kept tabs on him in case he did something that would strain the Mandalorian's relationship with the Jedis.


Tony told the Council where Jango was staying. The guy was staying in the Planet of Kamino.

He used an opened his personal galactic map and pointed out the planet. He then went and used the Jedi Archive's copy and pointed to empty space.

Tony started mentioning that the Jedi's archive is compromised. Everyone was skeptical at first but Obi-Wan backed Tony's claims.

Before he gave his report, Obi-Wan went to a reliable contact to investigate. The contact gave him coordinates that matched Tony's claims even though no one knew of his contact.

These findings disturbed the council. The Jedi Archives could only be changed by Jedis.

They just started wondering who could possibly do such a thing, when Tony answered. He told them that it was the latest Jedi Master to leave the order, Count Dooku.

Windu warned Tony not to make such claims but Tony told his master to shut it. Not everyone was as loyal to the Jedi Code as Windu. Not only is Count Dooku not a Jedi anymore, Tony even suspected that the man has become a Sith.

He backed up his claim by giving them evidence. The Council was aware that he has contact with the intelligence group, Hydra. They weren't too surprised when he showed them evidence from all over the galaxy.

He gave them all the information but he highlighted a certain planet. He told them that the group found evidence of the Separatist building their army.

After showing them a scene of a droid factory hidden under the surface, the council believed him.


After some deliberations, they sent Anakin back to Padme and told him that to escort her back to her home planet. Anakin said that she would refuse, but the council insisted on her leaving.

While they were keeping track of the ȧssassin, it didn't mean that she was safe. They also pointed out that she would be in more danger if she decided to stay.

Her position as the leader of those who opposes the Military Creation Act made her an enemy to those who want to pass it. If this news reached the Senate, someone from the Republic might try to ȧssassinate her just to stop her from opposing. At the moment, it looked as if she would be in much more danger by staying than if she left for her home planet.

They suggested Anakin go to Palpatine for help in convincing the Senator.

Tony was about to send a suit for an escort but the Council stopped him. The suits he made have been used to protect other VIPs. The more expensive ȧssassins have heard about it.

They then told Anakin to travel discreetly. Having a weird suit would be too eye-catching, so Tony sent them a supposedly experimental nanite suit instead.


After Anakin left, Obi-Wan soon followed. The Council sent him to Kamino to catch the ȧssassin.

After the others left, Tony stayed as Windu's Padawan. Windu has been bringing Tony more and more frequently after they announced to the Council that he could use Shatterpoint.

The Order has been loosing more and more Jedis due to the conflicts. The Council decided to allow a Padawan to watch as having a Shatterpoint user helped reduce the casualties.

They started talking about the war that could possibly start. They all agreed that there was not enough Jedi to keep the peace. They would definitely be outnumbered if they fought the war for the republic. They couldn't stop a war so they thought about how to prevent it war.

All ideas were thrown, but the one that sticks was a preemptive strike.

Windu used Shatterpoint and found out that Count Dooku was the key to stopping the war. The Shatterpoint was located on the planet with the droid factory, Geonosis.

Along with the location, Windu also noticed another thing. He saw that the Shatterpoint was slowly disappearing. This meant that time was running out and soon they wouldn't be able to stop it.

Windu wanted to start amassing all the Jedi but Tony mentioned something. He told his master that the droid factory is already active. If they decided to go, they would be facing a droid army.

He gave different army size predictions based on different scenarios. No matter which scenario played out, the Jedi would still end up outnumbered.

The Council kept silent as the master and student used Shatterpoint on different situations, trying to take down the other side. They concluded that no matter the scenario, a lot of Jedi would still end up dead.

This conclusion disturbed the Council. This was a no-win scenario that was specifically designed to weaken the Jedi Order.

With or without the war, the Jedis would have to be sent out en masse. Even if they manage to prevent the war, they would still end up losing a lot of Jedis.

They thought about how to turn the scenario around when Tony interrupted again.

Tony: "Master. I have an idea. Remember that recent project of mine? The one with the oversized Kyber Crystals? I don't think the Sith are prepared for that since it was something recent."

Windu looked at Yoda as they were some of the few people who know Tony's latest project.

Yoda: "Hmm. Possible, it is. But create more troubles, it might."

Windu: "He's right. If the Sith gets a hold of that thing, they would definitely use it against us. We don't know much about them so we have to ȧssume that they could also build such a thing."

Tony: "Way ahead of you. I built it with the ability to self destruct. All blueprints are also deleted. If I also connect my DRAGOONs and use it for tests, I could make it so that I am the only person who could use it. I doubt the Sith could use as many lightsabers as I do."

Yoda meditated for a while and then he nodded.

Tony stood up and was about to go back to his laboratory but Windu interrupted him.

Windu: "Tony. Did you start that project with the war in mind?"

Tony: "Not really. I got the idea after I went to get more Crystals. After hearing those huge Kyber Crystals cry, I felt pity. It's sad knowing that they weren't able to pick their Jedis just because they couldn't fit inside a lightsaber.

After that, things... well... happened.

I created lightsabers expecting it would be big. I just didn't expect that the lightsaber would be THAT big. I had no way to carry a lightsaber bigger than me. I had to make THAT to wield the huge lightsaber. The lasers and other weapons were added because the thing looked bȧrė without it."

Windu: "Fine. Prepare that... armor? "

Tony: "Mobile Suit"

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