Reincarnated As Tony Stark With A Skill

Chapter 152 - Attack of the Clones 1

When Tony got to his lab, JARVIS was already busy moving all the DRAGOONS that would be mounted onto the mobile suit. As soon as they got close, nanites started extending out of the suit and onto the DRAGOONS.

When everything was connected, Tony saw a humanoid silhouette with eight pointy wings. He saw the silhouette of the Freedom Gundam.

Tony felt a little bit guilty when he saw this. He thought that he would be using something weaker first, but he ended up using this thing. He wanted to use the DRAGOONS rather than let them go to waste. Among the suit which utilizes DRAGOONs, this was the most agile. He chose it to suit his identity as a Jedi.

To relieve his guilt, he decided to nerf himself. He built the marginally weaker Freedom, instead of the Strike Freedom which, as far as he could remember, never sustained any damage.


While JARVIS was running some diagnostics, Tony went inside the ċȯċkpit. Inside, there were multiple screens, throttle levers, pedals, and other buŧŧons. While they could be used to control the thing, they were actually intended to fool anyone who tried to steal this suit. They were functional but the controls weren't the primary interface. It had a high learning curve that even Anakin wouldn't be able to pilot it immediately.

He sat in a comfortable position and used the Force on a hidden control panel. After inputting his password, a nanite helmet started forming around his head. The helmet was an augmented reality interface that made the user see and hear things from the mobiles suit's perspective.

He tried moving the suit. There is a lag as the helmet didn't hi-jack the signals going out of the brain. He wanted the pilots to maintain a connection with their bodies so that they could immediately control it in case of emergencies

After making sure that everything is ready, Tony pulled on the eject lever to get out of the suit. He wanted to start using it so badly that he had to eject himself just to stop himself. He ran out of his lab and went somewhere to and found something to do that would distract himself.


While Tony was busy distracting himself, Anakin was busy trying to woo Padme. Unfortunately for Anakin, Padme's experience with Tony made her put her guards up even at Jedis.

He kept trying to get close to Padme even after the arrived at Naboo. Anakin didn't seem to notice that he was annoying her. He tried all kinds of topics. He finally got through to her when they got to Amidala's private Island. Anakin told her about his childhood nemesis, sand.

Anakin: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere."

Hearing about his childhood, Padme remembered Anakin was once a slave. She felt sad for him, and unconsciously lowered her guard on him. Seeing this, Anakin was reminded of something Tony said to him before they left for Naboo. He didn't let the chance go and leaned in to kiss her.

Padme broke off the kiss but Anakin's move made her stop seeing his as just a boy. Anakin noticed this and was thankful to Tony for his advice.

During her stay, Anakin started doing everything that Tony advised. He didn't understand why he should do it but Anakin mentioned Tony had relationships with other women. Anakin thought that it would reassure Padme that Jedis are allowed to have a relationship. He didn't think that the two had a thing before.

This story made Padme feel bad. She thought she forgot about it. She didn't even feel anything when they hugged before. As it turns out, hearing that someone she did It with was in a relationship still made her mad. Maybe it was because of all the tension from the events recently, but part of her wanted to do something instead of just letting things go. She didn't have that many options though, and could only do things with was Anakin.

It took a really long time for the boy from Tatooine but eventually, Anakin was able to get into her. He was able to go into places, just like the sand that he hated.


While Anakin was having the time of his life, his master was working hard. Obi-Wan has a lot of things in his hand, and couldn't decide anything.

First of all, he just discovered that the Jedi has contracted the Kaminoans to make a clone army. This helped with the Republic's current situation but the fact that someone ordered for this to be created years ago made it very concerning.

The clone's genetic host was the bounty hunter that he was looking for. When he discovered this, Obi-Wan requested to meet Jango.

Before he met him though, Obi-Wan went to contact the council for advice.

The council decided to stop Obi-Wan's capture mission. They made him investigate the bounty hunter instead.

Tony's way of getting information was more productive than they expected. They wanted to see how far it would go so they told Obi-Wan to just follow Jango.

Obi-Wan returned to the Kaminoans and they guided him to Jango. After a brief introduction, Obi-Wan asked who contracted the bounty hunter. The Kaminoans said Sifo-Dyas was the one who ordered the army but Jango didn't recognize him. Jango said that the man who contacted his was Tyranus.

Obi-Wan didn't know of a Tyranus but he did remember that the Jedi Council suspected Count Dooku. Obi-Wan showed an image of the Count and Jango confirmed it was Tyranus. It wasn't a direct confirmation but it might as well have been for a Jedi used to investigation like Obi-Wan

After a few more questions, Obi-Wan thanked Jango and went on his way.

He went back to the landing pad and placed trackers on every single starship. He did this as a backup in case the Jango suspected that they were being tracked. It would also act as a decoy in case the bounty hunters suspect that they were being tracked. The tracker Tony placed on Jango still was better so Obi-Wan preferred to use it.

(AN: Death Sticks selling guy was Tony if it wasn't obvious.)

After he finished placing trackers, he noticed Jango and the genetic clone 'son' of his. They appeared to be running.

This frustrated Obi-Wan as he now had to act like he was trying to catch them.

He started running towards them while trying not to get close too fast. Jango fired some shots that made Obi-Wan grateful. He wasn't worried about getting hit and it actually helped sell the act. The father and son were able to fly away before Obi-Wan could get close to them.

He waited for a bit before following the ship.


Anakin's blissful days came to an end.

They went to Tatooine and he found Watto. Anakin discovered that his mother was sold and that her new master became Anakin's step-father.

They rushed to Anakin's new father and they found traces that the place was just attacked.

Fearing that his mother was hurt, Anakin barged into the underground settlement. He let the Force guide him as he went inside a certain room.

When he opened the door, he saw C-3PO. Not only was C-3PO in pieces, but there were also signs of blaster bolts all over his components.

Anakin was stunned at first but then another person came in (from an adjacent room). The person noticed Anakin and dropped the toolbox she was holding.

Anakin saw the person approaching him and recognized that it was her mother. They had some tearful reunion but it was interrupted when Anakin's adoptive family came charging in.


After things settled down and people knew each other, Anakin started asking what happened. He wanted to know why they were attacked and why C-3PO was in pieces.

A few months ago, Anakin's mother encountered some Tuskan Raiders. They were going to abduct her but C-3PO was able to stop them. They thought he was a harmless protocol droid and allowed the droid to get close to them. When they were in range, C-3PO whooped their ȧsses. The droid was about to kill them all but Anakin's mother stopped it. She let them go and they retreated

Ever since then, the Tuskan Raiders started hunting the droid who defeated them. They wanted payback but C-3PO was able to repel them. It wasn't like they had a chance though, as the combat program was also improving based on the enemy.

While C-3PO was able to fight off the attackers, it's parts were able to handle the intense movements. That along with the sand getting everywhere weakened the droid's mechanical integrity. Some of its parts failed in the most recent attack, causing the droid to end up in pieces.

The Tuskan Raiders then wrecked the house as a sign of victory.

Anakin started felt anger after he heard what happened. He thought about going for revenge but he remembered Obi-Wan's teachings and calmed himself.

Try as he might, he wasn't able to completely relax. He went to C-3PO and started fixing the droid.


Anakin has just finished fixing C-3PO's head when it suddenly activated. Anakin was surprised when it happened and was further surprised when he started hearing Tony's voice from it.

Tony: "Hey kid. If you're hearing this, it means that you came back for Aunty. Is she okay?"

Anakin asked Tony what he was doing but Tony replied with 'Message not recognized. Please Try Again'

Seeing that he was just talking to a program, he decided to answer it directly.

Tony: "Great. It looks like the worst hasn't happened."

Anakin: "Worst? What do you mean?"

Tony: "Remember when I told you that I see visions? I remember seeing aunty get attacked and your mother. I was able to save her now but it doesn't mean she's safe. Someone is trying to kill her to get to you."

Anakin: "Me? Why?"

Tony: "Why? Because you're the chosen one with a weakness. I don't have a family here so they couldn't manipulate me.

But that's not important. What's important is that you have to keep your family safe. You could keep your family safe or you could go and get back at the mastermind of this incident. You could take revenge on that person."

Anakin: "Revenge? But it's not the..."

Tony: "Not the Jedi way, blah blah. I'm not a Jedi yet when I recorded this so it doesn't matter. Also, it's your only family. You have to do what you have to do. Now, what do you choose? Oh, before you choose, make sure you are prepared to do ANYTHING? "

Tony continued emphasizing the importance of this decision to Anakin. Anakin thought about it and then asked a question.

Anakin: "Are you sure they will be safe?"

Tony: "The only person who could get to them would be you."

Anakin: "Fine. I'll do it. What do you want me to do?"

Tony: "Good. I believe future me has given you a way to contact a secret organization. Go and use it."


The next day, a group of Tuskan Raiders went to attack the place Anakin was staying. He was able to repel their attack but her mother 'accidentally got shot' in the process. Padme was also knocked out by something falling to her head. What happened to those that he loved, hurt Anakin's feelings.

After killing every attacker, Anakin contacted Hydra. They were going to take care of everyone while he went to the Tuskan Raider's camp. He was going to stop them from causing any more destruction.

Before he started attacking, Anakin first observed their behavior. When he saw that they Tusken Raiders acted like animals, he didn't hesitate anymore. He started slaughtering everyone in sight.

He stopped himself when he encountered kids but he continued after they started shooting at him. Their proficiency in the weapons strengthened his resolve as other kids aren't as good with blasters. They were clearly trained and even felt like they crave violence.

After killing everyone, he went back on his speeder bike. He had no regrets as he didn't encounter infants that were too young and could still be considered innocent.

When he got home, his mother greeted him. He told her what happened and she just comforted him. In her perspective, what Anakin did was acceptable. The Tuskan Raider never helped anyone and they also only caused death and destruction. This may have felt wrong, but she ȧssured her son that what he did helped more people. She pointed out that what he did was especially significant for the slaves as they were usually the ones who die whenever those people attacks.

The next day, Anakin waved at his new family as they were smuggled out of Tatooine. Hydra was moving them somewhere else. All Anakin had to do was act as if they died. He remembered the scene if his mother 'dying' to remember the pain.

When Padme woke, she saw Anakin crying. He told her what happened after she was knocked out and that his new family wasn't in Tatooine anymore. She took this as them dying, so she went to comfort him.

They weren't able to rest for long as R2 came and reported to them. It reported that Obi-Wan was in danger.

Padme didn't want Anakin to lose anyone else. She went to Geonosis to rescue Obi-Wan. Anakin was to accompany her and make sure she was out of any danger.


Meanwhile. In Coruscant.

After finding out what Anakin did, Tony sighed in relief. He thought that Anakin would still need a motivation to be angry. He was prepared to tell him about his thing with Padme, but fortunately, it wasn't needed.

Tony: "I still think I have to come to clear about that someday. Palpatine probably knows about what happened and might try to use it."

Tony was just thinking about how to tell Anakin when Windu barged into the room.

Tony: "The Senate agreed to make an Army?"

Windu: "No. Chancellor Palpatine ordered it."

Tony: "What? He could do that?"

Windu: "He could now. Representative Binks (Jar-Jar) lobbied for the Chancellor to be given emergency powers."

Tony: "That stupid..."

Windu: "Forget it. We need to rescue Obi-Wan first. Is it ready?"

Tony: "Already on transport. Are we still keeping it a secret?"

Windu: "For now. Master Yoda is already on his way to get the clone army from Kamino. The order was for the Republic but Count Dooku's involvement makes them untrustworthy. Try not to expose your mobile suit too early. We might need it in case the clones turn on us. "

Tony: "A Fine. But when it is needed, I will make a grand entrance."

Windu: "Make it as grand as you want."

Tony: "Hey Master. Make sure you remember that. I'm going to quote you in case the Council says something."

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