Reincarnated As Tony Stark With A Skill

Chapter 153 - Relationship Discussion ( Not a chapter)

AN: This is about the relationship part. The manipulative Tony part is at the bottom

People, you have to give up on Padme. It's not about canon or non-canon relationships. If you haven't noticed, Tony has been collecting all kinds of technologies and knowledge. There is a lot of things I could do to make sure Luke and Leia would show up. It's about their morals/life view/code they live by (not sure what the term is).

This is the expansion of 'things will end badly' due to their compatibility part.

It would just end badly for both of them, not to mention Anakin, if they didn't stop early. She's a Senator hell-bent on stopping the war without any military force. Meanwhile, Tony is using the war to build Gundams and stuff.

Unless all they do is just have s*x, they're going to have some discussions. They'll inevitably talk about their work. They would just end up arguing. I'm not saying arguing is bad, it's just that this isn't one of those kinds of topics.


Tony knows that the war would continue. Even if he killed Palpatine(which wouldn't be that much of a help since he hasn't found all cloning facilities yet), there are still all those other greedy leaders. A part of the spoils from half a galaxy is just too tempting that some would make sure the war wouldn't stop or start another one. Even if they were all massacred, another greedy person would just step in.

He keeps using Republic resources so that the spoils of war would be less and less tempting.

Now, think about what would happen when he tells her this.

With or without knowing about Palpatine, she'll still try to insist on stopping the war peacefully. It's something she would do since she is one of those lucky ones who got freedom easily (The Battle of Naboo is just a day-long war at best. Also, Palpatine orchestrated that whole Naboo thing. Of course she would win.).

Even if she ever manages to get close to stopping the war peacefully, Palpatine or some other senator wouldn't let that happen. They would try to kill senators on the Separatist's side that support this peace.

Sure, the pen might be mightier than the sword. But they're both toothpicks when faced against Gundams, Death Star, and any other super high tech weapon.

Tony might be able to protect everyone with his clones but this would inevitably lead to his Shadow Clone ability getting expose. It is the only way to save everyone as there is no way the all Jedi combined could protect the senators from armies trying to ȧssassinate them.

The Shadow Clone ability getting exposed may be fine in MCU but not here. Star Wars has an Infinite Empire in its history.

The Sith could release the Rakata Infinite Empire's history and have everyone fight against Tony because he posed the same threat. His Jedi identity wouldn't be of help as people could just tell that Dooku was also once a Jedi.

This is going to be like the scene in Iron Man 2 except Tony lost the trial and then was sentenced with the Death penalty. He has to kill everyone or else they kill him.

Tony is not that selfless to save everyone for them to backstab him. This isn't the Tony in the End Game. This guy punishes the worst people by collecting their consciousness through their heads. He could try to imprison everyone or kill everyone. Either way, he'll look much worse than Palpatine.

Padme would die of guilt knowing because she'll try to stop him and he'll point this out, how this all happened because she convinced him to try her way.

Option 2.

I doubt she'll ever support him building all those weapons. She may be able to fight but she is clearly against further use of military power to stop the war. There is more about this in the Clone Wars TV series which I use as a basis.

If she decides to ignore this, she'll soon see Tony using more and more resources. It might not matter at first but once she sees more people die because of this, she'll either talk to Tony or keep it to herself.

If she keeps it to herself, she'll just see more and more incidents and end up miserable.

If she talks to him and they both go maintain their stance, they would just end up fighting.

Tony is busy looking for stuff so that he could kill Palpatine forever while also fighting in the war to keep the casualties at a minimum. Meanwhile, Padme is on the Senate trying to stop the republic from building more armies. She's just making his job harder.


Also, no. Pepper isn't the same as her. Peper may be whiny but she always supported Tony. She's fine with him building weapons that kill a lot of people, she's just not fine with him doing something that could kill himself.

In this war scenario, Pepper would be fine and even support him building stuff since they're also great for protecting him. Padme on the other hand would try to stop and even oppose him.

Anakin and Padme wouldn't be arguing as much as Anakin is only a General and not a weapons designer. They may break up or not, but at least they're not going to end in as horrible a wreck as Padme will be with Tony

AN: For those who think I'm a hypocrite because of the Terror Law thing. No. This is not the same. Tony has a lot of powers but he only uses them on those who deserve it. He hasn't even thought about hunting poachers until after they hunted first. Meanwhile, my government abuses its power to hunt down the protesters who berate them because of their stupidity. I would have been fine with my government having all that power if they showed that they were good enough not to abuse it.

Back to Relationship.

If that's too scenario war weapons designer military opposition feels too fictional, here are some more realistic scenarios.

I'm not sure if this is the best example of this, but what if your spouse is an anti-vaxxer and you are not. You'd end up having problems when you have kids.

If you sneak around to vaccinate the kids and they found out=> argue with probable divorce. If the kids die due to a vaccinable disease=> you'll blame your spouse for their death.

There are just some relationships where you have to back out while you have the chance. There are even worse situations that end so badly that you would think you dodge a bullet.

Another example of a horrible relationship is Johnny Depp and his ex (Amb H). Everyone around them noticed the signs. Someone warned him about her abusing the crap out of him, but Johnny was too in love to care. Now, they're in court suing each other.


Advice. It might be hard to notice but if you do notice these kinds of things, you have to take the opportunity and leave. It's better to break up early and on good terms, than try to make it work just to end up with either or both of you miserable. You could become depressed after the break-up. Or worse, you could end up broke because your spouse sued you out of all your money because of those divorce settlement crap.

If you still didn't get why Tony gave up on Padme, I don't think I can help you anymore. Some other readers might be able to do it though, so why don't you try commenting if you still don't get it.



As for the manipulative part, yeah Tony is a jackass in that. It's intended.

It was supposed to be used as an example to later teach Anakin how seemingly godsend advice turned out to be manipulations. Anakin got lucky on this one since Tony was on his side. Anakin might not always be so lucky.

They're facing Palpatine. Anakin should be prepared for all sorts of manipulations.

It's just... I think the jackass part is amplified WAY TOO MUCH because he used the vɨrġɨnɨtƴ s*x to help Anakin get Padme. This one is on me.

I can't really use any other reason though as Tony was supposed distancing himself in order to avoid anything which might lead to them getting back together.

If he tried to give Anakin info about favorite food, flowers, topics, other things, Anakin might get suspicious.

Why would this guy, who only has this supposedly one-time thing with his GF, know about everything that she likes?

Anakin's jealousy (not just about Padme, but also Tony's autonomy) might lead to a more serious conflict. He might not listen and even oppose Tony, which would just make killing Palpatine much harder.

PS: Yeah. Sorry if I broke romance for some people but it's what happens in the real world. Some couples just marry too early. They don't know that there is something seriously wrong which ends up divorced.

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