Reincarnated As Tony Stark With A Skill

Chapter 154 - Attack of the Clones 2

While in Hyperspace, traveling towards Geonosis

Tony was in his a carrier ship with both his Star Fighter and his mobile suit. After doing some last-minute checks, he went to the central compartment. The compartment has become a temporary command room.

In the room, the Jedi Masters were currently discussing

Tony: "Master. Are you sure about this? Just 300+ Jedi? There are even new Padawans. There's no way this is going to be enough."

Windu: "The other Jedis are too far away. If you didn't warn us before, we would have had a hundred less."

Tony: "It's still not enough. You know about the new models. We can't just destroy the control ship anymore. People would end up getting shot due to the sheer number of enemies."

Windu: "I know. Master Yoda is already on his way with the clone army. Let's hope they arrive before things end badly."


After some time. In the Geonosis Arena.

Obi-Wan was currently tied up in chains sunbathing when he noticed Anakin and Padme charioted into the arena.

Anakin: "We decided to rescue you."

Obi-wan looked at the chains tying his hands, and then to the chains tying Anakin's. He tried to emphasize how they were still in chains.

Obi-Wan: "Good Job."

Anakin was silent up until he noticed 3 monsters brought into the arena.

Anakin: "I have a bad feeling about this"


Somewhere inside the Arena of Geonosis.

Tony went to his master's to report. He told Windu about the monsters Obi-Wan and Anakin were facing.

Anakin managed to get on the rhinoceros-like monster and ride it, while Obi-Wan was repelling the huge mantis attacking him. They weren't in their best condition, but two seemed to be safe at the moment.

Windu: "What about Senator Amidala?"

Tony: "Went up a pillar. She should be safe until Anakin gains full control of his beast.

Windu: "That's good. This gives us more time. "

They were currently waiting around to appear at the last second. They were waiting for the Jedi's who were attacking the currently deactivated droids, trying to reduce the number of enemies they would be facing later.

They were able to reduce the number of droids by a few thousand, but it wasn't enough. Unfortunately, they didn't have much time.

The Separatists have just sent out Droidekas(rolling droids) to suppress Anakin and Obi-Wan. Windu knew how dangerous these droids are, and knew that the people they were planning to rescue wouldn't last long.

Windu told the Jedis to prepare for action. Then, he and Tony went to where Count Dooku was.


In the VIP area.

Nute Gunray just saw the three people about to be executed, ride on the rhino that was supposed to kill them. Gunray was particularly irritated because Padme is still alive. He has sent countless ȧssassins to try and kill her, yet she still managed to survive.

Jango was waiting for Dooku's approval but the past Jedi Master stopped Gunray and told him to be patient. He ȧssured Gunray that Padme would die and that they were just supposed to watch and wait.

After Dooku said this, Droidekas started rolling into the arena. They surrounded the Rhino Anakin and the rest were riding and pointed their blasters so that the three would stop.

Dooku showed Gunray that everything was under his control.

He continued looking at the execution, but his attention was diverted after he heard multiple lightsabers igniting.

When Dooku looked behind him, he saw Windu and Tony. Windu was walking smugly, while Tony was controlling six of his lightsabers. The lightsabers' blades were near the necks of Jango, Bobba, Nute Gunray, the Leader of Geonosians, a Geonosian Royal guard, as well the other representative of the Trade Federation.

Dooku: "Master Windu. How pleasant of you to join us."

Then, Dooku looked around at the lightsabers. After checking them out, he then looked at Tony with a condescending smile. He didn't respect any Jedi who used more than one lightsaber, much less Tony who wielded at least six.

Dooku was just about to berate his Windu for allowing his Padawan to use that many lightsabers but Windu said something first.

Windu: "This party's over. "

There were the more mȧturė Jedis such as Plo-Koon (masked Jedi), Ki-Adi Mundi (long head with beard), Shaak-Ti (Red White face with blue and white striped head tails.), and Luminara Unduli(yellow-green woman).

Kit Fisto (Green Tentacle guy who is always smiling) was also present.

There were also some recently knighted Jedis such as Aayla Secura, as well as Padawan like Bariss Offee.

Hundreds of lightsabers ignited. This scene caused the Geonosians, who were previously enjoying the execution in the arena, to panic. The semi-insectoid species opened their wing and started flying away, creating more chaos inside the arena.


Even though the whole arena was in chaos, Dooku didn't show any signs of being nervous. He laughed for a bit before telling Windu that what the Jedis did was foolish.

Dooku: "Brave but foolish. My old Jedi friend. You are impossibly outnumbered."

Windu: "I don't think so."

Dooku: "We'll see."

Windu: "What's wrong? Are you waiting for a miracle or something?"

Tony: "I think someone's supposed to come out from behind you Master. I'm not sure who it is though since I only saw some bulky battle droids who were kind enough to direct us to this VIP area"

Windu: "You heard my Padawan. Now. Why don't you surrender yourself while you have the chance?"


While the VIP area has a bluffing game ongoing, the other parts of the arena weren't so peaceful.

The barricade that the Jedis set up, before showing up, were slowly getting destroyed. The stone used in the structures may take some beating, but they were still slowly getting pulverized.

There were too many battle droids on the other side of the barricade. They kept firing continuously, bombarding the barricade until it gets destroyed

Some Jedi's were continuously building upon the barricade by demolishing more and more of the corridors. Unfortunately, they couldn't do it forever.

Other Geonosians started shooting at the Jedis, preventing them from placing their attention on adding more debris on the barricade. The Geonosians noticed this and started fighting back. They started shooting them from above, thinking that the land-bound Jedis couldn't harm them.

While the Jedi's were mostly on the defensive, some of the newer Padawans couldn't defend themselves any longer. Rather than letting them stay on the defensive and get injured, the masters decided to attack.

As soon as they decided on this, the Jedi's started tapping their shoes. When they were ready, they all leaped at the same time.

Some Geonosian's were cut down by the Jedis, but most of them were able to dodge.

The Geonosians started aiming at the places where the Jedi were supposed to land. They started shooting, but none of their shots managed to hit.

They all looked to see where their target went but they were all cut down before they noticed it.

The Jedis were all flying in the sky, zipping around and cutting all the Geonosians who stayed behind. They all held weapons and tried to attack the Jedis.


While most of the Jedi were busy reducing the number of threats that surround them, some of the Jedis flew to Obi-Wan and the rest to complete their rescue.

They got close to the Master and Padawan and gave the two lightsabers. The two used the lightsabers to cut-off their restraints. The three went to massage their wrist, but the Jedi who gave them lightsabers warned them.

"Don't relax just yet. There are thousands of Battle droids outside. We might be able to stall them, but they're bound to get here."

Hearing this, Anakin looked around and started looking for a cover for Padme. He saw the chariot that they were once on. He used the Force to drag it in the center of the Arena.


VIP Area

Dooku: "Ah yes. The flight boots. I thought they were just rumors. To think the Jedis have fallen this far."

Tony: "Says the guy who likes antiques. By the way master, can I execute Gunray? We've caught him red-handed. With all these things that I've recorded, I'm sure they'll sentence him to death."

Windu: "You're right. Unless he gives us crucial information, he wouldn't get to keep his life.

Hearing this, Gunray started to panic. He looked at Dooku as he was the only one who could face these Jedis.

Dooku: "Relax Viceroy. There's no way these Jedi would allow the defenseless to be killed."

Tony: "I don't know. As you said, we have fallen."

Windu just kept quiet as he noticed that what they were doing was working. Dooku was starting to become tense.

Windu prepared to his lightsaber and ignited it as soon as he sensed Dooku twitch.

The two Jedi Masters collided lightsabers. Windu saw the red lightsaber clashing with his purple blade.

Windu: "So. It is true. You have fallen to the Dark Side."

Windu started attacking for real. While Windu's Vaapad was powerful against a Dark Sider, Count Dooku wasn't just any other Sith.

Even back when he was a Jedi, Count Dooku specialized in the form which was made specifically for lightsaber combat. He even went as far as to customize his lightsaber. He continuously adjusted the curve of his lightsaber. This curve wasn't just artistic, it was specifically calibrated to give him an edge when in a lightsaber duel.

The two Jedi masters started fighting while moving away from all of Tony's lightsabers.


While the two Jedi masters were fighting, Jango was slowly reaching out to his blaster. Unfortunately for him, Tony noticed this. The lightsaber on Jango's neck went close enough that it could shave Jango if the guy has grown some beard.

Tony: "Uh-uh. I wouldn't do that if I were you. Think about what will happen to your kid."

The Geonosian guard, who thought that Tony was distracted, also tried to reach for his weapon. Unfortunately, Tony already noticed this and decapitated the Geonosian.

After the decapitation, the lightsaber turn-off and then floated towards Tony. He held it in his hand while he talked to the others.

Tony: "Anyone else? Gunray?"


Gunray stepped back in his fright. He thought that he could get far from the lightsaber on his neck but he didn't notice that he was getting closer to another lightsaber behind him.

Gunray jumped back to as far as he can.

The lightsaber, which was bumped by Gunray, swung far enough that it decapitated the other representative of the Trade Federation.

Tony: "What the... I thought it was clear that no one was supposed to move. You know that's your fault, right? Gunray?"

He looked at the Gunray who passed out.

Seeing this, he looked to Jango and asked him something.

Tony: "Too much?"

Seeing Jango shake his head, Tony decided to look at Jango's kid beside him. He then looked at Jango and told him to back off. He felt that he was just about to get through to the guy but he was interrupted. They heard a blast coming from far away.

Tony: "Ummm...


Windu: "WHAT?"

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