AN: Well. That deadline didn't work. Anyway, back to regular irregular schedule


Inside one of the Republic's dropship. Anakin and Obi-Wan are looking over the battlefield, looking out for Count Dooku. They were trying to look for traces of the Sith, but the sandstorm caused by the Separatist's ships crashing down prevented them from getting a clear picture of the area.

Anakin: "Damn it. Tony's just making the sand go all over the place. He could have easily taken down the ships before they launched."

Obi-Wan: "Says the current record holder on the number of ships crashed. Are you sure you're not just saying that because you're about to lose a bet with him? "

The two were chatting away while looking for Dooku when another ship crashed near them. Padme, who was trying to rest, couldn't stay still any longer. She went to the Anakin and her what the Gundam was.

Anakin told her a brief description of the Gundam. He told her the basics but he withheld information that the council told him not to share. He only told her what was going to be public knowledge but it was enough to irritate Padme.

Anakin: "Why are you so worked up? It's just a bigger version of Tony's metal suit."

Padme was just about to remind Anakin what she was working on before they went to Naboo but Obi-Wan interrupted them. Obi-Wan found Count Dooku and had their gunship follow him.


While following Dooku, Anakin asked the clone trooper on board what they could use to stop the Count

Because someone else was handling the escaping ships, their gunship didn't have to waste their missiles shooting at the spaceship. It wasn't fully loaded, but the gunship still had a lot of ammo.

Anakin didn't waste any time thinking and had the pilot fire all the missiles at the Count as well as his escorts. He told the clones to shoot the escorts first as they were much easier to shoot down when compared to the Sith.


Dooku felt the danger coming from behind. He tried to send his escorts to stall for time but they were quickly shot down by the missiles.

Dooku: "First that monstrosity and now this? I need to inform Master that the Jedis aren't as passive as we expected"

In his master's original plans, they treated the Jedis as people who would prioritize following the code. They wouldn't just kill someone who wasn't prepared to fight, and they would definitely try to minimize the destruction and casualty. The Jedis he encountered displayed none of those.

They expected the Jedis to get a bit more change due to the war but they didn't expect them to be like this too early. Not only did they demolish buildings without caring about possible casualties, they even went as far as to slice down all the spaceships that were trying to escape. Dooku had to inform his master as soon as possible so that he could change his plans accordingly.

Concluding that he needed to inform his master as soon a possible, Count Dooku decided to show a bit of his power to delay his pursuers.

The Count raised one of his hands and pointed behind him. Then, he fired a wide shot of Force Lightning.

The lightning hit the gunship. While the gunship was still able to continue flying, it was still affected by the lighting. The safety mechanisms on the ship activated when the lightning struck. This disabled all of the gunship's weapons systems as they might be affected by the lighting and cause an accident. All of the laser blasters were dead, and the ship's missiles couldn't be fired.

Padme: "What was that?"

After a brief explanation, Obi-Wan interrupted them by instructing Padme to stay at the ship while he and his Padawan dealt with Dooku. He told her that the Senator is only going to be a burden during the fight.

While this was the official reason he wanted Padme to stay back, Obi-Wan also had another reason. He wanted Padme far away because of her crop top outfit.

While he noticed that his Padawan and the Senator were a lot closer than before, he didn't know by how much. He wasn't sure if his Padawan could handle half-naked women as good as Tony, so he didn't want to risk Anakin getting distracted.

Obi-Wan wanted Anakin to focus on the fight and didn't want to risk his Padawan's focusing on Padme's belly.

They continued following Dooku when they saw one of Tony's suits board their ship.

JARVIS: "Hello sir. Mr. Stark told me to give these to you two."


Dooku got to the platform where his spaceship was parked. He gave instructions for the droid to prepare for take-off.

After telling the droid this, he relaxed and prepared himself for the fight that was going to come.

After a few breaths, he heard footsteps coming from his pursuers. He looked to see who it was. He saw Obi-Wan and Anakin but didn't recognize them immediately due to their current costumes.

Unlike before when they were wearing Jedi robes, the two were currently wearing a metallic layer on top of the robe. Other than the material change, there was also a glowing circle in the middle of their ċhėsts. Dooku didn't know what those were but he made a mental note not to ignore them. Then, he started taunting the two Jedis.

Dooku: "First that machine and now this? It's heartbreaking to see the Jedi Order stoop so low. Before I left, we still practiced our skills with the lightsaber instead of depending on technology."

Anakin didn't hear any of Dooku's taunts. He was warned of it so he ignored everything that Dooku said. He let his Master handle the talking. He prepared his lightsaber and watched in case Dooku did anything

Obi-Wan: "Count Dooku. Before we start fighting. Is your offer of grouping up and destroying the Sith still valid?"

Dooku: "Master Kenobi, do you really think I'll still extend that offer after everything that has happened?"

Anakin: "I told you he wouldn't fall for that. You'll pay for all the Jedi you killed, Dooku"

While saying this, Anakin was already running towards Dooku.

Obi-Wan: "Anakin. No!!!"

Anakin was able to move quickly but he wasn't fast enough. He was just about to strike his lightsaber at the Count but Dooku conjured another Force Lightning before he could do so.

Anakin: "Oooh"

Anakin ġrȯȧnėd as lightning struck all over his body.

The boy appeared to be doing his best to fight back but Dooku continued showering Anakin with Force lightning. Dooku watched as Anakin ġrȯȧnėd in pain, wondering why Obi-Wan wasn't doing anything.

Dooku looked up to the other Jedi and saw that Obi-Wan was trying his best not to laugh. When Obi-Wan noticed his gaze, he gave up and laughed a bit.

Anakin: "Oh come on, Master. It was working so well."

Dooku didn't understand why the two were laughing so kept quiet.

Obi-Wan: "[Pfft]. Sorry, Anakin. It's just... You should leave the groaning to the professionals. "

Anakin: "Hey!!! Dooku was buying it. I just hope the lightning is enough. JARVIS?"

JARVIS: "200% of my Capacity. Not what I was prepared for but it should be enough"

Woooeee (Unibeam charging sound)

Dooku didn't know why the two Jedis were looking at Anakin's ċhėst. He just heard something charging up. He moved his lightsaber towards where the shot was about to hit but it was useless. The unibeam wasn't purely made of energy as it also has air among other things. The things that weren't deflected by the lightsaber hit Count Dooku straight in his ċhėst. The force from the impact was strong enough to slam Dooku onto a wall and knock him out.

Obi-Wan and Anakin approached Dooku slowly. When they were certain that he was knocked out, they both sighed in relief.

Obi-Wan: "[Sigh]. So uncivilized"

Anakin: "It worked didn't it?"


Yoda arrived moments after Dooku was captured. He looked sadly at his old padawan, disappointed at what Dooku has become.

After a moment of recollection, he told the two not to announce Dooku's capture. He didn't tell them much but he warned them not to trust the clones completely. He didn't want to tell them much as he didn't want them to alarm the Sith. He just told them a bit of what the Council was planning to do and what they should do.

After Yoda's explanation, the nanites that formed Anakin's and Obi-Wan's armors separated from them and started covering Dooku.

After the nanites covered Dooku, they started moving his body into the Count's spaceship. A moment later, the ship launched and flew out of the planet's atmosphere.

Anakin: "Master Yoda. Are you sure about this? I trust some droids but I still think it's too risky."

Yoda: "Hmm. Too many enemies, we might have. Essential, Dooku's escape is. Time, his escape give us."

Right after he said this, the Padme and other clone troopers started marching into the hangar.

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